PAS CLINICOM/PATIENT CENTRE POLICY Version 1 Name of responsible (ratifying) committee Information Governance Steering Group Date ratified 14th March 2012 Document Manager (job title) ECR Development Service Manager Date issued 25th May 2012 Review date May 2014 Electronic location PHT Intranet / Management Policies Related Procedural Documents Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust Data Quality Policy Pas Data Quality Policy and Procedures Version 1.0 Issued January 2012 Review Date: January 2014 CONTENTS Reference guide 1. INTRODUCTION 2. PURPOSE 3. SCOPE 4. DEFINITIONS 5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 6. PROCEDURES 7. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS 8. MONITORING AND COMPLIANCE Pas Data Quality Policy and Procedures Version 1.0 Issued January 2012 Review Date: January 2014 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 11 12 REFERENCE GUIDE The guide below is a summary of the content of each required action. 1. The aim of this policy is to ensure all information recorded on a Patient record is relevant, accurate and in a timely manner 2. Procedures for data capture and entry are followed at all times 3. Monitoring of data entry will be completed on a regular basis and all errors acted upon accordingly 4. Training is undertaken to an appropriate level to gain the necessary skills and the available tools to ensure PAS Data Quality is understood and maintained to an acceptable standard Pas Data Quality Policy and Procedures Version 1.0 Issued January 2012 Review Date: January 2014 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Policy has been produced to ensure there is a full understanding of the process required to record Patient data in a timely and accurate manner by all Clinical and Non-Clinical members of staff. 1.2 The Policy will be broken down into sections with accompanying guidance for each Function Set and to ensure full compliance with the Data Quality and Data Protection process. 2. PURPOSE 2.1 The key objective of this Policy is to ensure all PAS Users understand the Processes required in keeping data held within PAS updated and secure at all Times 2.2 Procedures for data recording are followed and all Staff fully understand the implications and potential risk to patient care and Data Protection with incorrect Data entry 2.3 All Staff fully understand the financial implications with incorrect Data entry and complete full PAS training on the correct level of the modules required to obtain the tools available to support their role 2.4 All staff understand Data entry must be completed in real time and are fully aware monitoring of Data Quality is undertaken on a daily basis 3. SCOPE 3.1 This document is aimed to cover all levels of PAS to ensure the process for the individual modules are carried out by Clinical and non Clinical staff in a timely manner 3.2 The importance of complete and accurate data collection is entered or updated in real time. Data entry not collected and entered in real time has a financial implication for the Trust and will impact on staff resource 3.3 This document supports the Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust Data Quality Policy and Procedures and should be read in conjunction with this paper 4. DEFINITIONS 4.1 PAS – Patient Administration System used across Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust to record all Patient activity in real time. Management of the system is in conjunction with our ICT colleagues on the Isle of Wight. 4.2 ECR – Electronic Care Record is where all information relating to a Patient is held electronically. 4.3 IPHIS – Island and Portsmouth Health ICT Services based at St James’ Hospital. 4.4 ICT – Information Communication Technology 4.5 NHS – category for National Health Service Patient’s receiving treatment Pas Data Quality Policy and Procedures Version 1.0 Issued January 2012 Review Date: January 2014 4.6 MIL – category for all Military Patient’s receiving treatment 4.7 XNH – a new Military ‘NHS’ category that has been mandated for certain Military Patient’s to follow the NHS 18 week wait and not the normal 12 week wait for treatment 4.8 OSV – category for Overseas visitors receiving treatment 4.9 Masterfiles – the tables managed within PAS to ensure capture of all National and Local definitions for measuring/reporting on required targets 5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 PAS Users are required to: Ensure the information collected for entry on to the PAS system is accurate and it is imperative to be completed / updated in real time to support Patient confidentiality and reduce risk to Patient care. It is the duty of the user to ensure they have gained the relevant information to complete data entry in full. Data the User is unable to capture / complete must be highlighted by sending the appropriate forms to the IPHIS Service Desk for investigation to ensure the PAS Masterfiles and / or Patient record is updated accordingly and in a timely manner to reduce a possible breach of Patient Confidentiality and a financial loss to the Trust. Accuracy of information by ensuring demographic data is checked and maintained every time the Patient attends the Trust. The Patient must be the one to produce/supply the information when asked and not the staff member inform the Patient what is already recorded. Report all anomalies to their Manager and / or the IPHIS Service desk to enable them to inform the appropriate team for action to be taken. 5.2 User Managers’ responsibilities All Managers must ensure staff can be released to attend essential PAS training courses to obtain the tools they require to complete their role. When the need to audit activity is carried out, any User found to be sharing passwords will have their access removed while an investigation is completed. The Manager will be notified of the breach and their support for action taken to remove the User access will be required and to raise awareness as this will impact on the performance of the individual within the department. Ensure that all required changes / additions to PAS Masterfiles are reported to the IPHIS Service Desk by completing the appropriate forms to ensure the system is updated accordingly to reflect the need. 6. PROCEDURES 6.1 Data Quality for an electronic system relies on accurate recording for the reporting of the information collected and has a number of ‘umbrellas’ and ways in which it can be measured. Understanding and following the procedures set down by the Trust will be imperative and action Pas Data Quality Policy and Procedures Version 1.0 Issued January 2012 Review Date: January 2014 taken if not adhered to. The main emphasis is to aid in the care of the Patient and to support the financial income to the Trust. 6.2 There are National requirements set for Data Quality standards and inclusion is the population of the NHS number. All systems must meet 95% standard of whole Patient Index population. 6.3 Software updates and enhancements are implemented within PAS twice a year and 2 hours downtime for uploading is a necessity. Planned downtime will be managed by Change Management within IPHIS. Notification will be issued 5 working days prior to the system being taken off line. Users will be notified of expected changes and enhancements to the system via Flyers produced by the ECR Development Team. 6.4 A report is produced daily from the Chimera Data Warehouse to locate the duplicate registrations. The offending User ID is recorded and immediate action taken for resolution to the Patient record and assist in the reduction of risk to Patient Care. 6.5 A report of the findings / outcomes per User will be produced on a monthly basis and passed to the IPHIS ICT Training Dept. The Trainer will contact the user responsible for creating three or more duplicate registrations in one month. 1-1 refresher training for Registration processes will be completed to ensure the User is competent to continue using the system. 6.6 When a User continues non compliance of the rules for registration, the Manager will accompany the ICT Trainer in a competent test for their staff member. If the user is unable to continue to use the system without causing risk to patient care, their access will be removed until the Trainer is confident they are competent to regain use of the system. 6.7 A patient registered on a system has many aspects of information and is imperative it is accurately collected and recorded. Initial search procedures are vital to reduce the possible raising of a duplicate record and thus impact on the care of the Patient. All Patient demographic details must be checked on every attendance to the Hospital and PAS must be updated before the patient has left the department. Spelling of Surname and Forename – essential to be correct to reduce duplicate registrations or selecting the incorrect Patient record and impact on patient care with incomplete information. Full search procedures must be carried out for every Patient each time they attend or are referred for consultation Correct NHS Number - used as prime identifier for locating a patient record. If not included at the time of referral or attendance, SCR the National Summary Care Record system should be used to locate the missing data Correct Date of Birth – imperative when selecting from a Patient list Military Number – currently replaces NHS number for Military staff and supports the need to ensure the correct Category is selected and entered on each episode for a Military Patient and should be MIL or XNH and not NHS Gender – must only be changed if entered incorrectly or when the Consultant confirms complete transition has taken place Address and Postal Address - must be updated on PAS immediately the notification has been received for Data Protection purposes and to support the reduction of Patient DNA’s Post Code – imperative it is correct and will impact on the Trust Financial billing and income and assist in Patient Data Protection Home Phone Number – Must be entered correctly to support text messaging Mobile Number and for ease of contact with the Patient and Patient Work Number )Data Protection GP details - imperative it is correct and will impact on the Trust Financial income and Patient Data Protection. All attempts at locating the GP details must be made before the final selection of Not Know, Not Registered or Not Given are entered on the Patient record. GDP details - imperative it is correct for billing and Patient Data