Soal Descriptive text ( MGMP )

Soal Descriptive text ( MGMP )
My Blewuk
I have some pets. However my favorite pet is Blewuk.
Blewuk is a male cat I call it Blewuk because his fur is grey. He is adorable with his
soft stripes. He has innocent round eyes and feeble sweet voice. He always meow
when he feels hungry. Actually his voice is not suitable with his giant body. When I
come home, he usually gives me a kiss.
Blewuk is a nice playmate. I’m happy to spend my time with him. Most of the
time, he’s a good boy. It’s almost impossible for me to be angry with him. In the
morning he always wakes me up early. When he wakes up early, he waits quitly by
me beside until I wake up.
1. Why is the pet called Blewuk?
a. Because it has got sweet voice.
b. Because it is a male cat
c. Because it is adorable
d. Because of the color of his fur
2. Based on the text we know that…
a. Blewuk always kisses the writer in the morning
b. Every morning, the writer always wakes Blewuk up
c. Blewuk is a big cat
d. Blewuk is female
3. What does the word feeble in the text mean?
4. What does the word ‘he’ in the sentence : … “ he usually gives me a kiss “.
Refer to…?
a. Blewuk
b. The writer
c. The reader
d. The writer’s friend
5. What does the word ‘adorable’ has the same meaning with…?
a. very big
b. funny
c. lovely
6. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To entertain the reader
b. To describe about the Blewuk
c To describe how to look after the blewuk
d. To give inform about The Blewuk
7. We can find the physical description of Blewuk in the….paragraph.
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
8. When does Blewuk gives a kiss to the writer?
a. When the writer comes
b. When Blewuk feels hungry
c. When the writer wakes up
d. When Blewuk wakes up earlier
Nabila is the youngest in our family. She is fourteen years old and four years
Younger than me. He has long, straigt hair, bright eyes, and a friendly smile.
Sometimes, he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what she is
to do.
Nabila is interested in drawing very much. She likes to draw some kind of flowers.
Everyday she draws flowers and coloring well. She often take parts in drawing
9. What is the text mostly about?
a. Nabila
b. Nabila’s hobby
c. Nabila’s family
d. Nabila’s elder sister
10. From the text we know that…
a. The writer’s youngest sister
b. The writer’s elder sister
c. A naughty girl
d. A riendy girl
11. Based on the text we know that the writer is…years old.
a. fourteen
b. sixteen
c. eighteen
d. nineteen
12. “Nabila is interested in drawing very much.”
The underlined phrase can be replaced with…
a. dislike drawing
b. really likes drawing
c. hates drawing very much
d. finds drawing not really entertaining
13. “She is rather naughty at home.” What is the antonym of the word naughty in
this sentence …?
a. obey
b. disobey
c. kindly
d. friendly
14. What is the main idea of the second paragraph…?
Nabila’s family
Nabila’s sister
Nabila’s hobby
Koes Plus was well known as a pop music group in the seventies until the
eighties. At that time, most Indonesian people were crazy about their songs because
they were nice and simple. Every radio station broadcasted their songs and always put
them in the top of music. Their music shows were always full of audience.
15. What is the purpose of the text…?
a. To entertain the readers with Koes Plus
b. To persuade the readers to listen Koes Plus songs
c. To describe about Koes Plus
d. To ask the students to see Koes Plus show
16. Most Indonesian people were crazy about their songs…
What does the underlined phrase mean…?
a. fanatic
b. mad
c. drunken
d. lazy
17. “ Every radio station broadcasted their songs…” The word “their “ in this
Sentence refer to…
a. songs
b. radio
c. musics
d. Koes Plus
18. “ Koes Plus was well known as a pop music group…” The word well known
Has the same meaning with…
a. favorite
b. popular
c. interested
d. diligent
19. Why were Indonesian people crazy about their songs?
Because their songs were…
nice and simple
nice and wellknown
simple and wellkown
interesting and simple
The wonder boy, Wayne Rooney is a very popular footballer in the world. At the
age of 16, Rooney was a top goal scorer for Everton. His first team.
Wayne Rooney was born on October 24th, 1985 I Liverpool. He is the son of a
working class family. He grew up in Croxteth. He was brought up in a three bedroom
house with his parents, Jeanette and Wayne had a drem. He wanted to be the best
footballer. His family were Evert loversand Rooney’s old bedroom window was
filled with Everton Flags.
His debut in Everton Football Club was in August 2002. His first league goal
came in October 2002 when he became the youngest goal scorerin the story of the
premier League at at the age of 16 years. In 2004, he joined Manchester United.
Nowdays he becomes the world’s most expensive teenager football player.
20. What is the text mostly about?
a. England football player
b. Wonder boys
c. Wayne Rooney
d. Top goal scorer
21. In what club did Wayne Rooney score his first goal ?
a. Arsenal
b. Manchester United
c. Everton
d. Liverpool
22. What is the main idea of paragraph one…?
a. Rooney is very popular
b. Rooney lives in simple family
c. Rooney becomes the youngest footballer
d. Rooney has been fan on Everton since he was young
23. “…He was brought up in a three bedroom house…”.
The word he in this sentence refer to…
a. Wayne Rooney
b. Graham Rooney
c. John Rooney
d. Wayne’s father
24. “In 2004, he joined Manchester United. The underlined word in this sentence
has the same meaning with…
a. look for
b. take part
c. arrived
d. look for
25. When did his first league goal come?
a. October 1985
b. August 2002
c. September 2002
d. October 2002
Her name is Sinna Sherina Munaf, but you can call her Sherina only. He was born in
Bandung 11th June 1990 as the middle child from 3 siblings. Her big sister is Virania
Sherina's parents are Triawan and Luki. Her father’s full name is Triawan Munaf, works as
ads designer and ex-musician. Her mother’s full name is Luki Ariani.
Sherina is a singer. She has a lovely voice. She began to sing since he was child. One of her
famous song is "Petualangan Sherina". Sherina has ever sung duet with Westlife in 1998.
Sherina often changes her appearance. Sometimes she comes with her long hair and
sometimes with her short hair. But she’s still cute enough for everything she does.
26. How many sisters does Sherina have?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
27. What is Sherina’s father? She is a….
a. singer
b. musician
c. designer
d. designer and musician
28. How old is Sherina in 2010 ? She is…
a. 18 years old.
b. 19 years old
c. 20 years old
d. 21 years old
29. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. Sherina
b. Sherina’s parents
c. Sherina’s carrer
d. Sherina’s appearance
30. “…as the middle child from three sibling.” What is the same
meaning with the word sibling in this sentence?
My Bedroom
My bedroom is my favorite room in my house. I enjoy my bedroom
because it describes me. The things that describe me the most in
my room are the wall colors, bedroom suit, and the decorations.
Over the years, my room has changed from being a “kid” room to
being a “teenage” room. When I was younger my mom decorated
my room. When I was younger, I could not wait until I was older so
that I could decorate my room however I wanted. When I was
younger I had to share a bedroom with my sister. I finally moved
into my own room when my brother moved out. This seemed like
one of the greatest days of my life. The smell of my room makes
me think of the spring time when all of the flowers are blooming.
When I enter my room I hear my radio, which reminds me of a day
of listening to music and hanging out with friends.
My walls are as chocolate as a Hershey bar. The reason that I
chose this color brown for my room is that it matched a lot of
colors and it is unusual for people to have a chocolate brown room.
I also like this color because it is easy to match things with. When I
was younger my bedroom was very girly and brightly painted. My
wall color was yellow before we painted it.
I have a wooden bedroom suit. I have a queen size bed, a
nightstand, and two dressers. They all match. The comforter on my
bed is pink, green, and white, and it is made by Polo Ralph Lauren.
It describes the girly side of me. Before I had a queen size bed, I
had a twin size bed. It was really small. I enjoy my much larger
bed now. My nightstand comes in handy for storing my midnight
snack and drink. The two dressers give me more space to hold my
massive collection of t-shirts.
My favorite thing about my bedroom is the decorations. I have
many paintings in my room. The one I like the most is the collage
painting. It has all the activities that I participate in such as,
running, hunting, church, family, and friends. I also have many
trophies in my room that describe what sports and other activities
that I participate in. My favorite decoration in my room is my cork
board. I have all my memories from my junior year. This is the
decoration in my room that describes me the most. When I was
younger the decorations in my room were baby dolls and trophies,
not canvases and vases. I love my room so much more now that I
get to decorate it myself. I have lots of picture frames sitting in my
room with memories that my friends and I have made throughout
the years. The decorations in my room help to make me happy
when I am in an irritable mood. The decorations in my room help
tie the room together.
I have always enjoyed my room. It has always been my favorite
room of my house because it describes so many aspects of my life.
The three main things in my room that describe me is the wall
color, bedroom suit, and decorations. My friends and I enjoy
spending time in my room. We can always find something
interesting to do.
31. The following statements are the things that describes the writer
most in her rooms except…
a. bedroom suit
b. wall colors
c. decoration
d. beautiful painting
32.Who decorated the writer’s bedroom when she was younger?
a. her mother
b.her father
c.her sister
d.her friend
33. The following that is NOT TRUE based on the writer’s reason
chose brown for her room is…
a. her mother’s favorite color is brown
b. It matched a lot of color
c Unusual for people to have a chocolate brown room
c. It is easy to match things with
34. Which paragraph describes that bedroom is the writer’s favorite
35. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
The writer’s favorite room
The reason that the writer chose brown for her room.
The appearance of the write’s bedroom
Bedroom can describe so many aspects of her life.
36. …That it matched a lot of color. ( paragraph.2 ). The word
matched in this sentence has the same meaning with…
a. suit
b. comfortable
c. beautiful
d. nice