Julius Caesar Review

Julius Caesar Review
Who said “Beware the Ides of March?” Soothsayer
Who said “I was borne free as Caesar, so were you;/We both have fed as well and can
both / endure the winter’s cold as well as he?” Cassius
A popular Roman Judge and conspirator. He was loved and trusted by Caesar. Brutus
Who is Caesar’s wife? Calphurnia
Who is Brutus’ wife? Portia
Who defeated Pompey’s son and is a powerful senator? Caesar
Who assists in the suicide of Brutus? Strato
Who is the nephew of Julius Caesar and ally of Antony? Octavius
Who commits suicide because he feels he has failed Cassius? Titinius
Was Trebonius a conspirator? Yes
During which holiday does Caesar return home? Feast of Lupercal
Why does Caesar say Cassius has a “lean and hungry look?” He’s afraid of Cassius’
Where is the conspiracy going to meet at the end of Act I? Pompey’s porch
How does Cassius intend on “swaying” Brutus to the conspiracy in act I? Pretend letters
How did the Plebeians react when Caesar rejected the coronet in Act I? Cheered
What important question is Brutus pondering at the beginning of Act II.i? What kind of
man Ceasar has become
Why does Brutus want Lucius to look at the calendar when he awakes in the night? To
see if it’s the Ides of March
Why do some of the conspirators agree that they need Cicero to join them? Older /
people trust him
Why does Brutus suggest that the conspiracy not assassinate Antony with Caesar?
Powerless without Caesar, too bloody, not a threat
After they meet at Brutus’ house on March 14th, what does the conspiracy plan on doing
the next day? Kill Ceasar
How does Decius say he will make sure Caesar will come to the capital? Flattery
What reasons does Portia give Brutus for being able to trust her? Stabbed herself, past
trust, Cato’s daughter
What exactly does Calpurnia dream about the night before Caesar’s assassination? Be
specific and list everything. The dead rising
How does Decius convince Caesar to go to the capital? What does he say regarding
Calphurnia’s dream? Misinterpreted, others will laugh, flattery
How does Artemedorus attempt to save Caesar? Write a letter
Why does Portia send Lucius to the capital? Spy of Brutus
Why did Caesar refuse to read Artemedorus’ letter? Puts Rome first
When Caesar was stabbed, what conspirator surprised Caesar most? Brutus
Who disagrees with Brutus’ decision to allow Antony to speak at Caesar’s funeral?
How do the peasants react to Brutus’ speech? Praise him
What reason does Brutus give for killing Caesar? Too ambitious
How do the people react to Antony’s speech? Praise him
Why are Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus concerned about certain people they will have to
kill in the beginning of Act IV? Family members
In Act IV, when Cassius meets Brutus in Sardis, what does Brutus accuse Cassius of?
Taking bribes
How does Portia die? Eats hot coals
When they hear that Antony and Octavious are marching toward Philippa, Brutus and
Cassius argue and then decide to do what? Advance to meet Antony
When Cassius believes that Antony has taken his camp, he asks which two people to help
him with his plan? Pindarus and Titinius
Why does Titinius commit suicide? He feels he failed his friend
Why does Brutus kill himself? Refuses to go to jail or back to Rome as a prisoner
Who is the only man who agrees to help Brutus kill himself? Strato
How does Antony feel when he finds Brutus’ body on the battlefield? Sad
What does Antony call Brutus after he’s dead? Noble Roman
What is a soliloquy? Speaking to oneself alone on stage
An iamb consists of syllables in what order? Unstressed/stressed
How many syllables are in an iambic pentameter? 10
What is a monologue? Long speech by one character
What is a tragic flaw? A tendency a great character has that leads to his downfall
Who wrote The Tragedy of Julius Caesar? William Shakespeare
A line citation in a play goes in what order? Act, Scene, Line