Overview of Part One – `To Kill a Mockingbird`

Overview of Part One – ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’
Complete all of the following questions in your exercise
books; remember to use quotations within your answers
when it is appropriate.
Write a paragraph to say which principles or code of behaviour
Atticus tries to teach Jem and Scout.
Give three occasions when Atticus tries to convey these expectations
to the children through example (either through his own example or by
using someone else as an example to them).
What attitude does Harper Lee present towards education within
chapters 2 –4? How is this presented?
During chapter 6 how does Jem display courage?
In which way do both of the children show courage in part one of the
text once their father has agreed to take on the trial of Tom
Explain two occasions or situations when Atticus shows courage.
How does Mrs Dubose show courage? In which ways is this both
physical and moral courage?
What similarities can you identify between Mrs Dubose’s courage and
the courage displayed by Atticus?
How does Miss Maudie Atkinson display courage?
Why is Atticus so concerned about Jem and Scout once he has taken
on the trial of Tom Robinson?
How does Atticus want his children to feel towards those who are
©KLCampbell (Nov 03)