BEING THE BEST WE CAN Key results for public library services Hobsons Bay Libraries Self-evaluation and Peer Review Report December 2012 Contents Executive summary ........................................................................................................ 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 7 Key dates .................................................................................................................. 12 Team involved in the self-evaluation ....................................................................... 12 Summary results .......................................................................................................... 14 Overall ratings .......................................................................................................... 14 Key strengths ........................................................................................................... 14 Key opportunities for improvement ........................................................................ 15 Five-star ratings........................................................................................................ 16 Improvement plan ....................................................................................................... 17 Detailed findings .......................................................................................................... 28 Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries -2- Executive summary Hobsons Bay Libraries commenced the “Being the Best we Can” continuous improvement program in September 2011. The program has proved itself to be an ideal complement to the Library Strategic Plan process undertaken in 2012. Five members of the leadership team attended the Comparing and Sharing forum at the State Library on the 28th June 2011 and it was formally proposed and agreed to undertake the program. The leadership team prioritised three Key Result Areas (KRA) in 2011: KRA 1 Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure KRA 2 Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing and KRA 4 Demonstrating leadership Given the workloads associated with the Williamstown Library construction and the Website Redevelopment it was agreed that the remaining KRAs would be completed at a later date. A meeting in August outlined the program and its benefits to all staff. An Expression of Interest recruited the 12 staff members from across all level and service areas. The KRA teams bring a wide variety of experience and backgrounds. The preliminary evaluation workshop was held on the 28th September 2011. Each of the teams met weekly with the group leaders communicating regularly with the project leader. Hobsons Bay Libraries are using the Being the Best process to provide valuable information into the Strategic Plan. It is also seen as a way to celebrate all that we do and give staff an opportunity to learn more about the library service. Overall we have assessed that Hobsons Bay for a small metropolitan library service, is high performing particularly in the community engagement area. Key highlights and strengths identified for KRA’s 1, 2 & 4 included: Staff Culture - Is a critical factor in our success. The Fish Philosophy and training programs such as the Webolution characterise the commitment, fun, passion and diversity that the staff bring to their core service delivery. Partnership - The library teams develop great partnerships and endeavour to work in collaboration with a wide range of community organisations. Integrated Planning - The annual business planning is embedded into each of the key Council strategies. The planning processes focus on social inclusion through the comprehensive Social Planning Tool. Facilities- The Council recognises and values the achievements of the Libraries and their reach into the community. It has invested over $16 million into the Libraries’ physical buildings, technology and equipment in the last six years. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries -3- The Outreach and Community Engagement Manual - A key document guiding the staff in the how, what, and why of programs, marketing and community engagement. Visual Identity - We have a strong identity and branding within the community. Programs - Reach a wide cross section of the community with over 24,000 members of the community attending over 2,000 programs, events and training sessions. We have significant strengths in several program areas that we believe are unique: o Libraries on Location o Regular bilingual storytimes including Auslan o A Libraries for All program aimed at breaking down barriers for people with disabilities We have significant collection strengths that support specific programs o Local and Family History collections including Maritime and Railway History o An Environment Resource Collection including taxidermied animals The most significant challenges identified impacting service delivery for KRA’s 1, 2 & 4 were: Update the website - Currently the website provides basic information for our services, but it is an older website with no social media presence. This limits the capacity of the Library to connect with the community in the online or virtual environment. This ability to interact in a virtual branch has been identified in the improvement plan. Develop a comprehensive Digital Services Strategy - This is required to provide a strong foundation for the improvement of all technology elements hardware, software and Web 2.0 Clarify the purpose and benefits of the Employment and Lifelong Learning Strategy - Lack of understanding means that there isn’t a consistent message to the community about lifelong learning programs and initiatives. Update the Collection Development Policy and Plan - The absence of a current plan hinders the staff knowledge of why and what we collect. Develop a better process to capture the trends and changes resulting from evaluations and feedback - These are stories that are useful to share with all stakeholders including the staff and the Councillors. Develop a more comprehensive staff intranet site - This will provide the basis for sharing “stories”, information and knowledge and to celebrate success. Audit and develop a staff skills and interest database - This will assist in targeting short and long term training needs. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries -4- In October 2012 phase two of Being the Best we Can commenced to complete the remaining two Key Result Areas in the program: KRA 3 Developing social capital KRA 5 Designing, managing and improving systems and processes. Learning from the experiences of the participants in phase one, an Expression of Interest was called for looking for a different team of staff to complete the program as well as two participants from stage one to act as mentors to the second group. Phase Two’s Team is made up of seven staff and two mentors, working in a variety of roles and with experience at Hobsons Bay ranging from 20+ years to just two months. The preliminary evaluation workshop was held on the 4th October 2012. The team was split in half to cover the two of the KRAs, meeting fortnightly as separate teams and as a larger group in the alternate week. Significant achievements since the completion of phase one of the project were identified as: Completion of the website redevelopment, which included the introduction of social media technologies Completion of the Library Strategic Plan, which has been approved to go out for community consultation over the summer Council approval of the Collection Development Policy, along with the new Collection Tender Contract Completion of a draft Digital Services Strategy, draft Marketing Strategy and the commencement of a Workforce Development Plan The changeover of shelving staff from casual to permanent part time The opening of Williamstown Library The change of Newport’s operating hours to attract commuter traffic to the train and bus stations There have also been a number of other, less tangible, improvements relating to culture and professional development: 11 staff have now completed the Frontline program, with 2 in the final stages and 2 more working in module 2 of the final round. One meeting has already been held with the Frontline Team to identify ways of rolling key elements of the program out to the wider team A new section has been added to the weekly staff newsletter called “a training tale” giving the team an opportunity to share professional development experience, sharing stories through the “bubbles” section is also a popular part of the newsletter As the National Year of Reading comes to a close a meeting has already been held with outreach staff in an attempt to harness the positive energy from 2012 and roll it into 2013 with a new theme for Hobsons Bay “every story has a reader” Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries -5- Key highlights and strengths identified for KRA 3 & 5 were: Library places and spaces o The library re-developments which have seen three new libraries in the last seven years. o The flexibility of library spaces Technology and Innovation o The introduction of technology and workflows that can support service delivery in a variety of spaces o Introduction of the social networking to our marketing opportunities o Introduction of a Digital Services Team Community Engagement o The variety and increased community benefit from our partnerships o The flexibility of service delivery and programming to extend past the library walls Library documentation and processes o The completion of reviews of critical documentation such as the strategic plan and collection development policy o Staff access the training manuals and guidelines at each branch o Access to ongoing corporate and library training The most significant challenges consistently identified that impact on service delivery were: Keeping up with the increasing demand for access to services - towards a 24/7 service delivery Keeping up with demand for volunteering opportunities at the library As the service becomes more dependent on technology – the need to increased access and flexibility is currently pushing the boundaries of Council IT Policies. Keeping the team up-to-date with information and training as the service develops, hours extend and staffing numbers grow The ability to accurately, predict and or capture community wants, needs and interest. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries -6- Introduction Libraries for a lifetime – growing our community’s potential. We are a dynamic inclusive library, connecting people, information and ideas – anytime, anywhere. We facilitate and guide access to information, lifelong learning, reading and recreation. We inspire, empower and enrich our community through industry leading programs, collections and service. The 2012-2105 Library Strategic Plan contains six key strategic themes. Supporting a new vision and mission they encompass a diverse range of initiatives and endeavours that will be pursued over the next four years: 1. Community places and spaces Our libraries offer physical and virtual environments that are accessible and welcoming to all. We provide spaces and facilities that are easy to navigate, safe and flexible. 2. Vibrant Collections and Services We will provide a current and relevant collection in multiple formats that responds to the information and recreational needs of our community books/magazines; digital collections; community languages; specialist collections 3. Technology and Innovation We will lead in technology and innovation, enabling community members to participate fully in the digital world. We will provide free digital access, support and training to community members, maximising accessibility through the creative use of emerging technologies. 4. Lifelong learning We will inspire and empower our community to be active lifelong learners by creating, promoting, advocating and connecting people to diverse and rich learning opportunities 5. Vibrant Collections and Services We will provide a current and relevant collection in multiple formats that responds to the information and recreational needs of our community books/magazines; digital collections; community languages; specialist collections 6. Vibrant Collections and Services We will provide a current and relevant collection in multiple formats that responds to the information and recreational needs of our community books/magazines; digital collections; community languages; specialist collections Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries -7- Hobsons Bay is situated on Port Phillip Bay, 10 kilometres west of Melbourne CBD and covers 66 square kilometres. The neighbourhood character ranges from inner urban to new suburban. Hobsons Bay Libraries were formed in 1994 when the former cities of Williamstown and Altona merged. The Libraries sit comfortably within the Community Services Directorate alongside the Community Development, Community Care (Aged Services) and Family, Youth and Children’s Departments. Hobsons Bay Libraries has five branches. After a comprehensive facilities and services review in 2001, Hobsons Bay City Council embarked on a building renewal program to create more accessible and spacious library facilities. In 2003 the library developed a visionary Strategic Plan where the Council approved the concept of a specialised theme for each branch. Over the past nine years, collection strengths and specialist centres which reflect the community character have been established: Altona – EnviroCentre Altona Meadows – Lifelong Learning Altona North – Learning and School Liaison Newport – proposed Youth Services/ MCH/ Seniors facility to co-locate with the library, potentially creating an inter-generational hub Williamstown – Local History and Heritage Figure1: Branch locations Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries -8- Altona Meadows Library and Learning Centre ($4.2 million) was the first new library to be completed at Central Square Shopping Centre in 2006. Altona North Community Library ($4.8 million) opened in March 2010 increasing the number of physical libraries from four to five. Prior to then the Altona North community did not have a library branch at all. Williamstown Library ($8.1 million) opened in September 2012. The new library is twice the site of the previous building and its state of the art facilities provide increased accessibility not just to library customers but also to visitors to the historic Williamstown Town Hall. Each redevelopment has emphasised the creation of a comfortable, welcoming third place for the community. In addition, the library website was redeveloped and launched in mid 2012. It was constructed to include Web 2.0 interactive elements and is supported by a team of staff, to become the Library’s sixth branch. The Libraries take pride in developing innovative partnerships. The opening of the UCAN Café at the Altona North Community Library is a great example of the library service taking the lead in a Council partnership to benefit the community. UCAN Cafe is a social enterprise operated by Yooralla. The Cafe provides employment for 11 young people with disabilities. Other formal partnerships include Volunteer West, Bayside College, CityWest Water, Deakin University and Victoria University. Staff Snapshot Hobsons Bay Libraries employs 75 staff. These include: 21 Full time 31 part time 15 casual 8 shelvers 21 staff are qualified Librarians eligible for membership of ALIA (13 single degree; 8 dual degree) 8 staff are currently studying for degrees or graduate diplomas in Information Management 6 staff are qualified Library Technicians 22 staff are degree qualified from a variety of disciplines. All permanent staff have access to the generous Council Study Assistance Program. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries -9- Community Snapshot Population and Neighbourhood Character The Hobsons Bay population has been relatively stable over the past decade but recently has begun to increase due to medium density housing developments. The current population is estimated to be 88,000 (2010) (Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing; Estimated Resident Population). The neighbourhood character ranges from inner urban with small blocks to suburban with medium to large blocks. The city has a range of industrial complexes which contribute significantly to the Victorian economy but the city also has an abundance of open space with a substantial bike trail network with public art and 23 kilometres of rejuvenated coastal reserves. The diversity in environment ranges from the riverside along The Strand at Williamstown in the east to the Cheetham Wetlands at Seabrook and Altona Meadows in the west Age Structure The age profile of Hobsons Bay is relatively older than the western metropolitan region as a whole. Hobsons Bay has a lower proportion of children, young people and younger adults (0-34 years) and a higher proportion of residents aged 60 years and over. Of particular note was the loss of residents in the age groups that make up young families. The largest growth was among those aged 35-59 and there was also an increase in residents over the age of 60 years. This ageing of the population is consistent with state and national trends (Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing). Cultural Diversity Approximately 30 per cent of residents in Hobsons Bay were born overseas, which is on a par with metropolitan Melbourne and just over one in five residents has a nonEnglish speaking background (Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing). A total of 3,516 new residents arrived in Hobsons Bay from overseas between June 2006 and June 2011. The main countries of birth are India, Burma, China, Philippines, United Kingdom, Lebanon and Thailand. Residents who arrived for humanitarian reasons primarily came from Burma, Thailand and Ethiopia. The highest number of skilled migrants came from India, China, Philippines and United Kingdom. Family stream arrivals mainly came from India, Lebanon, China, the Philippines and the UK (Source: Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Settlement reports). Hobsons Bay has a small number of Indigenous residents (333 at the 2006 census). Just over 40 per cent of our Indigenous population is under 20 years of age. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 10 - Collections Hobsons Bay has a relatively young collection with nearly 70% less than five years old. The Collection Policy, whilst out of date, is customer responsive with a strong customer request policy that purchases over 90% of all requests. The audio visual collection features many popular TV series and movies. Shelf ready purchasing with branch deliveries commenced in July 2011 improving turnaround times from around 30 days down to 10-12 days. Hobsons Bay Libraries was one of the first libraries in Victoria to adopt Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) self service technologies to improve customer service choices. RFID was installed in 2006 with the redevelopment of the Altona Meadows Library and Learning Centre. With the completion of Williamstown Library, Hobsons Bay now has 11 RFID self serve terminals carrying an average of 80% of all loans and available in nine languages. Key Performance Indicator Result Coverage: 66 Sq km Number of branches and locations: 5 Branches (Altona, Altona Meadows, Altona North, Williamstown, Newport) Opening hours (total per week): 265 Population served: 88,000 Membership: 48,000 (approximate due to PC booking system authentication issues) Visitation: 589,638 Lower usage in 2010/2011 due to temporary library at Circulation: 984,861 Lower usage in 2010/2011 due to temporary library at Collection size: 189, 590 physical items Average age of collection: Under 5 years: 65% Williamstown Williamstown 5-10 years: 14% Over 10 years:21% Staffing: Budget: Funding per capita: Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Full Time: 18 Part Time: 32 Casual: 13 Shelving: 17 Total: 80 (approx) Staff: $3,100,000 (including oncosts) Resources: $630,000 Capital works: 2011/2012: $2.425 million Operational only: $35.23 Operational and capital: $70.00 - 11 - Key dates – Phase 1 Date Activity 28th Sept 2011 Preliminary evaluation workshop 7th February 2012 Peer review visit 29th March 2012 Present feedback to stakeholders and staff Key dates – Phase 2 Date Activity 4 Oct 2012 Preliminary evaluation workshop 11 Dec 2012 Peer review visit 1 Feb 2013 Present feedback to stakeholders and staff Team involved in the self-evaluation PHASE ONE – FEBRUARY 2012 Project Manager Allison Hadfield former Coordinator Library Services KRA 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure Kirri Shanks (KRA Leader) Sarah Lavelle Lisa Hogarth Mei Wong KRA 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing Amanda Peckham (KRA Leader) Andrew Ruhl Ellen Fischer Adele Aykens KRA 4: Demonstrating leadership Karen Vardon (KRA Leader) Rosemary Clark Tracie Fairchild Renita King Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 12 - PHASE TWO – DECEMBER 2012 Project Manager Joanne Smith, Coordinator Library Services KRA 3: Developing Social Capital Fran Nicolo (KRA Leader) Katie Dawson Hilary Coleman KRA 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes Jodie Flood (KRA Leader) Aurora Aylward Michael Lang Sarah Nailon Mentors Kirri Shanks Karen Vardon Peer reviewers Jenny Mustey - Coordinator Library Services, Shire of Campaspe Dianne Panjari – Coordinator Library Services, City of Stonnington Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 13 - Summary results Overall ratings The overall results of the self-evaluation for the five key result areas are: Key result areas Self rating Peer rating 1. Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1/2 1/2 2. Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 1/2 1/2 3. Developing social capital 1/2 4. Demonstrating leadership 5. Designing, managing and improving systems and processes Total Key Strengths – Phase One Working in collaboration with the community to develop great partnerships. Programs and events – relevant, focussed, non-traditional and well attended Long opening hours across five sites seven days per week. A positive staff culture with staff who are dedicated and flexible, working across all sites. The Outreach Manual An integrated planning approach Key Opportunities for Improvement – Phase One completed Incorporate social media into the suite of customer interactions. Develop a Digital Services and Technology Strategy. draft completed Increase staff awareness and training on the Employment and Lifelong Learning Strategy and Database. Review and update the Collection Development Policy and Plan. completed Create a staff intranet to build knowledge, to share “stories” and celebrate success. commenced & ongoing Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 14 - Develop a Library Community Engagement Strategy to underpin the Outreach Manual and the wide range of programs and partnerships. Key Strengths – Phase Two The ongoing schedule of library re-development projects The value placed on supporting social connections and providing accessible services The flexibility of sites to adapt to programs and activities The flexibility of our staff to be able to take services outside the library walls. The guidelines manual The strong virtual presence Key opportunities for improvement – Phase Two Improve the consistency of message and the library “brand” through consistent signage. Supporting the extension of services (towards 24-7) through innovations in technology The opportunity to harness community interest in volunteering with libraries Survey users more to find out what they want and need Make better use of technology to make communication faster, smoother and more engaging for both customers and staff Peer Review comments and overall rating -4 Star Hobsons Bay undertook the Being the Best program in two stages. Peer Reviewers visited in February 2012 to review KRAs 1,2 and 4. They were very impressed with the achievements of the library service and particularly the commitment and enthusiasm of the staff. They awarded Hobsons Bay 3.5 stars. In December 2012 the reviewers returned to assess KRAs 3 and 5. Again they were impressed by the energy and enthusiasm and the commitment to their community on the part of the staff. They awarded Hobsons Bay 4 stars for each of the remaining KRAs and, in view of this and the improvements in the other three areas which had been implemented during the year, upgrade the overall rating to 4 Star. Hobsons Bay is only the second library in Victoria to achieve this rating. The Peer Reviewers were particularly impressed with the thorough and detailed presentations provided by the Hobsons Bay staff. It was clear that a large number of the staff had participated enthusiastically in the process and had learnt a lot in the process. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 15 - Five-star ratings The Framework applies a five-star rating system to indicate the quality of library service performance. Star rating Description Outstanding delivery of core and a range of enhanced services. Excellent. World-class. Sector-leading and worthy of wider dissemination. Major strengths. High standard of provision. Any weaknesses do not impact on users’ experience. Important strengths that have a positive impact. Weaknesses do not have substantial adverse effect. Weaknesses are recognised and action is being taken to improve. Satisfactory provision of core services. A few strengths and examples of good practice. Weaknesses have some adverse effects on some users. Limited range of services or weaknesses in a core service. Weaknesses have a significant impact on the quality of the users’ experiences. Planned action required for improvement. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 16 - Improvement plan The improvement recommendations from the evaluation were reviewed and prioritised, resulting in the following improvement plan. Action Responsibility Target completion date Progress KRA 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure LOTE review completed 1.1 Review and promote the special collections inc. Auslan, Literacy, LOTE and ERC. Regular catalogue maintenance Development a statement of significance for Local History Collection Develop a staff refresher training on Local History Collection and relevant technologies June 2012 Co-ordinator Collections June 2012 Co-ordinator Branch and History – Williamstown December 2012 Stocktake planned for 2013 Local History team September 2012 o EnviroCentre review scheduled Co-ordinator Branch and Learning Liaison Creation of new website with discovery layer and social media capabilities. Training on Heritage Room completed o Class Visits to be reviewed Dec-Jan for 2013 school year Co-ordinator Library Services July 2012 Investigate the suitability of class visit formats to ensure relevancy with changing curriculum content 1.2 Weeding program developed Co-ordinator Collections Co-ordinator IT Systems and Support Ability for customers to access their Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries March 2012 February 2013 Website launched July 2012 o Roll out of online payments on - 17 - Action Responsibility Target completion date financial details. Co-ordinator Digital Services and Innovation December 2012 Investigate Smart Phone application for the Library Service. Library Leadership team December 2012 Investigate current overdue and reservation reminder notification (e.g. Library Elf, SMS notices, advance courtesy notices of overdue items). Develop a process to capture and record verbal customer feedback. Develop a plan to increase enewsletter subscribers. Develop an audio format for the enewsletter to increase access Utilise the staff intranet to enable community bus bookings. Undertake staff training skills audit and develop a program based on these results Undertake a review of the induction process Further investigate opportunities for staff to rotate through different branches and positions. July 2012 Library Leadership team Progress schedule SMS alerts investigated but currently not suitable June 2012 Co-ordinator Programs and Marketing Co-ordinator Digital Service and Innovation December 2012 Library Elf referred to customers Co-ordinator Library Services February 2013 Co-ordinator Learning and Engagement June 2012 o Capturing & sharing of verbal feedback improved during 2012 1.3 Co-ordinator Library Services July 2012 Co-ordinator Library Services April 2012 Leadership Team April 2012 Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries o 2 skills surveys completed in 2012, 3rd on technology planned for Feb 2013 o Induction Review commenced Increased EoI, acting & rotations offered during 2012 - 18 - Action Responsibility Target completion date Progress KRA 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.1 Develop a staff awareness campaign of the Education, Employment and Learning Strategy 2009-2011 and Community Learning Portal. Implement new technologies within the new website particularly social media. Implement targeted marketing for commercial use of meeting rooms. Recruit and train volunteers and increase opportunities for lifelong learning e.g. LOTE home library patrons Review Community Language Collection investigating its relevancy to new and emerging communities. Complete the Libraries Strategic Plan for adoption by Council Co-ordinator Learning and Community Engagement March 2012 Co-ordinator Library Services April 2012 Co-ordinator Learning and Community Engagement July 2012 Co-ordinator Learning and Community Engagement Ongoing Co-ordinator Collections September 2012 Manager Libraries April 2012. 2.2 Develop a comprehensive Digital Services and Technology Strategy to support the new website and extend the libraries into the virtual environment including: Co-ordinator Digital Services and Innovation Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries February 2013 Facebook, Twitter and YouTube rolled out with website. o Volunteering opportunities listed on new website, none currently suitable for HL selections Community Language Review completed in draft, to be finalised & implemented 2013 Library Strategic Plan completed – seeking Council approval for public consultation in December 2012 Draft Digital Services Strategy completed Website now - 19 - Action o o o o o Responsibility Target completion date online Facebook Twitter Blogs Ask a librarian online chat Ability for customers to access financial details to see current balances Online payment of library fees (fines, printing & photocopying credit) Cover images on library catalogue Ability for customers to share reviews Ability for customers to make wish lists of items to borrow Web-streaming or podcast of storytimes rhyme time, and author talks. Virtual tours of facilities (branches, and meeting rooms) o o o o o o Progress Facebook Twitter o Online payments coming soon Cover images available on catalogue Reviews & favourite tagging available Virtual Tours completed Welcome Brochures available via web including audio o New members section with information from welcome 2.3 Undertake a review of the book group collection, including records, statistics and marketing. Encourage more staff participation and awareness of the Williamstown Literary Festival. Co-ordinator Collection September 2012 Manager Libraries April 2012 Leadership team and lead by Co-ordinator Collections June 2012 Co-ordinator Programs and Marketing with Update the Collection Development Frontline Team policy. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Ongoing o Book Group review scheduled for 2013 Updated Collection Development Policy approved via Council NYOR “currently - 20 - Action Nurture a reading culture from within. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Responsibility Target completion date Progress reading badges” very successful – to be rebranded for 2013 - 21 - Action Responsibility Target completion date Progress KRA 3: Developing social capital 3.1 Develop staff training to re-connect with staff regarding Community Engagement, programs, outreach and resources Co-ordinator, Community Learning and Access July 2013 Participate in the planning for a Inter-generational Community Hub at Newport Manager, Libraries 2015 Working Group developed Develop a plan to improve consistency of signage across all sites. Co-ordinator, Operations Commence 2013 Co-ordinator, Marketing Complete with Newport 2014-15 Site inspections completed Project plan being developed 3.2 Investigate opportunities to move to a 24/7 service delivery model Investigate options to expand service delivery outside physical branches & traditional services: Co-ordinator, Digital Services July 2013 Leadership Team Dec 2013 o Mobile, shop front, pop-up or station branches o Expansion of existing outreach e.g. Living Library Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 22 - Action Responsibility Identify opportunities to participate in more peer to peer programs Leadership Team (internally and externally) Improvement of reflection and evaluation processes – to create a cycle of continuous learning and improvement Target completion date Progress Feb 2013 Leadership Team Dec 2013 July 2013 3.3 Review MOU with volunteer Volunteer West o Improve community awareness of volunteer opportunities available with Libraries, Council and via Volunteer West o Increase the opportunity for volunteers to participate in the delivery of events/programs Co-ordinator, Community Learning and Access Investigate community art @ Williamstown gallery Co-ordinator, Community Learning and Access July 2013 Co-ordinator, Marketing Co-ordinator, Williamstown Library and Digital Content Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries January 2013 - 23 - Action Develop a marketing strategy to improve marketing links between facilities, collection, technology and library “presence” within the community Review and evaluate current partnerships and related programs/activities Responsibility Target completion date Progress Co-ordinator, Operations Co-ordinator, Marketing March 2013 Co-ordinator, Community Learning and Access Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries July 2013 - 24 - Action Responsibility Target completion date Progress KRA 4: Demonstrating leadership Further develop the staff intranet and online communication tools. Co-ordinator Library Services February 2013 Training Section added to weekly staff news Develop a policy to support the increased promotion of professional development opportunities for staff. Leadership Team June 2012 o Investigation of Yammer as a tool 4.1 Undertake a review of staff communication workflows. Develop a template to evaluate and share results at the end of each project. 4.2 Develop and Implement a Community Engagement Strategy. Undertake a review of Newport opening hours in relation to the Newport facility redevelopment. Senior Leadership team March 2012 All key project leaders June 2012 Co-ordinator Learning and Engagement March 2013 Manager Libraries July 2013 Leadership Team Celebrate and share community engagement success stories with staff. In the next three months 4.3 Schedule regular staff refresher training. Develop and implement a process for recognising staff training needs in both the short term and long term. Develop a staff skills database Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Co-ordinator Library Services with the Leadership Team March 2012 o Staff communication improvements continue – through working group Newport opening hours changed from 1st NOV 2012 Celebrating success through the weekly e-news “bubbles” Training now directly follows each staff meeting for branch & service area refreshers o Skills audits & reviews capture training needs - 25 - Action Responsibility Target completion date Progress KRA 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.1 Develop new fresh ways to engage staff through Wikis, Tutorials etc. Digital Services Team July 2013 Ongoing Improve staff response time to guidelines RAD Coordinator Need for staff intervention when guidelines not followed All service area Coordinators Ongoing Remote and immediate electronic access of all Guidelines RAD Coordinator and Digital Services Team February 2013 Online Services Coordinator Collections Coordinator Ongoing Leadership Team Ongoing 5.2 Lobby digital content suppliers to improve access and licensing issues relating to content such as eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, music downloads. Improve methods of idea gathering and dissemination to better position ourselves to determine future and changing needs. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 26 - Action Responsibility 5.3 Coordinator Programs and Marketing Gather more community feedback online Online Marketing Librarian Coordinator Library Services Gather more staff feedback online Target completion date Progress March 2013 June 2013 Online Marketing Librarian Leadership Team Coordinator Programs and Marketing Customer/Community wants Surveys Coordinator Learning and Community Engagement Regular Library Specific Staff Satisfaction Survey Manager Libraries Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries July 2013 April 2013 - 27 - Detailed findings Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.1 Sufficiency, range and suitability of resources Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? At Hobsons Bay Libraries our collections are tailored to suit not only the local area, but also the needs of our community. What we do Evidence Strengths COLLECTIONS 1.1.1 Print collections Special Collections 1.1.1 Print collections 1.1 Welcome brochure LOCAL HISTORY Our print collections contain books in standard and large print format. 1.1 Cataloguing specifications Our rare books, our master microfilm of 'the Williamstown Advertiser' and the Altona local history collection: videos, oral histories and the City of Altona photos and ephemera. The Local History Collection is now of national importance because our Prime Minister chooses to live here! The Junior collection consists of board books, picture books, readers, fiction (standard and large print), non-fiction, graphic novels, and periodicals. The Teen collection consists of fiction (standard and large Print), graphic novels, non – fiction, literacy books, Zines and periodicals. The adult collection consists of fiction, and non Fiction books, literacy books and kits (including IELTS), biographies, graphic novels, newspapers, magazines and library journals. Hobsons Bay holds several special collections See 1.1.3 1.1 HBL feedback form info 2012-11 1.1. Library collections budget figures 1.1. Materials budget by stats code 2011-12 1.1. Materials retention and weeding 2006 1.1.Specifications for selection 1.1. Why have a collection development plan 1.1.1 2007 Broad overview selection 1.1.1 Annual stats 1011 Formatted Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Local History kits for Williamstown, Altona and an Our Indigenous History are available through our website Areas for improvement Review and promote the special collections inc. Auslan, Literacy, LOTE and ERC. Regular catalogue maintenance Development a statement of significance for Local History Collection Develop a staff refresher training on Local History Collection and relevant technologies Investigate the suitability of class visit formats to ensure relevancy with changing curriculum content ROVING COLLECTION The items in the Roving collection are items that are in the process of being withdrawn out of the - 28 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.1 Sufficiency, range and suitability of resources Library service rating 1.1.1 Library trends and statistics borrower 1.1.1 Example feedback 1.1.1 Feedback example 2 1.1.1 LP profile AN 4 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 main collection, but still accessible to all library members. This allows institutions access to the collection without replacement fees for lost or damaged items. 