Lord of the Flies Analytical Essay.doc

Name: __________________________________
Lord of the Flies Analytical Essay
Of his novel Lord of the Flies, Golding said, “The whole book is symbolic in nature.” He said that the
purpose of the novel was to show his readers the significant defects or flaws of human nature. Now
that you’ve read the novel and learned about some of Golding’s symbols in it, it’s time to show what
you understand about these defects or flaws.
Assignment: Write a 4-5 page essay that states what you think is the most significant defect or flaw
of human nature in Lord of the Flies. This statement is to be supported by analyzing three symbols in
Lord of the Flies that represent this defect or flaw. You will use examples from the text as well as
literary criticism to build your argument.
Introduction to paper; begin pre-writing
Conference over pre-writing; primary
source note cards
Secondary source note cards
Complete outline and draft a working
thesis statement
Conference over thesis; write draft of first
Conference over first symbol; write draft
of second symbol
Conference over second symbol; make
changes to first and second symbols
Write draft of third symbol
Conference over third symbol; write
introduction; peer review
Write conclusion and Works Cited;
format paper
Complete pre-writing if necessary; decide
on symbolism for each symbol; have book
for class
Complete primary source cards
Complete all note cards for Monday –
make sure they are shared on
Make changes to note cards
Complete draft of first symbol by 9 PM
Complete draft of second symbol by 9 PM;
Make changes to first symbol draft
Complete changes to first and second
symbol drafts by Monday
Complete draft of third symbol by 9 PM
Make changes to introduction based on
peer review
Make final edits and complete checklist
Symbols: You may choose any three of the following symbols to explore in your essay:
Simon’s death
Roger’s stones
The beast
The “littluns”
Piggy’s death
Jack’s mask
The fire as rescue signal
The fire out of control
Destruction of conch
Piggy’s glasses
Lord of the Flies
The conch
The parachutist
Naval officer/ship
Lord of the Flies Final Assignment Rubric
MLA Format
Double Space, Times New Roman, 12 point font, 4-5 pages in length
In text and paraphrase citation correct (period on outside of parentheses, proper page number
Formatting (header, page numbers, title, etc.) follows directions provided
Critical Thinking
 Provides a specific thesis statement that is unique and meaningful to the paper
 Clearly explores a significant defect or flaw of human nature in Lord of the Flies
 The interpretation of the examples and ideas are not oversimplified as made evident by
generalizations or overlooking key points
 Introduction: develops primary idea within thesis, clearly identifies thesis statement, identifies
author and text by full name
 Body paragraphs flow in a logical, cohesive order
 Transitions exist between paragraphs and sentences to connect ideas
 Conclusion summarizes clearly
 At least one quote from primary source (LOTF) for each symbol
 At least one quote from a secondary source
 In depth analysis of three symbols and what they represent
 Analysis shows explicit links to human defect being explored
 Plot summary is avoided
 Spelling/grammar
 Refer to author by last name after first reference
 Write about literature in the present tense
 Write in the active voice
 No contractions or personal pronouns
Name: ____________________________
Lord of the Flies Analytical Essay Pre-Writing
Sample Thesis Statement: In Lord of the Flies, Golding uses the boys’ reactions to
influential characters to show humanity’s fixation on savage violence.
1. In the above thesis statement (for an imaginary essay), what words indicate the “defect of human
nature” that will be discussed in the essay?
2. Take a look at your notes from the symbol PowerPoint projects. What symbols do you think could
support the above thesis statement? Why?
3. Take another look at your notes from the symbol PowerPoint projects. Write 5-7 symbols that you
clearly understand.
4. Do you notice any pattern among a few (3) of these symbols? As in the example above, do some of
these demonstrate the same, or close to the same, defect or flaw of humanity?
Please turn over and complete the back. Then, get your pre-writing approved by me before moving
Now, time for final decisions:
1. What defect of human nature are you going to explore in your essay? (You MUST pick ONLY
2. What three symbols are you going to use to prove that this is indeed a defect of human nature
present in the novel?
