Generic Educational Usecases - Diane Hillman

Generic Educational Usecases - Diane Hillman
Use Case 1: Creating a Description of an Educational Resource
An organization or project wants to
1. Create a description for an educationally purposed resource, using primarily
Dublin Core properties
2. Describe the uses of, and constraints on, the educationally relevant properties of
the resource, in the context of its usage in a project or community
3. Define appropriate vocabularies for use with educational and general properties
Primary Actor
Cataloger (in this context a cataloger is anyone who is tasked with providing a
description of a resource)
1. A general purpose Application Profile sufficient to adequately describe the noneducational aspects of the resource
2. A specialized Application Profile sufficient to adequately describe the educational
aspects of the resource, to be used in conjunction with the general purpose AP
1. Cataloger uses both Application Profiles to create a description for the educational
2. Cataloger uses an appropriate encoding, which includes references to both
application profiles, to encode the description
Use Case 2: Repurposing a General Resource as an Educational Resource
An organization or project wants to
1. Repurpose a general resource for educational use, and repurpose its general
description (using primarily Dublin Core Properties) to one reflecting the resource's
educational use for the target community or project
2. Describe the uses of, and constraints on, the educationally relevant properties of
the resource in the context of its usage in a project or community
3. Define appropriate vocabularies for use with educational and general properties
Primary Actor
Cataloger (in this context a cataloger is anyone who is tasked with providing a
description of a resource)
1. A description based on general purpose Application Profile sufficient to
adequately describe the non-educational aspects of the resource
2. A specialized Application Profile sufficient to adequately describe the educational
aspects of the resource, to be used in conjunction with the general purpose AP
1. Cataloger uses both Application Profiles to create a description for the educational
2. Cataloger uses an appropriate encoding, which includes references to both
application profiles, to encode the description
Use Case 3: Determining the Conformance of an Educational Resource Description
An organization or project wants to
1. Determine the conformance of a description of an educationally purposed resource
(using primarily Dublin Core Properties), to the DC-Education Community
2. Determine the fitness for purpose of vocabulary usage within metadata instances
designed for use within educational settings
Primary Actor(s)
1. Cataloger (in this context a cataloger is anyone who is tasked with providing a
description of a resource)
2. Analysis and validation software
1. Machine readable Application Profile(s) sufficient to describe the educational
aspects of the resource
2. Machine readable vocabularies representing educational concepts represented in
the metadata instances
1. Cataloger uses Application Profiles (with or without software assistance) to
measure conformance of instance data to the Application Profile, with special
attention to
educational properties and vocabularies
2. Analysis and validation software performs routine analysis of instance metadata
and compares it to the application profile(s), providing statistical and variance results