1.1.1 AN profiles 1.1.1 Selection of library materials 1.1.2 Electronic Collections The Library provides access to recreation and knowledge with DVD’s and music CD’s for children, teens and adults as well as collections in 6 community languages. Audio books are currently provided in 3 different formats which are: compact disk, playaways, and audio downloads provided through Bolinda. Hobsons Bay libraries subscribes to a total of 30 online databases to help meet the information and recreation needs of our community. These cover areas such as books and reading, genealogy, tutoring, children’s, craft, newspapers (English and LOTE), Science, IELTS, business and computers. 1.1.2 Electronic Collections 1.1.2 Database monthly stats1011 1.1.2 Database subscriptions – 2011 1.1.2 Interview notes with Ellen Fisher re electronic database collection 1.1.2 List of databases Statistics for usage – frequently used (Library Trends & Statistics, and Annual Stats) See 1.1.1 Customer feedback See 1.1 Materials budget by Stats code See 1.1 Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries FULLY SHELF READY DELIVERIES - 29 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.1 Sufficiency, range and suitability of resources 1.1.3 Special Collections COMMUNITY LANGUAGES We have collections in: Library service rating Request for purchase guidelines See 1.1.1 Collection development policy See 1.1.1 Arabic Chinese Croatian Greek Italian Maltese 1.1.3 LOTE collection plan Altona North Polish 1.1.3 LOTE 2010 Vietnamese. 1.1.3 LOTE languages 1.1.3 Special Collections Community Languages 1.1.3 CALD development policy 1.1.3 LOTE development plan 4 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 At the start of the 2011 financial year the Library moved over to fully shelf ready deliveries for all books and Audio Visual materials. Each branch (except for the Williamstown temporary branch) receives weekly deliveries, reducing turnaround times, particularly for customer requests. These collections include fiction 1.1.3 LOTE selection profile and non fiction books, DVD’s, CD’s, magazines and newspapers. Bulk loans of LOTE items can be ordered through our interlibrary loan service. We house a stack collection of Portuguese books acquired through State Library funding for minority collections LOCAL HISTORY AND MARITIME HISTORY 1.1.3 Local History & Maritime Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 30 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.1 Sufficiency, range and suitability of resources Our history collections focus on the history of the Hobsons Bay area, Victoria and Australia. The collection is divided into specialist subject areas which are: Maritime, Railways, Local History, Australiana, Military, Family History, Indigenous, Council, and a legacy collection which includes rare books. Information is available in a variety of formats including: online, hardcopy, microform and digital. We also offer an array of classes, both formal and informal, a specialist enquiry and assistance service, and a flexible and responsive family history group. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE COLLECTION A range of resources both reference and for loan, comprising: local field guides conservation manuals, environmental reference materials, Council publications; Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 History See 1.1 Welcome brochure May 2011 2010/2011 Program stats (training numbers, and Family History group) See 2.1.1 1.1.3 Local history collection photographs 1.1.3 September family history Environmental Resource Collection TAXIDERMIED ANIMAL – A collection of local fauna 1.1.3 Information from website The Environment Resource Centre houses a very unique collection of animals local to the municipality which have been taxidermied. The collection may be borrowed for educational purposed by council staff such as rangers. 1.1 Welcome brochure 1.1.3 2010/2011 Program statistics for events and showerhead exchange program See 2.1.1 1.1.3 Environment Resource Centre Wildlife Collection Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 31 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.1 Sufficiency, range and suitability of resources Industry Environment Improvement Plans Information about local Friends Groups. Taxidermied local animals. Facilities for recycling items including Corks & Printer Cartridges. Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 Details 1.1.3 Environment Resource Centre handover notes 1.1.3 Environment Resource Centre Wildlife Permit 1.1.3 Environment Resource Centre opens CityWest Water showerhead exchange outlet ROVING COLLECTION Providing books, mainly large print, but also non-fiction picture Roving Collection 1.1.3 Roving Collection type books, junior items and magazines to institutions through 1.1.3 Roving Collection Users the home library service. 1.1.3 Roving Collections Letter BOOK CLUB SETS Hobsons Bay Libraries has a collection of 108 Book Group sets. 10 copies of each title per set. Book Club Sets 1.1.3 Book Group – Maribyrnong Library Books A $34.00 hire charge applies to a book group set. 1.1.3 Book group discussion notes New titles are added yearly with input from registered groups. 1.1.3 Book Group information from website including titles Reciprocal borrowing arrangements with Maribyrnong Library Service provide access to 1.1.3 Book Group Titles and booking calendar Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 32 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.1 Sufficiency, range and suitability of resources Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 an additional 70 titles. CHILDRENS RESOURCES The children’s team has access to Children’s Resources a collection of Big Books and delicate materials such as pop-up 1.1.3 C&Y resources1 books as well as puppets and 1.1.3 C&Y resources2 other story-time props. 1.1.3 C&Y resources3 REFERENCE AND BIG AND BEAUTIFUL Reference and Big and Beautiful Each branch of Hobsons Bay 1.1.3 Big and Beautiful photo Libraries has a not for loan reference collection. 1.1.3 Big and Beautiful discussion notes Altona North has a collection of “Big and Beautiful” books. 1.1.3 Big and Beautiful titles Beautiful but expensive fashion and art books which fall outside of our customer’s price limits for the general collection but greatly enhance the collection; this collection is Not for Loan. LITERACY The three larger branches have collections for those learning English as a second language consisting of kits such as IELTS, and also those learning to read, or who have difficulty reading. Literacy collection Membership brochure See 1.1 1.1.3 Altona North Collections AUSLAN Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 33 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.1 Sufficiency, range and suitability of resources We have a small collection of resources to support Auslan language, including dictionaries and instructional DVD’s and children’s stories presented in Auslan available on DVD and cdrom. We hold regular Auslan storytimes as part of our Community access program. Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 AUSLAN 1.1. 3 List of Auslan titles 1.1.4 Computer/internet access Wireless internet access at all branches (except the temporary Williamstown library). A total of 54 computers available across the branches for public access including adaptive and children’s PC’s. 1.1.4 Computer/internet access Please see 1.2.4 Arrangements for access - Technology Please see 1.2.4 Arrangements for access – Technology 1.1.5 Selection of items Items are supplied shelf-ready from contracted suppliers. Suppliers use collection profiles and standing order lists to 1.1.5 Selection of Items 1.1.5 Adult Non Fiction Standing Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 34 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.1 Sufficiency, range and suitability of resources provide items for collection. Library service rating 1.1.5 Cataloguing specifications Staff Suggestions. When reservations on items reach certain levels (2 for books, 6 for Audio Visual) extra copies are purchased for the collection. 1.1.5 Customer request guidelines INTER LIBRARY LOANS Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 order Customers are able to request items for the collection, which are then assessed against the collection guidelines. 4 1.1.5 Junior DVD Standing order 1.1.5 Processing specifications 1.1.5 Customer requests Feb08 1.1.5 Item Request Form 1.1.5 ILL information from website Are available through Library links 1.1.5 Monthly ILL Statistics Loans are generally for 8 weeks. A report date is included on the stockitem (1 week before expiry) to allow a renewal to that date, also taking into consideration return time. Specifications for Selection 2011/12 See 1.1 1.1.5Library Link Brochure 2010/2011 Annual Statistics Formatted – ILL numbers See 1.1.1 Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 35 - Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating Notes from February 2012: Rating 1/2 Hobson’s Bay has a good collection which is designed to meet the needs of its community. It is a very new collection with a high proportion of items less than 5 years old. There are materials in 8 relevant community languages and self-check machines also have instructions in the languages. Reviewers were impressed with the specialised collections – environmental, local history, taxidermied animals, Big and Beautiful Bookclub sets are extensive and well-used. Reviewers perhaps needed more time to drill down to examine the evidence to examine how the collections are used. Turnover rate is 5.4 compared with Victorian average of 5.0. Reviewed in December 2012: Peer reviewers noted that most of the actions detailed on the Improvement Plan had been implemented. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 36 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? As part of our mission statement at Hobsons Bay Libraries we have identified a need to focus on increased opportunities and social support for all in Hobsons Bay. We demonstrate this by the way in which we make arrangements for access to our resources. What we do Evidence Strengths Areas for improvement 1.2.1 Opening hours 1.2.1 Opening hours Food For Fines Creation of new website with access to; Five branches are open a total of 265 hours, 7 days per week. 1.2.1 Door count stats Computer bookings See 1.2.4 Four branches open to 8.00pm Monday to Thursday and 6.00pm Friday. Loans Annual stats 1011 Formatted See 1.1.1 In 2009 the library initiated a food for fines program in the 4 week period leading up to Christmas that allowed members to donate non-perishable food items to clear their fines. The food items supported the Emergency Relief Food Agencies in their Christmas appeal. In 2010 Council approved this as an annual program. In 2009, the library waived a total of $5,512.90 in overdue fees with 1283 food items received and $3,472.75 fines paid for in cash. In 2010 the libraries waived $7,239.75 in fees with 1956 items of food received and $3,606.74 fines paid for in cash. In 2011 we exchanged $7,250.96 of fines for 1773 items of food. Two branches open 10.00am to 1.00pm Saturday and three open 10.00am to 4.00pm Saturday. Three branches open 2.00pm to 5.00pm Sunday. Returns chutes are available at all permanent branches. Altona North is open 24 hours. Altona, Meadows and Newport chutes are open when the branch is closed. Welcome brochure See 1.1 An after-hours returns chute is located conveniently at the Coles Supermarket to support the temporary library at the Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Facebook Twitter Blogs Ask a librarian online chat Ability for customers to access financial details to see current balances Online payment of library fees (fines, printing & photocopying credit) Cover images on library catalogue Ability for customers to share reviews Ability for customers to make wish lists of items to borrow Web-streaming or podcast of storytimes rhyme time, and author talks. Virtual tours of facilities (branches, and meeting rooms) New members section with information from welcome brochure (available in audio, and - 37 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access Mechanics Institute. Signage is available at both the temporary branch and the original location. This chute is cleared every weekday. 1.2.2 Memberships Several types of memberships are available which provide access to community members who may be unable to obtain or sustain a regular membership. 1.2.3 Access to collections Library service rating Reservations Reviewer’s rating Clearing 699 memberships. 1.2.2 Memberships 1.2.2 CA membership type 1.2.2 Community Access and Adult restricted memberships 1.2.2 Memberships – Joining new members See 1.1 Welcome brochure 1.2.3 Access to collections 1.2.3 Hardship and repayment plans 1.2.3 Library feedback forms A total of 25 items can be borrowed on a (overdue charges) card at any one time, with no restrictions on individual item types e.g. Library feedback form see 1.1 DVD’s. 1.2.3 Food for fines review2010 Up to 25 items can be reserved at a time. 3.5 1.2.3 Food4Fines feedback 1.2.3.F4F request for information Items can be reserved free of charge to be collected from any branch. 1.2.3 Food for Fines Media Release Next day delivery on weekdays for items on shelf going to another branch via courier service. 1.2.3 Read off Your Fines 2012 Reserves for collection are placed out on the floor allowing for self Fees and Charges information sheet See 1.2.4 1.2.3 Food For Fines 2011 Totals 1.2.3 Read off Your Fines staff instructions Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries This program helps to provide access to customers, by giving them an alternative way to clear large fines enabling them to restart borrowing and using computers. GENRE LOUNGES The Altona North branch, shelve Non-Fiction items in subject lounges. As this was a new library to a community not used to traditional libraries, we have set the library up to be browsed like a retail bookshop. Altona North’s non-fiction statistics have reflected that this layout is popular with the community. Genre Lounge layout will be rolled out to all branches starting with the new Williamstown branch. 1/2 3.5 written and audio community languages including Auslan) library information available in all community languages held, including access to catalogue in these languages Investigation of Smart Phone Application for the Library Service. Investigate current overdue and reservation reminder notification (e.g. Library Elf, SMS notices, Advance courtesy notices of Overdues items) Develop a process to record verbal customer feedback Develop a plan to increase Enewsletter subscribers Make Community Bus bookings available through Staff intranet (as with meeting rooms) Develop a plan to better promote the Libraries Accessible resources MEETING ROOM HIRE AFTER HOURS Altona, Altona Meadows and Altona North all have options for the community to hire meeting - 38 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access Library service rating service. Renewals The majority of the libraries’ collection floats between the branches. The exceptions are LOTE items and Magazines. Overdues and Fines Community Bus An 11 seater bus which can be driven on a standard licence and can be borrowed by local community groups at a reasonable price. Food For Fines /Read off your Fines A Food for Fines amnesty is run each year in the lead up to Christmas. Read off your fines This year the library is trialling a “read off your fines” program in conjunction with the national year of reading. 1/2 3.5 Study Pods were introduced in Altona Meadows and Altona North in response to customer feedback. They provide quiet study spaces within the library space. Hobsons Bay Libraries charges patrons for late returns. Fines are capped at a maximum amount per item. Hardship Payment plans are available as approved by a Coordinator or the Manager. Reviewer’s rating rooms out of library hours. Meeting rooms are secured with swipe card access allowing for isolation of specific areas of use. IT training Rooms at Altona Meadows Library and Learning Centre (10 PCs) and Altona North Community Library (16 PCs) All items are able to be renewed twice - Online, over the phone or in person as long as item not reserved. 3.5 1.2.3 Photo of non- fiction Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries WILLIAMSTOWN CHUTE AT COLES With the temporary move to the Williamstown Mechanics, a special locked “chute” was purchased and a partnership established with Williamstown Coles to allow for after hours - 39 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access Layout The Altona North branch shelve Non-Fiction items in subject lounges, similar to that of a retail setting. Altona North’s NonFiction borrowing stats have shown this layout to be popular and user friendly allowing for easier access through browsing Genre Lounge layout will eventually be rolled out to all branches starting with the new Williamstown branch. Genre stickers help customers navigate the Adult Fiction Collection Library service rating lounge at Altona North 1.2.3 Discussion notes on development of non-fiction lounges 1.2.3 The future of customer service for Australian and New Zealand Libraries presentation 1.2.3 List of non-fiction lounges at Altona North Loans Annual stats 1011 Formatted See 1.1.1 1.2.3 Photos of displays 1.2.3 Display case calendar Displays New items and items to promote a particular event or theme are displayed at all library branches. Display cases are available for the community to book and often used to promote current themes. An external display case is housed at Louis Joel Community Centre in Altona and is used to promote the library. Posters of library events are distributed widely throughout the area including 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 returns. MEMBERSHIP ARRANGMENTS Special memberships which provide access to all types of community members including: Web memberships allowing access to computers Adult restricted & Community Access providing access to members of the community who may find it difficult to manage memberships. These provide a longer loan term, no overdue fees and restricted borrowing amounts to make items easier to manage 1.2.4 Technology 1.2.4 Computer usage 10/11 1.2.4 Computer bookings guideline Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 40 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 community centres and schools. 1.2.4 Technology Wireless Internet access at all branches (except the temporary Williamstown library). A total of 54 computers available across the branches for public access. Altona Meadows has 2 PCs in the children’s area available for primary school aged children plus a special IBM computer received as part of our partnership with Victoria University. Adaptive computers and are fitted with a Large Print keyboard, trackball mouse and JAWS computer software, these computers are designed to assist people with a print or other disability which can affect ability to use computer, and are located at all branches except for the temporary Williamstown branch. Bookings are available for up to 2 hours use per day at all branches except Williamstown which is restricted to 1 hour as there are only 2 computers. 