Poets, Context and Themes To understand all the imagery and allusions made within a poem one needs to know about the personal and social context that it was written in; the factors that influenced the creation of a text. Personal Context: Gender Culture Religion Occupation Beliefs (Ideology) Interests Education Ethnicity Friendships Life experiences Values Age Attitudes Family Health Social Context: Social attitudes in different times and places – affected by religion / politics / cultural knowledge / technology Cultural Context: Culture includes the skills, arts traditions and customs that are passed down from generation to generation. All these will impact upon a writer’s style and perspective. POET Geoff Goodfellow http://www.geoffgoodfellow. com/ Les Murray http://www.lesmurray.org/ PERSONAL CONTEXT Contemporary South Australian Geoff Goodfellow of Semaphore, South Australia, is one of perhaps a handful of people in Australia who derive an income from working as a poet. www.criticaltimes.com.au/p oems/geoff-goodfellow/ Australian Poems 1961 – 1994 Les Murray is Australia's leading poet and one of the greatest contemporary poets writing in English. His work has been published in ten languages. POEMS To Your Three Sons The Colour Blue The Violence of Work On a Roll PUBLICATIONS “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS “Poems for a Dead Father” THEMES Observations about Society Individuals People at Work Family Relationships Observations about Society Individuals “Punch on Punch Off” “Collars and Cuffs” “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS 1 Poets, Context and Themes POET Bob Magor http://bobmagor.com/ PERSONAL CONTEXT Bruce Dawe http://www.australianbiogra phy.gov.au/subjects/dawe/ Judith Wright http://www.quotesandpoem. com/poems/PoetsAndPoems/ wright Australian Bob Magor hails from Myponga SA. He left school at 15 years of age, spent about 25 years working a sheep and cattle farm. At the age of "about 40" Bob began putting his rural experience to use by writing bush verse and poetry and has now written seven books. The first of his works was released at the Tamworth Country Music festivals of the early 1990s, and he has gone from strength to strength since that time. Australian Poems 1954 - 1982 POEMS The Wombat Creek Ball The Gun Shearer The Day I Shot the Telly PUBLICATIONS “Donkey Derby” “The FMG” “Snakes Alive” A Dog’s Life “Blasted Crows” The Flood at the Pub “Caravanning Bliss” Not Cricket Australian Poems 1942 – 1970 b1915 – d2000 Contemporary bush poetry Rural settings Farming Humour Caravanning around Australia City / Suburbs Family Affections Friends & Lovers Reflections Private Fates War Images Elegies Dreams Relationships Love Birth Motherhood War (Vietnam) Nature “Blood on the Board” “The Exodus” Katrina “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS Going THEMES The Sadness of Madonnas “Sometimes Gladness” Woman to Child “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS Brothers and Sisters Metho Drinker Legend “Five Senses” “The Other Half” “Shadow” “Appreciating Poetry” anthology 2 Poets, Context and Themes POET PERSONAL CONTEXT POEMS PUBLICATIONS THEMES Ogden Nash http://www.poemhunter.com /ogden-nash/ American b1902 - d1971 Some humour Confessions of a Born Spectator “Appreciating Poetry” anthology Observations about society People & relationships TS Elliot http://www.poets.org/poet.p hp/prmPID/18 http://www.poetryarchive.com/e/eliot_t_s.htm l “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS American who moved to Britain B1888 – d 1965 A distinguished poet The Hippopotamus “The Waste Land” Love Relationships Criticisms of society Death Immortality American Renowned B 1830 – d 1886 “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS Robert Frost http://www.ketzle.com/frost/ American 1874 - 1963 “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS Nature Life Love Time and Eternity Nature Philosophy Edgar Allan Poe http://www.onlineliterature.com/poe/ e e cummings http://famouspoetsandpoem s.com/poets/e__e__cummin gs/poems Kahlil Gibran http://leb.net/~mira/ American 1809 -1849 Wild Nights I Felt a Funeral in my Brain Success The Secret The Road Not Taken Out Out – Design The Raven http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed gar_Allan_Poe Philosophy Gothic American 1894 -1962 I