Steps for Writing a Theme Paper over Animal Dreams 1. Select a Topic: Read over the list of suggested topics, or create your own topic and have it approved by me. A topic is an area of general interest. TOPIC: 2. Thesis Statement: Topics are only the starting place for thinking about what to write about. They are too broad to be the focus of an essay. You will need to narrow your focus with a thesis statement. A thesis statement states the idea you have about your topic. It might help to think about this as the “take” you have on the topic, what you have to say about it. It should answer the question “What about it?” or “So what?” A thesis statement should be: insightful—your idea should be new thinking. Insight comes from inferences you make based on close reading and your own experiences. arguable—the job of your essay is to prove your thesis. That means that there should be another side to the issue. clear—the thesis is a roadmap, determining the direction of the essay. It should be clear where your essay is heading, what it’s trying to say, and could even list the main points about how you’re going to get there. EXAMPLES: Topic: There are many different heroes in the novel. (What about it?) Thesis: Animal Dreams shows that all that is necessary to be a hero is to engage with the world rather than to run away from it. Topic: Codi and Hallie are similar in some ways and different in others. (So what? What about it?) Thesis: Though Codi and Hallie appear to be opposites, they are, at their core, both passionate people who care about their worlds. Topic: Images of death and bones pervade Kingsolver’s novel. (So what?) Thesis: Codi’s dislocation from her roots is reinforced by images of death and bones. Your thesis: 3. Key Points: Once you’ve drafted a thesis (which will be the hardest sentence of the whole essay), you need to figure out what your main points will be. A good thesis points out the way. List them. Make sure that each one in some way defends or develops some part of your thesis statement. Each one will be an idea, around which a whole paragraph will be built. EXAMPLES: (on overhead) YOUR KEY POINTS: (there’s no set number of main ideas, but there should probably be at least three) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4. Support/Specifics How are you going to support each of your points. What specifics from the book can you use? Identify at least one good quote to use in each of your paragraphs. Copy each of them out. Include page numbers. 5. Introductory Paragraph: This paragraph needs to mention the author and title of the novel, give a (brief) summary/explanation about what the novel is about, and invite the reader into the topic. It usually ends with the thesis statement. 6. Body Paragraphs: Each of the rest of the paragraphs in your essay needs to begin with a topic sentence. This topic sentence is like a mini-thesis. It should state the main idea of the paragraph, and also show clearly how that paragraph is connected with the thesis of the whole essay. Each paragraph needs to end (or begin) with a transition sentence that leads the reader smoothly from one paragraph to the next. 7. Conclusion: This is the final paragraph of your essay. In it, you should briefly sum up the various points you’ve made in the body of your essay, and logically reach the conclusion of your paper, which should be similar (but not identical) to your thesis. If you find, upon reaching your conclusion, that you’ve proven something other than what you set out to prove, or reached totally new conclusions, you need to go back and rewrite your thesis, and body of your paper to reflect your new insights (highly recommended). REQUIREMENTS: *500-750 words *Typed, double-spaced, using MLA format (see below) *Include at least three good, relevant supporting quotes, which are introduced (placed in context), used (and formatted correctly) and then explained/analyzed. 1st Draft due: (this is a completed draft—typed, MLA format—that we will edit in class) Final Draft due: Last name, page # Name ____words Ms. Martin Advanced English 10 Date Juicy Title that Reflects your Topic (centered) Start typing here. Everything should be double-spaced, with no extra spaces between paragraphs. The beginning of each paragraph should be indented. All direct quotes should be worked into your sentences, which should be grammatically Correct. Quote the passage and cite the page number parenthetically. ANIMAL DREAMS Essay Grading Rubric Essay: Excellent Has an introductory paragraph that introduces author, title, issues to be discussed. Has an insightful, clear, arguable thesis statement. Body Para. #1 has good topic sent. Body Para.#1 is supported w/ LOTS of specifics from the text. Body Para. #2 has good topic sent. Body Para.#2 is supported w/ LOTS of specifics from the text. Body Para. #3 has good topic sent. Body Para.#3 is supported w/ LOTS of specifics from the text. Quotes are introduced/used/ explained and formatted correctly. Essay ends with a concluding paragraph that wraps up the discussion. Satisfactory Needs Work Not present