TFSD Unwrapped Standard 3rd Math Algebra sample

TFSD Unwrapped Standard
Grade 8 – Language Arts
Power Standard (s) Reference: Standard 2 - Writing Applications
State Standard: 4.1
District Standard: Uses a variety of forms of written genre
TFSD Power Standard:
Students write in a variety of forms with emphasis on persuasive/ expository writing
which will state a position and support it with evidence and emotional appeal.
Concepts: Need to know about (Nouns)
 Expository
 Structural elements of an persuasive/expository essay
 Position/Thesis statement
 Supporting evidence and emotional appeals
 Introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs
Skills: Be able to do (Verbs)
 Write a persuasive/expository essay
 Plan and draft
 Explain the purpose of a persuasive essay
Identifying Big Ideas from Unwrapped Standards:
1. Expository writing explains and informs.
2. Expository writing uses a specific organizational structure.
3. A persuasive essay states a position and supports it with evidence.
4. The 6 Trait writing process should always be used to produce quality writing.
5. Essays are comprised of an introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs that contain main
ideas with supporting details.
Essential Questions from Big Ideas to Guide Instruction and Assessment:
1. What is an expository essay?
2. What is a persuasive essay?
3. How are expository and persuasive essays organized?
4. Why is it important to state a position in a persuasive essay?
5. What does a quality essay look like?
Possible Topics or Context: (what you will use to teach the concepts and skills-particular
unit, lessons or activities)
 Review the Writing Process
 Review the 6 Traits
 Examples of persuasive/expository essays
 Share examples of student writing that are basic, proficient, and advanced.
 Have students write several introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions.