Annandale Reformed Church New Life Community

Annandale Reformed Church New Life Community
Web Site:
Our Mission Statement
We are a family in Christ called together by the Holy Spirit to serve God in our community. We
are placed here to worship, to nurture and serve, and to make the joyous life in Jesus Christ more
accessible to our neighbors.
July 2015
The Pastor’s Monthly
Declaration upon a greater foundational
belief that God, or as written in the
Declaration, “Creator”, was the source for
our irrevocable rights.
Thomas Jefferson, author of the
declaration, believed "God, who gave us
life, also gave us liberty.”
(from Christianity Today magazine)
America became a free country on
July 4, 1776.
Two of the Continental Congress’
first actions were to hire military chaplains
and purchase 20,000 Bibles to remedy a
national shortage.
Even if America’s roots were traced
back to its primitive stages, the marriage
between the early inhabitants of the land and
Christianity are inseparable. The Pilgrims
clearly stated the purpose for their voyage
before stepping off the Mayflower:
“...undertaken for the glory of God, and the
advancement of the Christian faith...”
54 of the 56 signers of the
Christians. 27 held theology degrees. Many
went on to form Bible societies.
The U.S. Supreme Court also
identified America as a Christian nation in
1892, after 10 years of examining hundreds
of documents on the foundation of the
country. The justices came to the unanimous
conclusion that the documents "add a
volume of unofficial declarations to the
mass of organic utterances that this is a
religious people, a Christian nation."
The signers intended the document
to officiate the separation between America
and Great Britain. However, they based the
John Quincy Adams, the sixth
president of the United States, summed up
the historic event that led to America's
However, many may not know—or
forget—that America is also a nation under
God, founded on Christian principles.
independence when he said, "The highest
glory of the American Revolution was this:
It connected in one indissoluble bond the
principles of civil government with the
principles of Christianity."
The conviction that God cannot, and
should not be moved from the social and
continues to echo in the voice of the
U.S.A.'s more recent leaders.
The late Ronald W. Reagan, the
40th President of the United States, said,
"Without God, there is no virtue because
there is no prompting of the conscience.
Without God, there is a coarsening of the
society. Without God, democracy will not
and cannot endure.
“If we ever forget that we are one
nation under God, then we will be a nation
gone under."
Kid’s Korner
By Mrs. Exley
Stay Connected To God....... Don't forget
to check the website each Sunday for a
connect the dots Bible coloring story.
Heaven Sent
From Evy@Heaven.Lord
He was just a little boy,
On a week's first day.
Wandering home from Bible school,
And dawdling on the way.
He scuffed his shoes into the grass;
He even found a caterpillar.
He found a fluffy milkweed pod,
And blew out all the 'filler.'
A bird's nest in a tree overhead,
So wisely placed up so high.
Was just another wonder,
That caught his eager eye.
A neighbor watched his zig zag course,
And hailed him from the lawn;
Asked him where he'd been that day
And what was going on.
'I've been to Bible School ,'
He said and turned a piece of sod.
He picked up a wiggly worm replying,
'I've learned a lot about God.'
Put this date on your
Blood Drive
July 22nd
'M'm very fine way,' the neighbor said,
'for a boy to spend his time.'
'If you'll tell me where God is,
I'll give you a brand new dime.'
Quick as a flash the answer came!
Nor were his accents faint.
'I'll give you a dollar, Mister,
If you can tell me where God ain't.'
A Little Humor
A Colorado Department of Highways
employee stopped at a farm and talked with
an old farmer. He told the farmer, "I need to
inspect your farm for a possible new road."
Annandale’s Got
ARC To Stage Talent Show
The old farmer said, "OK, but don't go in
that field."
The Highways employee said, "I have the
authority of the State of Colorado to go
where I want. See this card? I am allowed
to go wherever I wish on farm land."
So the old farmer went about his farm
chores. Later, he heard loud screams and
saw the Department of Highways employee
running for the fence and close behind was
the farmer's prize bull. The bull was madder
than a nest full of hornets and gaining on the
employee at every step.
The old farmer called out, "Show him your
For June through August, the Mission
monetary donations for the victims of the
two Nepal earthquakes.
Our parent organization, the Reformed
Church in America, is working with World
Vision to help the Nepalese get their lives
back together. World Vision is assisting
about 100,000 people with supplies, shelter,
clean water and sanitation, and child
protection, as well as education and health
programs. For more information, please visit
What a great time we had that Friday
evening. Great talent to entertain us and
great goodies to treat out tummies.
We raised $500.00 that night and the
Missions Committee added another $100.00
so we were able to send a check for $600.00
to the Hunterdon Medical Center Cancer
Thank you to all who participated and to all
who supported this wonderful cause.
