What Price Victory?

High Altitude Mountain Climbing Essay
After reading, “Altitude Sickness: From Bad to Worse,” Annapurna, “High Risk,” and after watching the videos,
Mountain Without Mercy, Everest, and “An Interview with Beck Weathers,” you should have formed an opinion about
the following topic:
“What price victory?... It is a question that will be asked and argued as long as men climb mountains, and the only
definitive answer is that there is a difference of opinion…”--From “Bitter Victory,” by James Ramsey Ulman
Do you think that the conquest of mountains is worth the human suffering that such a victory sometimes entails?
You must decide if you think the victory is worth the price that these individuals have paid, some with their lives, Scott
Fischer and Rob Hall, and others like Maurice Herzog and Beck Weathers with their bodies. Or, do you think that the
victory of conquering a mountain outweighs any price that is paid. Do not sit on the fence you must support one opinion
or the other. Essay is due:_____________________________________
Introductory Paragraph
This starts with lead (question, interesting fact, quote, anecdote) to gain the reader’s attention. This paragraph contains
the thesis statement, which is the controlling idea and contains the topics for each paragraph in the body.
Thesis statement:_______________________________________________________________________________
Each paragraph should develop one of the key points of the theses statement. Each paragraph should contain a welldeveloped topic sentence and five – seven supporting sentences. The supporting sentences may contain facts, reasons,
examples, etc… These paragraphs should also contain transitions that move the reader smoothly between each
Body Paragraph One--Topic sentence ________________________________________________________
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph Two--Topic sentence _______________________________________________________
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph Three--Topic sentence_______________________________________________________
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
Concluding Paragraph
This paragraph should tie all of the important points in the essay together and draw a final conclusion for the reader. This
paragraph may restate the thesis statement, summarize the key points, offer a final thought and gives the feeling of
business completed.