name____________________ period _______ lab partners___________________________________ Electrical Resistance and Ohm's Law Introduction This lab is built around two questions: 1) "What does the resistance of a wire depend on? and 2) "How are voltage, current, and resistance in a simple circuit related?" The following chart provides some basic information with respect to these quantities (including connecting with analogy between flow of charge vs. water) Quantity, symbol Description Unit Calculate using this: Water Analogy Voltage or Potential Difference, V A measure of the Energy difference per unit charge between two points in a circuit. Volt (V) V=IR (the voltage drop form of Ohm's Law) Water Pressure Current, I A measure of the flow of charge in a circuit per unit time Ampere (A) I=V/R (the current drawn form of Ohm's Law) Amount of water flowing per unit time Resistance, R A measure of how difficult it is for current to flow in a circuit. Ohm () R=V/I A measure of how difficult it is for water to flow through a pipe. Resistance is present in three places in electric circuits: 1) in wires, 2) in electric circuit components--most notably discrete resistors, and 3) in electrical loads (appliances, light bulbs, etc.). Part I of the lab involves measuring the resistance of wires of a) the same cross-sectional area A but different length L, b) the same length L but different cross-sectional area A, and c) and d) different material and therefore having a different resistivity ρ. Resistivity has units of ohms times meters ( Ω m) The lower a material's resistivity, the higher its conductivity. Excellent conductors like silver and copper have the lowest values of resistivity; carbon--a so-called semi-conductor typically has values 20,000 times greater. In Part I you'll use equation #1 below (or a hypotheses based on it) to compute resistivity. In Part II you'll start by a) measuring the resistance of discrete carbon resistors. You'll then involve these resistors in investigating b) how current varies with voltage provided the resistance is held constant, and c) how current varies with resistance provided the voltage is held constant. Figure #1--circuit for Part II b, c Objectives / Overview 1) to provide experience using a digital multimeter to measure resistance and current. 2) to get practice using the resistor color codes to determine specified resistance value and tolerance 3) to make measurements in an effort to verify R = ρ L / A. (equation #1) 4) to make measurements in an effort to verify I = V / R. (equation #2) Materials DC power supply (for part I) carbon resistors on board (part II) nickel / silver, copper wires on spools (part I) resistor color band decoder wheel digital multimeter (parts I and II) connecting wires, electrical leads (part II) carbon rod, metric ruler to measure (part I) CAUTION: electrical shock hazard--take precautions as suggested by instructor! Procedure Note: Record your measurements in the appropriate table in the Data section. Part I a) Follow your instructor's directions and use the multimeter as an ohmmeter to measure the resistance of these different lengths of #30 nickel / silver wire: 40 cm, 80 cm, 120 cm, 160 cm, 200 cm. b) Repeat the above step for #28 nickel / silver wire of length = 200 cm c) Repeat the above step for #30 copper wire of length = 2000 cm d) Repeat the above step for the carbon rod. Measure the latter's length and diameter using the metric ruler. Part II a) Use multimeter as ohmmeter to measure the resistance of resistors A, B, C, D, E, F on the board. Using the colors of the bands on these resistors, determine the resistance, Ω & tolerance in % of each. b) Hookup up the circuit pictured in Fig. #1 with the multimeter configured as ammeter to measure current. Note the resistor you use will be the one closest to 400 Ω, and the DC voltmeter is built into the DC power supply. Do not turn on the power supply until your hookup is approved by the instructor. Turn on the power supply, and measure the current for DC voltages of 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, and 15.0 volts. c) Using the circuit of Fig. #1 with the DC voltage=5.0 volts, measure the current through each resistor A-F. Data Part I a) The resistance of different lengths of #30 nickel / silver wire. length 40 cm 80 cm 120 cm resistance, Ω 160 cm 200 cm Part I b) The resistance of different cross-sectional areas of same length (200 cm) of nickel / silver wire. #28 nickel / silver wire #30 nickel / silver wire resistance, Ω Part I c) The resistance of wires of same different cross-sectional area, prorated* to have same length (200 cm) but made of different materials: copper vs. nickel / silver #30 copper wire, 2000cm #30 copper wire, 200 cm #30 nickel / silver wire, 200 cm resistance, Ω * note: divide the entry for #30 copper wire, 2000cm by 10 to get entry for #30 copper wire, 200 cm Part I d) The resistance of the carbon rod of length =____cm and diameter =____cm is measured as ____ Ω Part II a) The resistance values--as specified and measured--of carbon resistors on the resistor board. resistor letter color bands resistance, Ω & tolerance based on code measured resistance, Ω A B C D E F Part II b) For resistor = ____ Ω, the following currents were measured when the voltage was set as follows: voltage, V 0 volts 2.5 volts 5.0 volts 7.5 volts 10.0 volts 12.5 volts 15.0 volts current, mA Part II c) With voltage set at____volts, the following currents were measured for the resistor indicated: resistor, Ω A= Ω B= Ω C= Ω D= Ω E= Ω F= current, mA 1 / R, ohm-1 Ω Data Handling / Questions 1) Using Data in Part Ia, with your calculator (TI 83, etc.) enter (STAT, EDIT) length L of wire in meters in List 1 and resistance R in ohms in List 2. Do a linear regression (STAT, CALC ) and record the equation for the best fit line when the calculator plots L horizontally vs. R (vertically). Record slope (a in y= ax + b) and correlation coefficient. Does your data support the hypothesis R ~ L (with ρ and A constant)? Discuss. 2) The slope of your best fit line in 1) above = the resistivity ρ of the nickel-silver alloy divided by the crosssectional area A30 of the #30 wire = 5.09752 x 10-8 m2. So multiply your slope by A30 to get ρ. How does your value for the resistivity ρ of the nickel-silver alloy compare with the expected value? Compute % error. 3) Using the Data in Part Ib, and the ratio of the cross-sectional areas of the #30 wire and #28 wire, that is A30 / A28 = (r30 / r28)2, test the hypothesis that R ~ 1 / A (with ρ and L constant). Note: #30 gauge wire is smaller in area than #28: r30 = 0.0127381 cm and r28 = 0.0160528 cm. Compute % difference between what the theoretical hypothesis predicts and what your measured resistances yield. 4) Using your Data in Part Ic (after you've prorated the resistance of the #30 gauge copper wire so that its value is equivalent to what would be expected for a wire 1/10 of the length), test the hypothesis that R ~ ρ (with A and L constant). To do this, use the accepted values for resistivities of the nickel-silver alloy and copper as provided by your instructor. Compute the % difference between what the theoretical hypothesis predicts and what your measured resistances yield. 5) BONUS: Using your Data in Part Id and R = ρ L / A. (equation #1) determine the resistivity of carbon in the form used in the rod. Compare your result with the resistivity of a conductor like copper--show your work. Based on this comparison, explain why carbon is considered a semi-conductor. 6) Using your Data in Part IIa and comparing measured resistances with resistance values specified by the resistor's color code--decide which resistors' measured values are outside limits suggested by the tolerance. Results of this investigation: resistors outside limits are: A B C D E F none of them (circle letters) provide a sample calculation for a particular resistor to show how you decided: 7) Using Data in Part IIb, with your calculator (TI 83, TI 84, etc.) enter (STAT, EDIT) voltage V in volts in List 1 and current I in amps in List 2. Do a linear regression (STAT, CALC ) and record equation for the best fit line when the calculator plots V horizontally vs. I (vertically). Record slope (a in y= ax + b) and correlation coefficient. Does your data support the hypothesis I ~ V (with R constant)? Discuss. 8) If I = V / R (equation #2) is valid, the slope of your best fit line in 7) above should = 1 / R. Does it? Compute % error and discuss. 9) Using values for R in the table for Data Part IIc, compute the inverse of R--that is 1 / R. On the graph paper provided, construct a graph of 1 / R (plotted horizontally, in ohm-1) vs. current I (vertically, in amps). Draw a best fit line through your points. (Optionally, do this with Logger Pro, print out graph and attach.) 10) Using Data in Part IIc, with your calculator (TI 83, TI 84, etc.) enter (STAT, EDIT) 1 / R (in inverse ohms) in List 1 and current I in amps in List 2. Do a linear regression (STAT, CALC ) and record equation for the best fit line when the calculator plots 1 / R horizontally vs. I (vertically). Record slope (a in y= ax + b) and correlation coefficient. Does your data support the hypothesis I ~ 1 / R (with V constant)? Discuss. 11) If I = V / R (equation #2) is valid, the slope of your best fit line in 10) above should = V. Does it? Compute % error and discuss.