“Not Angie’s List”, but
“ARC’s List”
Notary Public:
Lisa Zambito: 908-268-5340
Auto Repair:
Quality Auto Service Center, LLC
All makes & models autos (and
boats and planes)
Contact Owner/Operator
Rick Lebbing: 908-806-6014
Avon Representative:
Peg Weightman
The finance committee wishes everyone a
safe and enjoyable summer. They would
also like to remind you that while you are on
vacation, the everyday expenses of the
church have no vacation. We encourage you
to keep your pledges up to date.
Independence Day
During the American Revolution, the
legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies
from Great Britain occurred on July 2,
1776, when the Second Continental
Congress voted to approve a resolution
of independence that had been proposed
in June by Richard Henry Lee of
Virginia declaring the United States
independent from Great Britain. After
voting for independence, Congress
turned its attention to the Declaration of
Independence, a statement explaining
this decision, which had been prepared
by a Committee of Five, with Thomas
Jefferson as its principal author.
Congress debated and revised the
wording of the Declaration, finally
approving it on July 4. A day earlier,
John Adams had written to his wife
The second day of July, 1776, will be the
most memorable epoch in the history of
America. I am apt to believe that it will
be celebrated by succeeding generations
as the great anniversary festival. It
ought to be commemorated as the day of
deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion
to God Almighty. It ought to be
solemnized with pomp and parade, with
shows, games, sports, guns, bells,
bonfires, and illuminations, from one
end of this continent to the other, from
this time forward forever more.[6]
Adams's prediction was off by two days.
From the outset, Americans celebrated
independence on July 4, the date shown
on the much-publicized Declaration of
Independence, rather than on July 2, the
date the resolution of independence was
approved in a closed session of
Historians have long disputed whether
Congress actually signed the Declaration
of Independence on July 4, even though
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and
Benjamin Franklin all later wrote that
they had signed it on that day. Most
historians have concluded that the
Declaration was signed nearly a month
after its adoption, on August 2, 1776,
and not on July 4 as is commonly
Coincidentally, both John Adams and
Thomas Jefferson, the only signers of
the Declaration of Independence later to
serve as Presidents of the United States,
died on the same day: July 4, 1826,
which was the 50th anniversary of the
Declaration. Although not a signer of the
Declaration of Independence, but
another Founding Father who became a
President, James Monroe, died on July 4,
1831, thus becoming the third President
in a row who died on the holiday. Calvin
Coolidge, the 30th President, was born
on July 4, 1872, and, so far, is the only
U.S. President to have been born on
Independence Day.
No matter how you feel, get
up, dress up, and show up.
Get outside every day.
Miracles are waiting
Gift Certificates
July Ushers
July 5
July 12
July 19
July 26
Don’t forget to get your Shop Rite Gift
Certificates before you shop for the summer
picnics and get-togethers!
Every dollar you spend earns the church five
cents. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but when
you add it up, it does amount to a sizable
Town Wide Yard Sale
Saturday, Sept. 12th
Vogel family
Nancy Gasparetti
Nancy Gasparetti
Debbie Carvatt &
Please remember to insert one of the
envelopes for the mission of the month if
the box is on the table
Please remove old bulletins, etc. after the
service. (See Usher Guidelines on door to
closet in narthex and on bulletin board outside
of the office downstairs). And please don’t
forget to take the count when the service
begins (it is easier to do when the children are
sitting up front for the children’s sermon)
Office Carpet
Tera Lunger has graciously agreed to
spearhead this project again this year She
will be looking for some help setting up the
parking lot the evening before and the
morning of the sale. If you are able to help,
please let her know. You can reach her at
The Ladies will be manning the food again
this year and they will be looking for people
to bake finger desserts and if you would like
to help that morning, contact Jill Meyer 908534-4818. If anyone makes jellies, pickles,
etc. over the summer and would like to
donate some to our sale, it would be
The landing at the bottom of the stairs and
the Pastor's office were not carpeted when
we had the rest of the upstairs and stairway
done. The cost to complete this is about
$1,000. Consistory has voted to complete
this project using part of the $5,000 gift that
our dear friend Patty Schickendanz left to
We have decided to do this during the
summer months when there is less activity
in the building. This is just the first step
toward preparing for our 150th anniversary
next year.
Congratulations to Jeff and Kelli Steele on
the birth of their new baby born, May 30th
His name is Sean Randall Steele.
This is their second child . . . we baptized
their first-born, Derek, in 2014.
Our congratulations go out to the whole
family, including grandmother Sue!
Think, Look Again!
This will certainly make you stop and think.
You never know what a kind word, a phone
call, or an impromptu visit will do for
someone else.
Picnic Time
Sun. July 5th
Hosted by
Barbara & Darin Vogel
15 Cobblestone Lane
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs,
and soft beverages
Bring your favorite
appetizer, salad, side dish
and/or dessert to share.
Bring your bathing suit,
a folding chair and your
favorite wine or beer!
Sign-up sheet in
narthex or call Barb
Vogel with questions
It was a cold winter's day that Sunday. The
parking lot to he church was filling up
quickly. I noticed as I got out of my car that
fellow church members were whispering
among themselves as they walked to the
church. As I got closer I saw a man leaned
up against the wall outside the church. He
was almost laying down as if he was asleep.
He had on a long trench coat that was almost
in shreds and a hat topped his head, pulled
down so you could not see his face. He
wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too
small for his feet with holes all over them,
his toes stuck out. I assumed this man was
homeless, and asleep, so I walked on by
through the doors of the church. We all
gathered for fellowship for a few minutes,
and someone brought up the man laying
outside. People snickered and gossiped but
no one bothered to ask him to come in,
including me.
A few moments later church began. We all
waited for the Preacher to take his place and
to give us the Word, when the doors to the
church opened. In came the homeless man
walking down the aisle with his head down
People gasped and whispered and made
faces. He made his way down the aisle and
up onto the pulpit, then he took off his hat
and coat. My heart sank. There stood our
preacher...he was the "homeless man." No
one said a word. .
The preacher took his Bible and laid it on
the stand. "Folks, I don't think I have to tell
you what I am preaching about today."
Then he started singing the words to this
"If I can help somebody as I pass along
If I can cheer somebody with word or song.
If I can show somebody that he's traveling
Then my living shall not be in vain."
Justice - - When you get what you deserve
Mercy - - When you don’t get what you
Grace - - When you get what you don’t
A minister waited in line to have
his car filled with gas just
before a long holiday weekend.
The attendant worked quickly,
but there were many cars ahead
of him. Finally, the attendant
motioned him toward a vacant
pump. "Reverend," said the
young man, "I'm so sorry about
the delay. It seems as if
everyone waits until the last
minute to get ready for a long
trip." The minister chuckled, "I
know what you mean. It's the
same in my business."
A father was approached by his
small son who told him proudly, "I
know what the Bible means!" His
father smiled and replied, "What do
you mean, you 'know' what the
Bible means?" The son replied, "I
do know!" "Okay," said his father.
"What does the Bible mean?"
"That's easy, Daddy." the young
boy replied excitedly, "It stands for
'Basic Information Before
Leaving Earth.'"
Looking to the future
In April, as I’m sure you all remember, we
made an announcement about the very
generous endowment from Evelyn Anderson
which, once received, will enable us to
better meet our current needs and also to
plan for the future. In anticipation of
receiving this endowment as well as the
generous return we expect once the money
is invested, we want to offer everyone the
opportunity to share their ideas for
enhancing our church and sharing our
ministry - current and ongoing. Your ideas
are valuable and all suggestions will be
treated in the same manner. They will be
collected, consolidated and brought to
Any suggestions can be put it in an envelope
in the Sunday morning offering plate, given
directly to Cheryl or emailed to .
Once villagers decided to pray for rain, on
the day of prayer all the people gathered but
only one boy came with an umbrella. That's
----------------When you throw a baby in the air, she
laughs because she knows you will catch
her. That's TRUST
-----------------Every night we go to bed, without any
assurance of being alive the next morning
but still we set the alarms to wake up. That's
----------------We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of
zero knowledge of the future. That's
------------------We see the world suffering, but still we get
married. That's LOVE.
------------On an Old Man's shirt was written a cute
sentence, 'I Am Not 72 Years Old.., I Am
Still 16 with 56 years Experience.' That's
Carrie Lotito
Joyce Murphy
Derek Steele
Sherry Howe
Shirley Waldeck
07-20 Larry Hoffman
07-26 Megan Betza
Google Group Email for Prayer
To access the Google Group email, the
address is
Gift Certificates for Shop Rite are on sale
downstairs following worship each
Sunday or call Sherry Howe at
Nancy Gasparetti and Sharon Riddle are
helping sell the certificates.
Send contributions for Connections to
Joyce Murphy at
Next Issue
July 26th
Contribution Deadline
July 19th
Remember, if you have information about
someone sick, in need of some sort of
assistance, celebrating a very special event,
suffering from the loss of a loved one, or
someone who needs our prayers and/or help,
call Shirley Waldeck if a card is appropriate.
(908-835-1371), Peg Weightman (908-8322246) or Jill Meyer (908-545-4818) for any
of the following:
 Meals for someone who is sick,
 Transportation
 Run small errands
 Or any other need that we can help
Joyce Murphy(908-963-3346) to request
prayers and/or clergy needs.
To send a question to “Ask The Pastor”
The email address is:
Church Office: 908-735-7218
Church Email:
Church Web Site:
Pastor: Kenneth Lobb: 610-837-1330
Joyce Murphy 908-963-3346
Cheryl Mulligan 908-638-0008
Lynn Hughes
Rick Lebbing
Barbara Vogel 908-552-6000