Network Architecture Network Architecture Mozambique Maputo One UN Inter Agency Metropolitan Area Network Design Page 1 Version 1 03/03/2016 William Gonzalez Network Architecture Table of Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3 Solution Overview ........................................................................................................ 3 Topology Components of the MAN: ......................................................................... 4 MAN Architecture: ........................................................................................................ 4 Agency Topologies and Common Services Network ................................................... 5 Project Phases ............................................................................................................ 6 Phase 1: Create Backbone Network....................................................................... 6 Phase 2: Wimax Mesh Network ............................................................................. 7 Phase 3: Access Network......................................................................................... 8 Telephony Architecture: ............................................................................................... 9 Page 2 Version 1 03/03/2016 William Gonzalez Network Architecture Introduction A Joint UN HQ and local Mozambique working group was established to deliver the first conceptual design that will extend Common networking services throughout the geographical area of Maputo. The Agency geographical positions in Maputo has made it exceptional task to ensure that all the requirements are achieved. The Metropolitan Area Network is designed to address all the requirements of all Agencies, such as Common services network, Mobility, Vsat reduction and cost savings. This network design will allow for seamless movement of users within the network and guaranteeing bandwidth per Agency. Solution Overview This high level design illustrates how the topolgy should be implemented, covering all UN Agency sites required and allowing a scalable infrastucture for quick additions, moves or changes. The use of a ring topology to connect the Inter Agency VSAT provider and resilient Common Internet service to the various agencies was inevitable due to the postions of the proposed VSAT outstations to be used. Backbone UNDP Backbone UNICEF Common Ict Services Backbone WFP WHO WiMax Area WiMax Area UNV WiMax Area WiMax Area Backbone Backbone UNAIDS UNDSS WiMax Area WiMax Area FAO UNFPA RC Backbone Figure 1 The topology depicted in Figure 1 shows the proposed backbone network using backhaul links that can be extended to a larger area by Wimax technology (extending “last mile”). These features enable the introduction of multiple paths for all sites increasing the redundancy characteristics of the network. Page 3 Version 1 03/03/2016 William Gonzalez Network Architecture Topology Components of the MAN: Backhaul Links , these are the main links that will establish the Backbone of the MAN network. These links will be point to point , using Best Line of Sight (LOS) and connect all the Agencies that will be hosting private VSAT network Services and Internet Services . This design introduces a resilient scalable design that will allow easy moves, additions etc. Most importantly it will provide accessibilty to the Common ICT Network that wll host all the Common Apps in Maputo WiMAX Areas , this technology will increase the network coverage inside the main backbone ring and will serve to connect smaller Agencies to the MAN . The Mesh technology provides accesibility through various paths that optimise and increase resilience of the network. Smaller Agencies have the benefit of joining the MAN in any Geographical postion in Maputo inside the backbone ring. Access Network , this is where the clients connect to the MAN. Clients will be able to connect through the original LAN cable infrastucture or the new wireless access .Each client will only be able to conect to its own agency domain and to the Common Services Network. MAN Architecture: The architecture described below addresses the requirement to extend the following networks to the physical Agency location and addresses all the security requirements for Mobility within the metropolitan area Network. Private VSAT Network o Each agency will require a Network that must be provided by the IA VSAT provider and is reserved for that Agency. o This network is required to be propagated to the Physical Location of each Agency. o This Network needs to be supported on each backbone link, so that redundancy is achieved for each agency. Internet VSAT Network o The Common Internet VSAT link, will provide ISP services to all agencies, Upgrading of the iDirect hardware to the 5000 series will allow the provision of guaranteed internet bandwidth per agency whilst also allowing any user to benefit from any unused bandwidth. o In order to deliver this guaranteed bandwidth per Agency to the agency physical location, another Network per Agency is required on the MAN o This Network can be provisioned locally by the Lead Agency as it will be a local stubby network for Internet use. Common Applications Network o This is the Common Services network, which will host Common applications and Country Information. This network will be available to all Agencies and be part of their Firewall DMZ. This network has to also be propagated through the backbone and Wimax area. Only one Network is required. Page 4 Version 1 03/03/2016 William Gonzalez Network Architecture ONE UN Guest network o Mobility within the Metropolitan network can be achieved by accessing this network. Each client will be able to authenticate with a Radius server hosted on the Common Applications network which will cross certificate with each Agencies Active Directory. Once this is achieved the user has full access to its own Agency’s network. o This Guest network will be reachable in the whole Metropolitan network and only one VLAN and one Guest SSID is required. Agency Topologies and Common Services Network Common Apps Optional Agency DMZ CDP IAS (RADIUS) Optional Agency DMZ Authentication Net Agency 1 Agency 2 Hosting Internet Vsat Wireless Data Vlan Data Vlan Guest C 1 1 Internal Internal * 1 1 C * 22 * Metropolitan Wireless LAN (Private WiMAX) VoIP RTR PBX 2 1 3 VoIP RTR PBX 1 2 3 Guest 3 Internet 12 Data Vlan 3 Internal 3 * IPSec Client 3 2 1 Wireless/WiMAX EMC PBX VoIP RTR UN Agencies Optional Agency DMZ Agency 3 (hosting Corporate VSAT) One-UN net – Corporate, Internet, Common and Guest Vlans Page 5 Version 1 03/03/2016 William Gonzalez Network Architecture Project Phases The project can start immediately as long as it is done in phases. Each phase should be tested and added to the existing network. As a transitional provision existing infrastructure that is not required in the future must only be decommissioned after the One UN Network is complete. Phase 1: Create Backbone Network Phase 1 Back-haul connection and Common Srvices Connectivity All links in blue are existing links that can remain till phase two (wireless mesh network IA VSAT 1 iDirect ISP UNDP Common Ict Services UNICEF IA VSAT 2 WFP WHO UNV Wireless Bach haul Backbone UNAIDS ISP UNDSS UNESCO FAO UNFPA RC Phase 1 : This phase will comprise creating the backbone network along side the existing ISP connectivity . The bacbone will consist of 6 Point to Point links whose position is dictated by the topograpy of the Maputo area . As described in the Satellite access section the Common Service Network will be reachable via two separate links for all sites that can attach to the backbone network thus providing redundancy. Part of Phase 1 will also be to install an ISP link at the Common Services site. This will be the transitional provision to provide access to the common services for sites that cannot be connected during Phase 1, but have existing ISP links. Page 6 Version 1 03/03/2016 William Gonzalez Network Architecture Phase 2: Wimax Mesh Network UNDP COMMON ICT UNICEF CISCO AIRONET 350 SERIES WIRELESS ACCESS POINT WHO im W ax A re WFP Wi ma a CISCO AIRONET 350 SERIES WIRELESS ACCESS POINT CISCO AIRONET 350 SERIES WIRELESS ACCESS POINT rea CISCO AIRONET 350 SERIES WIRELESS ACCESS POINT CISCO AIRONET 350 SERIES WIRELESS ACCESS POINT CISCO AIRONET 350 SERIES WIRELESS ACCESS POINT UNV UNAIDS Wi ma xA RC OFFICE xA UNESCO UNDSS rea FAO UNFPA Phase 2: The second phase is to establish the Wimax Mesh network that extends Access to the backbone to the area of Maputo inside the main ring. The Mesh technology extends the Backbone network to the smaller Agencies and provides the resilience and scalability required. This solution compensates for any failure experienced on the Backbone. Page 7 Version 1 03/03/2016 William Gonzalez Network Architecture Phase 3: Access Network BACKBONE MESH BACKBONE BACKBONE MESH BACKBONE es s ss Ac c Acc e CISCO AIRONET 1200 I WIRELESS ACCESS POINT Phase 3: This phase completes the Client access to the Man network, existing Wired client devices will seamlessly be integrated and Wireless Clients access will be provided in all WiFi areas. The One UN Access Vlan will be propagated to all Wwireless Access points and also be available on request on the wired network. 4. Telecommuting & general Remote access A remote user on the public Internet may have access to his/her Agency’s network thru VPN tunnels established using IPSec. This could be done either having the tunnel established to the firewall where the ISP terminates or to the firewall of the user’s agency network. In the former case, the tunnels have to be configured by the “ISP agency” and will not need any additional public IP addresses. However, in the latter each agency will have full control on the configuration of tunnels for its users, but will require a few number of public IP addresses (about the number of agencies – double if High Availability is needed) from the ISP (not from EMC). Page 8 Version 1 03/03/2016 William Gonzalez Network Architecture Telephony Architecture: The IA Vsat solution already provides Voice On/Net and Off/net services to Agencies , these services can be extend to Inter Agency voice communication . The Service provider will be engaged to provider Inter Agency calling abilities by modifying their Voice call processing system Agencies that do not have services to the PVT Vsat network can get voice services through the Globecom I direct Vsat solution. For off/Net dialling only. There are initiatives of linking the PVT Vsat Voice system to the I Direct provider; if this is achieved then end to end dialling from any agency to any other Agency will be accomplished. UNDP *n Remote sites 1. Customer A PABX requests an offnet call, and contacts the Cisco GateKeeper 2950 switches, trunked together. One VLAN per Agency RTP Call setup traffic flow VOICE RTP Stream Customer PABX 2. Cisco GateKeeper serves on-net calls. For off-net calls *only* it signals the IP-IP gateway UNDP *n Demods WHO *n Demods UNICEF *n Demods Customer PABX WFP OCHA * n Demods Cisco GateKeeper (serves on-net calls, signals to the IP-IP gateway for off-net calls) site UNDPKO *n Demods 4. Customer B picks up the call and a Voice RTP steram is established between A & B Satellite Modems 3. Call processing complete sthe second leg and send the call signalling to appropiate Agency and office EVPN EVPN CE Cisco IP-IP Gateway for off-net calls EMC German Teleport/Hosting Centre Page 9 Version 1 03/03/2016 William Gonzalez