Physics Coursework Experiment: To investigate the factors that affect the resistance of a wire. 1) Scientific Knowledge This experiment will involve the resistance of a wire, along with current and voltage; we will think about Ohm’s law for this reason. Ohm’s law states that the resistance of a wire is a constant and is equal to the voltage divided by the current at constant temperature. So… R=V/I V I=V/R V=IR I R 2) Fair Test The factors that will affect how well the investigation will work are: 1) Temperature 2) Length of wire 3) Length (time) of experiment 4) Thickness of wire 5) Voltage These are all important factors because all of them would affect the current, which would in turn affect the resistance. To make sure this is a fair test, we will make sure to: 1) Be quick with turning the power pack on and off (so it doesn’t overheat) 2) Use same thickness of wire (0.20mm) 3) Use same voltage power pack (6 volts) We will not keep the length constant, as that is the factor that we will use for this experiment. We will change the length of wire to see how the resistance changes in comparison. 3) Method i) Apparatus For this experiment we will need the following apparatus: 1) Power pack (to provide the power) 2) Analogue Voltmeter (to measure voltage – unfortunately no digital ones will be available) 3) Digital Ammeter (to measure current accurately) 4) Normal wires (to create the circuit) 5) Crocodile clips (to connect the wires to the rest of the circuit) 6) Constantan wire (55% Cu, 45% Ni Approx.) 7) Ruler (1 metre ruler…measures down to mm…great degree of accuracy for cutting wire to set lengths) 8) Scissors (to cut the wire) 9) External micrometer (to measure the thickness of the wires accurately) ii) Diagram We will set up the apparatus as shown below: Power pack Normal wires Ammeter A V Voltmeter Constantan wire iii) Explanation We will get all the apparatus from the list. We will first measure out a certain thickness of constantan wire (0.20mm), using the external micrometer. When the wire’s thickness has been confirmed as 0.20mm, we will measure out the five different lengths (to nearest mm) and cut the wires to these lengths using the scissors. We will then set up the apparatus as in the diagram, making sure that the ammeter is in series and the voltmeter is in parallel. We will repeat it several times, each time with a different length. We will also do it with each length three times and find an average to minimize errors. v) Results and Range We will take a total of 15 results using 5 different lengths (three times each). The lengths we will use are: 20.0cm, 40.0cm, 60.0cm, 80.0cm, and 100.0cm. vi) Prediction I think that the longer the wire, the more resistance there will be in the circuit. I think this because, as the wire is longer, there are more atoms and molecules for the electrons to hit on the way through the wire, and therefore, to be delayed by. More collisions would mean it would take longer to go through the wire, which means greater resistance. 4) Results i) Tables These show the Length, Current, Voltage and Resistance. Lengths are to the nearest millimetre as that is the greatest degree of accuracy we can get with a ruler that has millimetres as its smallest measurement. Current and Voltage are to 2d.p as this is a reasonable degree of accuracy; as these are to 2d.p, the resistance must also be to 2d.p. 1st Time Length (cm) 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Current (A) 1.60 0.87 0.56 0.37 0.33 Voltage (V) 4.25 4.55 4.75 5.00 5.00 Resistance (Ω) 2.66 5.23 8.48 13.51 15.15 Current (A) 1.62 0.88 0.56 0.37 0.33 Voltage (V) 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.00 Resistance (Ω) 2.72 5.23 8.57 13.51 15.15 Current (A) 1.64 0.87 0.58 0.32 0.33 Voltage (V) 4.50 4.60 4.95 5.00 5.00 Resistance (Ω) 2.74 5.29 8.53 15.63 15.15 2nd time Length (cm) 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 3rd Time Length (cm) 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Average Length (cm) 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Current (A) 1.62 0.87 0.57 0.35 0.33 Voltage (V) 4.38 4.58 4.83 5.00 5.00 Resistance (Ω) 2.71 5.25 8.53 14.22 15.15 ii) Graph The following page is our results put into a graph, to better illustrate the results. This graph can then be analysed, in my “Analysis” section, in order for me to see whether it shows us anything that was not clear from the tables. 5) Analysis i) Prediction My prediction was mostly correct. I predicted that the longer the wire, the more resistance acting upon it. This was as, the longer the wire, the more particles there were to be bombarded by electrons on the way through. A greater number of collisions between electrons and other particles would mean that it would take longer for the electrons to go from one end of the wire to the other; hence the greater resistance. The only parts of the graph that didn’t agree with my prediction were when the length was 20.0cm and 80.0cm. Here there must have been errors. ii) Graph Analysis The graph came out quite well in general, showing strong positive correlation of the points. It suited my prediction, although the first and fourth points were anomalies. iii) What we have learnt We have learnt that the greater the length of a wire, the greater the resistance acting upon it. iv) Errors 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Some possible errors were: Wrong measurement of wire Wrong thickness wire Wrong voltage set Wrong set-up of apparatus Wrong recording of results Wire not being straight and smooth (having knots) Leaving the power on for too long would lead to over-heating (which would affect the current) Wire going out of clips’ edges (wire being shortened would lead to inaccurate results) 6) Evaluation i) Method I think my method was a good way of carrying out the investigation as the results seemed to be accurate. It seemed to work as, the theory behind it was correct and, thankfully, the practical work was just as effective. ii) Errors There were errors at 20.0cm and 80.0cm. These errors may have been caused by any number of things, so looking to identify the precise cause would be time-consuming and impractical. iii) Improvements The experiment could be improved by being more accurate with measurements, making sure the wire is straight, being more careful with the set-up, not leaving it on too long, or making sure to use the same voltage each time. Also, we could use a digital voltmeter, as well as ammeter, to get more accurate readings. Finally, we could a greater range of lengths, to obtain more accurate results. iv) Further Work To obtain further relevant information, we could carry out several other experiments. I am interested in the idea of whether changing the voltage or current would have any effect on the wire’s resistance. I believe that the results obtained from such an experiment would be just as valid as these; hence the experiment, in which these factors change, would be a very good one to attempt.