carry your heart with me A pretty a day Snow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ee _cummings Nature Life Love Lebanese-American 1883 - 1931 Love Marriage Children Work Joy The Madman (1918) The forerunner (1920) The Prophet (1923) Sand and Foam (1926) Jesus, the son of man (1928) Philisophical Humanity Relationships American 1806 – 1861 Wrote sonnets http://www.everypoet.com/ archive/poetry/Elizabeth_Ba rrett_Browning/elizabeth_br owning_contents.htm Sonnets http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ T._S._Eliot Emily Dickinson http://www.onlineliterature.com/dickinson/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Khalil_Gibran Elizabeth Barrett Browning http://www.poets.org/poet.p hp/prmPID/152 3 Poets, Context and Themes POET PERSONAL CONTEXT POEMS PUBLICATIONS THEMES American Female – male pseudonym 1819 - 1880 Count That Day Lost In a London Drawing-room Roses Sweet Endings Come and Go, Love Two Lovers England 1937 – now Satirical The Lesson Dumb Insolence Icarus Allsorts “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS Wilfred Owen http://www.warpoetry.co.uk/ owena.htm British Poet B1893 – d 1918 WWI poetry “Appreciating Poetry” anthology Poetry about the horrors of War Alfred Tennyson http://www.onlineliterature.com/tennyson/ England Poet Laureate 1809 -1892 “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS Life Love War William Blake http://www.onlineliterature.com/blake/ England Romantic 1757 – 1827 Anthem for Doomed Youth Dulce Et Decorum Est Futility Insensibility Strange Meeting Ulysses The Charge of the Light Brigade The Eagle Sir Galahad The Garden of Love The Tiger The Sick Rose Percy Bysse Shelly http://www.onlineliterature.com/shelley_percy/ England Romantic 1792 – 1822 Ozymandias Adonais “Into English” Religion Spirituality Philosophy Love The Devil Love Romance William Wordsworth http://www.everypoet.com/a rchive/poetry/William_Words worth/william_wordsworth_c ontents.htm England Romantic 1770 – 1850 I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud The Idiot Boy “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS Nature The Lakes District Love George Eliot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ George_Eliot http://famouspoetsandpoem s.com/poets/george_eliot Roger McGough http://www.poemhunter.com /roger-mcgough/ http://famouspoetsandpoems.c om/poets/george_eliot/poems Love Life Nature Observations and criticisms about society Often satirical “Strictly Private” “Appreciating Poetry” anthology “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS “Songs of Innocence and Experience” 4 Poets, Context and Themes POET PERSONAL CONTEXT Wrote Sonnets England Elizabethan b1664 - d1716 John Donne http://www.luminarium.org/s evenlit/donne/donnebib.htm Geoffrey Chaucer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ The_Canterbury_Tales 1572 – 1631 London Catholic in a protestant society 1357 – 1399(?) The Crusades A minstrel / squire William Shakespeare http://www.shakespearessonnets.com/ http://www.shakespeareonline.com/sonnets/ POEMS PUBLICATIONS THEMES Love Nature Politics “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS Nature Relationships Love “Canterbury Tales” Pilgrims Humour The Sonnets “Blue Light Clear Atoms” anthology KAS Extracts from plays “Appreciating Poetry” anthology The Flea The Good Morrow The Sunne Rising The Canterbury Tales http://www.sparknotes.com/ lit/canterbury/ Some other AUSTRALIAN Poets Peter McFarlane Rory Harris Max Harris CJ Dennis Banjo Patterson Edward Dyson Henry Lawson Adam Lindsay Gordon South Australia contemporary South Australia contemporary South Australia 1921 - 1995 South Australia 1876 - 1938 Qld 1864 - 1941 Victoria 1865 -1931 NSW 1867 -1922 Australia 1833 - 1870 http://friendlystreetpoets.org.au/?page_id=471 Humour / Satire http://friendlystreetpoets.org.au/?page_id=336 Humour / Satire http://www.ernmalley.com/max_harris.html Humour Satire Australian society http://www.middlemiss.org/lit/authors/denniscj/collections/sel ectedverse.html http://www.wallisandmatilda.com.au/banjo-patersonpoems.shtml http://www.middlemiss.org/lit/authors/dysone/dysone.html Australian bush Mining / Droving / Farming http://members.ozemail.com.au/~natinfo/lawson/index2.html Australian bush http://www.imagesaustralia.com/adamlindsaygordon.htm Action and passion 5