HR Management: True/False Exam Questions

Part III - Organizing
Chapter Six: Staffing and Human Resource Management
1. Human Resource Management activities and functions such as staffing, attracting and
developing an effective workforce are the sole responsibility of the HR department.
(False; Moderate; p. 192)
2. Human Resources management must be accomplished with the dynamic framework of
changing government legislation and regulations that address hiring practices, workplace
safety, labor relations and working conditions
(True; Moderate; pp.192-193)
3. Federal law requires that employers pay their share of unemployment insurance and
workers compensation for employees on their payroll even if they work less than 40 hours
per week.
(True; Moderate; p. 211)
4. As a result of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, employers are required to seek out and hire
minorities to compensate for past discrimination
(False; Challenging; p. 194; Ex. 6-2)
Strategic Human Resources Planning is the process used to ensure that HR is aligned
with and supports the accomplishment of the firm’s mission, strategies and objectives.
(True; Easy; p. 192)
Recruitment is a set of activities directed toward attracting a qualified pool of job
applicants for evaluation by an organization.
(True; Easy; p.197)
The selection process involves interviewing and choosing the most qualified candidates
from a pool of job applicants.
(True; Easy; p. 198)
The process by which managers decide on the relative qualifications of job applicants for
a particular job opening is known as the recruitment process.
(False; Moderate; p. 198)
A selection device is valid if it yields the same results over time if taken by the same
(False; Easy; pp. 199-200)
Realistic job previews are used to "sell" the firm to job candidates by focusing on the
benefits and positive aspects of the job to potential candidates.
(False; Moderate; p. 203)
The realistic job preview can cost the time and effort of selection because it gives
candidates a chance to decide if the job is right for them regardless of their skills or
(True; Moderate; p. 203)
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
Most training focuses on teaching people the skills that they will need to be effective in
their future jobs.
(False; Moderate; p. 205)
Training is a set of activities that provide learning opportunities that build and improve
skills to do the job for which they were hired.
(True; Easy; p. 205)
Training activities tend to take place at the higher levels of the organization, while
development activities usually take place at the lower levels of management of the
(False; Moderate; p. 205)
Graphic rating scales, behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS), the critical-incident
technique, multi-rater comparisons, and 360º feedback are methods of appraising
(True; Moderate; p. 207)
16. In performance appraisal both objective and judgmental methods are equally effective.
(False; Easy; p. 207)
Performance ranking allows the supervisors to compare their employees to a fixed
standard rather than to other employees.
(False; Moderate; p. 208)
A fundamental rule of thumb in establishing base compensation is to pay new
employees substantially more than what competitors in the labor market are paying.
(False; Challenging; p. 211)
Employers are required to provide workers' compensation benefits to their employees,
but not unemployment insurance.
(False; Moderate; p. 211)
Workforce diversity improves problem solving and brings a range of talents,
perspectives, experiences, and worldviews that broaden an organization's repertoire of
skills and capabilities.
(True; Moderate; p. 212)
Sexual harassment occurs when people of either sex experience inappropriate
behavior, conduct or language of a sexual nature that affects their employment situation.
(True; Easy; pp. 212-213)
Labor unions negotiate contracts specifying the rights and obligations of employees and
management with respect to wages, work hours, grievances, and other aspects or
conditions of employment.
(True; Moderate; p. 214)
23. The employment process is dramatically influenced by the external environment.
(True; Moderate; p. 192)
Part III - Organizing
Since the mid-1960s, the federal government has continually reduced its influence
over human resource management decisions.
(False; Moderate; p. 193)
Employment decisions must be made without regard to age, sex, religion, or sexual
(True; Moderate; p. 193)
The Equal Pay Act prohibits pay differences for equal work based on race.
(False; Moderate; p. 194; Ex. 62)
The Americans With Disabilities Act requires employers to make reasonable
accommodation for qualified individuals who have physical or mental disabilities.
(True; Easy; p. 194; Ex. 62)
In affirmative action, organizations actively seek to enhance the status of individuals
who are members of protected groups.
(True; Challenging; p. 194)
Management is not completely free to choose whom they hire, promote, or fire.
(True; Easy; p. 194)
Whereas the job analysis tells management what individual employees can do, the
human resource inventory is a lengthy process in which workflows are analyzed and
behaviors necessary to perform jobs are identified.
(False; Challenging; p. 196)
The job description states the minimum acceptable qualifications that an incumbent
must possess to perform a given job successfully.
(False; Moderate; p. 196)
Demand for human resources is a result of demand for the products or services
provided by the organization.
(True; Moderate; p. 196)
Reducing the labor supply within the organization includes downsizing and layoff
(True; Easy; p. 198)
One of the major benefits of using internal searches for job candidates is that it builds
employee morale.
(True; Easy; p. 198; Ex. 63)
A drawback of employee referrals is that they may not increase the diversity and mix of
(True; Moderate; p. 198; Ex. 63)
Attrition is one of the downsizing options available to organizations and may be
preferable to firing or layoffs.
(True; Moderate; p. 198; Ex. 64)
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
The major point of any selection activity is to reduce the probability of making a reject
error or an accept error.
(True; Challenging; p. 199)
A selection device is reliable if there is a proven relationship between the selection
device and some relevant measure.
(False; Challenging; p. 199)
The burden lies with management to verify that any selection device it uses to
differentiate applicants is related to job performance.
(True; Challenging; p. 200)
Stress interviewers deliberately lead applicants into a false sense of security—the
comfortable interaction—then suddenly and drastically, they change and go on the
(True; Moderate; p. 203)
Applicants who have been given a realistic job preview tend to hold lower job
expectations than those who have not.
(True; Challenging; p. 203)
One major objective of orientation is to give an employee a realistic job preview.
(False; Moderate; p. 204)
Most job training takes place in the classroom.
(False; Moderate; p. 205)
Vestibule training is an example of on-the-job training.
(False; Easy; p. 206; Ex. 67)
The reactions of participants are the most valid way to assess the effectiveness of
(False; Moderate; p. 206)
A performance management system is a process of establishing performance
standards and evaluating performance in order to arrive at objective human resource
decisions and to provide documentation to support any personnel actions.
(True; Moderate; p. 207)
Performance evaluation by use of critical incidents focuses the evaluator on key
behaviors that separate effective from ineffective job performance.
(True; Easy; p. 207)
BARS (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale) combines major elements from the critical
incident and graphic rating scale approaches to evaluating performance.
(True; Challenging; p. 207)
The paired comparison approach to performance evaluation requires the evaluator to
place employees into a particular classification, such as "top one-fourth."
(False; Moderate; p. 208)
Part III - Organizing
Fairness in compensation systems means that the established pay levels are
adequate and consistent for the demands and requirements of the job.
(True; Easy; p. 211)
Life, health, and disability insurance are all examples of employee benefits—
nonfinancial rewards designed to enrich employees' lives.
(True; Easy; p. 211)
Workforce diversity is affecting the way employees are recruited, selected, and
(True; Moderate; p. 212)
Sexual harassment is regarded as specific unwanted activity of a sexual nature as
defined by each organization.
(False; Moderate; p. 213)
Much of the problem associated with sexual harassment is determining what
constitutes this illegal behavior.
(True; Easy; p. 213)
If an employee who is guilty of sexual harassment is a manager or agent for an
organization, the organization is liable for sexual harassment.
(True; Moderate; p. 213)
Sexual harassment policies should be reinforced by regular discussions with all
(True; Moderate; p. 213)
The key theme that labor laws appear to be conveying is where employee involvement
programs are introduced, members must have the power to make decisions and act
independently of management.
(True; Challenging; p. 215)
The layoff-survivor sickness syndrome has leveled off in the US and is not as
significant as it was just a few years ago.
(False; Easy; pp. 216-217)
Multiple Choice Questions
In the United States, human resource management practices are affected by various
laws that do all of the following except
a. Prohibit pay differences for men and women doing equal work.
b. Establish mandatory safety and health standards in workplaces.
c. Prohibit discrimination against a qualified individual on the basis of disability.
d. Encourage and promote mandatory retirement.
(d; Moderate; p. 194; Ex 6-2)
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
__________ is the orderly study of jobs to determine what is done, when, where, how,
why, and by whom in existing jobs or potential new jobs.
a. Job analysis
b. Job description
c. Job specification
d. Job audit
(a; Easy; p.196)
__________ is a written statement the duties and responsibilities of a job.
a. Job analysis
b. Job specification
c. Job description
d. Job inventory chart
(c; Easy; p.196)
__________ is the process used by organizations to attract a qualified pool of job
a. Socialization
b. Recruitment
c. Human resource planning
d. Affirmation action
(b; Moderate; p.197)
Using realistic job previews reflects the important recruitment issues of
a. who to interview and when to interview.
b. reliability and validity.
c. choosing selection devices and measurement methods.
d. honesty and full information.
(d, Moderate; p.203)
_____________ is a recruitment approach that tries to provide the job candidates with
all pertinent information about the job and the organization without distortion or selling
the job to the candidate.
a. Open job preview
b. Traditional job preview
c. Realistic job preview
d. Holistic job preview
(c, Moderate; p.203)
A major benefit of using realistic job previews is to
a. reduce turnover.
b. reduce salaries and wages.
c. decrease training costs.
d. reduce time it takes to get qualified applicants.
(a; Easy; p.203)
Part III - Organizing
Which of the following is a legitimate reason for rejecting a job applicant in the
selection process?
a. Applicant has deficient qualifications.
b. Applicant has insufficient ability, ambition, or poor interpersonal qualities.
c. Applicant's overall potential is low.
d. All of the above.
(d; Easy; pp.196 and 202)
For a selection device to be valid it must
a. yield approximately the same results over time if taken by the same person.
b. be passed by at least 75 percent of all applicants.
c. yield a demonstrated relationship between a person's score or rating and their
eventual job performance.
d. be sanctioned by the EEOC.
(c; Moderate; p.200)
A reliable selection device
a. measures exactly what it intends to, relative to the job specification.
b. can be passed by most of the job applicants.
c. is administered by a qualified personnel specialist.
d. yields the same results over time if taken by the same person.
(d; Easy; p.199)
To be used for employment, a selection device should
a. be valid but not necessarily reliable.
b. be reliable but not necessarily valid.
c. be both reliable and valid.
d. be used only by highly trained professionals.
(c; Moderate; pp.199-200)
An employment test that is used to evaluate a person's job potential by observing his
or her performance in exercises that simulate daily work activities is called ______.
a. modeling
b. mentoring
c. orientation
d. an assessment center
(d, Moderate; p.201)
__________ is a set of planned activities designed offered by the organization to
familiarize new employees with their jobs, their co-workers, and key aspects of the
a. Socialization
b. Orientation
c. Modeling
d. Mentoring
(b; Easy; p.204)
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
________ is a training process that offers opportunities for employees to spend time in
different jobs and expand their range of skills.
a. Coaching
b. An apprenticeship
c. Job rotation
d. Modeling
(c; Moderate; p.206)
__________ is the process of formally assessing someone's work job
accomplishments and providing feedback.
a. Discipline management
b. Management by objectives
c. An informal review
d. Performance appraisal
(d; Moderate; p. 207)
A performance appraisal method that provides rating scales for actual behaviors that
exemplify various performance levels is known as __________.
a. 360º feedback
b. the critical-incident technique
c. multiperson comparisons
d. behaviorally anchored rating scales
(d; Moderate; p. 207)
________ is an appraisal method that involves superiors, subordinates, peers, and
even internal and external customers in the evaluation process.
a. Critical-incident technique
b. Multiperson comparisons method
c. Graphic rating scales method
d. 360º feedback method.
(d, Moderate; p. 207)
A customer service sales manager for a Dell Computers evaluates each one of his
staff monthly on the basis of the number of customer problems or complaints that have
been resolved during the past month. This is an example of
a. a subjective appraisal.
b. situational testing.
c. personality testing.
d. a perfomance appraisal.
(d; Easy; pp. 206-207)
In the U.S., which of the following laws requires male and female employees to be paid
equally if they perform the same type of jobs and/or do the same work?
a. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
b. Age Discrimination in Employment Act
c. Americans with Disabilities Act
d. Equal Pay Act
(d; Moderate; p. 194; Ex. 6-2)
Part III - Organizing
Dick Brenner has recently hired several competent people to fill the vacancies in his
organization. He should help them adapt to the organization and ensure that their job
skills and knowledge are kept current through _____.
a. employee appreciation
b. employee surveys
c. orientation and training
d. orientation, training, and development
(d; Moderate; p. 192)
Employment decisions on a federal level must be made without regard to all of the
following except
a. race.
b. sexual orientation.
c. national origin.
d. disability.
(b; Moderate; p. 193)
Which of the following prohibits differences in pay for equal work based on the sex of
the employee?
a. Civil Rights Act
b. Age Discrimination Act
c. Family and Medical Leave Act
d. Equal Pay Act
(d; Easy; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Which of the following prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, national
origin, or sex?
a. Civil Rights Act
b. Age Discrimination Act
c. Family and Medical Leave Act
d. Equal Pay Act
(a; Moderate; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Which of the following permits employees in organizations with 50 or more workers to
take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year for family or medical reasons?
a. Civil Rights Act
b. Age Discrimination Act
c. Family and Medical Leave Act
d. Equal Pay Act
(c; Moderate; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Which of the following requires employers to provide 60 days notice before a facility
closing or mass layoff?
a. Civil Rights Act
b. Worker Readjustment and Retraining
c. Family and Medical Leave Act
d. Equal Pay Act
(b; Moderate; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
Programs to ensure that decisions and practices enhance the employment, upgrading,
and retention of members of protected groups are known as
a. management rights.
b. collective bargaining agreement.
c. affirmative action programs.
d. discrimination practices.
(c; Moderate; p. 194)
In which of the following countries are employees more likely to be unionized than in
the US?
a. Canada
b. Australia
c. Mexico
d. China
(c; Easy; p. 195)
Germany’s human resource management practices are similar to most Western
European countries in that legislation requires companies to practice _____.
a. collective bargaining
b. unionization
c. open shop
d. representative participation
(d; Moderate; p. 195)
A _____ is an assessment of the kinds of skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to
successfully perform each job in an organization.
a. job description
b. human resource inventory report
c. job analysis
d. job specification
(c; Moderate; p. 196)
A written statement of what a jobholder does, how a job is done, and why a job is done
is a
a. job description.
b. human resource inventory report.
c. job analysis.
d. job specification.
(a; Moderate; p. 196)
Which of the following focuses on job content, environment, and conditions of
a. job description
b. human resource inventory report
c. job analysis
d. job specification
(a; Moderate; p. 196)
Part III - Organizing
_____ is the process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants.
a. Downsizing
b. Human resource inventory report
c. Recruitment
d. Strategic human resource planning
(c; Easy; p. 197)
The process of reducing the labor supply within an organization is
a. downsizing.
b. human resource inventory report.
c. recruitment.
d. strategic human resource planning.
(a; Easy; p. 197)
The source that is used to find suitable candidates should be based upon all except
which of the following?
a. local labor market
b. type or level of the position
c. size of the organization
d. location of the organization
(d; Challenging; p. 197)
Which of the traditional recruiting sources is least likely to increase the diversity and
mix of employees?
a. advertisements
b. public employment agencies
c. employee referrals
d. private employment agencies
(c; Challenging; p. 198; Ex. 63)
Which of the following essentially attempts to determine which applicant, if hired, will
be successful?
a. selection process
b. human resource inventory report
c. recruitment
d. strategic human resource planning
(a; Easy; p. 198)
_____ refers to permanent involuntary termination of employment.
a. Reduced workweek
b. Transfer
c. Layoff
d. Firing
(d; Easy; p. 199; Ex. 64)
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
Today, selection techniques that result in reject errors can open the organization to
a. increased human resource management costs
b. charges of employee discrimination
c. reduced morale
d. a weakened workforce
(b; Challenging; p. 199)
To be effective, selection devices need to measure the same variable consistently.
This is known as which of the following?
a. reject errors
b. reliability
c. validity
d. recruitment
(b; Moderate; p. 200)
Terri has taken the same typing test four times on four different days. She has scored
approximately the same score each time. This test has _______.
a. high reliability
b. low reliability
c. high validity
d. low validity
(a; Moderate; p. 200)
Jayne was required to take a dictation test and to receive a score of 75 words per
minute on the test. The job she is applying for no longer requires the use of dictation.
This test has ________.
a. high reliability
b. low reliability
c. high validity
d. low validity
(d; Moderate; p. 200)
Tests of intellectual ability, spatial and mechanical ability, perceptual accuracy, and
motor abilities are moderately valid predictors of which jobs?
a. semiskilled
b. unskilled operative jobs in industrial organizations
c. supervisory positions
d. semiskilled and unskilled operative jobs in industrial organizations
(d; Challenging; p. 201)
Selection devices that are based upon actual job behaviors are known as
a. performance-simulation tests.
b. background investigations.
c. physical examinations.
d. application forms.
(a; Easy; p. 201)
Part III - Organizing
The best-known performance-simulation tests are
a. realistic job previews.
b. assessment centers.
c. written tests.
d. work sampling and assessment centers.
(d; Moderate; p. 201)
_____, along with the application form, are an almost universal selection device.
a. Written tests
b. Interviews
c. Performance-simulation tests
d. Realistic job previews
(b; Easy; p. 202)
Which of the following can be valid and reliable selection devices when they are
structured, well organized, and held to common questioning?
a. performance-simulation tests
b. written tests
c. physical examinations
d. interviews
(d; Easy; p. 202)
The interview is most valid in determining an applicant's
a. potential for turnover.
b. level of motivation.
c. promotional possibilities.
d. productivity level.
(b; Challenging; p. 202)
What information is provided in a realistic job preview (RJP)?
a. only positive information about the job
b. only negative information about the job
c. opportunities for advancement
d. both positive and negative information about the job
(d; Moderate; p. 203)
Which of the following is not a major objective of the orientation process?
a. Reduce the initial anxiety of the new employee.
b. Familiarize new employees with the job.
c. Complete all training required for the job.
d. Facilitate the outsider-insider transition.
(c; Moderate; p. 204)
Which of the following should be the basis for evaluation of a training program?
a. difficulty level of the training
b. instructor personality
c. entertainment value
d. improvement in actual employee job performance
(d; Easy; p. 206)
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
One of the following is not a common problem with on the job training.
a. It can disrupt the workplace.
b. It increases errors while learning takes place.
c. Some skill training is too complex to learn on the job.
d. It is becoming too costly.
(d; Challenging; p. 205)
Which of the following questions is not asked when determining if training is needed
for employees?
a. What are the organization's strategic goals?
b. What tasks must be completed to achieve the goals?
c. What behaviors are necessary in order for each jobholder to complete his/her job?
d. What is the percentage increase in sales from last year?
(d; Moderate; p. 205; Ex. 66)
All except which of the following may be indicators that job training may be needed?
a. decreases in productivity
b. lower absenteeism
c. increase in accidents
d. lower quality
(b; Moderate; p. 205)
Which of the following is not a typical training method?
a. job rotation
b. classroom lectures
c. simulation exercises
d. assessment centers
(d; Moderate; p. 206; Ex. 67)
_____ is the process of establishing performance standards and evaluating
performance in order to arrive at objective human resource decisions, and to provide
documentation to support personnel decisions.
a. Human resource management
b. Strategic human resource planning
c. Performance management system
d. Evaluation system
(c; Easy; p. 207)
_____ is a performance appraisal method that requires little training and no complex
forms, but may be more of a measure of the evaluator's writing ability than the
performance of the employee.
a. Written essay
b. MBO
c. Critical incidents
(a; Moderate; p. 207; Ex. 68)
Part III - Organizing
_____ is a performance appraisal method that focuses on specific and measurable job
behaviors, but is time-consuming and difficult to develop.
a. Written essay
b. MBO
c. Critical incidents
(d; Moderate; p. 207; Ex. 68)
Which of the following compares employees with one another?
a. written essay
b. MBO
c. critical incidents
d. multiperson method
(d; Easy; p. 207; Ex. 68)
The use of _____ focus(es) the evaluator's attention on key behaviors that separate
effective from ineffective job performance.
a. graphic rating scales
b. the 360-degree appraisal
d. critical incidents
(d; Moderate; p. 207)
Which of the following appraisal methods evaluates employees on the basis of how
well their performance matches established criteria?
a. group order ranking
b. graphic rating scale
c. paired comparison
d. individual ranking
(b; Moderate; p. 207)
The _____ seeks performance feedback from such sources as oneself, bosses, peers,
team members, customers, and suppliers.
a. graphic rating scale
b. the 360-degree appraisal
d. critical incidents
(b; Moderate; p. 207)
In the _____ approach to performance appraisal, each employee is compared with
every other employee and rated as either the superior or weaker employee.
a. group order ranking
b. individual ranking
c. paired comparison
d. ranked comparison
(c; Easy; p. 208)
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
All but which of the following are discipline measures a manager can use?
a. verbal warnings
b. written warnings
c. promotion
d. suspension
(c; Moderate; p. 210)
What is the premise behind employee counseling?
a. It is beneficial to the employee.
b. It is beneficial to the organization.
c. It is beneficial to stockholders.
d. It is beneficial to both the organization and the employee.
(d; Moderate; p. 210)
The process of determining a cost-effective pay structure that will attract and retain
competent employees, provide an incentive for them to work hard, and ensure that pay
levels will be perceived as fair is known as
a. compensation administration.
b. employee benefits.
c. salary.
d. wages.
(a; Easy; p. 210)
What is the primary determination of pay level?
a. equity
b. minimum wage
c. kind of job performed
d. educational level
(c; Moderate; p. 211)
Which of the following may not increase an employee’s compensation?
a. higher cost of living area
b. management’s compensation philosophy
c. working under hazardous conditions
d. working unusual hours
(b; Moderate; p. 211)
Life insurance, disability insurance, retirement programs, and health insurance are all
examples of which of the following?
a. compensation administration
b. employee benefits
c. salary
d. wages
(b; Moderate; p. 211)
Part III - Organizing
_____ is defined as any unwanted activity of a sexual nature that affects an
individual's employment.
a. Sexual harassment
b. Sexual discrimination
c. Affirmative action
(a; Easy; p. 213)
The EEOC cites three situations in which sexual harassment can occur. Which of the
following is not included in the list of instances where verbal or physical conduct
constitutes sexual harassment?
a. Physical or mental conduct creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile
b. Company policy exists in which employee interaction of a personal nature is
c. Physical or mental conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual's work.
d. Physical or mental conduct adversely affects an employee's employment.
(b; Challenging; pp. 212-213)
What can a company do to protect itself from sexual harassment claims?
a. Educate all employees on this issue.
b. Have mechanisms available to monitor employees.
c. Document each act or occurrence.
d. All of the above.
(d; Challenging; p. 214)
Historically, the relationship between a labor union and management was built on
a. cooperation.
b. laws.
c. conflict.
d. nepotism.
