Luke10 the Good Samaritan inductive.doc

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Luke 10:25 The Good Samaritan
firsts, facts on lawyer:
After lawyer’s question
What can we learn from Jesus’ handling of the law?
He didn’t feel obligated to give an answer.
He referred him to the word of God.– Even Jesus didn’t give his own
opinion. —inductive method?
lawyer’s response in verse 27
How does He read the law? What is this answer?
a summary of the 10 c’s 2parts
Paragraph from COL 377–concluding that the Lawyer was sincere and knew
God better than the Pharisees
What issues did he pass over in summarizing the law this way?
He left out the traditions of the elders.
How does Jesus react to this answer?
He affirms it.
With what does he follow the affirmation?
Do this and live–action.
So what principles does Jesus affirm here?
1. love is fulfilling of law
2. we must do it to live
–maybe wait on this–
How possible is this in our present state?
Why does Matthew start the next verse with “but?”
To show a contrast between what Jesus had said and what the lawyer
was going to say.
Why did he “wish to justify himself?”
The lawyer understood and knew he didn’t qualify, but hoped to get out
of it. Did you all catch that? Jesus has just said that love is the
fulfilling of the law and that we must do it to live. How possible is this
in our present state?
How did he plan to justify himself?
by defining “neighbor”
Read vv 30-35
Who are the characters in the parable?
Man, probably Jewish, robbers, Priest, Levite, Samaritan, innkeeper
Who are each of these people?–note hatred between Samaritans and
Jews–Why didn’t they mix? (Look in Bible 2Kings 17:28-33, Ezra 4:24, John 4:20-24)
In what condition is the man in verse 30?
naked, beaten, half-dead, in a dangerous place, unable to help himself.
What are the responses of the passers-by?
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first two see and pass by on the other side
Why do the Levite and Priest pass by?
fear of attack
fear of contamination
don’t know who he was
all good reasons?
List every action taken by the Samaritan
he traveled, and came to where he was.
He saw him.
He took pity on him. On whom? Who was this to a
Samaritan? an enemy
He went to him.
He bandaged his wounds. What is involved in bandaging a
wound? Touching, cleaning wound. How does that feel? It
He poured oil and wine on the wounds.
A put the man on his own donkey took him to an inn. Why
does the man put him on his beast and take him to an inn? Got
to get him to a safe place.
He took care of him. For how long? first day and night
personally, then until he returns, but from a distance
He paid the innkeeper 2 Silver coins (redemption tax from
Temple) What was he really paying for? Man’s life and health
and recovery. Why did he pay it (instead of robbed man?) The
man had been robbed and he couldn’t pay for himself! What
is he actually paying, then? What do you get if you have no
money, but stay in an inn for an long time? Debt.
Look at this list of actions. What is jumping out at you today? What
does it make you think of?
Go back through the list. How does Jesus do each of these?
Have you been beaten up?
How does He do each of these for you?
pour oil and wine? spirit, blood, justification, sanctification,
both are part of healing.
How does Jesus take you to a safe place? Justification. What
about the inn? Who’s there? And a safe body/church. Do you
have a safe place with safe people?
Which of these three do you think was neighbor to the man who fell
into the hands of robbers?
The one who had mercy on him.
Is Jesus’ definition of the neighbor the one in need for the one who
provided for the need?
The neighbor is the one who provided for the need.
When the lawyer is standing in front of Jesus, what is his question?
Who is my neighbor? So, what does that really mean? Who will
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provide for
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my need? Who will have mercy on me? Who does he happen to be asking?
Why did Jesus tell the lawyer a story of a man in need?
He didn’t know he was a man in need, but he needed to know it. Why
must he know that he is in need? Realizing our need is the only
prerequisite for receiving mercy. Think about this, here’s a Jew
accepting help from a Samaritan, why was he willing to accept help
from his enemy? He knows he’s helpless.
Are you allowing Jesus to be neighbor to you today? (Share through
list in groups.)
praise? Warning–we don’t want to hear about you today. Tell us about
Who’s looking at the inn today? Who’d like to help make sure this church has
the characteristics of the inn. Safe from beatings and a place of recovery. I
want to talk with you. I’ve asked for people to respond regarding the purpose of
the church and it’s mission. In the light of Jesus’ plan for the inn in each of our
lives, we need to ask ourselves some hard questions about where we’re going as
a church, and hammer out some decisions and direction. I’m going to stay up
here today and talk to anyone who’s interested in helping form a coherent
statement of the mission of this church. (Get The Path by Laurie Beth Jones)
Mission statements are often useless bits of info. I won’t put up with that. If
you’re going to go through this process with me. The mission statement we
form is going to mean something to you. If you don’t want to sweat enough to
come out with something that means something to you, then don’t come. We’re
talking Gideon time here. If you’re scared or uninterested, don’t come.