Name: ____________________________ Date: ___________________ Hour: _____ Paleolithic to Neolithic Due: Tuesday September 9th I can: 1. identify what period of time do historians refer to as the Paleolithic Age. 2. explain what the Paleolithic Age was and what life was like for humans during this time. 3. explain the human transition that took place between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages. 4. explain what the Neolithic Age was and what life was like for humans during this time by analyzing the effects of the ability to grow crops on the way people lived. . 5. identify what period of time do historians refer to as the Neolithic Age. 6. synthesize reasons why systematic agriculture did not eliminate the need for hunting and gathering all together. 7. draw conclusions as to why the Neolithic Age came to an end. 8. define and use the following terms- nomadic, systematic agriculture, primitive, and division of labor. Resources: 1. Mrs. Sarvo’s PowerPoint 2. Textbook: pages 8-11 Paleolithic and pages 14-16 for Neolithic Definitions: Primitive- characteristic of early ages or of an early state of human development: The first or earliest of the kind or in existence Nomad (nomadic)- people who move from place to place. No permanent sedimentary home. Systematic Agriculture- the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis. Division of Labor- also known as Job Specialization, is a production process in which a worker or group of workers is assigned a specialized task in order to increase efficiency. The Paleolithic Age •Definition: early period of ______________history in which humans used primitive ____________________. Referred to as _________________________ because there was no written _________________________. •Time Period: _________ million BC to __________ BC •AKA: Old Stone Age, Paleolithic Era •Characteristics: Take detailed bulleted notes from your textbook. Characteristic hunting and gathering used primitive tools nomadic used fire adapted to environment lived through the last ice age created art Detailed Description The Neolithic Age •Definition: The prehistory age when some humans began the transition from hunting and gathering societies to ___________________________ ___________. •Time Period: __________ BC to __________ BC •AKA: Neolithic Revolution, Neolithic Era New Stone age •Characteristics: Take detailed bulleted notes from your textbook. Characteristic Detailed Description growth of crops permanent villages trade division of labor advanced tools and weaponry male domination Post Questions: 1. Why did systematic agriculture make it possible for cities to develop? 2. Why did some people still need to hunt and gather?