Incoming 7th Graders Summer Reading 2015 Packet

Summer Reading Packet
Incoming 7th grade Summer Reading Assignment
Dear Students and Parents,
As the year comes to a close, it is time to start preparing our sixth grade Language Arts students for seventh grade. Part of
that transition is to ensure that students are aware of and complete the required assignments over the summer to be ready for
the first day of school.
Each incoming seventh grader will be required to read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and complete a Reader Response
Journal. The journals will be collected, and students will be tested on the novel within the first two weeks of school.
Within this packet you will find the instructions to the Reading Journal and a sample entry for guidance.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email the seventh grade Language Arts teachers.
Ms. Krebs
Mr. Kuritz
Mrs. Santiago
------------------------------- Please complete and detach bottom portion --------------------------------
Student Name: ___________________________________
Date: __________________
I have reviewed and understand the summer reading requirements. I further understand the importance of completing this
assignment prior to the start of the 2015-2016 school year.
Parent Signature_____________________________________ Student Signature __________________________
Summer Reading Packet
Requirements for Reading Journal
You will complete a total of five (5) entries for the Reading Journal. After reading approximately 50 pages, you
should stop to record in your journal. If you are in the middle of the chapter after reading 50 pages, feel free to
finish the chapter first.
Your journal should have two columns, Cornell Notes style.
Your journal must be legible. Handwriting is allowed, but typing is encouraged.
Each entry will include a:
A. Heading
B. Summary
C. Quote/Passage
D. Reflections (2)
A. Heading:
 Place the heading in the top left corner
o Your Name
o Title of the Book
o Entry # _____
o Date
o Pages read for this entry
B. Summary
 On the LEFT side:
o Write the word “Summary”
 On the RIGHT side:
o Write a summary of your reading in complete sentences. Include essential information of who,
what, when, where, why and how of the action.
C. Quote/Passage
 On the LEFT side:
o Copy a meaningful quote/passage from the reading section and indicate its page number.
o This passage should show something important to a theme, a character’s development, plot advancement
or personal connection.
 On the RIGHT side:
o Write your response to the quote/passage’s significance. Explain why this passage is important or
meaningful and why it caught your attention.
D. Reflections (2)
 Each journal entry should have two (2) reflections on that section. The reflection should begin with one of
the reflection starters listed on page 4.
 Once you have used a reflection starter, it cannot be repeated in any of the other five journal entries.
o On the LEFT side:
 Copy the reflection starter
o On the RIGHT side:
Summer Reading Packet
 Complete the reflection starter.
Reflection Starters
 I do not understand…
 I noticed that…
 I wonder about…
 I predict…
 A question I have is…
 I now understand…
 I see, I hear, I feel, I think… (Choose just one (1) to begin)
 The (story, event, character, phrase) makes me (feel, think)…
 Draw a picture in your response (be sure to explain what your picture be sure to explain what your picture
 Identify the author’s viewpoint, his or her attitude toward the subject, what you think the purpose is behind the
piece of writing.
 I (agree/disagree) with______ because…
 This character reminds me of myself (or someone else) because…
 If I were (name of character) at this point, I would….
 I would like to give the following advice to (name of character)….
 If I could change anything in this story, I would change _____ because…
 The author is creating conflict between ____ and _____ by….
 The setting seems to be…
 OI think the setting is important because…
 I really (like/dislike) this (idea, person, attitude, or party of this book) because…
 This scene reminds me of (my own life, a movie, a TV show, or another character in another novel) because…
 Something I (noticed, appreciate, don’t appreciate or wonder about) is______ because…
 I now (realize or think) that….
 A phrase or line I like is _____ because….
 Why does…..
 List all the things you know about a character at this point that you did not know before.
Summer Reading Packet
Jane Gator
To Kill a
Entry # 2
July 14, 2012
Pages 57-112
don’t do one
thing but make
music for us to
enjoy . . .but sing
their hearts out
for us. That’s
why it’s a sin to
kill a
Page 90
1. I think the
setting is important
5. I wonder about .
At school, Scout starts
a fight with Cecil Jacobs
because of what he says about
her daddy. Atticus has to
defend Tom Robinson, a black
man accused of assaulting a
white woman. It is a case he
cannot hope to win, but he tells
Scout that he has to defend
Tom because it’s the right
thing to do.
One day, a mad dog
appears, wandering down the
main street toward the Finches’
house. Atticus shoots the
animal, hitting the dog with his
first shot despite his
considerable distance from the
dog. Later, Miss Maudie tells
Jem and Scout that, as a young
man, Atticus was the best shot
in the county—“One-shot
Finch.” Scout is eager to brag
This isthis,
but the
tells her
It also
it afrom.
to theme.
to know,
is like
a them.
would have
mockingbird- innocent and yet
is on trial for something he
didn’t do. That’s why Atticus
has to defend him- it would be
a sin not to.
1. because it shows the way
people acted in South during the
5. Why Atticus calls Mrs.
Dubose brave? Is it brave to
overcome an addiction? Maybe
since everybody makes
mistakes, the important thing is
how we react after we mess up.