(c; Moderate; p. 214)
Many organizations have done a fairly good job of helping layoff victims by offering a
variety of job-help services. Choose the one that is not typical.
a. physiological counseling
b. support groups
c. severance pay
d. extended health insurance benefits
(a; Moderate; p. 216)
_____ is/are a set of attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors of employees that remain at
work after involuntary employee reductions.
a. Employee benefits
b. Compensation administration
c. Family-friendly benefits
d. Layoff-survivor sickness
(d; Moderate; pp. 216-217)
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
Scenario-Based Questions
Application of Federal Laws and Regulations Related to Human Resource
Mike was feeling overwhelmed in his new job as Manager of Small Products, a division of
Large Corporation. The Vice President for Human Resources had called this morning to
congratulate him on his promotion and to inquire as to whether he was comfortable with the
major laws and regulations that were important now that he was a manager. In the course of
one day, he had four employees with problems that he thought were related to these laws.
Sheila a manager in the Production department called to tell Mike that a study in her
department determined that several female engineers in her area were paid 20% less
than men in the same positions. What law prohibits this type of discrimination?
a. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
b. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act
c. Adverse Impact
d. Equal Pay Act
(d;moderate; p. 194; Ex. 6.2)
Harry, the EEO statistician reviewed the hiring records several managers in the sales
unit for the past 6 years and discovered that regardless of how qualified a person was
or how many applicants had to select from, they never hired anyone over the age of 39
regardless of his/her qualifications. What law prohibits this type of discrimination?
a. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
b. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act
c. Age Discrimination in Employment Act
d. Equal Opportunity Employment Act
(c; moderate; p. 194; Ex. 6.2)
Jennifer telephoned to tell Mike that she needed to be away from work to care for her
mother who fell and broke her hip. What law permits employees to take up to 12
weeks of unpaid leave to care for a sick family member?
a. Family and Medical Leave Act
b. Civil Rights Act of 1991
c. Americans With Disabilities Act
d. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
(a; Easy; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Douglas is in a wheelchair and informs Mike that the men's room door is too narrow to
allow him to enter. What law requires that employers make reasonable
accommodation for individuals who have physical disabilities?
a. Civil Rights Act, Title VII
b. Americans With Disabilities Act
c. Family and Medical Leave Act
d. Equal Pay Act
(b; Easy; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Part III - Organizing
Maryann has complained to Mike that she and Jonathan perform the same job and
that she believes she is earning less than Jonathan. What law prohibits pay
differences between men and women for equal work?
a. Civil Rights Act, Title VII
b. Pregnancy Discrimination Act
c. Equal Pay Act
d. Privacy Act
(c; Easy; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Angel has stopped by to tell her new boss her great news: she's pregnant! Angel
wants to spend time at home after the birth of her baby. Mike is pleased for her, but
unsure about the organization's obligation to her. He already knows about the
Pregnancy Discrimination Act. What other legislation might impact this situation?
a. Family and Medical Leave Act
b. Civil Rights Act of 1991
c. Mandatory Retirement Act
d. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
(a; Challenging; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Just when Mike was certain it couldn't get any worse, the home office informed him
that they might have to close the plant due to the ailing economy. What law requires
employers to provide 60 days notice before a facility closing?
a. Civil Rights Act
b. Family and Medical Leave Act
c. Mandatory Retirement Act
d. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
(d; Moderate; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Mike has just been informed that two employees have been stealing from the company
and selling the items. It seems they have been doing this for more than a year;
however, Mike cannot prove they are guilty and they will not admit to any wrongdoing.
He wants to use a lie detector machine to get to the bottom of this matter. Will he
encounter any federal regulations?
a. Civil Rights Act
b. Polygraph Protection Act
c. Privacy Act
d. Civil Rights Act, Title VII
(b; Easy; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Application of Employee Training and Development
Jo sighed. Productivity levels were down by 5% this month. After just spending $150,000 on
new equipment, she was not quite sure how to explain this to top management. She had been
so sure that new equipment would increase productivity levels. In fact, all the research she
had done before purchasing the equipment had substantiated just that. What was the
problem? Jo decided a trip to the assembly line floor was in order. Talking to the assembly
line supervisor provided her with some new insights. The equipment manufacturer had said
the new equipment would be easier to run than the old equipment. Jo had felt the equipment
was similar enough that no training on the new equipment was necessary. Evidently that was
not the case. The assembly line supervisor said there had been many down hours while
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
people tried to figure out how to run the new machines. Furthermore, these machines were
much more interrelated. One job tied into the next job, so if one person did something
incorrectly, the next person on the line could not easily step in and fix the problem. In addition,
these machines were much more technical and computer-like than the old machines had
been. Evidently, they were not as easy to use as the manufacturer had stated.
What type of training method should Jo provide to her employees to ensure that they
understand how to use the new equipment?
a. Job rotation
b. Classroom lectures
c. Simulation exercises
d. Vestibule training
(d; moderate; p. 206; Ex. 6-7)
What type of training method should Jo provide to her employees to help less
experienced employees benefit from the working with more experienced employees?
a. Job rotation
b. Understudy assignments
c. Simulation exercises
d. Vestibule training
(b; moderate; p. 206; Ex. 6-7)
What type of training method would help solve the problem that jobs are connected to
one another so if one person did something incorrectly, the next person on the line
cannot easily step in and fix the problem?
a. Job rotation
b. Understudy Assignments
c. Simulation exercises
d. Vestibule training
(a; moderate; p. 206; Ex. 6-7)
Which of the following may be a first step in solving Jo's problem?
a. employee development
b. employee training
c. strategic human resource planning
d. compensation administration
(b; Easy; pp. 204-205)
What is probably the main reason for the decrease in productivity?
a. lack of employee development
b. lack of employee motivation
c. lack of management motivation
d. lack of employee training
(d; Moderate; pp. 204-205)
Part III - Organizing
Which question should have been asked when purchasing the new equipment?
a. What are the organization’s strategic goals?
b. What tasks must be completed to achieve organizational goals?
c. What behaviors are necessary for each jobholder to complete his or her job
d. What deficiencies, if any, do job holders have in terms of skills, knowledge, or
abilities required to exhibit the essential and necessary job behaviors?
(d; Challenging; p. 205; Ex. 66)
What may be a necessary first step in order to introduce all employees to the new
system and convey some specific technical information to everyone at the same time?
a. job rotation
b. classroom lectures
c. simulation exercises
d. vestibule training
(b; Moderate; p. 206; Ex. 67)
Which of the following would be most effective in training people on how to use the
new equipment properly?
a. job rotation
b. classroom lectures
c. simulation exercises
d. vestibule training
(d; Moderate; p. 206; Ex. 67)
Since the machines are so interrelated, which training method may help employees
understand each of the differing jobs better?
a. job rotation
b. classroom lectures
c. simulation exercises
d. vestibule training
(a; Moderate; p. 206; Ex. 67)
Application of Performance Appraisal Methods
Johanna has just returned from a conference on performance appraisal methods. It
was an interesting conference and one that was needed. Johanna knew that the
company method of evaluating employees needed some drastic revision. The current
method is to have the immediate supervisor write out an evaluation of each individual
employee. The method was time-consuming for the supervisors, and as much a test of
their writing skills as it was an evaluation of performance. Johanna was leaning toward
three choices. The first choice involved one of the oldest and most popular
performance appraisals. This involved listing a set of performance factors such as
quantity of work, quality of work, cooperation, etc. and then rating each factor on an
incremental scale. The second choice involved a system that would focus on specific
and measurable job behaviors. The third choice was very results-oriented and used
extensively with managers and professional employees.
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
What is the current performance appraisal method being used?
a. written essay
b. graphic rating scales
d. MBO
(a; Easy; p. 207; Ex. 68)
What is the name of Johanna's first choice?
a. written essay
b. graphic rating scales
d. MBO
(b; Moderate; p. 207; Ex. 68)
What would be the primary advantage of using the first choice?
a. rich example of behaviorally based data
b. quantitative data
c. focuses on end goals
d. compares employees with one another
(b; Challenging; p. 207; Ex. 68)
Johanna's second choice is the critical incident method. What would be the major
disadvantage of this method?
a. time consuming and lack of quantification
b. depends on evaluator's writing skills
c. unwieldy with large numbers of employees
d. provides information on only critical behaviors that foster ineffective job
(a; Challenging; p. 207; Ex. 68)
What is the third choice that Johanna is considering?
a. written essay
b. graphic rating scales
d. MBO
(d; Challenging; p. 207; Ex. 68)
One method that is commonly used is the one that she overlooked. It focuses on
specific and measurable job behaviors, although it is time consuming and difficult to
develop measures.
a. critical incidents
b. graphic rating scales
d. 360 degree appraisal
(c; Moderate; p. 207)
Part III - Organizing
Short Discussion Questions
How does the Americans with Disabilities Act protect employees against
discrimination and unfairness?
This law prohibits employers from discriminating against people with disabilities and requires
reasonable accommodation of essentially qualified individuals with physical or mental
disabilities including those who are chronically ill.
(moderate; p. 194; Ex. 6-2)
What is employment planning?
This is the process by which management determines and ensures that it has the right
numbers and kinds of people in the right places at the right time, who are able to help the
organization achieve its goals and objectives.
(easy; pp. 195-196)
158. In terms of an employee selection method or device, what is meant by the term
The reliability of a selection method or device is the extent to which it measures the same
thing consistently over time.
(moderate; pp. 199-200)
What is a realistic job preview?
It is a process used to provide job candidates with both positive and negative information
about a job and the company, during the interview/selection process (prior to making a offer)
(easy; p. 203)
Describe the strategic human resource management process.
The process seeks to find the best personnel to accomplish the job in the most efficient and
effective manner. Planning, recruiting, selecting, orientation, training, performance appraisals,
compensation, and safety and health issues, as well as current issues must all be effectively
dealt with.
(Easy; pp. 192-193; Ex. 6-1)
Compare and contrast job analysis, job description, and job specification.
Job analysis—the process of determining exactly what is involved in performing a job. Job
description—a detailed description of the duties required in a specific job. Job specification—
the qualifications, skills, knowledge, education, and abilities a person must possess in order to
be able to perform the job.
(Moderate; p. 196)
List five of the traditional recruiting sources.
Internal searches
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
 Public employment agencies
 Private employment agencies
 School placement
 Temporary help services
 Employee leasing and independent contractors
(Easy; p. 198; Ex. 63)
Explain the downsizing options of job sharing, early retirements, and reduced
Job sharing entails having employees, typically two part-timers, share one full-time position.
When we provide incentives to older and more-senior employees for retiring before their
normal retirement date we are practicing early retirements. Rather than laying off employees,
we can allow them to work reduced workweeks by working fewer hours per week, share jobs,
or perform their jobs on a part-time basis.
(Moderate; p. 199; Ex. 64)
Medium-Length Discussion Questions
What are the major roles of the HRM Function and what is the HRM Process?
HRM is the function that is concerned with getting, training, motivating, and keeping
competent employees. There are several key steps in the HRM Process 1) Identification and
selection of competent employees, 2) Adapted/competent employees with up to date skills,
knowledge and abilities, and 3) Employees who are capable of sustaining high-long-term
(moderate; p. 192)
Compare and contrast validity and reliability in relationship to employment selection.
Any selection process must be both valid and reliable. It is management's responsibility to
demonstrate that all selection devices are both reliable and valid. Reliability demonstrates that
a selection device will obtain the same results consistently. Validity demonstrates that there is
a relationship between the selection device and the relevant job criteria.
(Challenging; pp. 199-201)
Describe two types of training methods that can be used.
On-the-job training methods include job rotation and understudy assignments. Off-the-job
training methods include classroom lectures, films and videos, simulation exercises, and
vestibule training.
(Moderate; p. 1206; Ex. 67)
Describe a performance management system.
It is a process of establishing performance standards and evaluating performance in order to
arrive at objective human resource decisions, such as pay increases and training costs, as
well as to provide documentation to support any personnel actions.
(Easy; p. 207)
Part III - Organizing
Comprehensive Essays
Describe the legal background of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and its amendments
from 1964 to the present—include in your answer other legislation that guarantees or
protects equal opportunity employment.
The Civil Rights Act, Title VII of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color,
religion, national origin, or sex.
 The Equal Pay Act of 1963 provides that men and women in the same jobs in the
same organization should be paid equally for doing equal work.
 The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits age discrimination against
employees between 40 and 65 years of age.
 Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits employers from discriminating
against and requires reasonable accommodation of essentially qualified individuals
who have physical or mental disabilities, or who are chronically ill.
 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 permits employees in organizations with 50 or
more workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year for family or medical
 The Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970 establishes mandatory health and
safety standards in workplaces.
(moderate; p. 194; Ex. 6-2)
Describe the following laws related to human resource management: Civil Rights Act,
Title VII; Age Discrimination in Employment Act; Americans With Disabilities Act; and
Family and Medical Leave Act.
The Civil Rights Act, Title VII prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, national
origin, or sex. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits age discrimination against
employees between 40 and 65 years of age; amended by Mandatory Retirement Act to
prohibit retirement because of age. Americans With Disabilities Act prohibits employers from
discriminating against and requires reasonable accommodation of essentially qualified
individuals who have physical or mental disabilities, or who are chronically ill. Family and
Medical Leave Act permits employees in organizations with 50 or more workers to take up to
12 weeks of unpaid leave each year for family or medical reasons.
(Challenging; p. 194; Ex. 62)
Provide the major biases found in interviewing job candidates.
Prior knowledge about the applicant. Interviewer tends to hold a stereotype of what represents
a good applicant. Interviewer tends to favor applicants who share his or her own attitudes. The
order in which applicants are interviewed will influence evaluations. Negative information is
given unduly high weight. Interviewer is too quick to make decisions. Interviewer may forget
much of the interview’s content within minutes.
(Challenging; p. 202)
What is the role of a realistic job preview (RJP)?
The realistic job preview seeks to ultimately increase job satisfaction among employees and
reduce turnover. A RJP includes both positive and negative information about the job and the
company. Research shows that employees are better prepared to deal with the successes
Chapter 6 – Staffing and Human Resource Management
and frustrations of the job. For managers, a RJP offers a major insight into the human
resource management process, that is, retaining good people is as important as obtaining
them in the first place.
(Moderate; p. 103)