in class essay

Benito Cereno and American History 1790-1855
Answer the following question in an essay that clearly explores the relationship between
Melville’s novella and American history.
What was Melville’s intended goal in writing Benito Cereno, and was he successful?
Note: We offered a possible goal for Melville—that he intended to write a critique of
American society to 1855. However, you may certainly choose to assert that Melville
had a different intention in writing the novel. Whatever you identify as Melville’s
intended goal, be sure to describe it (for example, if you choose to assert that he
was offering a critique of American society, you need to describe what Melville’s
intent was.
Please be sure you include:
o A clear thesis asserting your view of Melville’s intent
o Clear topic sentences
o Support from the novel (specific quotes and other references)
o An exploration of the historical context, which means historical references
(descriptions of events, decisions, legislation, etc., which may but does not need to
include quotes)—Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience may be part of this, too, as Garrison,
Walker, Jefferson, and others are.
o Be sure you analyze your evidence/support (this means explain it and then relate it
to your main ideas)
Be sure you save your document every few minutes!