Rubric for Pearl Harbor Project Name: Assignment – Utilizing a laptop computer, complete the activities on to answer the following DBQ: How did Americans react to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? Criteria Quality of Response Use of Evidence Analysis of Evidence 4 (95%) Writer responds effectively, accurately and insightfully to all parts of the question. Writer provides a clear, articulate thesis statement explaining how the Americans reacted to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Writer provides a brief conclusion to connect the response. Writer provides carefully chosen, relevant evidence from the five documents. Writer demonstrates understanding of the documents by effectively integrating evidence into the text of the response. Writer cites documents correctly. Writer insightfully analyzes his/her evidence and demonstrates its relevance to the American response to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Analyzes point of view or bias in most of the documents. Writer has control of conventions. Conventions Technology Critical Thinking Skills Technology Communication and Collaboration Student utilizes reviewing tools in MSWord to accurately mark up documents in order to identify and analyze key evidence and facts. Student utilizes a student response system (SRS) for formative assessment of content knowledge and thoroughly shares/discusses the outcomes. Student accurately utilizes SRS for final summative assessment. 3 (85%) 2 (75%) 1 (65%) 0 (50% or below) Writer responds accurately to all important components of the question. Writer provides a clear thesis statements explaining how the Americans reacted to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Writer provides a brief conclusion to connect the response. Writer responds to some but not all parts of the question. Writer may misunderstand some parts of the question. Writer may not provide a thesis statement explaining how the Americans reacted to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Writer misunderstands most of the question. Does not fully respond to the prompt. Writer does not provide a thesis statement. No response or response is completely incorrect. Writer provides relevant evidence for his/her from the five documents Writer integrates evidence. Writer cites documents Writer provides some evidence for his/her response. Writer attempts to cite documents Writer does not provide evidence or evidence is not relevant to the prompt. Writer does not cite document Writer does not provide evidence Writer provides some analysis of evidence and demonstrates its relevance to the American response to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Analyzes point of view or bias in some of the documents. Writer may have some problems with conventions. Writer attempts to connect evidence to his/her response, but evidence may not be relevant to the American response to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Attempts to analyze point of view or bias in some of the documents. Writer may have some problems with conventions. Writer does not provide analysis or explanation of his/her evidence. Writer does not provide analysis of evidence Student utilizes reviewing tools in MSWord to mark up documents in order to identify and analyze key evidence and facts. Student utilizes a student response system (SRS) for formative assessment of content knowledge and shares/discusses the outcomes. Student utilizes reviewing tools in MSWord making some mark ups to documents in order to identify and analyze evidence and facts. Student utilizes a student response system (SRS) for formative assessment of content knowledge with some sharing/discussion of outcomes. Student has some difficulty utilizing SRS for final summative assessment. Student utilizes reviewing tools in MSWord making few mark ups to documents in order to identify and analyze evidence and facts. Student utilizes a student response system (SRS) for formative assessment of content knowledge and rarely shares/discusses the outcomes. Student has much difficulty utilizing SRS for final summative assessment. Student utilizes SRS for final summative assessment. Does not analyze point of view or bias in the documents. Writer may have some problems with conventions. Writer has no control of conventions. Student does not mark up documents Student does not utilize a student response system Score: