Cloverleaf High School Ninth Grade Honors English 2012

Cloverleaf High School Ninth Grade Honors English 2012-2013 Mrs. Wooley
Summer reading books: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
A Separate Peace by John Knowles
In addition to these two selections, please read a book of your choice.
Summer Assignment:
Read a book of your choice and complete the independent reading review. The
form is available on my web page during the summer, but I will provide a hard
copy with this overview. Please type this review.
Read A Separate Peace and answer the following questions in essay form. An
essay includes an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs and a conclusion
paragraph. Please type your essays.
A. A Separate Peace has been described by its author as an
allegory. An allegory is a symbolic narrative in which fictional
characters represent truths or generalizations about human
existence. Discuss Phineas and Gene as allegorical or symbolic
characters representing good and evil.
B. The physical setting of the novel is important to the development
of the story’s plot. Describe the setting and discuss whether or not
this story could take place elsewhere or during another time.
Defend your reasoning.
C. A Separate Peace is about Gene Forrester’s attempt, as a
teenager, to establish his own values, develop an identity, and
mature as an adult. With this in mind, who does Knowles intend to
be his audience? What message about life does he hope to
convey? Defend your reasoning.
Read To Kill a Mockingbird. As you are reading this novel, answer the study
guide questions provided and keep the major themes of the novel: Prejudice,
Understanding, Loss of Innocence and Courage in mind.
All assignments are due the first day of class in August. Please type the
independent reading review and the three essays. You may type or neatly
handwrite the answers on the To Kill a Mockingbird study guide. All five
assignments are due the first day of school in August. Please bring your work, in
the folder provided, to me in room 910.
Please do not neglect an assignment because you think you do not know
what to do. I am happy to help you and I want you to understand and enjoy the
novels. Please do not wait until the last day to complete the assignments. Pace
yourself as you read the assignments. Think about what you are reading and
respond thoughtfully.
If you have any questions, email me at You may view
this letter and the independent reading sheet on my web page on the Cloverleaf
site. Go to the Cloverleaf website,,click on schools, at
the top of the page, click on Cloverleaf High School, then on the left side, the
list of web pages in alphabetical order, Teacher Websites, click on Mrs.
Wooley, at the bottom of the list of the English Department. During the school
year I will post your weekly syllabus on the web.
Happy reading!
Mrs. Wooley