ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTRE, DAWSON COLLEGE X1.0 EXIT EXAM: GENERAL INFORMATION Time Limit: 4 hours The Task: Write a 750-word essay—your discussion of a main idea expressed in one of the three readings provided. You may choose to write on an essay or a short story. Criteria: Your essay will be graded A, B, C, D, E, or F under three criteria: 1) your comprehension and analysis of the reading 2) the organization and coherence of your essay 3) your use of correct English and effective writing style To pass, you must receive a grade of at least C in all three areas Materials: You must bring several pens (blue or black ink) You may bring an English dictionary and / or a bilingual dictionary (No electronic dictionary; no thesaurus; no other reference materials) You may also bring a highlighter pen, pencils for rough work, etc. It is recommended that you bring a watch The Package: Booklet 1: Instructions, evaluation criteria, and blank pages for notes,outlining, etc. Booklet 2: For the final copy of your essay (the only copy that the correctors will see) Booklet 3: The three readings (usually two essays and one short story) Note: You may underline, highlight or make notes in the readings booklet. Registration: Students in their third English course may register to write the Exit Exam. See Jo Durocher in 6B.19 for the necessary forms and information. Graduating students are automatically registered in their final semester. All registered students receive an admission card by mail prior to the exam. HELP AVAILABLE FROM THE LEARNING CENTRE Handout Sheets: detailed explanations of the exam, the grading criteria, and strategies for success Workshops: information sessions and the supervised writing of practice essays Individual Help: advice about the exam and tutoring in reading comprehension and writing skills Web Site: detailed information, advice, and links [ ] WM 2004