Wellness Portfolio Criteria HSC 106 Healthy Lifestyles DUE: _____________________at the beginning of class - 250 points The wellness portfolio examines all dimensions of health and wellness including: physical, psychological, intellectual, spiritual, social and environmental. This portfolio includes completing an online Wellness Inventory as well as completing wellness worksheets that allow students to assess their own wellness. Students will also use this information to create a personal mission statement. Wellness Worksheets can be accessed from the Blackboard website under “course assignments”. **Students will complete a Wellness Inventory on www.testwell.org and Wellness Worksheets 2, 3, 11, 14, & 17** Psychological/Physical Wellness: 30 points Begin by logging on to www.testwell.org and complete an online assessment. Go to “Free Wellness Inventories”, then select “College” and follow the instructions. Include a printout of your results summary with this project. Worksheet #11 focuses on stress. Stress can play a major role in our psychological and physical wellness. Complete this Wellness Worksheet to pinpoint time-related difficulties as well as strategies to reduce key stressors in your life. Social Wellness: 10 points Satisfying relationships are basic to both physical and emotional health. Developing interpersonal wellness includes learning good communication skills. Complete Wellness Worksheet #2 to assess how much you know about how men and women communicate with one another. Write a short summary of your findings at the end of this worksheet. Intellectual Wellness: 20 points Intellectual Wellness includes the capacity to question and think critically while making wise decisions. While completing Wellness Worksheet #3 students will become more aware of the power of advertising as they critically analyze an advertisement for an alcohol or tobacco product. This ad must be turned in with this project. ONLY MAGAZINE ADVERTISEMENTS WILL COUNT!!! Environmental Wellness: 10 points Wellness Worksheet #14 allows students to reflect on ways their behaviors and lifestyle directly impacts the environment they live in. Please complete this worksheet. Spiritual Wellness: 10 points Spiritual wellness is having meaning and purpose in your life. Wellness Worksheet #17 allows you to take inventory about the values in your life. This is also the rough draft for your personal mission statement. Please take time to reflect and carefully and honestly answer each question on this worksheet. 1 Personal Mission Statement: 20 points After carefully answering each of the questions in Wellness Worksheet #17, write your personal mission statement. This will need to be typed on a separate page. A powerpoint lecture about mission statements can also be found in the “Wellness Portfolio” folder for your review. Helpful Tips: Each statement can begin with "I believe". You can divide your mission statement into your roles. It can be a slogan, one paragraph, a whole page, etc. Remember, it's for you. It is easier just to get something on paper quickly, then revise. Start with words or phrases if sentences are a struggle. Paper: 100 points Students will need to write a 3-page (double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, black ink) summary of their findings. You will need to reflect on the above areas of wellness and state your own findings from completing the worksheets. Make sure to include all of the dimensions of wellness in your findings. To supplement these materials the student will also find at least three additional scholarly references (one from the library and one from the internet, and one more from either the library or internet) related to one of the six dimensions of wellness. However, ALL THREE references must be from scholarly sources. You may not use our textbook as a reference. These articles must be attached to your portfolio. When finding resources, please refer to the Library Guide: Distinguishing Scholarly From Non-Scholarly Periodicals, a Checklist of Criteria which can be found on the blackboard site under "Course Assignments,” then "Wellness Portfolio Fall 2006". References: 25 points Center the word "References" on the top of the page. Use the APA format example sheet that can be found on the blackboard site under "Course Assignments,” then "Wellness Portfolio Fall 2006" to cite the minimum of 3 references used in your paper. It should be in alphabetical order by author. If the author is unknown, place the reference according to article title. Also include a photocopy or print out of the information cited. Keys to successful completion of this Wellness Portfolio: 1. Use a standard 12-point font (e.g. Times New Roman) and do not write the body in UPPERCASE. 2. Double-space your paper. 3. Make sure that you proofread, spell-check, and grammar-check your project. 4. Turn in project with a single staple in the upper left hand corner (NO binders, folders, etc.). 5. Use scholarly references only (e.g. a peer-reviewed journal). 6. Use APA format for citing references within paper and on the separate reference page. Make sure to attach a copy of your references. 2 7. Answer the questions asked in each Wellness Worksheet and include any additional information (i.e. advertisement attached, results attached). 8. Include the final personal mission statement as well as the rough draft (Wellness Worksheet #17) ____________________________________________________________________ Wellness Portfolio Template This template should serve as your guide as you complete this project. Make sure to put items in the order specified and to include all components. I. II. III. IV. V. Title Page a. Title of Project b. Your Name c. Date Testwell.org Results a. Copy of http://testwell.org. results Wellness Worksheets (PLEASE PUT IN NUMERICAL ORDER, REGARDLESS OF WHAT DIMENSION OF WELLNESS THEY BELONG TO!!!) a. Wellness Worksheet # 2 What’s Your Gender Communication Quotient b. Wellness Worksheet # 3 Analyzing Advertisements i. Include copy of your advertisement c. Wellness Worksheet # 11 Time Stress Questionnaire d. Wellness Worksheet #14 Environmental Health Checklist Personal Mission Statement a. Wellness Worksheet #17 Self-Exploration: Identity, Values, Experiences, Goals b. Final personal mission statement Paper a. 3 paged summary of findings including all dimensions of wellness citing 3 references in APA format b. Reference page in APA format c. Copy or print out of references used. 3