1.2.4 2011-2012 Fees and Charges 1.2.4 Gaming consoles guideline 1.2.4 Wifi disclaimer 1.2.4 Wireless-stats 1.2.4 Wireless access guideline 1.2.4 Wireless FAQ and overview 1.2.4 Computer class brochure Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 41 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access Computers may be self-booked using the Netloan reservation system. Bookings may be made up to 32 days in advance and bookings will be held for 10 mins after booking start time. Williamstown has one genealogy computer that can be used to access the genealogy cd-roms. A microfilm reader with printing facilities is available at Williamstown. Faxing is available at all Branches Wifi is available at all branches except for the temporary branch at Williamstown. Wifi can be accessed during opening hours and patrons are required to log in with their library card. There is no time limit on the Wifi. Two playstations and a Wii that people can use by borrowing the controller on their card. The library recently purchased 3 Xbox 360’s for special events such as the gaming tournament. A web membership can be obtained for those without valid address Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 - 42 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 details or those travelling through the area. This has a one off cost of $2.75 for the cost of the card. Printing and photocopying are available to library members through the Bears Print Management system and have charges attached Scanning direct to USB is available, at no charge, at three branches. Eftpos facilities are available at all branches. 1.2.5 Website The libraries website gives 24 hour access to the library catalogue and the ability to reserve and renew items online. Item requests and interlibrary loans can be made through the website either through a new item request form, or by Inter Library Loan using Library Link. (please see 1.1.5 Selection of items) The website provides access to the libraries Database Collection. Most can be accessed external locations with the patrons membership number except for, Find my past, 1.2.5 Website Hobsons Bay Libraries Home Page See 2.1.1 1.2.5 HBL website – Aug memo 1.2.5 Library link Booklet2011 1.2.5 Website milestones and activities 1.2.5 Jun 2011 Minutes Website 1.2.5 HBL website Development project brief 1.2.5 Welcome brochure in audio format Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 43 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 Global Books in Print and Fiction Connection, which are available for use in library only. (see also 1.1.2 Electronic Collections) The website contains the Home Library brochures in the following languages: Arabic, Greek, Italian and Vietnamese and access to small amounts of information about council in our community languages The libraries welcome brochure is available for audio download from the website. Plans have been made for the Enewsletter to be recorded in 2012. A new website is currently being developed and is due to be launched in March 2012. The new website will have provisions for access to social media. 1.2.6 Enewsletter The library puts out an ENewsletter each month with information about upcoming events and important library news, with 4138 subscribers. 1.2.6 Enewsletter 1.2.6 Example of Enewsletter 1.2.7 Facilities Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 44 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access 1.2.7 Facilities Branches have accessible car parking spaces nearby, Ramps access, accessible toilets (which at Altona Meadows consists of an adult change table, Altona North has a hoist and change table facility available with the capacity to lift an adult. (This is only the second available in the Hobsons Bay area.), an elevator to upstairs areas, hearing loops at Altona Meadows (Meeting Room 2), Altona North, and a portable hearing loop. Hobsons Bay Libraries participates in the power recharge scheme enabling customers to charge their wheelchair or scooter while visiting the library. Breastfeeding is welcome in all Hobsons Bay Libraries. Meeting Rooms are available for hire at three of five branches with some rooms available outside library operation hours. All rooms have a standard and concession rate available. Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 1.2.7 Community bus invoices excerpt 1.2.7 Community bus conditions of use 1.2.7 Community Bus general information 1.2.7 Hobsons Bay Libraries recharge scheme information 1.2.7 Meeting rooms conditions of use 1.2.7 Portable technology – hearing loop 1.2.7 Community Bus 2011 Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 45 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 Altona library has a community bus available for hire by community groups in Hobsons Bay at a flat rate hire $70 per day. 1.2.8 Outreach 1.2.8 Outreach 1.2.8 L.O.C.A.L.S. Outreach talk plan The library participates in a number of 1.2.8 Libraries on Locations at outreach activities to increase awareness within the community. These EID festival Sept2011 include 1.2.8 LOL – Spotswood Farmers Libraries on Location at venues such Market2011 as festivals, community forums, Babies Love Books 2011 Poster shopping centres, beach, markets See 2.1.2 etc. School visits grades 3 – 4 See The Children’s and Youth team 2.1.2 conduct Babies love books talks, Program statistics See 2.1.1 School and Kindergarten visits in libraries or out in community Other outreach visits such as L.O.C.A.L.S (Linking older clients and local services) talks at Williamstown Hospital, designed to raise awareness of local services to patients before going home Sample stock is taken when going on Outreach visits to show the types of items we have in our collection. A Words on Wheels kit has been purchased from Campaspe Library service 1.2.9 Home Library Service Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 46 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.2 Arrangements for access A home delivery and selection service is available to residents of Hobsons Bay unable to use library due to ill health, disability, age related issues, or primary carer responsibilities. Deliveries are also available to institutions such as aged care facilities and retirement villages. Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 1.2.9 Home Library Service 1.2.9 Home LS Checklist 1.2.9 Home LS Feedback form 1.2.9 Home LS Brochure 1.2.9 Home LS September 2011 Newsletter Program statistics See 2.1.1 Short term arrangements are available. Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating Review in February 2012 Rating 1/2 Opening hours are good – consistent opening times and three of the five libraries are open 7 days a week Location of libraries appears good with parking and/or public transport access Community bus is utilised to bring people to the library An e- newsletter has been developed and is well supported Peer reviewers were impressed with the different membership categories to assist people who would otherwise have problems accessing the library Food for fines and read for fines programs are innovative and successful Noted that a library website (separate from Council) is under development, however the current one is a wealth of information and serves the library well. It will be great to see the social media and virtual tour aspects included in the upgrade. A skills audit of staff will identify strengths and training opportunities The genre arrangement of non fiction items has encouraged people to browse and borrow items December 2012 - Reviewers noted implementation of improvements. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 47 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.3 Staff knowledge of information tools and user support Library service rating 3 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? Hobsons Bay Libraries through staff training and development, ensure that our staff are knowledgeable and capable of assisting the community with their needs whether it be information, learning or leisure. This is done in a variety of ways, within the library, online, and externally through our outreach programs What we do Evidence Strengths Areas for improvement 1.3.1 Staff awareness 1.3.1 Staff awareness 1.3.1 27th Sept 2011 Minutes Library leadership group 1.3.1 Altona Team Briefing 5 December 2011 1.3.1 Staff meeting minutes – November 2011 1.3.1 Whats On 5-11 Dec 2011 1.3.1 List of staff library journals Webolution Undertake another staff training skills audit and develop a program based on these results Staff are kept up to date with information in a number of ways including; Meetings (all staff, branch briefings, Branch Team Leader, Leadership Team and service area). Minutes of these sessions are provided for all staff to read. Group emails are also used to distribute information to staff. A weekly staff what’s on which provides details of events and programs for that week, staff leave, reminders about changes etc Each desk shift has a senior on duty who is responsible for ensuring the shift runs smoothly and required tasks are 1.3.1 Staff guidelines list of guidelines 1.3.1 Example of guideline – Closing up Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Webolution and Ballad of data and Base staff training programs The first one took place in 2008/2009 and was based on the State Libraries 26 things training looking at blogging, flickr, news feeds etc. Undertake a review of the induction process Further investigate opportunities to rotate through different branches and position responsibilities The second instalment looked at some of the databases the library subscribed to and was called The ballad of data and base. The third instalment started at the end of November 2011 looks at Social Media in particular Facebook and Twitter in preparation for the introduction of the new website in March 2012. Staff Induction Program In order to ensure confidence - 48 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.3 Staff knowledge of information tools and user support Library service rating completed. There is a change over at the end of each shift that the senior on duty is responsible for. All seniors on duty are a Band 4 or above staff member. Staff guidelines have been developed for most areas within the library service. These are distributed via email and are also kept at the circulation desk at every branch. Staff have access to a number of Library journals Access to council information such as OHS through the Pulse – Councils intranet site. 1.3.2 Staff development All staff are required to complete compulsory council wide training on commencement, and refresh as required. Staff may also attend other non compulsory council training. All new library staff are given a 23 week library induction on commencement. Reviewer’s rating 1/2 with the facilities and technology as well as our culture, new staff are provided with a 2-3 week induction program tailored to their role. Each branch has a desk diary for notes and handover information. 3 Libraries on Location has taken the library service out into the wider community, encouraging membership and providing community awareness. Staff are trained and equipped to deliver the library’s messages and link the community to programs of interest. 1.3.2 Staff development 1.3.2 Staff induction program 1.3.2 AMLIB training - returns module 1.3.2 AMLIB training manual table of contents 1.3.2 Staff training calendar 2010 1.3.2 Training Calendar 2010 1.3.2 Refresher training for Casuals and weekenders Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Deferred Local History Enquiries Our Local History Librarian takes enquires from the public as well as from within council. The Local History collection is a substantial collection that generates a lot of interest and involves strong partnerships with local Historical societies. - 49 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.3 Staff knowledge of information tools and user support The library also conducts in house training for staff. A staff skills audit was conducted in 2008 to identify areas where staff felt they needed additional training. This resulted in a series of training sessions. The library is currently undertaking its third instalment of “Webolution” training. Other in-house staff training is provided when needed such as with the implementation of the VOIP phone system and the introduction of the Bolinda Audio Downloads. Several staff are involved with PLVN interest groups including Inter Library Loans, Local History, Operations, and Home Library etc. We currently have 9 staff participating in the Frontline training program with another 5 places available for 2012. Staff are encouraged to attend conferences relevant to their service area and we have had three speak in the last 2 years. Library service rating 3 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 1.3.2 Training skills Audit report2008 1.3.2 Staff induction schedule 1.3.2 Example of service area (Home Library & Community Access) induction 1.3.2 AMLIB Manual Table of Contents 1.3.2 AMLIB Manual example 1.3.2 Webolution examples 1.3.2 Frontline information 1.3.2 Outreach manual examples Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 50 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.3 Staff knowledge of information tools and user support Library service rating 3 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 Several staff have participated in leadership programs such as Aurora and Shared Leadership. (see also 4.3.1 staff training) This year the Marketing coordinator has been working on an outreach manual, an in house tool for those undertaking event or outreach activities. 1.3.3 User support Technology support Staff have the knowledge and are proactive in assisting the community with technological support when out on the floor, over the phone and through the delivery of training classes 1.3.3 User support 1.3.3 RaD Stats Adult training classes and reviews See 2.1.4 Computer Class Brochures See 2.1.8 Program Statistics see 2.1.1 Investigate ways to officially log deferred enquiries 1.3.2 RaD stats Locating information Staff use their knowledge to assist the community in finding the appropriate material and information to meet their needs. Local History deferred enquiry service 1.3.3 Deferred enquiries Program Statistics See 2.1.1 A well used free service available to assist users of the library with Local and Family History enquiries. Referrals come from library staff when unable to complete an enquiry to the level required, direct from customers through Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 51 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure 1.3 Staff knowledge of information tools and user support Library service rating 3 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 the library or council webpage, and also from other council departments. 1.3.3 Photos of LoL 1.3.3 LoL Spotswood Farmers Market plan Libraries on Location Hobsons Bay Libraries on Location (LoL) 1.3.3 LoL 2009 overview 1.3.3 LoL Central Square staff enable staff to interact with the community outside the library at venues feedback including shopping centres, festivals, and 1.3.3 LoL Locations and themes community events. Staff are equipped with the tools and knowledge to promote the library message and link the community to programs of interest. Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating Reviewed in February 2012 Rating 1/2 Peer reviewers were very impressed with the enthusiasm of the staff for their jobs and the great sense of teamwork Induction program is very thorough and is reviewed regularly Staff skills audit will be very useful in identifying skills and areas for further training. It will also facilitate staff training their colleagues There is a lot of staff mobility – taking on different roles for a short period which provide growth opportunities within the team Introduction of reminder emails and SMSs will be appreciated by library members Really impressed by the web 2.0 training refining the 23 things concept December 2012 – Reviewers noted progress made through improvement plan including substantial progress on skills audit. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 52 - Key result area 1: Providing gateways to information, learning and leisure Overall star rating Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 Peer review notes February 2012 Rating 1/2 A very solid three and a half star rating in this area. The collection is impressive, looks attractive and is and well-organised Evidence that introduction of RFID has been used to improve utilisation of staff – making good use of the time freed up from circulation duties December 2012- Reviewers were not required to rate this KRA at this time. However they were impressed with the progress made on a very solid base. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 53 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.1 Lifelong learning in the library context Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? Hobsons Bay Libraries recognise we play a significant role in facilitating lifelong learning and community strengthening. What we do Evidence 2.1.1 Programs and Events 2.1.1 Yearly Program statistics Hobsons Bay offers an array of programs, events and classes for a broad cross-section 2.1.1 Event-Brite Stats for 6 months of the community. We actively look for 2.1.1 Welcome Brochure May2011 partnerships with council departments and Monthly e-newsletter see 1.2.6 external bodies. 2.1.1 Hobsons Bay Libraries Homepage 2.1.1 Programs and Events 2.1.2 Children’s Programs Weekly a story and Rhyme time program. Themed school holiday program Annual Illustration and Writing competitions. Babies love books program is run in conjunction with the Maternal Health Centres. School and Kinder Visits. Annual participation in the ALIA Summer Reading club program. Embraced the Premiers reading challenge providing folders of the book lists at each Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Strengths Areas for improvement All of our programs are developed within the Education, Employment and Learning Strategy 2009-2012 framework. We are a sought after partner for many Community based groups and organisations Develop a staff training program to increase staff awareness of the Education, Employment and Learning Strategy and Database 2.1.2 Our popular children’s programs are vibrant, responsive and educationally based Improve the marketing of library facilities such as meeting rooms and community noticeboards. 2.1.2 Children’s Programs 2.1.2 Bilingual storytime 2011 2.1.2 Bookweek 2011 Marc McBride 2.1.2 After School Craft term 1 2011 2.1.2 Monthly Story-time Poster 2011 Bugs 2.1.2 Babies Love Books 2011 Poster 2.1.2 botanic gardens storytime 2.1.2 School visits grades 3 – 4 2.1.2 Get Started overview 2.1.4 The Men in the Kitchen program grew from a community need currently, the library hosts three cooking programs – two Men in the Kitchen programs – every second Monday (Laverton Continue to explore new technologies and ensure the staff are supported with training (for example Ipads, Social Media Technologies) Recruit volunteers to select for LOTE Home Library customers Review the community language collections to ensure we are including new and emerging languages by Utilising Census 2012 data review service to develop a LOTE plan to ensure - 54 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.1 Lifelong learning in the library context Library service rating library branch , a link on the website, news articles in the Enewsletter, Purchasing Materials to support this program and offering guidance and training for patrons in locating titles listed on the challenge. Get Started @ Your Library; a collection of readers designed to increase levels of junior literacy 2.1.2 Get Started turnover rate 2.1.3 Teenage and Youth Programs 2.1.3 Teenage and Youth Programs Rookies Chess Club, It's All About You! Youth Health and Wellbeing series, Gaming tournament, After school craft, Keys Please information sessions for learner drivers Illustration and writing workshops and competitions. Youth Week in April ; Partnership with VU, Deakin and Hobsons Bay Youth Services to deliver programs tailored to youth needs, including Change of Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 2.1.3 Randa Abdel-Fattah May 2011 2.1.3 Youth 2.1.3 Gaming Comp June 2011 2.1.3 Volunteer Opportunities 2.1.3 Deakin Action Plan -SHA Youth flyer -After school craft term 1 flyers -Up-cycle it -Work Experience 2012 3.5 Reviewer’s rating Renewal commenced this class in February 2011) and Friday in partnership with Neighbourhood Development and Laverton Renewal. The third program is with older residents for David House (Disability Service) which has been run weekly since the February 2011. 