The Outsiders Unit

Persuasive Essay Topic Choices
Topic # 1
An important theme in The Outsiders is that it is important for teenagers to feel like they
are loved and supported. Do you agree with this statement? Write a persuasive essay
explaining your opinion, using specific examples from the book to support your opinion.
Topic # 2
“ ’We couldn’t get along without you.’ The truth of that last statement hit me. We
couldn’t get along without him. We needed Johnny as much as he needed the gang.
And for the same reason.” This statement was made by Pony. Could the gang be the same
or even remain together without Johnny’s presence? Write a persuasive essay using specific
examples from the book to support your opinion.
Topic # 3
Could any of the Greasers be considered a hero? Write a persuasive essay explaining why you
do or do not believe one of the 'main' Greasers could be considered a hero. Include your own
definition of hero in the essay, and be sure to explain how the character you choose, in his
own way, meets your definition. Remember to support your ideas with examples from the
Topic # 4
Write a persuasive essay explaining how the Socs were more of a disgrace and menace to
society than the Greasers. Look at how society viewed and treated the two groups. Examine
the characteristics of each group, their actions, and the choices each made. Be sure to
support your ideas with examples from the novel.