MGT3860 Z
Fall 2006
Statistical look at international trade
Trade between two countries and trends, reasons for the trend
Recent WTO members, accession process, change in trade
World trade in a particular product, and any relationship to trade agreements
Foreign direct investment flows, calculation of investment flows, trends,
investment agreements
Statistics for trade in services
A look at individual countries and their experiences related to international trade
Their approach to trade issues
involvement in free trade agreements
economic situation and integration in free trade
Mexico's experience under the NAFTA
comparison of experiences of the three NAFTA countries
Trade "and" issues
 What do trade agreements actually say about the following “trade and…” issues,
what are the main contentions about trade agreement effects and how can you test
those contentions?
 Environment; relationship between international trade agreements and international
environmental agreements, operation of GATT exceptions in relation to
environmental matters
 Labor; International Labour Organization; race to the bottom; evidence from
developing countries; “social dumping” and “levelling the playing field”
 NAFTA environment/labour side agreements
 Health
 Education
 Development/Developing countries
 Culture
Negotiation of trade agreements
Historical review -- What happened during -- the Canada-US FTA, the NAFTA,
the MAI, the Uruguay Round and what were achievements, successes and failures
Canadian provinces (or other subnationals) and international trade agreements and
negotiations; effects on provinces; disputes; relationship with the federal
government, constitution.
Surrender of sovereignty in a trade agreement or exercise of sovereignty?
Issues for Alberta
Energy chapter/proportional sharing
softwood lumber
BSE case – relation to trade agreements – what are the relevant agreements and
what are potential complaints
Trade and Health Care/social services. Changes in health care delivery – private
clinics? Trade agreement implications
Water Trade. Water allocations between US and Canada
Issues for specific industries
Computer/software – intellectual property
call centers – “offshoring”:
Canada-US auto trade, loss of Auto pact
Current issues in international trade
Currency, exchange rates and its effects on trade; potential for an international
agreement on exchange rates
North American integration – next steps in NAFTA improvements, thoughts about
"legitimacy" of international trade institutions – why the protests? Is concern about
power of international trade institutions warranted?
US approach to trade agreements, NAFTA dispute resolution?
Globalization, integration vs. isolation.
Trade theory
Beyond simplistic comparative advantage; new/current theories of why countries
engage in international trade and the benefits and costs of international trade.
Explanations of patterns of trade. General equilibrium models.
use of trade remedies -- countervailing duties/anti-dumping – do they work?
Should we have them?
treatment of subsidies in international trade rules, what kind of disciplines are there
and what kind of disciplines should there be? Why should governments choose to
regional trading blocs and bilateral agreements and their relationship to the WTO
customs unions, free trade “zones”
International dispute settlement; how does it work in a particular agreement, how
should it work, how effective is it?
Regulation of foreign investment; should it be regulated and how; what are current
international agreements on investment and what benefits do they provide?
NAFTA Chapter 11 investor-state disputes; giving up sovereignty? Excessive
benefits to foreign investors?
pros and cons of foreign investment
International trade obligations related to trade in services; application of concepts
developed for goods;
Measuring international trade in services; what services does Canada export, why,
and relation to trade agreements?
Developing countries and trade in services
 What is the role of various international institutions in international trade and
countries’ approaches to international trade (UNCTAD, UNCITRAL, IMF, World
 Relationship between WTO and other international organizations (ILO)