1/2 funding, staffing, services and materials remain current and relevant ESL Classes In 2006, the Laverton Community Centre in partnership with the library commenced English Language classes. The library supported the program by providing the facility and a literacy collection. The literacy collection is located next to the meeting room where the classes are held. These are free sessions subsidised by the library. The classes commenced fortnightly for 3 hours per week in 2011. A minimum of eight participants attend each class. The library - 55 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.1 Lifelong learning in the library context Library service rating Preference Nights, Careers Expos and Youth Arvo. Conduct class visits to secondary colleges. Host Year 10 Work experience students, Community volunteers (Duke of Edinburgh Award etc) and University industry placements 2.1.4 Adult Programs Events and programs for specific interest groups - Family History Group, Chess, Scrabble, knitting, Seabreeze Quilters. Databases 24/7 access to Elibrary collection – reader’s advisory; encyclopaedias; Your Tutor; early learning (Busy Things) etc. Online Tutoring. Meeting rooms provide space for informal and formal learning. General floor space with tables providing access for everyone to all learning programs. Spaces for individual learning Including study pods, lounges, tables, power Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 2.1.4 Adult Programs 2.1.4 Database monthly stats 2.1.4 Men in the Kitchen and ESL Conversation 2.1.4 Adult training classes and reviews 2.1.4 Adult training graphs 2.1.4 Introduction to E-library services training notes *See also yearly program stats 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 provides supporting programs (minimum of once a quarter) with the group – Introduction to the library, computer training, celebration morning teas. In 2012 the classes are increasing to one per week. Laverton Community Centre has sourced new funding for the tutor. The library will continue to provide the facility and offer supporting program activities. Bi-lingual story-times are an example of programs developed from an identified need. We have had an increase in Karen speaking residents recently and although we do not have a physical collection at this stage, we have celebrated refugee week with a bi-lingual Karen family story time, a colourful dance and music performance by the Karen youth and a driver education - 56 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.1 Lifelong learning in the library context Library service rating Libraries on location (LOL) are an Outreach program equipped with Ipads to showcase the libraries collections, services and encourage membership. Locations include: Spotswood market, other markets and festivals, Shopping Centres and Community Events 1/2 Bilingual Story-times including Auslan have become a part of our regular program. 2.1.5 Seniors Programs Support local community groups with wall space for art and display cabinets in all branches for community use and to showcase library events. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Reviewer’s rating class. for laptops, Wifi network 2.1.5 Seniors Programs free access to computer classes to learn the basics of using computers Participation in state-wide senior’s festival. Close partnership with council ... dept and Aging well strategy. 3.5 2.1.5 Seniors Programs 2.1.5 Ageing well strategy survey 2.1.5 Reinvent or retire feedback from internal partners 2.1.5 Reinvent or Retire Forum Poster 2.1.5 Seniors Cardmaking Oct 11 2.1.5 Seniors the Birdcage GoWest Oct2011 2.1.5 Seniors Zumba Belly-Dancing Oct 2011 Celebrating Seniors in the community by participating in the State-wide Seniors Festival each year in October by providing a number of different types of activities, for example 2011 saw us run a Zumba and Belly dance morning, card making workshop, movie screenings, electronic gaming afternoon. In 2011 we partnered with other council departments to run a ‘Reinvent or retire’ Ageing Well forum targeted specifically at the Baby Boomers within Hobsons Bay. 2.1.6 Community Access and - 57 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.1 Lifelong learning in the library context 2.1.6 Community Access and Diversity Awareness Libraries for all - a quality inclusive service to local residents. Home Library Service is a free service to local residents who are housebound or unable to visit the library due to disability or ill health – as well as primary carers who find it difficult to visit a library. (see also 1.2.9 Home Library Service) Providing materials in many different formats including Audio Books and Large print. Participation in Council initiatives including Midsumma, International Day of People with a Disability, Harmony Day etc. Library service rating 9 languages all formats housed across 4 branches relevant to community demographics. We incorporate activities to support/celebrate each Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Reviewer’s rating 1/2 Diversity Awareness 2.1.6 Community Access and Diversity Awareness 2.1.6 Adaptive PC’s1 2.1.6 Photographs of Adaptive PC’s, Toilets, and Changeable etc. 2.1.6 Auslan Storytime 2.1.6 Daisy Readers 2.1.6 Great Breaks Healthy Bodies July 2011 Plan 2.1.6 Midsumma 2.12 Gentleman’s Guide 2.1.6 midsumma 2012 Lindy Cameron 2.1.6 Midsumma partnership GOWEST events week one Libraries for all - a quality inclusive service to local residents including Housebound, non-English speaking residents, those who are learning to read and write English, hearing and sight impaired people and residents with physical or developmental disabilities. Supported by collections, spaces, equipment, services and events. Home Library Service Open to all age groups. 52 weeks a year deliveries. Access to any items they could borrow in person, and the number they require for a four week period 2.1.7 Community Languages 3.5 2.1.7 Community Languages 2.1.7 Welcome brochures in 8 languages 2.1.7 flavours of the world 2.1.7 Arabic story-time April 2011 Eligibility for home library is very broad i.e. carers, short or long term illness, elderly, Personalised visit by Home Library Team leader to - 58 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.1 Lifelong learning in the library context demographic through Story times, cultural events and Computer Classes in our Languages. Welcome brochures translated into each of our community languages Support and promotion of non library LOTE events to library patrons to increase awareness. Celebrate diversity through displays and community recognised events on CALD calendar. Chinese New Year, Cultural Diversity Week/Harmony Day, Refugee Week. Outreach via. Libraries on Location to reach CALD communities EID and Laverton Festivals Host Conversational English classes at Altona and Altona Meadows Support the Italian book club and Croatian activity group by providing meeting space. Conduct tours with ESL groups. Literacy Collections for English as a second language at three libraries. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Library service rating 2.1.7 Karen Cultural Event 2.1.7 Karen story-time July 2011 2.1.7 LOTE Resource Flier 2011 See also 2.1.2 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 determine preferences and needs. Feedback forms provide continual improvement of service - 59 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.1 Lifelong learning in the library context Online IELTS – international English language testing database is available through our database collection as well as IELTS kits through our literacy collection. My language website linked through the front page of our website. Library Press display is a relatively new database for us giving instant access to 1700 newspapers from 92 countries in 48 languages. Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 Support of Community groups outside our language collection e.g. Karen. 2.1.8 COMPUTER CLASSES Computer training of both hands-on and demonstration sessions and go from general beginners guides through to more targeted and advanced sessions. Training is conducted either by library staff or a paid external provider. Separate beginner classes provided 2.1.8 Computer Classes 2.1.8 Web calendar 2.1.8 Computer Class Brochures 2.1.8 Feedback forms Brochures for programs Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 60 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.1 Lifelong learning in the library context for seniors. On the spot training for patrons using public PC’s or laptops. IE. Setting up a webmail account, working with a word document, connecting to Wifi which supports informal learning. Our IT Training Rooms at Altona Meadows and Altona North are also available to hire. 2.1.9 Non-traditional Library Users We conduct programs and events designed to attract non-traditional library users e.g. maritime @ the mechanics. Cooking for one (or two), Men’s cooking class, Intergenerational Wii tournament, Hot Rods, Sharpies etc. Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 Marketing Plan Display case booking sheet See E4.2.15_Hobsons Bay Libraries – 2.1.9 Non-traditional Library Users 2.1.9 Sharpies 2.1.9 Cruisin’ in the Library 2.1.9 Maritime at the Mechanics Please see also 4.2.2 Community Partnerships Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 61 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.1 Lifelong learning in the library context Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating February 2012 Rating 1/2 Hobsons Bay Library is clear about its role in assisting with lifelong learning and has a well- designed strategy which caters for all age groups. This serves as a solid foundation and key tool in connecting the library to a number of partners The staff have the ability to identify community needs and then find partners to establish appropriate programs. In doing this the library has become a sought after partner Technology for tots and Men’s cooking classes are good examples of this and are both innovative and successful programs December 2012- Reviewers noted progress including drafting of Library Strategic Plan. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 62 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.2 Providing and promoting 21st century literacies Library service rating 2.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? We act as a bridge across the digital divide for all life stages. We will develop lifelong learning opportunities in Hobsons Bay equipping our residents to fully participate in the information technology revolution. What we do Evidence Strengths Areas for improvement 2.2.1 Electronic Literacy 2.2.1 Electronic Literacy Develop a technology strategy including; 2.2.1 Electronic Service Inter-generational Wii Bowling Tournament Computers/printers and access to online databases @ all branches. A total of 74 computers for public use. Including 4 adaptive computers, 46 regular internet accessible computers, 11 opac’s, 7 DIY (RFID) terminals, 2 children’s dedicated and 3 gaming consoles. Free Wifi available at 4 branches IT training rooms at Altona Meadows (10 PC’s) and Altona North (16 PC’s) Available for Hire Senior patrons have access to 21st century technologies Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Implementation of 21st century technologies at Williamstown and Newport Branches. Computer booking system needs to be intuitive/user friendly. Promotion of online databases and other electronic resources such as Library Links 2.2.1 Instructional signage Computer Booking Two generations connecting through new technologies, this event was very extremely popular 2.2.1 Instructional signage Tech Tips Class 2.2.1 Instructional Signage Extending a Computer Booking Run weekly, this class is tailored to the user’s needs. 2.2.1 Instructional Signage Printing DIY Technologies Staff training in use of databases RFID has allowed us to embrace self service technologies while still maintaining security of our collection. Our DIY checkouts are available in many different languages. Staff have been Ensuring staff remain on top of their skills with the 21st technologies Identify a Technologies skills matrix for staff 2.2.1 PC unit stats Hobsons Bay 2.2.1 Intergenerational Wii March 2011 2.2.1 Computer Class Poster - 63 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.2 Providing and promoting 21st century literacies through customised and user friendly learning tools such as the adaptive PC’s and free seniors computer classes and learning opportunities such as intergenerational Wii Computer classes and demonstrations of technology including Skype, tech tips Intermediate Word Access computer literate staff that can provide on-the-spot computer training for all users of the library at any time within library hours as well as Tech tips and Computer Q&A sessions which are tailored to the needs of the user. Computer games, Wii and play station 2, play station 3 for all patrons use. Read along DAISY readers (Digital Accessible Information System.) Purchased through Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Library service rating Feb-March 2012 2.5 Reviewer’s rating trained in not only how to use, but also how to teach and adapt their customer service style to the technology Finding out what the community wants in regards to training Rollout Wifi at Williamstown 2012 Netloan Pro computer booking system allows for greater control of computer usage and self 2.2.1 Overview of electronic booking for Public PC usage. services Bears Printing program utilises 2.2.1 Photographs the patron’s library card to carry 2.2.1 PC unit stats Hobsons Bay credit for printing and 2.2.1 Eventbrite, program stats, photocopying and has greatly computer brochures, feedback reduced the amount of wasted paper. This program allows the forms, staff evaluation. patron to see the price of the print charges before committing 2.2.1 Wifi Stats to the printing. 2.2.1 Daisy readers, adaptive Technologies for Children PC’s 2.2.1 Seniors online computer classes 1/2 3.5 Regular monitoring and maintenance of software and hardware Improved reliability of connectivity to internet, OPAC, The Vault, VOIP Policy, procedure and roll out for Xbox access Policy, procedure and roll out for DAISY readers Kidsmart Tech for Tots Class Interactive Storytime - 64 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.2 Providing and promoting 21st century literacies Library service rating 2.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 funding received from the Department of Families and Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) Library Initiative. The library has 35 in total. 2.2.2 Reader Development tools Library patrons have access to several literature related databases; Hobsons Bay libraries has a significant Book Club collection (see 1.1.3 Special collections) Partnered with local booksellers and publishers for specific events. 2.2.2 Reader Development tools Books & Authors Fiction Connection Global Books in Print Good Reading (also available in the periodical collection) Magpies Novelist Spine Out Who else writes like Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 65 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.2 Providing and promoting 21st century literacies 2.2.3 Staff Knowledge Staff are encouraged to share their reading interests with each other and the library patrons through past staff recommends programs. We currently have 9 staff participating in the Frontline training program with another 5 places available in 2012. The Webolutuion staff training program includes some training in reader development technologies. Activities such as the Borders Buying night for AN Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Library service rating 2.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 (also available in the Reference Collection) 2.2.3 Staff Knowledge See also 1.3.1 Staff training Webolution 2.2.3 Frontline email 2.2.3 Borders Night flyer - 66 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.2 Providing and promoting 21st century literacies Library service rating 2.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 3.5 Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating February 2012: Rating 1/2 Very impressive, innovative programs for staff and the public – eg Webolution, Technology for Tots Use of RFID to free up staff to design and deliver programs to the public. The importance of learning and embracing new technologies is reflected by the willingness of staff to teach others eg tech time. December 2012 – Reviewers noted progress including new website and Draft Digital Services Strategy. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 67 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.3 Encouraging a reading culture Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognised literacy as a human right over 50 years ago. Hobsons Bay Libraries embraces and facilitates the community gateways to literacy. What we do Evidence Strengths 2.3.1 Book groups 2.3.1 Book groups Book group sharing with Maribyrnong Sharing book group collections titles with Maribyrnong Library Service to keep collection fresh and provided greater choice for our users. 2.3.1 Book group Books 30 groups accessing 164 different titles at a low cost. 51 sets have been borrowed this financial year. 2.3.1 Book group calendar 2.3.1 Yearly program statistics 2.3.2 Initiatives 2.3.2 Initiatives Participate in initiatives that support a 2.3.2 Reading culture NYoR reading culture including; 2.3.2 Indigenous Literacy Book swap Supporting the National year of Reading through Launch, branding and initiative such as One Country Reading. 2.3.2 2.3.2 2.3.2 2.3.2 2.3.2 CHILDRENS AND YOUTH- Premiers reading challenge, Poetry Slam, writing and illustration Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Literary Festival NYoR Premiers reading challenge Will lit fest sponsor banner NYOR Hobsons bay overview Williamstown Literary Festival ‘Litfest’ celebrates local authors fostering pride and encouraging literary interest through author recognition – e.g. William McGuiness, Andy Griffiths, Leigh Hobbs. Three of the libraries coordinators are on the organising committee. Areas for improvement Undertake a review of the book group collection, including records, statistics and marketing. Encouraging more staff participation and awareness of the Williamstown Literary Festival. Review and Update of the Collection Development Policy and Plan. Nurture a reading culture from within. - 68 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.3 Encouraging a reading culture Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 competitions and workshops, summer reading club, special storytimes, kinder visits, and babies love books. ADULT- Summer read, 50 books you can’t put down, Indigenous literacy book swap, author visits. HBCC major sponsor and organiser of the annual Williamstown Litfest. The Library hosts authors and sessions and provides in-kind support. The Library manager and Co-ordinator are on the committee. The Library has assisted in organising the program for the last eight years and we financially support children’s and youth talks and workshops. We also assist with marketing, promotion, ticketing and displays. 2.3.3 Selection, collections and training Staff participation in the PLVN/SLV Frontline Reader 2.3.3 Selection, collections and training Collection Contract Specifications and Collection Profile Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 69 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.3 Encouraging a reading culture Library service rating development program (see 1.3.2 Staff development) Frontline training Customer Request Form See 2.2.2 Reader Development tools Customer Requests: we endeavour to fulfil every request. See 1.1 Collections See 1.1.3 special collections Access to readers advisory databases Wide variety of formats Including: Talking books on CD, Playaways and downloadable through the website, Large Print, Graphic Novels, DVD, CD Rom etc. We also house a number of specialist collections Staff training is provided for new initiatives such as the Playaways when MP3 players were purchased for staff use. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 - 70 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing 2.3 Encouraging a reading culture Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating February 2012 Rating Hobsons Bay has a very well-developed program of reading support 30 Book groups have access to a wide range of titles provided in partnership with Maribyrnong Library Service Libraries on Location takes libraries and reading out to people who may not visit the library Friends groups are very supporting – raise money through booksales, sponsor writing competitions Staff are aware of their role in promoting reading – current reading discussed at meetings. Participation in Frontline The library needs a formal Collection Development Policy Extensive program for National Year of Reading December 2012 – Reviewers noted continuing reading programs to follow on from National Year of Reading. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 71 - Key result area 2: Building individual skills, capability and wellbeing Overall star rating Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 1/2 Peer review notes February 2012: Rating ½ Hobsons Bay has a very impressive, multi-faceted program in this area The library is clear about its role in lifelong learning RIFD has enabled staff time to be directed into the learning area There is a strong sense of enthusiasm and passion, this is reflected in the library’s wide range of reading and technology programs December 2012: Reviewers were not required to re-rate this KRA but were impressed by continued energy and innovative approach. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 72 - Key result area 3: Developing social capital 3.1 Welcoming civic space and sense of belonging Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? At Hobsons Bay Libraries a welcoming civic space and sense of belonging are paramount. What we do Customer Service – a user focused delivery. Complaints/feedback – user focused dispute resolution process Williamstown opening Personalised service welcoming DIY – allowing staff to focus service where needed, IT help, seeking information Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Evidence Customer Service /training, policies and procedures Guidelines regularly updated for consistency and to adapt to change. Frontline training – marketing and general Customer feedback Feedback tablet Feedback forms CS – signage, pamphlets, DIY Welcome brochure(s) and welcome spiel Broad skill base of staff, not just library trained, Strengths Areas for improvement Customer service – personalized, on floor service, roaming librarians Lifelong learning and continuous improvement - 73 - Key result area 3: Developing social capital 3.1 Welcoming civic space and sense of belonging Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 teachers, IT specialists, environment backgrounds, Local history specialty. The library environment – A welcoming and useable space. physical spaces - end of bays spacing moveable spaces / flexible library architecture and design Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Customer service staff – not just library officer/assistant/libraria n. All staff can take an enquiry as far as they can. Evaluation forms at all events and bimonthly for regular sessions. Clear signage to indicate this is a library Computer PC space Intimate and personal spaces Study space Pop up study spaces Library layout/plans Developing expectations for spaces (improve staff awareness and convert to users Signage subject lounges – consistency Av shelving - consistent 4 large accessible attractive buildings - 74 - Key result area 3: Developing social capital 3.1 Welcoming civic space and sense of belonging Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Library service rating Photos of buildings Building maintenance program Building audit report ( AN just had a man out) Lots of computers ( how many at each branch IT training rooms at two branches Ipads Cafes Moveable shelving for weekly rhymetime and storytime sessions at AN. Joint meeting room to children’s area for school holiday programs/gaming tournaments. Moveable library for large scale events Matthew Reilly Pop up study stations in Reviewer’s rating 4 - 75 - Key result area 3: Developing social capital 3.1 Welcoming civic space and sense of belonging Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 gallery spaces to accommodate exam periods. And interview rooms available for private group work. Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating Rating: 4 Star Reviewers were impressed by the use of space in the libraries. Quiet areas have been accommodated without losing the lively community feel. The staff have a sense of pride in the library service. Identification of staff with t-shirts and vests assists the public. All staff are trained to assist with information requests and this also helps improve customer service. Subject lounges have been effective in fostering a friendly, informal feel. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 76 - Key result area 3: Developing social capital 3.2 Supporting social connections and reaching out to communities Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? At Hobsons Bay Libraries we try to find new, interesting and non-traditional ways to tell our story in the community What we do Libraries on Locations Home Library Service spanning individual and group customers LibraryThing implementation – enabling community generated content Superior IT services – iPads, print management CALD collections Social media connectedness with /between community Book clubs including establishment of an GLBTIQ book club and selection night Toys available in libraries and running of chess club Increasing online collections and web presence Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Evidence Strengths Staff Webolution training programs Dedicated Community Engagement Team Roving Collections: Seniors and Kindergartens Support mechanisms for people in need Book Sales and dedicated rooms for the Friends Library spaces for the promotion of community initiatives Our staff Review of community language collections and Areas for improvement Friends of the Library groups Willingness to develop partnerships with other groups/organizations Development of a culture of Opportunities and to not say ‘no’ Café spaces in libraries Flexible use of library spaces Web memberships – temp for travellers Special memberships – Community access etc Good alignment with Council for promoting and executing events etc within library spaces Establish a fully fledged 24/7 service delivery model Better promotion of the volunteering opportunities both of those available within the service and organizations who co facilitate e.g. Volunteer West Deliver mobile or storefront libraries in the community Run more peer to peer programs Expansion of existing outreach e.g. Living Library Improvement of reflection and evaluation processes Increase the opportunity for - 77 - Key result area 3: Developing social capital 3.2 Supporting social connections and reaching out to communities Expansive children’s and youth services Open and welcoming spaces encouraging groups to congregate e.g. knitting club Extensive external programming: Vasilli at Bunnings, Children’s Week Picnic Library service rating demographics within the community Reviewer’s rating Duplication of library services beyond the physical walls of the libraries themselves 4 volunteers to participate in the delivery of events/programs Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating Rating : 4 star Programs are multi-faceted and designed to appeal to various sections of the community. Reviewers especially noted programs such as Libraries on Location and the roving collections of discarded items to seniors and kindergartens. Special memberships were also seen as an innovative way of improving access to the library. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 78 - Key result area 3: Developing social capital 3.3 Working in partnerships Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? We strive to increase our reach and break through barriers by developing strong, clear and mutually productive partnerships. What we do Formal partnership with WLF, Deakin University, Victoria University\ SLV UCAN café Partnership with other council departments City West Water Environmental Friends Groups Schools and other educational organizations CALD Community – Local members interactions eg. Storytime Indigenous literacy project Quilt project Other library services – public and university Isis primary care Men’s Shed Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Evidence Strengths Working with council departments IDPW – on strategic documents, events and programs Children’s Picnic Senior’s Month Great Breaks Kinda Kinder Friends Groups Italian Language Club Meeting Rooms – Provide other options instead of just sayin’ no Partnerships aligned with objectives – Being the Best Partnerships documentation in other Council Department and Strategy/Plans Areas for improvement Volunteer West MoU potential Empower community involvement with the HBL world Investigate community art @ Williamstown gallery Collection, presence and marketing Review and evaluation of partnerships and relevant programs - 79 - Key result area 3: Developing social capital 3.3 Working in partnerships Book Group WCIG Kingsville community centre Friends groups Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 Concession rates Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating Rating : 4 Star Hobsons Bay has a huge number and range of partnerships – reflecting its strong commitment to community engagement. Reviewers queried whether there may be too many partnerships to manage and suggested a review and evaluation process. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 80 - Key result area 3: Developing social capital Overall star rating Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 Peer review notes Rating 4 Star Hobsons Bay Library Service really shines in this area. Apart from Newport Library ( which is in line for refurbishment) the libraries are attractive, welcoming and well located. The Reviewers were most impressed by the enthusiasm and commitment of the staff who are passionate about connecting with their community. The range and scope of programs is extremely impressive. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 81 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.1 Leadership and innovation at all levels Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? Leadership is an integral part of the library’s mission statement – for staff individually and for the library as an entity of the community in its own right. What We Do Evidence Strengths Areas for Improvement 4.1.1 Communication 4.1.1 Communication Internal Communications We communicate the values of the library and the broader council through: 4.1.1 Strategic planning process Communications to the community outside. Library’s mission statement: - Promoting city pride - Accessibility - Quality of life - Life-long learning Council’s customer service charter Enewsletter Website Flyers Posters Libraries on Location Membership brochure Internal communication channels include: Group emails, memos, Weekly 4.1.1 Hobsons Bay council plan 4.1.1 Social Planning reporting tool 4.1.1 Libraries Business Plan 4.1.1 Library Annual Plan2011-2012 4.1.1 Library Management Flow Chart 4.1.1 Operations Monthly report Sept 2011 4.1.1 Customer Service Charter 4.1.1 Example Whats On 4.1.1 Staff meeting Minutes 4.1.1 Team Briefing example 4.1.1 Planning Templates 4.1.1 Policy and Procedures Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries The design concept incorporating circles was chosen as circles are a symbol of unity and wholeness. Reflecting the modern philosophy that the library service is much more than books, they provide places for enjoyment, places to relax, places to learn computer skills, places to do business and to have meetings ‘Your Library’ DVD This was a joint venture with Brimbank and Maribyrnong Libraries Consolidate ways to share knowledge such as the Library Intranet Promote Professional Development Opportunities for staff Revise Staff Communications Workflows to close the loop in planning Develop and implement a Library Community Engagement strategy Strong brand and identity. Libraries on location- see 1.3 Build capacity in staff at all levels Bright ideas lunch. - 82 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.1 Leadership and innovation at all levels Whats on, Noticeboards, Meeting minutes. Meetings – All staff, Branch briefings, Branch Team Leader, Coordinator, Senior Management, Informal catch ups. Open door policy from management team. Brushtails – a limited intranet program still in the development. So far only in use for meeting room bookings and some statistical collection. Council communications including the Pulse and Pelican Brief. 4.1.2 Innovation We encourage staff to introduce new services by: Holding regular visioning/ planning workshops (e.g. Children’s visioning) Holding Strategic Planning Workshops every four years to incorporate ideas from staff into the latest Strategic Plan. Encouraging staff to submit proposals for events and learning Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 All staff are invited to bring their lunch, their ideas and an open mind. Customer Service in a self Serve environment. Joanne Smith, Library services coordinator was awarded the Marjory C. Ramsay scholarship in 2009 to investigate changes to Customer Service in the Self Service environment and staff customer service changes have become part of our staff and induction training o RFID customer experience o Staff training 4.1.2 Innovation 4.1.2 Previous Strategic Plans and Libraries strategic planning process 4.1.2 Libraries Beyond Books Report Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 83 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.1 Leadership and innovation at all levels Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 programs 4.1.3 Evaluation We check that we are staying on track through: Regular meetings – coordinator, team briefing, general staff meetings Regular reviews about strategic plan objectives Annual staff reviews – assessed on how well the vision and values of the library have been achieved 4.1.3 Evaluation 4.1.3 Hobsons Bay Library Monthly Trend Report 4.1.3 Library Phone Stats - October2011 4.1.3 Library Phone Stats - October2011 4.1.3 Hobsons Bay Council Plan 2011-12 4.1.3 Social Planning Tool 2011-12 4.1.3 Libraries business plan 2011-12 4.1.3 Libraries annual plan 4.1.3 Libraries management planning flowchart Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating February 2012 Rating : The library has strong and consistent branding and marketing approach – all publications and leaflets look attractive and professional Strong evidence of teamwork and commitment to developing staff capacity Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 84 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.1 Leadership and innovation at all levels Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 All levels of staff are encouraged to be involved – Bright Ideas Lunch open to all Celebration of success provides encouragement Successful introduction of RFID – very high percentage of loans self-issued and careful consideration given to changing roles of staff Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 85 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.2 Planning and community engagement Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? Community engagement is a way that we stay relevant and dynamic with all of our stakeholders. What We Do Evidence Strengths Areas for Improvement 4.2.1 Feedback 4.2.1 Feedback Strong Partnerships Models 4.2 Feedback We gather feedback from the community and feed it into our planning processes through: 4.2.1 Community Engagement Framework We have Strong, Flexible and nontraditional partnerships with many Council, Community and Learning groups, highlights including; Feedback forms Customer service surveys Outreach activities and informal discussions with community members Customer requests online to guide our stock selection process Event feedback forms Community consultation forums Telephone statistics 4.2.1 Nexus Survey 4.2.1 Community Advisory Minutes 4.2.1 Williamstown Advisory Minutes 4.2.1 Library Advisory Group 4.2.1 Willi Redevelopment Survey 4.2.1 Wil Community Feedback form 4.2.1 Williamstown Library development - answers to your Questions Ucan café an initiative built up between Altona North Community Library, Hobson’s Bay Council and Yooralla providing employment for people with an intellectual disability. 4.2.2 Community Partnerships 4.2.2 Community Partnerships 4.2.2 2011 Career and Learning expo Friends of the Library Groups Hobsons Bay libraries fosters 4.2.2 Deakin Change of preference Our Friends groups are an asset to our Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Develop a structured Library Community engagement Strategy Improve staff training and knowledge – Outreach manual Develop a ‘”celebration” strategy to share Success Stories Yooralla/Ucan Partnership Partnerships at all levels and across organisations - 86 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.2 Planning and community engagement partnerships and programs with formal learning providers and organisations including; Deakin University Victoria University Bayside College City West Water Yooralla Volunteer West Vision Australia More informal partnerships exist with; David House Isis Primary Care Laverton community centre Coles Williamstown Williamstown Musical Theatre Nordenne family Williamstown Historical Society Inc. Altona Historical Museum Inc. We contribute to the wider council planning frameworks by: Having a Dedicated Coordinator for Community evening 4.2.2 Kinda Kinder Flyer GoWest Partnership film 4.2.2 Midsumma Partnership Library service rating Hosting writing and illustration competitions. Fundraising for the library and charities such as the biggest morning tea. helping us celebrating successes and milestones Acting as members on the Library Advisory Committee. See Also 4.2.2 City West Water Memorandum of Understanding 4.2.2 Ucan 4.2.2 Ucan Staff member 4.2.2 Ucan Committee minutes 4.2.2 Vision Aust Partnership agreement 4.2.2 Feedback from Deakin - internal partner 4.2.2 Friends of Williamstown and Newport Libraries 4 Program based Victoria University/Kinda Kinder Program 4.2.2 Community Engagement Framework Gives access to disengaged members of the community who may not otherwise have access to early learning programs as well as student experience. Many patrons are referred by maternal health centres and other education providers. 