Brown Bag Book Report

Brown Bag Book Report
Your book report this marking period requires you to read a book not previously read or viewed
as a movie. Book report due dates will be in 2 parts and will be announced per class, based on the
testing schedule. All book reports should be completed and ready to turn in by the first due
date. Ten (10) points per day will be lost for each day (not class) that it is late.
Your book report has 2 parts:
What you will need for part 1
1. Complete the Book Report assignment sheet (both sides) It can be found below
2. A brown (or any other color) PAPER or PLASTIC bag such as a lunch bag or a grocery
store bag
3. 3-5 objects that represent characters, places, events, and clues from the book (objects
may NOT be drawn or printed pictures, or items found typically at school)
What you will need for part 2:
1. Prepare a 1-2 minute presentation to tell the class the title, author, and complete
summary of the book. Then explain each object from the bag and tell us how it relates to
the story.
2. Practice the presentation!! This is an ORAL book report supplemented with props from
your bag. The more you practice, the easier it will be on the day you present. You need to
be clear, concise, and prepared.
Part 1 of Brown Bag Book Report
Name:_____________________ D___B____
Title: ______________________________________________________
Author: ______________________________________________________
List and describe each item from your bag and write a few sentences to explain why each item
was selected (how it relates to or represents the story) You must have at least 3 items and no
more than 5.
Item #1 _______________________________________________
Reason ________________________________________________________________
Item #2 _______________________________________________
Reason ________________________________________________________________
Item #3 _______________________________________________
Reason ________________________________________________________________
Item #4 _______________________________________________
Reason ________________________________________________________________
Item #5 _______________________________________________
Reason ________________________________________________________________
What was the setting of the book? ___________________________________________
Who was the main character? _______________________________________________
What conflict occurred? ___________________________________________________
How was it resolved? _____________________________________________________
In 1 sentence, tell the plot: _________________________________________________
Write a summary of the book. Include the exposition, rising action, climax, and falling action.
This summary should be the basis of your oral presentation. Use additional paper if needed.