Operation “Pick n Mix” is a new police initiative under which the Law

There will be a fancy dress demo outside Parliament on Monday Feb 19th from 11a.m to 2p.m. This is part of
“Operation Pick n Mix” whereby we want to highlight the fact that it is 2 years since the Hunt ban came
into “force” yet the police have done nothing to enforce it. See leaflet below for details of Operation Pick
n Mix. We came up with the idea to mark the anniversary of Mike Hills death and on the two demos
outside police stations that we have done so far we have had a great response and loads of media interest.
Next Monday we want people to dress up as either archetypal criminals, coppers or huntscum so we can
have group photos taken together.
We don’t want people to come along who are not in fancy dress.
If you do want to come then please get in touch beforehand so we can co-ordinate who is wearing
what because we want a clear concise image to be sent out. Please be there on time so we can be
ready for the group photos that we want the press to take.
Please arrange a demo outside your local police station/HQ or if you dare, which we haven’t so far,
in front of the Hunt!
Operation “Pick n Mix” is a new police initiative under which the Law is no longer to be upheld by them
in a way we have become accustomed to. Despite the fact that fox, stag and hare hunters are openly
breaking the Hunt ban the police are taking no action at all. Bank robbers, drug dealers and gangsters
will soon be lobbying the police to be included in this initiative that selectively turns a blind eye towards
criminal behaviour -however they do not have the same connections as the hunting fraternity.
For decades the issue of hunting with hounds was a top political issue finally culminating with
Parliament, by an overwhelming majority, passing the Hunt ban on the grounds that it is an
unacceptable, cruel bloodsport.
Fox, hare and stag hunts are routinely breaking the law, under the cover that they are “drag-hunting”. In
most cases this is a lie and everybody in the countryside knows it. It is an open secret that most hunts
are now hunting as they did before the ban and “drag hunting” is just a pathetic alibi. But the police
message seems to be “we ain’t seen nothin” whilst hunters drive horses and hounds through the new
Perhaps the police could issue some guidance as to which laws are in vogue so as to enable citizens,
under this new laissez-faire approach to the Criminal Law, to “pick n mix” their own personalised set of
standards. In fact who needs Parliament when the police seem perfectly content to take on the role of
deciding on constitutional issues for themselves.
Realistically speaking, enforcing the Hunt ban was never going to be a top priority for the police but noone expected them to so blatantly ignore the Hunts arrogant defiance of the criminal law. It sets a clear
precedent in our society. One set of rules for the Hunt and another for the rest of us??
When concerned citizens go out and try to film the hunt breaking the law they are routinely harrassed
and assaulted yet the police still sit back and do nothing. Oscar Wilde said of the fox-hunters - “the
unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.” Now they look upon themselves as “the untouchables”
whilst the police do nothing to get in their way.
If you have any info that the Hunt are breaking the ban ring your local police and insist that they take
action. Ring us on 07771953465 or for more general info and advice look at www.jillphipps.org.uk