Beowulf Essay Topic #1: We have discussed how Beowulf embodies the eight characteristics of a heroic epic. Choose three that you feel you can best provide examples of or quotes from the poem that show how these three characteristics are definitely found in Beowulf. Sample Thesis statement: A heroic epic has eight distinctive characteristics. Beowulf, the Anglo-Saxon heroic epic, has all eight characteristics; however, three are most prevalent. Topic #2: We have discussed how Beowulf is both a pagan as well as a Christian work. Write an essay defending the viewpoint that one world-view, paganism or Christianity, is more prominent than the other. Use evidence from the poem more than your own personal feelings regarding these topics. Sample Thesis statement: Though Beowulf is essentially a pagan poem passed down orally for hundreds of years by pagan people, the many Christian elements added later give it a clearly more Christian worldview. (Or argue the opposite) Your essay should have an introduction w/thesis statement, three body paragraphs discussing one of the characteristics you have chosen, and a concluding paragraph. Hints and Literary Analysis Writing Conventions o Avoid the 1st person “I” point-of-view. o Avoid vague language: “This” or “that,”; “anything/everything,” and the like; ALWAYS BE SPECIFIC! o No slang or colloquial language: “NEwayz,” “b/c” for because, “&” for and, etc. o Use effective transitions between sentences/paragraphs: “For instance/example,” “furthermore,” “however,” “consequently,” and “therefore,” are a few examples. o All general statements must be followed up with specific examples and/or quotes as well as your own discussion. o Use the present tense except where it would be awkward to do so. o Proofread carefully for sentence fragments, spelling and grammar problems, run-on sentences, awkward constructions, etc. If not finished, your essay is due at the beginning of class on_______________. If it contains 5 or more spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors, or if it receives a grade of less than 85/B, I will return it to you for a rewrite and a lowered grade, so please, do your best work! See exemplars from past years so that you know what “A” work looks like!