4.2.2 Career and Learning Expo flyer Formal partnerships – MoU’s Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Reviewer’s rating service. Currently they have a dedicated book sale room and in 2012 will have a new one at Williamstown. They enhance our service by: 4.2.2 MOU HBCC and Bayside 4.2.2 Hobsons Bay work experience 4 - 87 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.2 Planning and community engagement Access Involvement with and integration into other council plans, we keep other council plans in the forefront of our minds when undertaking the planning process. Public surveys – what would you like? Outreach team Community partnerships From Library manager down there is community engagement > liaison with community focused coordinators> Community access and learning > Learning Liaison > HL and Access > BTLs. Themed displays and activities around community / Govt programs e.g. Seniors week Hosting and attend meetings by other community organisations to engage with the Library service rating 4 4.2.2 Deakin Change of Preference flyer Bayside College 4.2.2 Kinda Kinder flyer City West Water Memorandum of Understanding 4.2.2 Go West partnership film night Reviewer’s rating 4 4.2.2 Midsumma partnership 4.2.2 Williamstown Literature Fest banner 4.2.2 MOU example – Bayside College 4.2.2 Work experience students 2012 Planning with Council Departments 4.2.2 Women in leadership flyer 4.2.2 The Friends of Hobsons Bay Libraries’ invite to Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea A joint venture across almost all council departments. 1500 residents attended event on 2011. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Children’s Week Picnic Flexible and open approach to community partnerships Food for fines program. This program encourages customer to donate food in exchange their fines are waived. This program has run for two years and has been very successful. It provides assistance to local emergency relief organisations. - 88 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.2 Planning and community engagement Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 community within their environment. Hobsons Bay Libraries has developed a community learning portal to be switched on as part of the new website. The Library Partners with Council Departments including; Youth services (Youth arvo, Youth week) HEAT Team (Showerhead exchange, Smart gardens) Community Services (Seniors week, Midsumma, Men in the kitchen, Children’s week picnic) Parks and Gardens (ERC events, Ranger talks) Our two Friends of the Libraries groups, act as supporters and advocates for the library service. One active and one in recess whilst Williamstown is being rebuilt. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 89 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.2 Planning and community engagement Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 Food for Fines program provides assistance to local emergency relief organisations. Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating February 2012 Rating There is an emphasis on partnerships and a long list of successful collaborations UCAN cafe has been very successful The library service is proactive and also integrates well with the rest of Council and works with other Council departments on programs. A structured community engagement strategy would provide a clearer framework for this December 2012 : Review and subsequent changes to Newport opening hours noted. Community Engagement Strategy still needs to be done. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 90 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.3 Building organisational capability through people Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 4 Staff development foster a structure that supports, respects and value staff and provides opportunities for continual growth. What We Do Evidence Strengths 4.3.1 Diversity 4.3.1 Staff Development Diversity Hobsons Bay Libraries is very conscious of employing people of diverse backgrounds, experiences, skills and languages. 4.3.2 Staff Training 2-3 week Staff induction upon commencement The library conducts in-house training for staff in addition to Council training. 4.3.1 Study leave assistance form Hobsons Bay Libraries structure supports value and respect all skills and experience by providing a wealth of skills that can be adapted into the environment. The staff bring with them life experiences via their talents and specialities. Schedule regular staff refresher training Build industry capacity. Work placements and students have gained employment with Hobsons Bay Libraries Develop and implement a process for recognising staff training needs (both short term and long term) Develop a staff skills database Aurora Leadership Institute Certificate 4.3.1 Professional Debt and Training at HBL2011 (see also 1.3.2 staff development) 4.3.2 Staff Training 4.3.2 Annual review guidebook 4.3.2 Annual review form 4.3.2 Library Staff document Register A staff skills audit was conducted in 2008 to identify areas where staff felt they needed additional training. This resulted in a series of training sessions. 4.3.2 Corporate training calendar Training needs met through 4.3.2 Learning and Development 4.3.2 Employee training & annual review policy We have several staff fluent in other languages including; 4.3.2 Council Induction checklist Chinese 4.3.2 Library induction checklist Vietnamese Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Areas for Improvement - 91 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.3 Building organisational capability through people self-suggestion for courses, annual review, and one-on-one reviews with team leader, occasional comprehensive training survey. Short secondment project work is made available in order for staff to gain experience in other areas such as resource services. Staff are trained and rotated around all five branches in order to provide a consistent service across all branches. Certain staff areas undertake regular rotation of their base branches and activities. Library service rating Newsletter Italian 4.3.2 Library Staff Handbook Greek 4.3.2 Performance Management Training Course for Supervisors Auslan 4.3.2 Seminar/short course application form 4.3.2 Sept 11 Staff Memo (see also 1.3.2 staff development) All staff are required to complete compulsory council wide training on commencement, and refresh as required. Along with this staff are also able to attend other non compulsory council training including; First Aid Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 4 Currently we have 28 staff residing within the Hobsons Bay municipality providing a wide range of local knowledge. Staff Development Flexibility Flexible approach: All staff across all bandings is encouraged to undertake training programs of interest to them. We have had several staff come through from shelvers to leading roles. Library leaders and managers have a strong open door policy Approachable Informative Open to discussions Big leadership group that covers branch - 92 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.3 Building organisational capability through people Recruitment and Selection Charter of Human Rights Youth Mental Health First Aid Managing Performance (for managers and supervisors) Freedom of Information Conflict of Interest Resume Writing and Interview Skills Staff are invited to participate in collection development Professional development opportunities. Staff are provided with the opportunity to attend external training and conferences relevant to their positions, and report back to rest of staff about session. Annual Review process - Staff participate in an annual Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 4 and team leaders Staff Support Phased retirement Maternity & Paternity Leave Return to work (workplace injury, non workplace injury, other council department/adapted duties) - Phased onto maternity leave - Phased return to work (maternity & other health) - Short term variation of duties - Short and longer term variation of hours Study leave and financial support is available to staff at all levels - Staff Retention - A handful of staff with 20+ years employment including 2 with 30+ years In the past 5 years 4 staff moved from shelving to customer service onto higher banded positions (e.g. Katie, Lauren, Dani, Hung, Jenelle) Currently all shelvers with more than 4 years employment - - - 93 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.3 Building organisational capability through people review process providing an opportunity for staff and supervisors to identify training and professional development opportunities they feel are needed or wanted. 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 4 Studying Degree: Karen, Kirri, Ellen, Jenelle & Sarah N. Masters: Aidan. Library technician: Nick, Katherine Library Qualifications in customer service/ admin roles Degree: Lisa, Mei, Elaine, Rishaanth, Alex & Library technician: Andrew Staff are also encouraged to undertake training that may not be directly relevant to their role such as contact officers, a point of contact for council staff for confidential advice and assistance, first aid or safe handling of food. A mentoring partnership has been set up with Maribyrnong Library Service for one of the new coordinators. Library service rating Other professional Qualifications IT: Steve Teaching: Greg, Vitina 4.3.3 Organisational Processes Library staff participate in PLVN subcommittee meetings to raise Hobsons Bay’s profile within the library industry and for personal, professional and organisational development. 4.3.3 Staff structure diagram These include: 4.3.3 New Roster Email Suzanne – attendance at PLVN meetings Hobsons Bay Council refunds 100% of study costs on completion and passing of the subjects. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Jo – convenes Operations Special Interest Group Rosemary – Convenes Libmark Kirri – attends Home Library Special Interest Group - 94 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.3 Building organisational capability through people Library service rating (see also 1.3.2 staff development) Amanda – attends Local History Special Interest Group 4.3.3 Organisational Processes ROSTERS – are available in hard copy on the noticeboards at each branch as well as being sent to everyone via email. Rosters are required to be out at least 7 days in advance as per the staff enterprise agreement. Through our Human Resources department staff have the options of 48/52 leave, Family Friendly policies, adapted duties and Phased return to work. The Library has participated in return to work programs for other council staff providing light, desk based duties. Generous Maternity and Paternity Leave entitlements. BACKFILLING OF ROLES – if a coordinator or other key Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 4 Sue – attends ILL Special Interest Group Anne – attends Multicultural Special Interest Group Karen – attends collections and/or AMLIB meetings depending on agenda Children’s co-ordinator and staff representatives attend regular workshops Professional development Aurora Institute – Katie & Jenelle LG Pro Ignite - Rosemary Margery C Ramsay Scholarship - Jo Shared Leadership Program - Lea & Karen V Conference/Workshop Presentations Customer Service @ SLV – Jo Lianza 2009 – Jo Lianza 2010 – Jo RFID Workshop @ MAV – Jo Sense of Place, Sydney – Amanda Connections and Convergence, Adelaide - 95 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.3 Building organisational capability through people staff member is going on leave for more than 10 working days a backfilling arrangement in usually put into place giving the opportunity for staff to experience different roles. Access to the Employee Assistance Program. Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 4 - Suzanne Design Seminar - Suzanne Conference Attendance ALIA, Alice Springs 2008 - Jo Lianza, Auckland 2008 – Jo Lianza, Christchurch 2008 – Suzanne & Jo Lianza, Dunedin 2010 – Jo ALIA, Brisbane 2010 – Pam, Karen & Jo My Language, Sydney 2010 - Anne Sense of Place, Sydney 2011 – Amanda Connections and Convergence, Adelaide 2011 - Suzanne FISH Philosophy Staff have embraced the ‘FISH’ management style. The four elements are: Be there, Make their Day, Play, Chose your attitude. An example of a ‘Fishy’ staff event was the Borders Training night, a chance for staff to become involved in the purchase of items in preparation for Altona North, Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 96 - Key result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values 4.3 Building organisational capability through people Library service rating 3.5 Reviewer’s rating 4 Training in collection management and a chance for staff to get together outside of work and have fun. Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating Rating: Hobsons Bay has a large leadership group which works well together Very impressive evidence of teamwork throughout the organisation The capacity of the staff is very impressive High participation rates in groups outside the organisation – PLVN Special Interest Groups, Shared Leadership program Strong commitment to staff learning and development shown in generous study leave policy and commitment to on the job learning. Opportunities for job rotation and short term placements. We were impressed with the FISH program and the Bright Ideas Lunch – both serve to keep staff engaged and involved Skills database now being compiled will provide useful information Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 97 - ey result area 4: Demonstrating leadership and values Overall star rating Library service rating 4 Reviewer’s rating 4 Notes Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 98 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.1 Implementation of policies and procedures Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? Policies and procedures are an imperative to the Hobsons Bay Library Service as they reflect the Council’s plan for the community and all of our stakeholders. What we do Evidence Strengths Areas for improvement 5.1.1 5.1.1 Position description RAD COORDINATOR 5.1.1 Development of guidelines A culture of continuous improvement through regular training for all staff Develop new fresh ways to engage staff through Wikis, Tutorials etc. 5.1.1 Distribution of guidelines The Research and Development (RAD) Coordinator position was created in 2008. A key objective of this position is to develop guidelines (as directed by Management) in relation to customer service and library processes. 5.1.1 Feedback of guidelines 5.1.1 Updating guidelines 5.1.1 Updating manuals 5.1.1 Feedback emails Staff who embrace lifelong learning Improve staff response time to guidelines Need for staff intervention when guidelines not followed Regular audits of staff knowledge, Remote and immediate electronic ability and self-confidence in access of all Guidelines specific areas. 5.1.1 Confirmation of understanding email 5.1.1 Receipt of evidence of understanding 5.1.1 Staff and peer review of library guidelines 5.1.1 Staff & Branch meeting notes Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 99 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.1 Implementation of policies and procedures 5.1.2 5.1.1 Staff audits STRATEGIC PLAN 5.1.2 Strategic plan Library service rating The Libraries Strategic Plan is linked to 5.1.2 Council plan the Council Plan, which in turn is linked 5.1.2 Operational plan to the Operational Plan. 5.1.2 Marketing plan In turn the individual’s Staff Review reflects the strategic direction of the Council. 5.1.2 Collection Development policy 5.1.2 Collection profiles The strategic direction in the area of information technology (IT) has benefited our customers through the implementation of wireless internet access, radio frequency identification (RFID), an online meeting room booking system, BEARS print stations, adaptive PCs, Playstations, Wii, As technology continually advances so too does our IT related guidelines. 5.1.2 Feedback forms and Customer requests 5.1.2 CHARM logging Reviewer’s rating 4 Steering the libraries towards a vision of the future Strategic planning and a comprehensive timely management Plans are easy to access Annual review of staffing levels service wide 5.1.2 New membership processes Increase of weekend staffing support customer service Increasing opening hours of Newport 5.1.2 Branch profiles Staff consultation 5.1.2 Guideline Manual Community consultation 5.1.2 IT Strategy Community connectivity 5.1.2 IT related guidelines Easily accessed print management Our strategic direction in the area of 5.1.2 Annual Review Process (refer system community learning is demonstrated in to 5.3.1) Easily accessed online event booking a range of programs and services and management system including Frontline-guided book displays, Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 100 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.1 Implementation of policies and procedures Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 the Mayoral Eco-Legends Award for the Environment writing competition, school visits, local history classes, Storytimes in the Williamstown Botanical Gardens, and the Libraries on Location (LOL) program held at various locations e.g. Bunnings. For staff members inclusion in such activities is discussed and planned as part of the yearly review process. 5.1.3 GUIDELINES Guidelines are integrated and cohesive. They are regularly reviewed and updated by the RAD Coordinator to reflect the strategic direction of the Council while accurately reflecting the processes of our dynamic branches. 5.1.3 Physical copy of Guidelines 5.1.3 Receipt of evidence of understanding 5.1.3 Staff and peer review of guidelines 5.1.3 Guideline review 5.1.3 Update of Guideline Manual upon by BTL upon release of new Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Guideline awareness and knowledge examination Ongoing skill examination of all staff and development as part general duties Outlines what to do, who is - 101 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.1 Implementation of policies and procedures Library service rating guidelines 5.1.3 YouTube video showing customers how to join the library 5.1.4 MANUALS A range of manuals are available supporting library services. These manual are referred to for more information on a particular area. These include the AMLIB manual, Resource Services Manual, Collection Management Contract Manual and the Marketing Manual. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 5.1.4 AMLIB Manual 5.1.4 Resource Services Manual 5.1.4 The Outreach Manual 5.1.4 Collection Management Contract Manual Reviewer’s rating 4 responsible, what staff’s responsibilities are etc. Manuals available at all branches All staff receive electronic copies of updates. Promoting passion and encouraging lifelong learning by staff – more engagement with casuals, weekenders, full-time, part-time. - 102 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.1 Implementation of policies and procedures Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating Rating: 4 Star The use of Guidelines to ensure a consistency of approach and measures to ensure staff read and observe these was very impressive. Staff are expected to take personal responsibility for this. A good relationship with the Council IT department has been fostered and benefits the library service. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 103 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.2 Obtaining and using resources Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? Hobsons Bay Library Service strive to ensure the community receives the maximum impact and benefit for their financial contribution to the Service. We have been industry leaders in the use of technology and supplier partnerships to move staff time away from manual processing of library materials toward increased community engagement through customer service, outreach, programs and events. What we do Evidence Strengths Areas for improvement 5.2.1 5.2.1 Collection Development policy 5.2.1 Collection Specification guidelines 5.2.1 Cataloguing Specifications 5.2.1 PLVN 2011-12 Annual Report 5.2.1 Purchase request form on library website 5.2.1 Flyer for GLBTIQ book selection event We display a strong commitment to, and efficiency in, obtaining material not currently held. Lobby digital content suppliers to improve access and licensing issues relating to content such as eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, music downloads. COLLECTIONS We have outsourced almost all aspects of ordering and processing of new items, with over 90% of stock arriving ‘shelf ready’ catalogued, covered and RFID activated to the library branches. Our digital collection is steadily increasing with 496 electronic items added in 2011-12 bringing the collection to 531. The introduction of eBooks in December 2012 will further increase 24 hour access to the collection. We actively seek input from the community so that the collection meets their needs and wishes. We encourage community selection through individual requests for specific titles in person and via the website as well as through community book buying events. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 5.2.1 Library Business Plan We demonstrate a commitment to strategically, and in a comprehensive manner, review library collections – e.g. the Community Language review A strong collection budget with a young collection age. Over 70% of our collection is younger than 5 years old. Improve methods of idea gathering and dissemination to better position ourselves to determine future and changing needs. Hobsons Bay Libraries are supported by 2 Friends of the Library groups who enhance our ability to effectively obtain and use resources by: Hosting and financially sponsoring writing and - 104 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.2 Obtaining and using resources Library service rating We are committed to making new additions to the collection available as soon as possible with commitment to performance indicators of: Turnaround within 14 days of reserved items to placement on the library shelf. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 4 illustration competitions. Fundraising for the library through regular book sales and for charities such as the Cancer Council. Altona Friends purchased a display case for the taxidermied pelican for the Altona Library The Williamstown and Newport Friends purchased one of the networked PC film and fiche readers for the new Williamstown Heritage Room. Turnaround of 28 days for nonreserved items. 5.2.2 BUDGETS We receive 14% of funding from the State Government (DPCD) and 86% of funding from Hobsons Bay City Council. Our operational and capital funding per capita is $70.00. Staff with budgetary responsibilities report quarterly on budget tracking to the Library Leadership team. We have received numerous grants over the past 8 years to support building of new libraries and the refurbishment of existing buildings. We have received from the Community Support fund and Living Libraries grant we have received: Reviewer’s rating 5.2.2 Collections budget tracking – November 2012 5.2.2 Project Plan: Journey’s to Australia 5.2.2 - 105 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.2 Obtaining and using resources $750,000 for Altona North Library including $250,000 to support the establishment of the UCAN Café at Altona North Library $400,000 for Altona Meadows Library $500,000 for Williamstown Library, specifically for accessible access and facilities (e.g. a public shower). Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 When submitting proposals for new services or programs library staff must outline the financial cost, timelines and requirements. They also outline how expected outcomes will meet strategic objectives. 5.2.3 STAFFING At the end of the 2011-12 financial year we had 42 EFT staff. We strategically review staff roles as vacancies arise. New roles in youth engagement (with a particular emphasis on Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries See 5.2.1 PLVN Annual Report 2011-12 5.2.3 Change from the previous Williamstown Library Team Leader position description to the - 106 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.2 Obtaining and using resources gaming) and digital content have been created to better position ourselves to meet future needs in a digital society. Additionally, we have established a Digital Services team and incorporate a digital element into all position descriptions. We demonstrate flexibility and creativity within budgetary constraints to improve service delivery. In November 2012 we extended opening hours of the Newport branch without exerting additional pressure on the staffing budget. In May 2012 Library shelvers moved from casual employment status to permanent part-time. 5.2.4 TECHNOLOGY Where possible we utilise self-serve technology to allow staff to spend more time engaging with the community through programs, outreach and customer service. Self service issues account for over 80% at all branches. We increasingly utilise digital advertising channels (website, social media, and digital Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 Branch/Digital Content Coordinator position description. 5.2.3 Youth Engagement Librarian position description 5.2.3 2012 Annual Report 5.2.3 Changing the Newport opening hours – article in Pelican Brief (HBCC staff newsletter) 5.2.4 Photos of self service technology - BEARS and RFID terminals 5.2.4 October 2012 statistics for self-service 5.2.4 Web based event booking and management system 5.2.4 Spinetix advertising - 107 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.2 Obtaining and using resources Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 4 signage in the branches) to reach larger and more diverse audiences than traditional, paper based advertising methods. Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating Rating: 4 Star The use of collection profiling and purchase of shelf ready materials has streamlined collection development at Hobsons Bay. A large “requests” budget means staff can be flexible in responding to requests for recent and popular materials. Subject lounges have been a successful innovation and these are constantly reviewed and refreshed. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 108 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.3 Evaluation and continuous improvement Library service rating Reviewer’s rating To what extent is this theme a strategic imperative for this library service? Evaluation and continuous improvement is vital to Hobsons Bay Libraries being the best that we can be. We not only gather the information, we process it to find areas of needed improvement or areas of high satisfaction to encourage ourselves in servicing our community, to show our pride in being part of our community and to strive for continual support and improvement for our community. What we do Evidence Strengths Areas for improvement 5.3.1 STAFF 5.3.1 Annual Review form Empowerment and enthusiasm of staff Gather more feedback online Digital Services Team Regular Library Specific Staff Satisfaction Survey Staff have access to professional development through the Councils internal training, the libraries internal training and refresher sessions as well as the ability to study externally. Currently Training audits are being conducted to help staff express where their desires are for extra training or guidelines. Staff are evaluated every year through the annual review process. Through this process with their team leader they are able to set personal objectives and extra training goals to help their continual improvement in their professional Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 5.3.1 Employee Training, Development and Annual Review Policy 5.3.1 Annual Review Procedure 5.3.1 Annual Review Guide 5.3.1 Study Support Policies, 5.3.1 Training tale from HBL, Home Library service feedback forms and cheat sheets (continually updated) Customer/Community wants Surveys Guidelines that are regularly updated 5.3.1 Council training schedule Implementation of subject lounges at 2 branches 5.3.1 Learning and development email Ongoing and consistent evaluation of events 5.3.1 Monthly training report 5.3.1 Webolution completion stats 2012 5.3.1 Amlib Training notes folder - 109 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.3 Evaluation and continuous improvement Library service rating development. (see 5.1.4) New staff are provided with an induction program tailored to their needs. This includes training objectives, requirements, program manuals and service guidelines as well as plenty of on-the-job training and practise. There is an evaluation period in this program where the goals for a probationary term are set. Here staff are able to express any concerns they may have, extra training they may require or have still yet to do. 5.3.1 Induction Program 5.3.2 LIBRARY Reviewer’s rating 5.3.1 Induction program probationary goals 5.3.1 Induction program evaluation 5.3.1 Guidelines (see 5.1.3) 5.3.1 Evaluation of staff needs so far 5.3.1 Example of staff survey – Training Audit 5.3.2 Council Plan The libraries are provided benchmarks, best value standards and strategic objectives from Hobsons Bay City Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 5.3.2 Social Planning Report Libraries - 110 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.3 Evaluation and continuous improvement Library service rating Council to meet every year. These are reviewed on the progress of these objectives and standards and reported to Council annually. 5.3.2 Libraries Business Plan The Libraries create a 4 year strategic plan that all staff contributes to in scheduled workshops based on current trends and where the libraries would like to see themselves in the community in the next 4 years. All staff are able to suggest ideas to include in the strategic plan and suggestions from the community are also considered. 5.3.2 2011-2012 Target and Results of Libraries Business Plan The libraries previously conducted the Being the Best review on KRAs 1, 2 and 4. Through these results some of the areas for improvement have been included in the strategic plan and are being acted upon currently. The libraries management team also reassess vacant and existing positions for relevance and suitability for the service and the community. The Libraries are currently running a training audit program on staff knowledge and comfort in multiple Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries Reviewer’s rating 5.3.2 Operations Plan 5.3.2 Libraries Strategic Plan (see 5.1.2) 5.3.2 Digital Technologies memo 5.3.2 Coordinator Digital Services Advertisement 5.3.2 Coordinator Digital Services Position Description 5.3.2 Digital Service Strategy Overview 5.3.2 Evaluation of staff needs so far (see 5.3.1) 5.3.2 Example of staff survey – Training Audit (see 5.3.1) 5.3.2 Minutes of ALL staff meeting/Team briefings 5.3.2 Results of All council survey 5.3.2 Results of Tech Team Survey 5.3.2 RAD Stats 5.3.2 VOIP stats 5.3.2 State Library yearly stats - 111 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.3 Evaluation and continuous improvement Library service rating areas of the library service including technology, collections and processes. collection Libraries conduct regular team briefings at all branches and ALL staff meetings every 6 weeks to keep staff informed. Some areas covered in these meetings are introduction of new guidelines and processes and also to evaluate how the branches are performing, any issues that arise, what events are coming up any evaluations that may have been completed. 5.3.2 Monthly Reports Reviewer’s rating 5.3.2 Food for fines collection stats The libraries have recently conducted a training team survey through survey monkey to assess which staff would be interested in providing training to the community, council or fellow staff and where their interest in training are. This is currently being assessed. Libraries collect customer service stats every month through various avenues to analyse customer trends, satisfaction and usage. Library leadership team members complete monthly evaluations of their Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 112 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.3 Evaluation and continuous improvement Library service rating Reviewer’s rating +own areas. An all Hobsons Bay Staff Survey was recently evaluated on staff satisfaction of working for the Hobsons Bay City Council. 5.3.3 COMMUNITY The libraries take all feedback from the community seriously and deal with it in a highly professional manner. The libraries leadership team evaluate customer’s suggestions and complaints and respond to them in a professional and timely manner. The libraries offer multiple methods of gathering feedback from the community including online and hard copy forms. The Libraries resources team continually assess the collection for our communities’ needs and ease of use by running reports to handle weeding, repurchasing, high demand reservations Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 5.3.3 Example of feedback form, 5.3.3 Example web feedback form, 5.3.3 Example survey monkey feedback 5.3.3 Evaluation email of - 113 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.3 Evaluation and continuous improvement Library service rating and claims returns. storytime/rhymetime The libraries conduct event evaluations on all library events to notice areas for improvement and areas of success. These are collected through both electronic and paper based surveys. 5.3.3 Evaluation email of event The libraries inclusion and access team have a continual evaluation of their home library patrons needs, including item requests, updated selection requirements and monthly feedback forms. Reviewer’s rating 5.3.3 Evaluation email of Training session 5.3.3 Charm logging status 5.3.3 Multiple Reserve List 5.3.3 Weeding list 5.3.3 Missing list 5.3.3 Claims Ret list 5.3.3 Home Library Feedback form 5.3.3 Home Library Cheat Sheets The libraries digital team collect monthly 5.3.3 Home Library comments evaluation stats on training sessions and 5.3.3 Home Library screen shot of database usage. memos from HL patrons 5.3.3 Event Evaluation forms 5.3.3 General evaluation form 5.3.3 Storytime/Rhymetime feedback form 5.3.4 FACILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY OHS walks are completed and assessed at Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 5.3.4 Assessment of OHS safety walks Paperwork - 114 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.3 Evaluation and continuous improvement Library service rating every library branch location quarterly. 5.3.4 IT Strategy 2008-2011 The new Williamstown Library was constructed from an evaluation of the community needs of being able to provide a range of accessible library spaces, collections and services for all as a gateway to knowledge, lifelong learning, increased opportunities and social support for the residents of Hobsons Bay. 5.3.4 Williamstown Library Feedback results The subject lounges were assessed and improved for the new Williamstown Library. The new technology and digital team based in the Williamstown Library was introduced from an evaluation of the communities expanding information recreational and social needs for new technologies, support and information of these technologies and quicker more reliable ways of accessing these technologies. This new technology includes Xboxes and Ipads for on floor use, a bears print system that allows printing from USBs and self crediting. An evaluation is currently underway of the ability to also provide wireless printing. Reviewer’s rating 5.3.4 Minutes from Williamstown Library Redevelopment Advisory Group 4th Dec 2008 5.3.4 WIL Community Profile 5.3.4 Evaluation of subject lounge update from AN 5.3.4 Digital Services Team 5.3.4 Newport opening hours 5.3.4 Cleaners book 5.3.4 Example of maintenance notes in desk diary 5.3.4 Monthly reports 5.3.4 Technology Investigation Report 5.3.4 Investigation into First Stop Shop for Council Newport hours were modified due to an evaluation of Newport’s declining loans and visits and community suggestions regarding the inaccessibility of Newport’s opening Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 115 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.3 Evaluation and continuous improvement Library service rating Reviewer’s rating hours which resulted in a proposal put forward to Council. Building maintenance issues are recorded and evaluated for ongoing issues in each branch via monthly reports, communication logs and diary entries. An evaluation of the libraries being the first stop shop for Council for payments, form collection etc. is also being conducted. 5.3.5 RESOURCES The collection tender has just been evaluated and improved. The libraries have a receiving items checklist to evaluate the items as they come in and record and discrepancies which then get forwarded to the resource services team. A LOTE collection evaluation is currently being undertaken. Guidelines are continually reviewed, updated and distributed as processes change or changes are noted. The libraries annually review the Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 5.3.5 Collection Tender 5.3.5 Example of checklist 5.3.5 LOTE Report 5.3.5 Meeting room changes as example old to new 5.3.5 IT Strategy 2008-2011 5.3.5 Budget break down evaluation. - 116 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.3 Evaluation and continuous improvement libraries budget of money spent and where money is needed for improvement in services and collections. Library service rating Reviewer’s rating 5.3.5 Database monthly stats The databases monthly stats are recorded and evaluated for customer usage and re-subscription. 5.3.6 PROGRAMS AND EVENTS All library staff can suggest ideas for new events and technologies for the community by filling out a proposal form that then goes to the leadership team for approval The Childrens and youth team are currently evaluating the current class visit program to improve it for relevance to the library service and the community participants and to put it in line with the national curriculum. The tech team are in the process of evaluating the training area. Event evaluations are processed for all library events by feedback gathered through either a paper or an online Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries 5.3.6 Proposal form for staff suggestions 5.3.6 Report of class visit revamp 5.3.6 Results of Tech Team Survey 5.3.6 Matthew Reilly survey monkey 5.3.6 Matthew Reilly event evaluation email 5.3.6 Storytime/Rhymetime evaluation email 5.3.6 Training evaluation email 5.3.6 CALD evaluation email 5.3.6 Minutes from HL&CA of seniors events evaluation 5.3.6 Minutes from HL&CA of great breaks program evaluation - 117 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes 5.3 Evaluation and continuous improvement Library service rating Reviewer’s rating survey. The access and inclusion team are conducting an evaluation of the 2012 seniors’ events and the 2011/2012 great breaks program in order to improve the programs for 2013. Peer review notes on: What we do, Strengths, Areas for improvement, Evidence and Star rating Rating: 4 Star Hobsons Bay has a comprehensive system of review and improvement. Continuous feedback from home library service patrons was noted in particular. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 118 - Key result area 5: Designing, managing and improving systems and processes Overall star rating Library service rating Reviewer’s rating Peer review notes Rating: 4 Star Hobsons Bay is thoroughly on top of systems and processes. The Guidelines which have been adopted and constantly reinforced to staff ensure a consistency of service to the public. There is also systematic review of policies, budgets and programs leading to continuous improvement. Being The Best We Can: Hobsons Bay Libraries - 119 -