
Dr. Henrik Eger, Delaware County Community College (DCCC),
SIX TEXT ANALYSES (ENG 112): Assignments and Due Dates
Based on Behrens & Rosen, Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum, 9th ed., Fall 2007
For exact deadlines dates, see your Schedule
Text Analysis #1, due Week 4 (and rework it until you are satisfied):
Part A: Write one summary (minimum ½ page, single spaced, Arial 10) of both: Locating, Mining, and
Citing Sources (185-213) [28 pages] and MLA Style: In-Text Citations and Works Cited Citations
(214-225) [11];
Part B: Write one critical analysis (minimum ½ page, single spaced, Arial 10) of one of the essays:
Technology/Communication: The End of History (249-52) [3]; I Think, Therefore IM (252-56) [4]; The
Blog Phenomenon (256-58) [2]; Cyber Space and Identity (275-84) [9]; The Fifteen-Year-Old Legal
Whiz (289-94) [5]. You must read, highlight, and annotate all of the assigned texts. See sample.
Text Analysis #2, due Week 6:
Part A: Write one summary of the main points: Critical Reading and Critique & Introductions, Theses, and
Conclusions (45-88) [43];
Part B: Write one critical analysis of one of the essays: Psychology: Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal: Sources
of Sadism (302-06) [4] ; Opinions and Social Pressure (306-13) [7]; The Stanford Prison Experiment
(344-56) [12]; MANDATORY READING for Text Analysis: The Perils of Obedience (313-26) [13]
Text Analysis #3, due Week 8:
Part A: Write one summary of the main points: Introductions, Explanatory Synthesis (89-106) [17];
Part B: Write one critical analysis of one of the essays: American Studies: A Social History of Shopping
(385-97) [12]; Shopping Towns USA (403-09) [6]; Enclosed. Encyclopedic. Endured: One week at
the Mall of America (409-16) [7]; Community Through Exclusion and Illusion (441-52) [11].
Submit the best version of your first three TEXT ANALYSES, together with the first set of your CLASS
NOTES (Weeks 3 - 7), in your class-colored portfolio as part of your mid-term grade.
Text Analysis #4, due Week 10:
Part A: Write one summary of the main points: Thesis & Argument Synthesis (107-36) [29];
Part B: Write one compare and contrast interpretation of two essays: Nutrition: Too Much of a Good
Thing (484-87) [3]; Fat and Happy: In Defense of Fat Acceptance (492-97) [5]; Fat and Happy? (51018) [8]; The Ironic Politics of Obesity (518-20) [2].
Text Analysis #5, due Week 12:
Part A: Write one summary of the main points: Demonstration: Developing a Source-Based Argument
Synthesis; Developing and Organizing the Support for Your Arguments; and The Comparison-andContrast Synthesis (136-64) [28];
Part B: Write a compare and contrast interpretation of two essays: Business: Advertising’s Fifteen Basic
Appeals (627-45) [18]; The Indictments Against Advertising (655-61) [6]; A Portfolio of
Advertisements: 1945-2003 (661-708) [47].
Text Analysis #6, due Week 15:
Part A: Write one summary of the main points: Analysis (165-83) [18];
Part B: Write one compare and contrast interpretation of the two following essays: Law: The Maiden and
the Pot of Gold: A Case of Emotional Distress (736-42) [6]; The American Legal System (742-51) [9];
IRAC: How to Write about Legal Cases (752-60) [8]; The Felled Stop Signs: Some Cases of
Homicide (805-15) [10]; Drag Racing and Death: Some Cases of Manslaughter (815-24) [9].
Submit the best version of your last three TEXT ANALYSES, together with the CLASS NOTES from
Weeks 8-14 (in your class-colored portfolio) as part of your final grade.
(updated: 2007-10-09)