Unit 1 – Changing Life in Scotland & Britain

Unit 1 – Changing Life in Scotland & Britain
Context B – 1830s-1930s
Population Growth & Distribution
1. Explain what is meant by ‘the distribution of population’.
2. Explain what factors helped to cause a rising birth rate by the middle
of the 19th century. 4marks
3. What factors brought about a falling death rate throughout the late 19 th
and 20th centuries? 5marks
4. Explain why the birth rate was falling by the middle of the 20th
century. 4marks
5. Describe the bad effects of population growth (in the cities). 4marks
6. Can you describe any positive effects of population growth? 4marks
7. Describe the push and pull factors that led to city populations
increasing. 8marks
The Highland Clearances
1. Describe the problems in the Highlands in the 19th century. 5marks
2. To what extent could Highland landowners be held responsible for the
clearances? 5marks
3. What case could be made in defence of the Highland landowners?
4. What factors contributed to Highland migration? 8marks
5. Describe the effects of Highland migration. 5marks
6. In what ways were the traditions and culture of the Highlands affected
by the clearances? 5marks
Irish Immigration
1. Explain why some Irish people moved to Scotland in the 19 th and 20th
centuries. 8marks
2. Describe the areas most affected by Irish Immigration. 4marks
3. What were the social effects of Immigration in Scotland? 4marks
Parliamentary reform
1. Describe the terms and effects of the 1832 Scottish Reform Act.
2. Describe the terms and effects of the 1867 Reform Act. 6marks
3. Describe the terms and effects of the 1872 Secret Ballot Act. 4marks
4. Describe the terms and effects of the 1884 & 1885 Acts. 8marks
5. Describe the terms and effects of the 1911 Parliament Act. 4marks
6. Describe the terms and effects of the 1918 Representation of the
Act. 5marks
7. Describe the terms and effects of the 1928 Parliamentary Reform Act.
Women and the Vote
1. Describe the position of women in the 1880s. 5marks
2. Describe the role of the Suffragists at the end of the 19th century.
3. Who were the Suffragettes? 4marks
4. What methods were used by the Suffragettes to gain the vote? 8marks
5. How did the war affect the campaign to win the vote for women?
Housing and Health
1. Why was there a need for housing change during the 19th century?
2. What kind of housing did working class people live in? 8marks
3. Describe middle class housing. 5marks
4. Where did the upper class people live? 5marks
5. Describe rural housing conditions. 5marks
6. What did the government do to improve housing in the 19th century?
7. What did the government do to improve housing in the 20th century?
8. Describe health problems in the 19th century? 8marks
9. What did the government do to improve the health of the population in
the 19th century? 8marks
10.What did the government do to improve the health of the population in
the 20th century? 8marks
1. Why was there an increase in the demand for coal in the 19th century?
2. Describe the working conditions down the mines. 8marks
3. What dangers existed in the mines? 5marks
4. How did technology affect mining in the 19th century? 8marks
5. How did technology affect mining in the 20th century? 8marks
6. What changes in the law affected mining in the 19th century? 8marks
7. What changes in the law affected mining in the 20th century? 8marks
8. Describe the background and outcome of the 1926 General Strike.
1. Why was there a need for better transport in the early 19th century?
2. What arguments could be made against the introduction of a Railway
network? 6marks
3. Explain the Governments role in the development of the Railways.
4. Describe the economic effects of the Railways. 8marks
5. Describe the social effects of the Railways. 8marks
6. What improvements in railway technology occurred in the 19th
century? 8marks
7. What improvements in railway technology occurred in the 20th
century? 8marks
Scottish Agriculture
1. Describe the working conditions for Scottish Agricultural workers in
the 19th century. 6marks
2. Explain how new technology changed farming in the 19th and early
20th centuries. 6marks
3. Describe the living conditions of farm workers and any improvements
that occurred in the 19th century. 8marks
4. Explain how economic depression affected the countryside. 6marks
5. What was the ‘Golden Age’ of farming? 5marks
6. How did the First World War affect Scottish agriculture? 6marks
Unit 2 – Cooperation and Conflict
Context B – 1890s-1920s
Causes of the First World War
1. Describe Europe in 1890. 5marks
2. Describe the Alliance system that existed by 1914. 8marks
3. In what way could Naval Rivalry be a cause for disagreement by
1914? 8marks
4. How could Empire Rivalry be blamed for the outbreak of war?
5. To what extent did economic and trade disputes contribute to the
tensions of 1914? 5marks
6. Why was the Balkan region unsettled in 1914? 8marks
7. Describe the events surrounding the assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand. 8marks
New Technology and Warfare (Trenches)
1. Describe the layout of a trench. 5marks
2. Describe the trench system. 5marks
3. What were the conditions like in the trenches? 8marks
4. What effect did the war have on the soldiers? 8marks
5. To what extent did the methods and weapons used increase the
number of casualties? 8marks
The Experience of War
1. Describe the attitudes to war in Britain in 1914. 5marks
2. In what ways did propaganda and patriotism contribute to the
recruitment of soldiers? 5marks
3. To what extent did women contribute to the war effort? 8marks
4. How did an increase in government control affect the country? 5marks
5. Describe the impact of rationing and the food shortage. 8marks
6. How were the German people affected by the war? 8marks
The Treaty of Versailles
1. What did the major powers expect the Treaty of Versailles would
deliver? 6marks
2. Describe the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. 8marks
3. Explain the reactions of the major powers to the finished Treaty.
The League of Nations
1. Explain the ideas behind the League of Nations. 8marks
2. Describe how the League of Nations was organised. 4marks
3. In what ways could the League’s weakness be explained? 4marks
4. Describe the attitudes towards the League from the major powers.