Local Government Energy Use: - Inter Territorial Local Authority Comparisons - Monitoring and Technical Group Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority 44 The Terrace, Wellington June 2004 Table of Contents Executive Summary Local Government Overview Data sources Energy Use Patterns and Trends Energy use trend Energy consumption function Energy use mix Energy end-uses A case study of Christchurch City Council Energy Intensity Comparison Energy use per capita (Energy/Population) Energy expenditure as a percent of operating expenditure Energy expenditure as a percent of capital expenditure Energy efficiency investment as a percent of capital expenditure Building Energy Use Building energy share in total energy Building energy function Building energy intensity function Energy Savings Potential and Measures New Zealand energy audits Benchmark energy savings potential Energy efficiency measures Appendices Executive Summary In the year ended March 2002, New Zealand’s local government sector spent around $85 million on energy, which approximates to 4 PJ or nearly less than 1% of our national energy use. The energy use had increased by 11% from around 3.6 PJ in 1997. In money terms, energy use forms about 2.5% of local government operating expenditure, 9.5% of capital expenditure and 4.3% of the rates. Energy efficiency investment forms less than one percent of local government capital expenditure. Consistent time series energy use data for the local government sector as a whole is not available to establish trends. However, a case study of Christchurch City Council showed that its energy consumption decreased by a total of nearly 17.4%, from 416 TJ in 1994 to 343 TJ in 2002, or at an average rate of around 2.4% per annum. The rate of change in energy demand has however varied over years. For example, between 1996 and 1997, energy use saw significant reduction of about 11% to 349 TJ from 389 TJ. This decline was largely due to the energy efficiency investments ($1.7 million) which occurred during this period. Between 1999 and 2000, energy use increased slightly before commencing a declining trend. Amongst the factors affecting local government energy use across TLAs, the population size is the prime determinant. A 1% increase in TLA population size is accompanied by a 0.5% increase in its energy use. Similarly, a 1% increase in TLA staff employed is associated with a 0.5% increase in its energy use. Geographical area is inversely related to energy use as a 1% increase in TLA area is accompanied by a 0.4% decrease in its energy use. There is some evidence that TLA attitudes towards energy efficiency cause energy use to decline. Electricity dominates local government energy use, accounting for 77% of total energy consumption followed by petrol (8%), diesel (7%), natural gas (5%), coal (1%), and other fuels (2%). New Zealand Street lighting account for nearly 0.6 PJ (or 155 GWh) electricity annually valued at $14 million. Nearly two-third of all street lighting is concentrated amongst 17 urban TLAs at an average of 1400 kW. A broad list of local government activities competing for its energy use for the March 2002 year was: Office building, (56%); Construction comprising road and bridge construction (14%); Sanitory and cleaning comprising rubbish collection, sewerage and drainage services, pest control services and waste disposal services, etc (13%); Water works and water supply (10%); and Community services comprising the llibraries, museums, parks and gardens, etc the remaining (7%). The local government sector’s energy intensities for the March 2002 year were: - Per capita, $20.12/annum; - Energy expenditure as % of operating expenditure, 2.2%; - Energy expenditure as % of capital expenditure, 4.9%; - Energy investment as a % of capital expenditure, 0.5%; and - Office buildings, 152 kWh/m2/annum; A scoping study for the Wellington City Council showed that about 10% of its total energy use ($3.64 million) could be saved through cost effective measures, especially in the following areas: - water supply, 20%; - swimming pools, 15%; - vehicles and roading, 30%; - workshops, 15%; and - office buildings, 7%. By replacing mercury vapour, low pressure, and fluorescent lamps, with high-pressure sodium or metal halide lamps, street lighting energy use could be cut approximately 17 GWh of its 155 GWh load, or a saving of 11%. If all of those local governments which consume more energy per capita than their respective group averages are lifted to their group average levels, then the local government sector would reduce its current energy use by 15%. If the benchmark was lifted to the level of the next best local government in each group, then the overall energy use would be cut by 18%. Measures that would assist the realisation of energy savings potentials include the appointment of an energy manager (particularly in larger local governments) and the promotion of an energy management ethos. EECA through its Crown Loan Energy Efficiency Scheme has funds available for local governments to implement in-house energy efficiency projects. Local governments can also play a leading role in promoting more energy efficient land-use planning; public transport and traffic management; building designs; etc. Local Government Energy Use: New Zealand’s local government sector (including outside contracts) spends around $85 million (equivalent of 4 PJ) on energy. A wide range of energy savings opportunities exists in local government operations. For example, in street lighting where the sector consumes around 155 GWh annually, electricity use could be cut by 8 GWh through the introduction of dimming ballasts and 16 GWh if tapped ballasts are introduced. The sector is in a unique position to promote improved energy efficiency by integrating a wide variety of energy considerations into its functions such as land use control, public service delivery, economic development, and transportation and housing services. Despite the fact that local government energy use is growing and energy related issues are increasingly important, there is little easily accessible, reliable and up-to-date information on where (end-use level) energy is used and where exactly the energy saving potential is available. Much less is known about the key factors that have affected or continue to affect change in level and pattern of energy use in New Zealand’s local government sector. This report aims at providing energy use data and energy intensity (energy consumption per unit of service activity) estimates for the New Zealand local government sector. It analyses local government energy consumption by energy type (electricity, gas, etc.) and by use (buildings, water supply, street lighting, etc). It is hoped that this approach will provide an ongoing view of local government energy use and will help identify areas where energy saving initiatives will be most effective. Note the term “local government sector” as used in this report covers local government bodies in New Zealand - territorial local authorities (TLAs) including and regional councils. The report is organised into four parts: Part One provides an overview of the local government sector and the data sources used. Part Two examines local government energy use, including: Energy use both in PJ and $ terms and how energy use has changed over the recent years. Energy use by fuel type or the relative share of electricity and non-electricity fuels used. Major end-uses where energy is consumed. Part Three provides computed values of local government sector’s energy intensities across TLAs and the factors affecting them. Part Four examines: Energy savings potentials and major energy efficiency opportunities; and Initiatives that local governments could undertake, legislate for, and encourage in the wider community to increase energy efficiency and reduce the reliance on non-renewable energy sources. 1. Local Government Overview and Data Sources 1.1. Local Government Sector Overview Energy expenditure forms around 3% of local government’s operating expenditure. The sector has an annual operating expenditure of $3 billion and an annual capital expenditure of $800 million. Its assets are around $32 billion. It directly provides employment to about 16,700 full time equivalent employees. Local government sector contributes around 3.5% of gross domestic product. The purpose of the local government is to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities, in the present and for the future. To this end, the sector performs a number of key functions, including the provision of water supply, street lighting, roading and transport, sewerage and storm water, community well-being and recreation services, etc. The local government sector has undergone significant changes in recent years. These include the amalgamation of TLAs, the establishment of an accountability regime and separation of the regulatory and non regulatory activities of TLAs. Now, a growing number of services are contracted out to the private sector and numerous local authority trading enterprises (LATEs) have been established to undertake commercial activities. As a consequence of these changes, the in-house activity and employment levels of local government sector have declined in recent years. Local government in New Zealand consists of the regional councils and territorial authorities. Every part of New Zealand (other than the Chatham Islands) that is within the district of a territorial authority must also be within the region of 1 or more regional councils. New Zealand’s local government system now comprises 16 regional councils including 4 unitary authorities (which primarily carry out region-wide planning and monitoring functions) and 74 TLAs (15 city and 59 district councils) with a wide range of service and infrastructure provision functions. 1.2 Data Sources and Boundaries Consistent time series energy use data for the local government sector is not available from the published sources. Time series energy estimates reported here are only indicative estimates as they are based on limited sample/source information which at times are not consistent. Using annual average energy prices, the energy quantity estimate information was converted to energy expenditure ($) and vice versa depending on the survey information provided. The energy analysis presented in this report is based on the synthesis of information obtained from the following sources: EECA survey of local government sector undertaken over 2 years period 2002 and 2003. It may be noted that the response rate was not that encouraging as even those who had responded could not provide all the requested information. Therefore different sources, assumptions, etc were used for estimating local government energy end-use information, and these are explained where such numbers first appear in the report. EECA energy end-use database update for the year ended March 2002. This source provides energy use information by TLA geographical areas. Local government energy audits and related information. EECA reports including EWMQ June 1998 and Street Lighting Energy Efficiency Study completed in June 2001. Note that some minor discrepancies exist between the figures reported in the text, tables and graphs due to rounding errors and approximations. Unless otherwise stated, annual data refers to the year ending 31 March. Note, that these energy consumption estimates do not include energy used by contracted out operations for example public transport, airport operations, rubbish collection, etc unless it is explicitly stated. 2. Energy Use Patterns and Trends 2.1 Energy Use An estimate of New Zealand local government annual energy expenditure1 for the year ended March 2003 is given in Table 1: 1 This was estimated from the survey responses received from the 31 TLAs (7 city councils, 17 district councils and 7 regional councils). In all these 31 TLAs spent a total of $23.27 million on energy. In all they employed a total of 5985 FTE staff. The sample average annual expenditure was thus calculated at $3,888. In the same year, the local government FTE staffs were 16,650. Therefore a rough estimate of in-house energy expenditure is 3888 times 16650 = $64.74 million. Table 1:Local government energy expenditure estimates, March 2002 year In-house activities Street Lighting* Contracted out** Total * = based on 155 GWh use ** = auumed at 10% of total $ million 64.74 13.95 6.47 % 76.02 16.38 7.60 85.16 100.00 The above energy expenditure of $85 million approximates to a total of 4 PJ of energy use for the year ended March 2002. This has increased by 11% from around 3.6 PJ in 1997. During the same period, in money terms, the energy use increased by 15% to $85 million from $75 million. This estimated annual energy expenditure is about 2.5% of local government operating expenditure; 9.5% of capital expenditure; or 4.3% of the rates. The split up of sample local government expenditure across three groups of TLAs was as follows (Fig 1A): City councils accounted for 10.94 million or 47%; District councils $8.88 million or 38%; and Regional councils the remaining $3.45 million or 15%. Fig 1A:Sample TLA e ne rgy e xpe nditure by TLA type , March 2002 City Councils 47% District Councils 38% Regional Councils 15% Fig 1B:Local govenment energy use split, March 2002 year Contractedout 7% In-house 75% Street lighting 18% Based on EECA Energy End-Use Database numbers, New Zealand’s energy use by regional council was estimated and the results are shown in Table 2. Table 2 shows that the local government activity overall energy use across regional council area varied between 43 TJ (Gisborne) and 1224 TJ (Auckland) with a weighted mean of 346 TJ in the North Island. The coefficient of variance, a measure of how spread or consistent a distribution is, was 106%. A split up of the overage overall TLA energy split was as follows: 47 TJ for construction; 193 TJ for local government building; 45 TJ for sanitary cleaning; 39 TJ for water works and supply; and 22 TJ for other social and community services. The three largest local government activity energy using regions within North Island are: Auckland region which accounted for nearly 1 225 TJ or 30.8% of New Zealand local government energy use followed by Wellington region (568 TJ) or 14.3% of sector’s energy use; and Waikato region claiming 405 TJ or 10.2% of sector’s energy use.2. Table 2:Local government energy end-uses (TJ) by regional councila, March 2002 year Other Social and Related Total Community Services 82.3 1,224 39.1 568 22.8 405 15.6 261 14.0 238 7.8 149 7.8 122 5.6 103 2.5 43 Regional Council Construction Local Government Administration Auckland Wellington Waikato Bay of Plenty Manawatu-Wanganui Hawkes Bay Northland Taranaki Gisborne 175.5 65.4 57.7 37.4 29.8 18.8 19.5 14.2 6.5 551.2 349.9 244.4 170.9 147.4 102.1 70.4 73.6 24.2 203.3 70.2 39.9 28.4 25.8 14.6 11.8 7.9 4.4 211.3 43.8 40.4 8.8 20.9 5.9 12.7 1.5 5.9 NI Total NI Average NI Standard Deviation NI Coeff of Variation 424.8 47.2 52.0 110.1 1,734.2 192.7 167.4 86.9 406.0 45.1 62.7 138.9 350.9 39.0 66.4 170.3 197.5 21.9 25.2 115.0 3,113 345.9 367.7 106.3 78.37 8.7 9.3 106.3 Canterbury Otago Southland West Coast Nelson Marlborough Tasman 69.8 30.1 13.2 5.1 6.6 7.0 5.9 256.5 93.0 69.8 24.0 16.1 15.2 14.3 61.7 23.1 10.8 4.7 8.2 4.4 2.9 19.0 27.3 5.9 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.3 14.4 5.5 1.9 4.3 1.8 1.5 441 188 105 37 35 28 25 11.11 4.73 2.65 0.93 0.88 0.71 0.62 SI Total SI Average SI Standard Deviation SI Coeff of Variation 137.6 19.7 23.8 121.2 488.9 69.8 88.0 126.0 115.8 16.5 21.1 127.4 53.7 7.7 11.1 144.2 63.7 9.1 12.0 131.6 859.5 122.8 152.6 124.2 21.63 3.1 3.8 124.2 NZTotal NZAverage NZStandard Deviation NZCoeff of Variation 562.4 35.15 43.21 122.9 2,223.1 138.94 148.33 106.8 521.8 32.61 49.86 152.9 404.6 25.29 51.55 203.9 261.2 16.32 20.98 128.5 3,973.0 248.31 307.39 123.8 100.0 6.25 7.74 123.8 Sanitary & Water Works Cleaning and Supply % of New Zealand Total 30.80 14.31 10.20 6.57 5.99 3.75 3.08 2.59 1.09 Similarly in South Island, local government activity overall energy use across regional council area varied between 25 TJ (Tasman) and 441 TJ (Canterbury) with a weighted mean of 123 TJ. The coefficient of variance SI TLAS was 124%. A split up of the overage overall TLA energy use was as follows: 20 TJ for construction; 2 Note that Wellington and Christchurch City Councils are not the second and third largest on population basis. They are second and third largest energy using councils as their geographical boundaries also house regional council office buildings. 70 TJ for local government building; 16.5 TJ for sanitary cleaning; 8 TJ for water works and supply; and 9 TJ for other social and community services. The three largest local government activity energy using regions within South Island are: Canterbury region (441 TJ), Otago (188 TJ) and Southland (105 TJ). 2.2 Local Government Energy Consumption Function A regression analysis establishes whether one set of data has any relationship, or correlation, to another set of data. The effect of the following four explanatory variables on TLS’s energy annual total energy use was studied employing multivariate regression model: Area in square kilometres (X1); Staff employed in FTE equivalent (X2); Population served (X3); and Management attitude towards energy use (X4) i.e. whether the TLA employed an energy manager and or is EnergyWise Council member. This was quantified through use of a dummy variable by giving 1 if the TLAs have the attribute and 0 otherwise). The regression model (Appendix 1) showed that TLA’s: Population size is an important determinant of its energy use. The population variable carried positive sign with a numerical value of 0.53. The coefficient is statistically highly significant. It indicates that a 1% increase in TLA population size would be accompanied by a 0.53% increase in its energy use. Employees’ number affects energy use. The numerical value of the coefficient is 0.47 (which was statistically highly significant) indicating that a 1% increase in TLA staff employed would be accompanied by a 0.47% increase in its energy use. Geographical area was inversely related to energy use as its coefficient carried negative sign. Its numerical value was -0.45 (which was statistically significant) indicating that a 1% increase in TLA area would be accompanied by a 0.45% decrease in its energy use. Energy efficiency emphasis i.e. the presence of an energy manager and or E_W Council membership carried a negative sign, though it was statistically non-significant. There is thus some evidence that TLA attitudes towards energy efficiency cause energy use to decline, other things being equal. The four explanatory variables included accounted for more than four-fifths of the total variations in energy use across TLAs. Partial coefficient of correlation between TLA energy use and other operational parameters were as follows: energy use and population 0.91 energy use and geographical area - 0.31 energy use and employee number 0.92 energy use and energy efficiency attitude 0.51 Thus, population is the key driver of local government energy use across TLA. The energy use is also influenced by the number of employees which in turn is related to the population variable. 2.3 Energy Use Mix The predominant factor determining local government’s energy use mix is the type of services and functions performed by the local government sector. The street lighting which is a major function of local government is a significant determinant of electricity demand. Other local government functions, such as rubbish collection and road repairs and maintenance similarly determine demand for diesel and petrol as these activities require the use of a vehicle fleet. Sample TLA energy use mix is given in Table 3 and the same results across TLA type are illustrated in Figures 2A and 2D: Table 3:Sample TLA energy expenditure ($) by fuel type, March 2002 year Energy Type Electricity Petrol Diesel Coal Gas Other Total City Councils 8733265 (79.83) 753213 (6.89) 317472 (2.90) 54200 (0.50) 960738 (8.78) 120273 (1.10) 10939161 (100.00) District Councils 7158380 (80.61) 598507 (6.74) 953748 (10.74) 29224 (0.33) 69911 (0.79) 70621 (0.80) 8880392 (100.00) Regional Councils 2016902 (58.47) 446669 (12.95) 241527 (7.00) 3367 (0.10) 397 (0.01) 740337 (21.46) 3449198 (100.00) Total 17908547 (76.96) 1798389 (7.73) 1512747 (6.50) 86791 (0.37) 1031046 (4.43) 931230 (4.00) 23268751 (100.00) Fig 2B:City Council energy fuel share (sample), March 2000year Fig 2A: Overall local government energy fuel share (sample), March 2000year Other 4.0% Other 1.1% Gas 4.4% Coal 0.4% Gas 8.8% Electricity 77.0% Coal 0.5% Diesel 6.5% Petrol 7.7% Fig 2C:Distric Council energy fuel share (sample), March 2000year Gas 0.8% Coal 0.3% Electricity 79.8% Diesel 2.9% Petrol 6.9% Other 0.8% Electricity 80.6% Fig 2D:Regional Council energy fuel share (sample), March 2000year Gas 0.01% Other 21.5% Coal 0.1% Electricity 58.5% Diesel 7.0% Diesel 10.7% Petrol 6.7% Petrol 12.9% Figures 2A to 2D show that of the total energy expenditure by the local government sector: Electricity accounted for about 77% across all sample TLAs, 80% for city councils, 81% for district councils and 59% for the regional councils. Petrol accounted for nearly 8% across all TLAS. Within the sample, regional councils spend relatively more on petrol (13%) followed by city councils (6.9%) and the district councils (6.7%). Diesel formed 6.5% across all TLAs. Whereas, district councils spend relatively more on petrol (11%) followed by regional councils (7%) and the city councils (3%). Natural gas made around 4.4% of energy expenditure. Within the sample, city councils spend relatively more on petrol (9%) followed by district councils (6.9%) and the regional councils (0.01%). Coal accounted for nearly 0.4% of total energy expenditure. Coal share was 0.5% for city councils, 0.3% for district councils and only 0.1% for the regional councils. Electricity is thus the major fuel used by the local government sector, followed by petrol, diesel and gas. Street lighting alone consume around 155 GWh of electricity annually. 2.4 Energy End-Uses EECA’s Street Lighting Energy Efficiency study3 (2003, p. 31) estimates that total New Zealand street lighting load comprises a total of 37.4 MW of installed capacity or approximately 155 GWh valued at $14 million if we assume an annual average of 4200 hours when street lighting is required. The study also determined that 64% of all street lighting is concentrated amongst 17 urban TLAs at an average of 1402 kW. The 22 rural/urban TLAs’s accounted for 21% of installed capacity at an average 352 kW and 34 rural TLAs’ at an average 171 kW. The range among all TLAs varied between the lowest installed capacities of 51.2 kW to the greatest of 4081 kW. The mean installed capacity is 512 kW and the median 238 kW. Information obtained from EECA Energy End-Use Database for the March 2002 year gives a broad list of activities competing for local government energy use (Fig 3 and Table 2). Fig 3:Local government energy use by activity, March 2002 year Construction 14% Building 56% Community Services 7% Water Works & Supply 10% Sanitary & Cleaning 13% It will be seen from Fig 3 and Table 2 that: Office building accounted (56%) of sectoral energy use; Construction comprising road and bridge construction 14%, Sanitory and cleaning (rubbish collection, sewerage and drainage services, pest control services and waste disposal services) 13%. Water works and water supply (10%); and Community services comprising the llibraries, museums, parks and gardens, etc the remaining (7%). More detailed local government energy end-use data could not be obtained from the current survey conducted in 2002/03. However, the 1997 survey provided the following detailed estimates on where energy was used in the New Zealand’s local government sector: 3 Street Lighting Energy Efficiency Study, EECA<, June 2001, p.31 Fig 4A: Local government energy end-uses (TJ) , 1997 Water Supply 20% Street Lighting 19% Swimming Pool 13% Buildings 11% Others 4% Sewage 17% Vehicles 16% Fig 45B: Local government energy end-uses ($), 1997 Water Supply 19% Street Lighting 28% Sewage 16% Swimmin g Pool 7% Vehicles 12% Buildings 17% Others 1% Figures 4A and 4B show that of the total energy used by local government in the year ending March 1997: street lighting accounted for 19% of energy and 28% of energy expenditure; water supply claimed 20% of energy and 19% of energy expenditure; sewage accounted for 17% of energy and 16% of energy expenditure; vehicle fleets used 16% of energy but accounted for only 12% of energy expenditure; swimming pools took 13% of energy and 7% of energy expenditure as the larger pools use coal and gas for heating (and some diesel); buildings claimed 11% of energy and 17% of energy expenditure1; and others, such as road construction and repairs, parking, traffic signals, parks, etc consumed 4% of energy and only 1% of energy expenditure. Marlborough District Council energy audit carried out by EECA in June 1996 covered the library and administration buildings. The total floor area of the buildings was 3,215 m2. All energy supplied in these buildings was by electricity. A small amount of diesel was used by the emergency generator which is tested from time to time. The estimated electricity end-uses in this case study were: space heating and space cooling, 35%; lighting, 29%; computers, 25%; water heating, 2%; printers, 2% photocopiers, 1%; refrigeration, 1%, and others, 5%. Looking at local government energy end-use by fuel type, the 1997 survey showed that: of the total electricity used by the local government sector, approximately 29% was for water supply, another 28% for street lighting, 21% for sewage pumping and treatment, nearly 14% for offices and other buildings, and 6% for swimming pools; of the total natural gas used, approximately 80% was for swimming pools while the remaining 20% was used in offices and other buildings; of the total diesel used, approximately 70% was in vehicles, 6% for sewage pumping, 1% in water supply while the remaining 23% was used for other purposes; of the total coal used, 99% was for heating swimming pools, while the remaining 1% was used for heating buildings; and virtually all petrol consumed by the local government sector was for vehicles. 3. Energy Use Trends: (A Case Study of Christchurch City Council) Consistent time series energy use data for the local government sector as a whole is not available to establish trends. Christchurch City Council has, however, collated consistent data information on a number of energy using characteristics for the period 1994 to 2002. This information was analysed to provide some indication of the historical pattern of energy use in the local government sector (Table 1 and Figures 2A and 2B). Table4: Christchurch City Council energy use, energy efficiency investment and energy saving, March 1994 to 2002 years Petroleum Coal & Total products LPG Energy Energy Number of Energy Energy expenditure efficiency household in saved (PJ) saved (%) ($million) investment ($) the city March End Electricity 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Total change in 2002 over 1994 (%) Growth rate pa:1994 to 2002 Growth rate pa:2002 over 2001 0.237 0.223 0.200 0.193 0.198 0.197 0.202 0.208 0.220 0.145 0.143 0.152 0.115 0.105 0.104 0.103 0.101 0.101 0.034 0.034 0.037 0.040 0.037 0.038 0.038 0.036 0.022 0.416 0.400 0.389 0.349 0.341 0.338 0.342 0.345 0.343 7.22 7.03 7.09 7.04 7.04 7.06 7.00 7.01 6.97 80,000 85,000 1,721,000 271,000 386,000 656,000 375,000 416,000 412,000 -7.03 -30.27 -34.74 -17.42 -3.46 415 13.05 -0.91 -4.41 -5.19 -2.36 -0.44 22.74 1.54 5.71 0.36 -38.61 -0.52 -0.57 -0.96 0.49 Source:Christchurch City ouncil 0.025 0.011 0.016 0.011 0.010 0.016 0.008 0.003 6.35 2.73 4.70 3.32 3.09 4.62 2.36 1.01 109,600 112,300 115,000 116,200 117,360 120,000 121,800 123,300 123,900 Fig 5B :Christchuch City Council total energy use and household number indexed, 1994 to 2002 70 Energy Use Household Number 60 2002 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 0.0 80 2001 Electricity 2000 0.1 90 1999 0.2 100 1998 Petroleum products 0.3 110 1997 Coal & LPG 1996 (PJ/pa) 0.4 120 1995 0.5 1994 Index with base 1994 = 100 Fig 5A :Christchuch City Council e ne rgy use tre nds, March 1994 to 2002 ye ars The Christchurch City Council’s energy use decreased by a total of nearly 17.4%, from 416 TJ in 1994 to 343 TJ in 2002, or at an average rate of around 2.4% per annum. The rate of change in energy demand has however varied over years. For example, between 1996 and 1997, energy use saw significant reduction of about 11% to 349 TJ from 389 TJ. This decline was largely due to the energy efficiency investments ($1.7 million) which occurred during this period. Between 1999 and 2000, energy use increased slightly before commencing a declining trend. Between 1994 and 2002, energy use index (with base 1994 = 100) declined to 83 while that of household number index rose to 113, suggesting a decoupling of energy use growth from household/population growth. Christchurch City Council appointed a full time energy manager in 1994 with the main tasks of coordinating and implementing various programmes to improve energy efficiency and conservation, while maintaining or improving comforts and service levels. Within a year, energy management projects with an annual saving potential of more than $500,000 were identified and implementation commenced. The overall payback for these projects was 4.3 years with some being less than 2 years. 4. Local Government Energy Intensity Analysis This section provides snapshot sample data on energy use intensities in New Zealand’s local government. It also explains the factors affecting energy intensity across the TLA. 4.1 Energy Intensity Comparison Local government survey data was employed for computing TLAs’ energy intensities. The following energy intensity indicators were computed: Energy use per capita (energy/population) Energy expenditure as a percent of operating expenditure Energy expenditure as a percent of capital expenditure Energy efficiency investment as a percent of capital expenditure Building energy use per unit of floor area Building energy share in total energy The above six energy intensity indicators were calculated by dividing the sample TLAs energy use by their respective related parameters. It may be noted that not all TLAs provided the required data, and those who provided did not provide information for computing the above energy intensity indicators. Therefore TLA identity codes as in the graphs are not comparable. The energy intensity results in respect of the above indicators are discussed briefly below: Energy Use per Capita (Energy/Population) Local government expenditure comprises operating expenditure and capital expenditure. Operating expenditure is incurred by the Government to meet its daily operational requirements and to provide services. It includes items like salaries, pensions, debt service charges, subsidies and grants, etc. Annual per capita energy expenditure relates to the in-house energy consumed by the TLA. It does not include the electricity used for street lighting (which is managed by the power companies) and the energy used for externally contracted operations. Per capita energy expenditure across TLAs (excluding regional councils) split in to North Island (NI) and South Island (SI) is illustrated in Fig 6A: Fig 6A:Local government per capita energy expenditure, March 2002 year ($/population) 60 45 30 15 New SI S1 S2 S3 NI N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 0 Figure 6A shows that average annual energy expenditure per capita for the North Island 17 TLAs varied from a low of $9.47 to a high of $47.98 with a weighted mean of $19.50. The corresponding range for the 3 South Island TLAs was a low of $14.71 and a high of $43.04 with a weighted mean of $25.01. The New Zealand overall energy use per capita is $20.12. It will be noted that that energy expenditure per capita was the lower in respect of the SI TLA group compared to the NI TLA group. One possible explanation for this could be low population base and the provision of almost similar level of energy using characteristics of the infrastructure provided by this group of TLAs. It would appear that relatively colder climate could be another part of the explanation. Energy Expenditure as a Percent of Operating Expenditure Fig 6B illustrates energy expenditure as percentage of operating expenditure across TLA groups. Fig 6B:Energy expenditure as a percent of operating expenditure, March 2002 year 16 (%) 12 8 4 Ne SI S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 NI N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 N20 N21 0 The energy expenditure as a per cent of operating expenditure for the New Zealand wide sample TLAs varied from a low of 0.31% to a high of 15.07% with an overall average of 2.21%. However, the spread narrows down when the TLAs are split into NI and SI. The energy expenditure as per cent of operating costs across 21 NI TLAs varied from a low of 0.31% to a high of 4.53% with a weighted average of 2.23%. Similarly, the corresponding figures across the energy expenditure as per cent of operating costs across 8 SI TLAs varied from a low of 0.71% to a high of 15.07% with a weighted average of 2.15%. Energy Expenditure as a Percent of Capital Expenditure Fig 6C illustrates energy expenditure as percentage of capital expenditure across TLA groups. Capital expenditure includes funds used by an organization to acquire or upgrade physical assets such office buildings, or equipment, repairing a roof to building or providing a fire escape. The energy expenditure as a per cent of capital expenditure for the NI TLAs varied from a low of 2.38% to a high of 47.08% with an NI overall weighted average of 4.66%. The corresponding range for the SI TLAs was 3.75% to 39.50% with a weighted average of 7.06. Overall New Zealand wide, TLAs energy expenditure as a percent of capital expenditure was 4.88%. Fig 6C:Energy expenditure as a percent of capital expenditure, March 2002 year 50 40 (%) 30 20 10 Ne SI S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 NI N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 N20 N21 0 Energy Efficiency Investment as a Percent of Capital Expenditure Energy efficiency investment refers to funds used by an organization to cut energy use and or to get better value from energy used. It includes the money spent on insulation, lighting upgrade, power factor correction and refurbishments, etc. Only 7 TLAs could provided this information which is illustrated in Fig 6D: NZAvg TLA7 TLA6 TLA5 TLA4 TLA3 TLA2 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 TLA1 % Fig 6D:Energy efficiency as a percent of capital expenditure, March 2002 year The energy investment as a per cent of capital expenditure for the sample TLAs varied from a low of 0.1% to a high of 11.5% with an overall average of 0.5%. Building Energy Use per Unit of Floor Area A local government building in this section refers to administration offices only. In terms of their energy using characteristics, local government buildings like community centres, libraries, etc are significantly different from office buildings. Nearly half of the local government buildings energy use expenditure is in administration buildings. A commonly used indicator of energy efficiency comparison in buildings is energy consumption per unit of floor area. This indicator was employed to examine energy use in the local government office buildings across TLAs and the results are illustrated in Fig 6E: New SI S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 NI 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 (kWh/sqm) Fig 6E:Local government building energy per m, 2 March 2002 Fig 6E illustrates wide within group and among group variations in the annual energy use per metre square of floor area (m2) in local government office buildings. New Zealand sample wide, the average energy use per m2 of floor area was 152 kWh/m2. The average annual energy use per m2 of floor area across 17 North Island TLAs varied from a low of 95 kWh/m2 to a high of 227 kWh/m2 with a weighted mean of 145 kWh/m2/pa. The corresponding range for the 4 South Island TLAs was a low of 96 kWh/m2 and a high of 250 kWh/m2 with a mean of 184 kWh/m2. The New Zealand overall energy use per metre squared of floor area (m2) in local government office buildings was 152 kWh/m2. This figure is somewhat higher than the target figure of 140 kWh/m2 suggested by NZS 4220:1980. The comparable figure reported by Marlborough District Council in 1997 was 170 kWh/m2. Building Energy Share in Total Energy Building energy use is a significant component of total energy use for the TLAs. The results are illustrated in Fig 6F: Fig 6F:Local government building energy use as % of total energy, March 2002 40 20 10 New SI S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 NI 0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 (%) 30 New Zealand-wide sample results show that on average administrative building account for 6.90% of the total; energy used by the local government sector. However, a wide range of variations were observed across TLAs. The building energy use as a percent of total energy across NI sample TLAs varied from a low of 2.60% to a high of 25.90% with an NI sample weighted average of 6.18%. The corresponding range for the SI sample TLAs was 7.28% to 31.80% with a weighted SI sample average of 12.48. 4.2 Building Energy Functions For the convenience of data analysis, the energy use split into total energy use in a year (kWh) and energy use per square kilometre of floor area were separately examined. The aim in each case is to identify the factors which explains variations in building energy use and energy intensity across TLAs. Building Energy Use Function Linear and log linear regression models were tried to establish the whether building energy use was influenced by the following explanatory factors: Building age in years (X1); Energy efficiency investment made in the year in $ (X2); Floor area in square kilometres (X3); and Number of people occupying the building in FTE (X4). The log linear regression model (Appendix 3B) for TLA’s annual building energy use (kWh) showed that: Age of the building affected its energy use. The elasticity coefficient in respect of this variable carried positive sign with a numerical value of 0.1. It indicates that a 1% increase in building would be accompanied by a 0.1% increase in its energy use. Energy efficiency investment coefficient carried negative sign though its numerical value was very low (- 0.004). There is thus some evidence that TLA attitudes towards energy efficiency cause energy use to decline, other things being equal. Building floor area was caused energy use to increase as this coefficient in respect of this variable carried positive sign. Its numerical value was 0.83 (which was statistically significant) indicating that a 1% increase in building area would be accompanied by a 0.83% increase in its energy use. Building occupant number affects energy use. The numerical value of the coefficient is 0.19 (which was statistically highly significant) indicating that a 1% increase in occupant number would be accompanied by a 0.19% increase in building energy use. The four explanatory variables included in the function explained 88% of total variations in building energy use across TLA. Thus, building energy use is significantly affected by the size of the building and its occupant number which is a good proxy for equipment and other energy using characteristics of the building. Per Square Metre of Floor Area Energy Use Function When examined, on a per floor area energy use basis, it was found that NI TLAs generally consumed less energy on a per floor area basis. But then this is only one factor. The other factors affecting such energy intensities would include energy using characteristics of the building, persons occupying the building, equipment intensity, age of the building and the refurbishment done. We tried to capture the influence of some of these explanatory factors by regressing per square metre based energy use on these factors. The results are shown in Appendices 4A and 4B: Log linear regression analysis indicated (Appendix 4B) that: Generally older building has slightly higher energy use per square metre of floor area. A 1% increase in building age would increase building energy intensity by 0.06% on average. Buildings where some energy efficiency measures have been taken tend to have lower energy use per square metre of floor area. Though a 1% increase in energy efficiency investment would be followed by only a 0.06% reduction in the energy intensity, on average. It was also found that building energy intensity energy was positively related to people occupying the building. A one percent increase in number of people occupying the building will be followed by only a 0.08% increase in energy use per square of floor area. The three explanatory variables included accounted for a very low (12%) percent of the total variations in energy use per square metre of floor area across the TLAs. This clearly means that variations in building energy use intensity across TLAs are affected by a multitude of factors. A large part of remaining unexplained variation could well be attributed to the way the energy using equipment is used and the overall behaviour of the occupant 5. Energy Savings Potential and Measures Local government energy savings potential was studied by reviewing the energy audits findings. In addition, benchmark energy savings potential in New Zealand’ local government sector was also examined by comparing a wide range of energy intensities across relatively more homogeneous group of TLAs. 5.1 Energy Saving Potential: New Zealand Energy Audits Street Lighting Workshop May 2003: A workshop in street lighting held in May 2003 in Wellington investigated the possibility of coordinated power savings initiatives across road authorities by implementing a reduction in street light usage on roads. The workshop recommended the following measures for minimise street lighting energy wastage: Checking that Photo Cells are operating at optimal level. Managing maintenance turn-ons during daylight hours. Advancing the bulk fitting of more energy efficient equipment/lights to reduce load. Reviewing necessity for amenity lighting Determining what control options are available from line companies. EECA Street Lighting Energy Efficiency Study (2001): It reported a wide range of practices in the area of street and pedestrian lighting, with small rural TLAs lacking the street lighting engineering resources of the larger urban TLAs. By replacing mercury vapour, low pressure, and fluorescent lamps, with high-pressure sodium or metal halide lamps, street lighting energy use could be cut approximately 17 GWh of its 155 GWh load, or a saving of 11%. The money value of electricity saved is around $1.9 million per annum. The study also reported annual savings of 8.2 GWh through the introduction of dimming ballasts and 16 GWh through the introduction of tapped ballasts, if suitable controls could be installed. Of course, a remote switching device is essential for these savings to be achieved Auckland War Memorial Museum Energy Audit 2003 showed that with proper housekeeping alone (T1 opportunities met), the site could save 17% of its current electricity used. This would call for measures like shutting off front of houselights, switching off unused office equipment, insulating hot water cylinders, and replacing security halogens with compact fluorescent lamps. The site with a total floor are of 16250 m2/year and electricity as the only energy source, annually consumed a total of 4.58 GWh or 286 kWh/ m2. About 55% of annual energy was used by the HVAC. Front-of–house lighting consumed 35%, with backof-house lighting and all other equipment accounting for about 5% each. The Glenfield Leisure Centre is a multi-purpose fitness centre comprising indoor swimming pool, squash court, an early childhood centre and public function room. Both electricity and natural gas are used to run the Centre. As well as this a gas powered co-gen system is used to generate further electricity. The whole building had an energy use index of 486 kWh/m2/year. Within the property, swimming pool energy intensity was estimated at 12 GJ or 3330 kWh/m2of pool area. Two audits of the regional council parks in Auckland (2003) showed that the two sites could cut their current energy use by 10.5% from 2.221 GWh/year to 1.98 GWh/year at no or a very little costs. This could be achieved by replacing 38 mm fluorescent tubes with 26 mm tubes, using shower instead of bath, using cold water wash cycle in washing machine, turning off unused office equipment, etc. Manawatu District Council Energy Audit 1995: The energy audit survey carried out by EECA showed that, with a pay-back of less than 3 years, the Council could save up to 50% of its electricity used. The saving potential was achievable through measures such as covering swimming pools at night, resetting ventilation and heating controls, optimising metering arrangements and tariffs, instituting a monitoring and targeting programme, optimising pump sizing, carrying out delamping in administrative buildings, and instigating a staff energy management programme in all buildings. Hasting District Council Audit 1992 showed that with a small amount of housekeeping the Council could save at least $60,000 per annum or around 5% of its energy bill. These saving potentials would typically arise from swimming pools and administration and library buildings. The Council could save another $35,000 per annum from street lighting by installing high pressure sodium lamps in place of mercury vapour lamps. Hutt City Council Scoping Study 1992 conservatively estimated that 15 to 20% of its annual energy bill of $1.6 million could be saved through cost effective and relatively simple measures. The chief sources of savings included swimming pools ($70,000 per annum), sewage and water pumping ($70,000) and administration and library buildings ($20,000). A similar investigation for Wellington City Council undertaken in 1993 (where the facilities operated appear relatively new or recently retrofitted) estimated that around 10% of the total energy used ($3.64 million per annum) could be saved through cost effective measures, especially in the following end-uses: water supply, 19% ($30,000 out of $160,00)0 per annum; swimming pools, 16% ($115,000 out of $729,500 per annum); workshops, 15% ($30,000 out of $205,000 per annum); office accommodation, 7% ($80,000 out of $1,142,000 per annum); and others (eg vehicles and roading), 29% ($70,000 out of energy bill of $240,000 per annum). Auckland Regional Council 1989: A report2 prepared by EECA showed that in 1989, the Auckland Regional Council was able to save around $1 million annually for the first two years after they had appointed an energy manager to attend to the energy savings opportunities available to the Council. These savings were from total energy costs of about $4 million per year. Of the total energy expenditure saved, nearly 40% was achieved through electricity exports and self generation; about 16% was in relation to plant operation and electricity tariff changes; and around 33% from changes made in sewage plant operation. 5.2 Benchmark Energy Savings Potential The wide range of energy consumption per unit of activity (for example, per capita for the overall operation and per square metre of floor area for the building energy use) within a given group of TLAs and lack of obvious causal factors indicate sizeable benchmark energy saving opportunities in New Zealand’s local government sector. The following two scenarios were built to quantify the local government benchmark energy savings potential: TLA Group Average Benchmark: To strike homogeneity among the TLAs, they were classified into three groups; (a) city councils, (b) district councils, and (c) regional councils. The sample TLS were stratified into these groups and a given energy intensity indicator was calculated for each group. We also computed the energy intensity indicator for each of the group sample TLA. The TLAs with energy intensity higher than the group average were lifted to the group average and on that basis their notional energy use was computed and compared to the current energy use. The difference between the current and “notional” energy use pointed to the savings potential. Within Group Next Best Benchmark: Here instead of taking the group average as a benchmark we took the next best energy intensity as a bench mark. Let us say there are 3 TLAs. We arranged then in an ascending order of their energy intensities. For the second lowest the first lowest served as a benchmark, and for third lowest the second lowest became the benchmark. This approach appears more realistic as we were comparing TLAs like for like basis. Benchmark Sector Wide Energy Savings Potential Energy use per capita (TLA total energy use (kWh)/population) was used for computing the overall benchmark energy efficiency savings potential, and the results are given in Tables 5A and 5B. It will be seen from Table 5A shows that if all of those TLAs within a group, which consume more energy per capita than their respective group averages, are lifted to their group average levels, then the city council and district council TLAs could reduce their current energy use by around 15% and 14% respectively. The combined benchmark energy savings potential in this case is estimated at 15%. Table 5B shows that if the benchmark is lifted to the level of the next best TLA in each group, then the overall savings would amount to 20% for the city council group and 11% for the district councils. The combined benchmark energy savings potential in this case comes to 18%. Table 5A:TLA group average (kWh/population) benchmark energy saving estimates, March 2002 year TLAs City Councils (N = 5) District Councils (N = 10) Group Average Group Average Benchmark Current Use (kWh) Benchmark Energy Notional savings Use (kWh) (kWh) 96,925,852 66,973,092 29,952,761 56,125,380 48,507,965 7,617,415 Group Average Benchmark Notional savings (%) 30.90 13.57 North Island (N = 15) 153,051,232 115,481,057 37,570,176 24.55 City Councils (N = 2) District Councils (N = 3) 107,551,854 11,422,111 105,407,061 9,797,568 2,144,793 1,624,543 1.99 14.22 South Island (N = 5) 118,973,965 115,204,629 3,769,336 3.17 New Zealand CC (N = 7) New Zealand DC (N = 13) New Zealand (N = 20) 204,477,706 67,547,491 272,025,197 172,380,152 58,305,533 230,685,686 32,097,554 9,241,958 41,339,511 15.70 13.68 15.20 Table 5B:Within group next best TLA (kWh/m2) benchmark energy saving estimates, March 2002 year City Councils (N = 5) District Councils (N = 10) 96,925,852 56,125,380 71,704,542 52,654,178 Within Group Next Best Benchmark Energy Use (kWh) 25,221,310 3,471,202 North Island (N = 15) 153,051,232 124,358,720 28,692,512 18.75 City Councils (N = 2) District Councils (N = 3) 107,551,854 11,422,111 91,553,533 7,112,662 15,998,321 4,309,449 14.87 37.73 South Island (N = 5) 118,973,965 98,666,195 20,307,770 17.07 New Zealand CC (N = 7) New Zealand DC (N = 13) New Zealand (N = 20) 204,477,706 67,547,491 272,025,197 163,258,075 59,766,841 223,024,915 41,219,631 7,780,650 49,000,282 20.16 11.52 18.01 TLAs Within Group Next Current Use (kWh) Best Benchmark Energy Use (kWh) Within Group Next Best Benchmark Energy Use (%) 26.02 6.18 Building Benchmark Energy Use Savings Potential Energy use per per floor area (energy used in an office building (kWh)/square metre of floor area/per annum) was used for computing the overall benchmark energy efficiency savings potential, and the results are given in Tables 6A and 6B: Table 6A:TLA group average (kWh/m2) benchmark energy saving estimates, March 2002 year City Councils (N= 5) District Councils (N = 10) Regional Councils (N = 2) 5,165,927 3,804,454 905,561 Group Average Benchmark Energy Use (kWh) 4,645,819 3,494,736 899,585 North Island (N = 17) 9,875,942 9,040,141 835,800 8.46 South Island (N = 5) 2,578,663 2,213,431 365,232 14.16 New Zealand (N = 22) 12,454,605 11,253,572 1,201,033 9.64 TLAs Current Use (kWh) Group Average Benchmark Notional savings (kWh) 520,108 309,717 5,976 Group Average Benchmark Notional savings (%) 10.07 8.14 0.66 Table 6B:Within group next best TLA (kWh/m2) benchmark energy saving estimates, March 2002 year City Councils (N= 5) District Councils (N = 10) Regional Councils (N = 2) 5,165,927 3,804,454 905,561 Within Group Next Best Benchmark Energy Use (kWh) 4,295,024 3,419,757 896,000 North Island (N = 17) 9,875,942 8,610,781 1,265,161 12.81 South Island (N = 5) 2,578,663 2,119,174 459,489 17.82 New Zealand (N = 22) 12,454,605 10,729,955 1,724,650 13.85 TLAs Current Use (kWh) Within Group Next Best Benchmark Energy Use (kWh) 870,903 384,697 9,561 Within Group Next Best Benchmark Energy Use (%) 16.86 10.11 1.06 It will be seen from Table 6A that if all of those TLAs within a group, which used more energy per square metre of floor area than their respective group averages, are lifted to their group average levels, then the New Zealand’s local government sector could reduce its office building current energy use by around 15%... Based on the north island sample, it appears that the scope for cutting such energy use is more in the city council group (30%) compared to the district councils (14%). Also this appears more in the north island TLS than in the south island. Table 6B shows that if the benchmark was lifted to the level of the next best TLA in each group, then the office building overall savings would amount to 18%. 5.3 Energy Efficiency Measures Energy efficiency in local government operations can be increased by paying attention to activity design (including construction, commissioning and retrofitting), use of new technologies and the practice of sound energy management and building services maintenance. Averaged across all operations, 10 to 15% of current annual energy use in the local government sector could be saved through implementing cost-effective energy efficiency investments. The following is an indicative list of the initiatives that local governments could undertake, legislate for, and encourage in the wider community to increase energy efficiency and reduce the reliance on non-renewable energy sources3: Establishing energy management programmes within local government administrations and appointing energy managers, particularly in larger TLAs. Such energy managers should be responsible for carrying out detailed energy audits, exploring specific energy saving opportunities, providing and implementing energy monitoring and targeting systems, negotiating electricity tariffs in the new deregulated energy market, and evaluating and implementing future energy efficiency projects. The energy manager should be responsible to an energy management committee which should consist of various other staff members, in particular from the environmental division, the building design and management division, works departments, and parks and recreation division. Preparing and adopting a planning scheme that incorporates energy efficiency criteria such as designing a hierarchy of land-use activities and centres to facilitate access and minimise energy consumption, arranging land use activities to minimise travel distance, consolidating existing urban settlements by containing outward low density sprawl, and encouraging the development of vacant or under-utilised land and discouraging isolated commercial developments. Becoming more actively and purposefully involved in public transport and traffic management. This would include planning and developing cost effective expansion of public transport networks, providing community bus services, promoting ‘park-and-ride’ facilities at outer suburban public transport terminals, encouraging local goods delivery services operated by retailers and facilitating car pooling for work travel trips. Promoting and encouraging energy conservation design criteria in the siting, construction, alteration and operation of buildings, to the buildings industry and community locally. Undertaking a survey of the recycling potential within the region to ascertain if the present recycling being undertaken could be improved, and considering the utilisation of the organic component in the waste stream via composing or biogas production. Providing energy information services to key groups in the community who can be encouraged to manage energy more efficiently. Investigating the economic potential of alternative energy sources within the region, eg. solar, hydro, wind, biogas and, wood. EECA is central Government’s foremost proponent of energy efficiency. It assists the local government sector to identify, and make the most of, available energy efficiency opportunities. In fact, EECA has designed a number of programmes eg Energy-Wise Company Campaign, Energy-Wise Councils Partnership, Crown Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme, and other initiatives in the local government sector. These programmes aim at obtaining this sector’s commitment to improving both in-house and their community's use of energy. Under the Crown Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme, EECA offers loan finance to government departments including local governments to fulfil their energy management goals. Up to June 2004, a total of loan advances of almost $18.4 million had been made with local governments accounting for nearly $4 million. Preliminary analysis suggests that the above total loan advances ($18.4 million) have resulted in cumulative energy savings valued around $29 million. By joining this partnership, each EnergyWise Council agrees to promote energy efficiency through a number of actions, including: implementing the EnergyWise Companies Campaign's Charter of Key Principles in their own internal energy management systems, including energy efficiency objectives and performance measures in their Annual Plans; ensuring that improved energy efficiency and enhanced, appropriate renewable energy supply and use are explicitly considered in Council policy development and planning activities, particularly as part of decision making processes relating to transport, water supply, waste management; developing an urban form which contributes significantly to energy conservation, energy efficiency and sustainability. EECA provides assistance and support to Councils by facilitating information transfer, providing technical information and support. EECA's Energy-Wise Councils (EW-Councils) account for a significant amount of New Zealand's population and energy use. 20 of New Zealand's 73 Territorial Authorities are EW-Councils (22%) but they account for more than half of the population of New Zealand, and energy used by local governments. 1 The difference between the two shares is due to the fact that buildings predominantly use electricity (nearly 90%) which is an expensive source of energy compared to other fuels. In commercial buildings (which includes offices, hospitals, schools, etc) nearly half of the electricity is used for activities (e.g. lighting, refrigeration, electronic equipment) which are electricity use specific. In the local government buildings this ratio is likely to be even higher. Also, most of the electricity load is during day time which tends to be subject to higher tariffs. 2 Appointment of an Energy Manager at the Auckland Regional Council, Report prepared by Ted Jamieson, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, July 1992, File No: EM 62-10-64 3 For details, See Manawatu District and Palmerston North City Regional Energy Profile, prepared by Tom R Robertson and Bing D Soo for Energy Management, Ministry of Commerce, Project 89-13, July 1992. Appendix 1 :Local government energy use function: regression results Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Constant Area (sqk) FTE Population Energy efficiency R Square Constant Area (sqk) FTE Population Energy efficiency R Square Multiple Regression: Non-Log Function -3862 7317.85 -0.528 -0.452 1.28 -0.354 132.96 28.16 4.723 0.488 0.15 3.318 -4635 11588.27 -0.400 0.599 0.725 0.000 0.001 0.690 87% Multiple Regression:Log Function 1.195 0.521 2.294 -0.041 0.047 -0.864 0.468 0.151 3.090 0.530 0.166 3.200 0.004 0.007 0.652 0.025 0.391 0.003 0.002 0.517 86% Appendix 2:Local government variable correlation matrix TCE Skm FTE Population TCE 1 Skm -0.307 1 FTE 0.920 -0.298 1 Population 0.908 -0.327 0.925 1 EWC 0.507 -0.277 0.524 0.581 EWC 1 Appendix 3A:Building energy use function: Non-Log Regression results Multiple R 0.9432 R Square 0.8897 Adjusted R Square 0.8637 Observations 22 Coefficients Intercept 9079 Building age (yrs) 253.26 Energy efficiency investments ($) -0.38 Floor area (SQM) 128.75 Occupant (FTE) 594.45 Standard Error 96260 1449.37 0.33 27.35 316.12 t Stat 0.09 0.17 -1.15 4.71 1.88 Appendix 3BBuilding energy use function: Log Regression results Multiple R 0.9408 R Square 0.8852 Adjusted R Square 0.8582 Observations 22 Coefficients Intercept 2.246 Building age (yrs) 0.082 Energy efficiency investments ($) -0.004 Floor area (SQM) 0.830 Occupant (FTE) 0.192 Standard Error 0.489 0.123 0.008 0.212 0.156 t Stat 4.596 0.666 -0.524 3.919 1.231 Regression Statist 2 Appendix 4A:Building per square energy use function (kWh/m ): Non-Log Regression results 0.3444 Multiple R 0.1186 R Square -0.0283 Adjusted R Square 22 Observations Intercept Building age (yrs) Energy efficiency investment Occupant (FTE) Coefficients 132 0.373 0.000 0.069 Standard Error 22 0.406 0.000 0.059 t Stat 6 0.919 -0.962 1.181 2 Appendix 4B:Building per square energy use function (kWh/m ): Log Regression results Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Observations Intercept Building age (yrs) Energy efficiency investment Occupant (FTE) 0.3444 0.1186 -0.0283 22 Coefficients 1.911 0.055 -0.006 0.083 Standard Error 0.249 0.117 0.008 0.076 t Stat 7.663 0.465 -0.759 1.093 Regression