Chapter #3 Willie Cotton Chapter Title: For Warning Chapter Image

Chapter #3
Willie Cotton
Chapter Title: For Warning
Chapter Image/Illustration:
Brief Summary: Marguerite prides herself on being able to measure flour accurately. If she fails, she
punishes herself by not allowing herself chocolate-which she loves, just as she loves canned pineapples.
She is only allowed to eat those at Christmas, when her grandmother makes cakes, and allows her
grandchildren one slice from the can each. The former sheriff, Mr. Steward, comes and talks to Mother
Dear. He comes to warn her that there is a mob of people (KKK) on a rampage because they hear that a
black man has messed with (Molested) a white girl. In concern Mother Dear gets Uncle Willie and hides
him in potato and onion bins. She does this so that if they come by, they don’t use him as a “scapegoat”
to lynch. He stayed in the bin all night.
Theme: This chapter shows Interracial Interaction
Setting: Momma’s house
Characterization: Mr. Steward, the former sheriff is characterized in this chapter as someone who does
care and is not racist. He shows this through is Actions in telling momma how a mob was looking for a
black man and for warning them ,so they could hide Willie shows he’s considerate . Also in his actions
that he would even help a “black” person in general shows his respect towards blacks.
Figurative language: - Pg. 14-“If I was off the Store’s favor, the eagle-eyed women would
-Pg.16-“it looked like an unopened present from a stranger.”(Simile)