HPE 1000 – Wellness Final Exam – Essay Test Directions: You must answer 5 of the 9 questions offered to have an opportunity for 100 points. Also, you are required to answer the Exit Interview question at the end of this exam. The exit interview is worth 20 points and is not included as part of the final exam grade. 1. Define each of the following: physical, spiritual, social, intellectual, psychological (mental and emotional), and environmental wellness. Explain how each affects the other and contributes to overall wellness and explain ways in which you personally can work toward optimal wellness. (20 points) 2. Choose one of the wellness components mentioned in question #1. Discuss in detail your thoughts and feelings relative to that particular realm of wellness. Consider your past and present wellness and strategies for improving that part of wellness in the future. (20 points) 3. Considering all we’ve discussed in class, what does mind-body-spirit mean to you? (20 points) 4. List five benefits of physical activity. Explain how each of those benefits can lower risk for hypokinetic and other diseases. (Please be specific in your discussion of the effects of exercise on particular diseases.) (20 points) 5. What are the five components of physical fitness? Define and give an example of each and make a realistic plan to incorporate each into your own lifestyle. Include specifics relative to the FIT formulas for each component. (20 points) 6. Design a personal plan for you to fulfill the recommendations for lifestyle physical activity (follow the appropriate FIT formula) and explain below. Be sure to consider current lifestyle choices and realistic daily activities. (20 points) 7. Design a plan for you to fulfill the recommendations to improve cardiovascular fitness and explain below. Include your target heart rate using the estimated HRmax equation. Choose appropriate intensities for your current fitness level and personal needs. Consider realistic time requirements for your schedule. Use the FIT formula as a guideline. (20 pts.) 8. Consider your current dietary choices. Identify ten things you consume that may be high in fat and/or sodium. Discuss possible alternatives to decrease fat and sodium and increase fiber in your current diet. Include a discussion as to why you consider the alternative food choices healthy selections. (20 points) 9. Identify five current stressors in your life and discuss realistic ways to deal with those stressors. Include a discussion on possible stress management techniques that would help you to better manage your stress. (20 points) ***Exit Interview – Required*** Considering all aspects of our Wellness class, please evaluate this course based on curriculum (information presented), teaching style (method of presentation), and evaluation methods (grading techniques). Please include any suggestions that may help the instructor and/or the course be more effective in the future. (20 points)