SCHEME OF WORK 2009 - 2010 Module/Unit Title: The Marketing of Travel and Tourism Products and Services-Unit 5 Course/Subject Title: BTEC National Diploma in Travel and Tourism Prepared by: Denise Robinson Awarding body: EDEXCEL Lesson Duration: 4hrs Start Date: W/C 29/11/10 End Date: W/C 07/03/11 Course Overview: This unit will explore marketing in the context of T&T. Learners will examine factors affecting marketing T&T products and services. Learners will carry out market research and run a promotional campaign. Learners will examine the marketing mix. Learning Outcomes: 1) Understand the factors affecting marketing in travel and tourism. 2) Know the marketing mix (the 4Ps) of travel and tourism organisation 3) be able to conduct a market research activity for a travel and tourism organisation 4) be able to organise a promotional campaign for a travel and tourism organisation. Assessment Details: Learners will produce a written assignment, a market research document and promotional material. Date What topics will be covered? Unit Contents What will learners do? Participate in discussion of assessment requirements. How will learning be checked? Key/Basic Skills: Questioning with regard to specifications What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Assignment Brief, Participate in thought shower of what Marketing is. Definition of Marketing PEST Analysis: Political, Economic, Social, Technological Week 1 Read and discuss handout showing definition of Marketing Question and Answer, learners will also write the definition in their own words C3.1a, C3.1b Working in small groups using a range of resources learners will produce a poster highlighting the key elements of one of the PEST factors Learners will be able to identify examples of their factor highlighting positive and negative impacts on the T&T industry. C3.1a, C3.1b Each group of learners will then present their findings to the group Learners will be able to explain PEST analysis in relation to the T&T Industry highlighting positive and negative impacts. Lecturers and learners will ask each group a number of questions in order to check and reinforce understanding C3.1a, C3.1b Production of Task 1 IT2.1, IT2.2 C3.2 Learners will be given the opportunity to begin wordprocessing Task 1 PEST resources, sugar paper and pens Previously used PEST resources and computers Learners are to begin wordprocessing Task 1 Date Week 2 What topics will be covered? PEST Analysis Company Ethos Consumer Protection Standards of Practice What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Key/Basic Skills: What resources are needed? Learners will play PEST Dominoes game in order to recap previous lesson Successful completion of Dominoes game C3.1a, C3.1b Class discussion of PEST in order to reinforce prior learning Oral Participation C3.1a, C3.1b Working in small groups using a range of resources learners will produce a poster highlighting the key elements of the final three factors Learners will be able to identify examples of the factors highlighting positive and negative impacts on the T&T industry. C3.1a, C3.1b Handouts, Textbooks, sugar paper and pens Each group of learners will then present their findings to the group Learners will be able to explain their findings in relation to the T&T Industry highlighting positive and negative impacts. Lecturers and learners will ask each group a number of questions in order to check and reinforce understanding C3.1a, C3.1b Handouts, Textbooks, sugar paper and pens Learners will be given the opportunity to continue wordprocessing Task 1 Production of Task 1 IT2.1, IT2.2 C3.2 Computers, class notes What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? PEST Dominoes To word-process Task 1 Date Week 3 What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Factors affecting marketing T&T products and services Learners are required to finalise Task 1 and submit it for grading Assessment and Grading Marketing Mix Definition Copy definition off board and participate in discussion Question and answer Product Receive 4P’s handout. Following handout and interactive whiteboard learners will participate in class discussion of “Product”. Learners must relate the theory to their chosen organisation. Question and answer, completion of worksheet. Key/Basic Skills: What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Begin to word process Task 2 C3.1a, C3.1b Whiteboard and Interactive whiteboard C3.1a, C3.1b Whiteboard, handouts, worksheets, paper Christmas Break Christmas Break Marketing Mix – Product Life Cycle Week 4 Receive handout, participate in discussion, and make relevant notes on handout. Produce PLC diagram and label. Question and answer, completion of worksheet, drawing of diagram. Complete corrections from Task 1 and word process Task 2 Date What topics will be covered? How will learning be checked? Key/Basic Skills: What resources are needed? Price Receive handout, participate in discussion, and make relevant notes on handout. Identify Price strategy for your chosen organisation Question and answer, completion of worksheet, C3.1a, C3.1b Whiteboard, handouts, worksheets, paper Place Receive handout, participate in discussion, and make relevant notes on handout. Identify “Place” for your chosen organisation Question and answer, completion of worksheet, C3.1a, C3.1b Whiteboard, handouts, worksheets, paper Promotion Receive handout, participate in discussion, and make relevant notes on handout. Identify “Promotion” for your chosen organisation C3.1a, C3.1b Whiteboard, handouts, worksheets, paper C3.2, C3.3, IT2.1, IT2.2 Assignment briefs, class handouts/notes, computers Marketing Mix Week 5 What will learners do? Learners are requested to seek support and advice in order for them to successfully complete this task. Assessment and Grading What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Completion of Task 2 Date What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Key/Basic Skills: What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Learners are required to finalise Task 2 and submit it for grading. Market Research: Primary: Plan – objectives, Plan - methods, Week 6 Plan - target group Design market research documentation Market Research: Week 7 Conduct Market Research Secondary Learners will identify possible objectives for their research activity. Market Research Plan – Objectives C3.1a, C3.1b PowerPoint, handout of slides Working in 5 small groups learners will identify the advantages and disadvantages of primary market research methods. Feedback to class C3.1a, C3.1b PowerPoint, handout of slides Sugar paper/pens PowerPoint, handout of slides Learners will identify a possible target group for their research Market research plan – target group C3.1a, C3.1b Learners will produce their own market research documentation for the plan Market research documentation IT2.1, IT2.2 Copies of questionnaires, computers, previous class handouts Learners are to finalise market research method and carry out research Production of market research document and ability to carry out research. Analysis of findings C3.1a, C3.1b Copies of market research documentation Carry out secondary Research findings and Produce market research plan Secondary Carry out market research Date What topics will be covered? How will learning be checked? research and analyse findings analysis Market Research: Primary and Secondary Learners are requested to seek support and advice in order for them to successfully complete the task Assessment and Grading Market research: Primary and Secondary Learners are required to finalise Task 3 and submit it for grading Assessment and grading Learners need to plan their own promotional plan using the following criteria: objectives, methods, target group, timing, budget, monitoring and evaluating procedures Learners are to produce and present a PowerPoint presentation of their promotional plan Learners are to produce their own promotional material Production of promotional material Week 8 Week 9 What will learners do? Plan and prepare a promotional campaign using the following criteria: objectives, methods, target group, timing, budget, monitoring and evaluating procedures Promotional Materials: leaflet, advert, direct marketing Key/Basic Skills: What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? research materials C3.2, C3.3, IT2.2, IT2.3 Task 3 – market research as this will inform decision-making. Computers, samples of promotional materials Work on Task 3 Date What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Plan and prepare a promotional campaign Learners are requested to seek support and advice in order for them to successfully complete the task Assessment and Grading Full Unit Learners are required to finalise Task 4 and submit it for grading Resubmission of assignment Week 10 Week 11 Make improvements to any of the tasks in order to achieve higher grades Key/Basic Skills: What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Task 4, any corrections or improvements on any of the four tasks