SCHEDULE OF WEEKLY ACTIVITIES DATE Week 1 Mon. Sept. 7 WHAT IS TO BE DONE IN THE CLASSROOM WHAT IS DUE OR TO BE DONE AS HOMEWORK No Class—Labor Day Holiday INTRODUCTION/ADMINISTRATIVE WORK i. Introduction of the course and its entailments; Wed. Sept. 9 ii. HOME WORK TO BRING TO CLASS ON MONDAY, SEPT. 14: Discussion of course policies; etc. iii. Ice-breaking activities Read the syllabus and the Weekly Schedule of Activities, and write a reading response on them for me. Week 2 Mon. Sept. 14 Main Activities for the Day: i. Writing of the Diagnostic Essay ii. Formation of Peer Revision Groups DUE TODAY: Your reading response to the syllabus and weekly schedule of activities HOME WORK: Read: Gregory Mantios’ “Media Magic: Making Class Invisible” (in Alberti’s book, pp. 164–172) i. Wed. Sept. 16 Exercises on the composing process and invention techniques (e.g., Clustering/Webbing; Freewriting; etc.); ii. Preliminary work on Learning Contract HOME WORK: Read: Bob Black: “From The Abolition of Work” (pp. 38– 46) Week 3 Mon. Sept. 21 A. 5–10 minutes Freewriting B. Peer revision of Learning Contracts DUE TODAY: 1st draft of Learning Contract for peer revision in class HOME WORK: Read the Plagiarism packet for class on Wednesday. Wed. Sept. 23 Exercises on plagiarism and citation strategies DUE TODAY: Draft of Learning Contract for the teacher HOME WORK: Read : Walter Kirn: “Summertime Dues” (pp. 363–364) Week 4 Mon. Sept. 28 UNIT ONE ESSAY SOCIAL CLASS ISSUES: WORK In-class discussion and exercises on Bob Black: “From The Abolition of Work” and Walter Kirn: “Summertime Dues” HOME WORK: i. Read Alberti’s book (pages 22–25) for the Research Project Wed. Sept. 30 UNIT FOUR SOCIAL CLASS ISSUES: RESEARCH PROJECT Framework: “Social Class, Work, Labor, Education, and Career: The Meaning of Work and Education” HOME WORK: i. Read Alberti’s book (pages 22–25) for the Research Project (We will use this time to begin exploratory activities on the research agenda for the class) ii. Continue working on your ideas for the research project Watch Movie (People Like Us) and discuss viewpoints as the basis for preliminary work toward the Research Proposal on the research project Week 5 Mon. Oct. 5 Peer revision of Unit 1’s essay DUE TODAY: 1st draft Unit 1 (Expository Essay) HOME WORK: Continue working on your ideas for the research project. Wed. Oct. 7 Week 6 1ST TIMED IN-CLASS ESSAY HOME WORK: Read: (i) “Introduction” of Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed (ii) Horatio Alger’s “From Ragged Dick” (pp. 49–53 of Alberti’s book) Mon. Oct. 12 1st Guided library tour HOME WORK: (i) “Introduction” of Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed (ii) Horatio Alger’s “From Ragged Dick” (pp. 49–53 of Alberti’s book) for in-class discussion on Wednesday Wed. Oct. 14 A. Peer revision of research proposals DUE TODAY: Proposal on Research Project/Bibliography B. Student-led in-class discussions “Introduction” of Ehrenreich’s text and Horatio Alger’s “From Ragged Dick”. HOME WORK: Read chapters 1 and 2 from the Ehrenreich textbook for in-class discussion Week 7 Mon. Oct. 19 A. 5–10 minutes Freewriting B. Exercises on the rhetorical concept of Audience, Purpose, Context, and Forum DUE TODAY: 2nd draft Unit 1 (Expository Essay) for teacher’s feedback HOME WORK: Read text from the Alberti textbook for in-class discussion on Wednesday Wed. Oct. 21 A. Student-led in-class discussions B. Exercises on sentence types and structure, and their grammatical and rhetorical functions HOME WORK: Read text from the Alberti textbook for in-class discussion Week 8 Mon. Oct. 26 WRITING WORKSHOP: Writing Research Papers (Documentation/Citation style) DUE TODAY: 2nd draft of Research Proposals/Bibliography HOME WORK: Read Ehrenreich (chapters 2 and 3) for in-class discussion on Wednesday Wed. Oct. 28 A. Student-led in-class discussions REMINDER: Begin working on your B. WRITING WORKSHOP: Writing Research Papers (Documentation/Citation style) research papers Week 9 Mon. Nov. 2 2ND TIMED IN-CLASS ESSAY DUE TODAY: Reading Response Paper on Ehrenreich. Wed. Nov. 4 Watch Movie (American Tongues) HOMEWORK: Read chapter 4 of Ehrenreich. Week 10 Mon. Nov. 9 UNIT TWO ESSAY SOCIAL CLASS ISSUES: GENDER Framework: Use of personal or second-hand experiences to draw distinctions between issues in terms of similarities and differences. Wed. Nov. 11 A. WRITING WORKSHOP: Peer revision of Argumentative Essays HOMEWORK: Read Shelley Donald Coolidge’s text (“On the Job, It’s English or the Pink Slip,” pp. 307–309) DUE TODAY: 1st draft of Argumentative Essays for peer revision in class Week 11 A. 5–10 minutes Freewriting Mon. Nov. 16 Wed. Nov. 18 B. Exercises on sentence types and structure, and their grammatical and rhetorical functions 2nd Guided library tour DUE TODAY 2nd draft of argumentative essays for the teacher’s feedback HOMEWORK: Read: Ron Nixon; Juliet Schor; “Work and Diversity”; Shelley Donald Coolidge; and “The Debate Over Sweatshops” for discussion and ideas on research topics. Week 12 Mon. Nov. 23 UNIT THREE SOCIAL CLASS ISSUES: EDUCATION HOMEWORK: TBA WRITING WORKSHOP: Discussion of readings and inclass exercises Wed. Nov. 25 WRITING WORKSHOP: Peer revision of descriptive essays DUE TODAY: 1st draft of descriptive Mon. Nov. 30 WRITING WORKSHOP: Continuation of work on research projects DUE TODAY: 2nd draft of descriptive essays for teacher5’s feedback. Wed. Dec. 2 Continuation of work on research projects Week 13 Week 14 Mon. Dec. 7 UNIT FOUR SOCIAL CLASS ISSUES: RESEARCH PROJECT DUE TODAY: Final draft of descriptive essays and Units 1 and 2 WRITING WORKSHOP: Group work on research projects Wed. Dec. 9 WRITING WORKSHOP: Group work on research projects Week 15 Mon. Dec. 14 Wed. Dec. 16 WRITING WORKSHOP: Research projects END OF CLASSES Week 16 Mon. Dec. 21 Wed. Dec. 23 COURSE PORTFOLIOS DUE BY 2:00PM PROMPT! Final drafts of all unit essays should be further revised for inclusion in the Portfolios