After you have gotten your pre-writing approved, you may begin researching primary sources. You
must collect two quotes from the novel for each symbol. Good luck!
Name: ____________________________________
Lord of the Flies Analytical Essay Outline
For EACH of your three symbols, you are going to answer the following questions. I have provided
guidance for you based on what we did in class together when we discussed the symbolism of the
beast, the conch, and Roger. You must also indicate where you plan on including your literary
criticism and provide the quotation with a citation.
1. What does your chosen symbol symbolize and how do you know?
For this question, I could say that the beast symbolizes the evil inside all of us and use Simon’s
conversation with the Lord of the Flies as evidence.
2. How does this symbol relate to your chosen defect of human nature?
For this question, I could explain how fear of the unknown causes the boys to imagine the existence
of a beast. Because they are unsure of what the beast is (the unknown), they allow their
imaginations to run wild and they attack whatever is unknown to them.
3. What is the impact of this defect of human nature? In other words, what message is Golding
sending about the defect impacts society through his use of the symbol?
For this question, I could explain that fear and doubt arising from not knowing what the beast is
causes the boys to resort to savagery and violence, as seen in the death of Simon. Because the boys’
fear causes them to assume the worst in terms of the beast, they feel they have no option but to fight
back with violence, which exposes the evil present in all of them.
Name: ________________________________
Lord of the Flies Analytical Essay: Primary Source Note Cards
In Noodlebib, you are going to create six primary source note cards. You should find two quotes from
the novel for each of your three symbols. The point here is that you are gathering the
evidence needed to determine what your symbol represents. You will then use these quotes
in your paper to prove what your symbol represents. For example, if I were using the beast as one of
my symbols, I would use a quote from Simon’s conversation with the pig’s head as one of my two
1. Direct Quotation: In this box, you should write the quote verbatim from the novel. Make sure you
include the correct in-text citation (Author’s last name page number).
2. Paraphrase – In this box, provide context for the quotation above. Where in the text does this line
appear? Who says it? To whom is this person speaking? This will become the “I” (introduction to the
quote) portion of your paragraph.
3. My Ideas – In this box, you should ask a minimum of two questions and answer them. Remember,
you are pulling apart the quote in order to determine what your symbol symbolizes.
At the end of the second card for each symbol, you must also include a hypothesis for what you believe
your symbol symbolizes.
The primary source note cards will be graded as classwork. Any work not completed in class today
will be done for homework.
Rubric for Primary Source Note Cards
____/5 (You must meet or exceed the requirements for number of note cards)
____/10 (Notes are well developed, substantive, and thoughtful. You provided a direct
quote and an original idea on every card. Your work suggests a serious investment of
time and effort)
____/5 (Fewer than three errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization)
Name: ________________________________
Lord of the Flies Analytical Essay: Secondary Source Note Cards
In Noodlebib, you are going to create two secondary source note cards. You should find sources that
help to reinforce your point. Remember, the purpose of literary criticism is not to take someone else’s
ideas and use them as your own. You should be finding evidence that supports your argument, just as
you do when you use primary sources. You may use literary criticism to either reinforce the
symbolism or the discussion of the defect of human nature.
1. Make sure you complete the bibliographic information completely and correctly. This will help you
immensely when you make your Works Cited.
2. Direct Quotation: In this box, you should write the quote verbatim from the source. Make sure
you include the correct in-text citation (Author’s last name page number).
3. Paraphrase – In this box, explain in your own words what the quote means. If you can’t
understand the quote, then you won’t be able to use it properly in your paper.
4. My Ideas – In this box, you should discuss how this research may be helpful when writing your
final paper. Consider: Where could you use this evidence? How does it reinforce a point that you
were already planning to make in your essay?
The secondary source note cards will be graded as classwork. Any work not completed in class today
will be done for homework.
Rubric for Secondary Source Note Cards
____/2.5 (You must meet or exceed the requirements for number of note cards)
____/5 (Notes are well developed, substantive, and thoughtful. You provided a direct
quote and an original idea on every card. Your work suggests a serious investment of
time and effort)
____/2.5 (Fewer than three errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization)