Comedy Essay Assignment

Comedy Essay Assignment
Even though The Importance of Being Earnest doesn’t necessarily contain too many LOL moments, many comedic
elements present in the play are still present in movies today.
Assignment: Select a modern comedy film which contains similar comedic elements to those present in The Importance
of Being Earnest.
As you watch the film, take notes on the comedic elements, so that you can speak about them in particular terms (i.e.
specific quotes) in your essay.
Select three of the following comedic elements from your movie, and discuss how they are present in a similar fashion in
The Importance of Being Earnest.
happy ending: the plot ends in a wedding or some other similar celebration, oftentimes for multiple characters.
o The Importance of Being Earnest, Much Ado About Nothing, The Hangover, Wedding Crashers, American
all-inclusive resolution: essentially every single character in the play gets what he or she wants in the end – usually
some sort of romantic relationship.
o Consider how even Dr. Chasuble gets a girl at the end of Earnest, just as “The Shermanator” gets a girl at the
end of American Pie.
mistaken identities: comedy that is derived from characters mistaking someone for someone else.
o Consider how Algernon and Jack each pretend to be Ernest in Earnest, or how the twin sisters swap places in
The Parent Trap. You could also address the term recognition scene here.
sentimental comedy: a character who is villainous or mischievous reforms in the end.
o Think about the “misfit” characters in movies like Ten Things I Hate About You and The Breakfast Club.
blocking figure: a parent or guardian-type character who blocks a main character from being in a relationship with
the person he wants to date.
o Think Lady Bracknell in Earnest or Robert DeNiro’s character in Meet the Parents.
satire: comedy that provides commentary on society. Remember the four main satirical techniques.
o Consider how Earnest satirizes upper-class society of the Victorian Age, or how Borat satirizes American
burlesque humor: humor that is derived from physical action.
o Think about when Mike Tyson punches Alan in The Hangover or when The Three Stooges hit one another
with hammers.
farcical scenes: ridiculous scenes intended to make you laugh.
o Think Algernon’s constant consumption of cucumber sandwiches in Earnest, or the Mike Tyson’s tiger
subplot in The Hangover.
sarcastic/witty dialogue: funny, sarcastic banter, usually featuring some memorable quotes
o “One man wolfpack.” – The Hangover
o “It makes a false impression.” – The Importance of Being Earnest
characters who are caricatures: characters who are exaggerated versions of the archetypes
o Jack and Algernon are caricatures; the characters in The Hangover are, too
Comedy Essay Assignment
Some Suggestions for Movies:
American Pie
The Hangover
The Parent Trap
Meet the Parents
The Princess Bride
Legally Blonde
Austin Powers
School of Rock
The Simpsons Movie
The Proposal
Mean Girls
Epic Movie
Scary Movie
The Breakfast Club
Space Jam
Ten Things I Hate About You
She’s the Man
John Tucker Must Die
Saving Silverman
Billy Madison
White Chicks
Old School
Feel free to choose your own film, but be sure to get your parents’ permission before watching an R-rated film.
Of course, if you watch a film that contains scenes with “racy” humor, you will discuss them in an academic way in your
essay or avoid them entirely.
Be sure to use quotes and particular examples from both your film and The Importance of Being Earnest. Good luck!
Rough Draft: Due Monday, May 24, 2010
Final Draft: Due Friday, May 28, 2010
Presentation Component: Assignment and Rubric To Be Determined