Protection purposes Pas Data Quality Policy and Procedures Version 1.0 Issued January 2012 Review Date: January 2014 Next of Kin – incorrect details impact on Data Protection and ease of contact Religion – important for a Patient who will require a visit from the Chaplains Ethnic Category – will support Patient’s with dietary needs Occupation – correct recording can support in the treatment of the patient if they are working in an ‘at risk’ environment The death of a Patient must be recorded immediately upon notification to ensure DNA letters, future Appointment reminders are not sent out to further upset a relative/s and ensure the cancellation of pre-booked transport is completed Overseas Visitors - can lead to a huge loss of finance to the Trust if recorded incorrectly and must be reported to the Manager if in doubt of correct selection and entry 6.8 The Emergency Department register the Patient on the PAS system the moment they arrive in the Department to ensure real time Attendance and location is available at all times. All steps must be recorded in real time to enable ED Manager’s, ED staff, the Chief Operating Officer and Duty Manager’s to be able to see at a glance exactly how many Patient’s are currently in the department, the wait times and their location. The Reception staff will be responsible for recording the attendance arrival date and time stamp in real time and for the production of the Casualty Card Triage assessment will be completed by a trained clinical staff member and recorded on the Patient record along with the location the Patient will be seen within 15 minutes of the Patient’s arrival Tracking of the Patient through the department will be completed by the Clinical staff in real time to ensure location, status and treatment of a patient is available at all times Discharge of the Patient from the Department must be in real time and is the responsibility of the last Clinical member of staff in the ED Team to treat the patient or by the Reception staff upon request The Coding of the Patient attendance and production of the GP letter is the responsibility of the Reception staff to ensure all activity and treatment is recorded for billing and income purposes 6.9 Casenote Tracking is a mandatory process supported by Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust Senior Management Team. The Health Records Library Services are responsible for storing all Casenote folders in a central suppository when not in use. PAS will support the electronic Management of the Casenotes. The movement of Casenotes is the responsibility of all Clinical and non-Clinical Users who handle them and tracking must be done in a timely manner to ensure Patient care is not placed at risk due to lack of information and location being available. Casenote Loan Enquiry will allow a User to view where the Casenotes can be located Casenote Borrower will allow a User to view all sets of casenotes currently in that location Loan Casenote will allow the User to record the Borrower who has requested the Casenotes and will include the option to view the loan history Transfer Casenotes is to be used when the Casenotes move from department to department and when Casenotes are returned to the ARCHQ in Health Records Library Return Casenotes is for use only to the Health Records Library Staff for returning and placing them on the shelf in the holding Library It is the responsibility of the sending dept. to update PAS with the new location at all times 6.10 Accurate recording of Episodic Activity is imperative to the Trust and will impose an impact to loss of revenue if not completed in a timely manner. Outpatient, Inpatient, Waiting List and Preadmission all fall into this category. 6.11 18wk RTT targets have impacted on the Quality of Data due to the complexity and the User understanding of the functionality. Pas Data Quality Policy and Procedures Version 1.0 Issued January 2012 Review Date: January 2014 6.12 Choose and Book the GP direct electronic Outpatient Appointment Booking System is the main offender for the constant duplications created. These are resolved on a daily basis by the ECR Data Quality team within ICT. 6.13 The Outpatient Module is the location of where the Clinics are built and managed to the Consultants requirement. All Patient details must be checked and updated at the time of manual referral entry GP details – PAS must be updated when the referring GP is not the Patient’s registered GP Specialty – correct selection is imperative 300 General Medicine is for use only in MAU and 100 General Surgery is for use only in SAU and is not to be used outside of these Ward environments Category – correct selection is imperative to the Trust financial income e.g. NHS, MIL, OSV etc Dates – correct date and time stamp is essential for billing and income purposes Appointment Booking – Patient Choice with earliest reasonable offer details to be completed to support the Trust with a Patient ‘decline of an appointment offer’ process 18 week RTT – all referrals received via an Outpatient Dept will start a Pathway with correct completion of screens with the exception of 2 week wait suspected Cancer Patients with the processes of this owned and managed by the PHT 18 wk RTT Team Choose and Book – the process above has been pre-set within the system to ensure capture of all these aspects 6.14 The Admission Module is where all Activity for an Inpatient stay is recorded and Managed. All Patient details must be checked at the time of arrival to the Ward Admission – a Patient admitted to a Ward must be completed on PAS in real time and no later than 15 minutes of their arrival Specialty – correct selection is imperative 300 General Medicine is MAU only and 100 Surgical Admission is SAU only and are not to be used outside of these Ward environments Category – correct selection is imperative to the Trust financial income e.g. NHS and MIL Dates – correct date and time stamp is essential for billing and income purposes Overseas Visitors - can lead to a huge loss of finance to the Trust if incorrect and must be reported to the Manager if in doubt of correct selection and entry Transfer – the sending Ward is responsible for the completion on PAS of the Transfer details the moment the patient leaves the Ward for Bed Occupancy to assist with Free Bed Enquiry, the receiving Ward are responsible to ensure the details of the transfer are correct Discharge – a Patient at the time of discharge must be recorded in real time Discharge Lounge – a Patient who is sent to the Discharge Lounge(to await Transport, Pharmacy medication etc.) from a Ward is a Transfer and not a Discharge Discharge Lounge – it is the responsibility of the staff in the Discharge lounge to record the Patient discharge and correct destination details as they leave the Hospital 6.15 The Ward Attender module is where the Activity is recorded for a Patient who will present on the Ward either as a Planned or Unplanned attendee and will receive treatment/consultation from a Doctor or a Nurse as an Outpatient and without being admitted to a bed. A Patient who is a regular Ward Attender must be recorded as an Attendee and Discharged at every visit. All Patient details must be checked at the time of arrival to the Ward Attendance – the Ward Attendance must be recorded in real time to collect Ward occupancy (not Bed occupancy) in cases of Fire, Patient location, infection etc. and for ensuring no financial loss to the Trust Discharge - a Patient at the time of discharge must be recorded on PAS as they leave the Ward and if appropriate given another appointment to return to the Ward Pas Data Quality Policy and Procedures Version 1.0 Issued January 2012 Review Date: January 2014 6.16 The Waiting List + Pre-Admission module is for the recording and Management of Patient’s who are waiting to come into Hospital to receive Treatment. All Patient details must be checked at the time of decision/receipt of the ‘To Come In’ request Waiting List – a Patient is added to an elective Waiting List to await a date to come in for Treatment Planned Waiting List – a Patient is added to an elective Planned List and will be informed they will come in for treatment within a period of time e.g. within 2 weeks Booked Waiting List – a Patient is added to an elective Booked list and will be issued with their date to come in Specialty – correct selection is imperative 300 is MAU only and 100 SAU only and are not to be used outside of these Ward environments Category – correct selection is imperative to the Trust financial income e.g. NHS and MIL Dates – correct date and time stamp is essential for billing and income purposes 18 week RTT – all referrals received via an Outpatient Dept will start a Pathway with correct completion of screens with the exception of 2 week wait suspected Cancer Patients and it is imperative the Pathway is updated accordingly Overseas Visitors - can lead to a huge loss of finance to the Trust if incorrect and must be reported to the Manager if in doubt of correct selection and entry 7. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Department and Ward Managers are responsible for ensuring staff will receive appropriate training in the Modules they require to fulfill their role. 7.2 It is the Manager’s responsibility to arrange the Training to the level of access the User will require and to ensure the release of the staff member to attend the relevant courses to enable access to the PAS system. 7.3 Staff who share their Username and Password to the PAS system are breaking the rules and regulations of the Data Protection Act and Trust Policy and if found to be doing this their access will be removed immediately whilst investigation takes is undertaken. All PAS Training is hosted by the IPHIS, ICT Training Department, First Floor, Victoria House, QAH. x5867. 8. MONITORING AND COMPLIANCE 8.1 Monitoring of compliance with this policy is undertaken by the ECR Data Quality Team who focuses on key elements of Data and run audits when required on the Users concerned and work in conjunction with the ICT Training Department. 8.2 A bi weekly IQA report is produced from the Chimera Data Warehouse and is available to notify interested customers of the current status of the PAS system Data Quality. 8.3 All breaches of this Policy will be fully investigated and logged on the ICT Service Desk System and reported to the ICT Security Team. Pas Data Quality Policy and Procedures Version 1.0 Issued January 2012 Review Date: January 2014