Goldilocks and the three bears Play script Cast: Goldilocks Mum Daddy bear Mummy bear Baby bear (Scene 1) In the meadows Goldilocks: Mum can I go and play in the woods? Mum: NO YOU MAY NOT!!!! Go and play in the meadows. Goldilocks: AAAARRRRRGGHHHH!!!!! Narrator: So ten minutes later Goldilocks crept into the forest. Goldilocks: Its cold I might as well head back. Oh no, I don’t know where to go. Narrator: But Goldilocks saw a pretty cottage, so she headed towards it. Goldilocks: What a lovely cottage I don’t mind if I go in. (Scene2) Goldilocks enters the cottage Narrator: So she knocks on the door and no one’s home. Goldilocks: I don’t mind if I invite myself in. (Scene 3) In the kitchen Narrator: Then she finds some steaming hot porridge. She tastes the first one. Goldilocks: Owwwwwwwww that is hot! Narrator: Then she tries the second one. Goldilocks: YUCK!!!! That is very cold it’s nearly half frozen. Narrator: So she tries the last one but probably she won’t like it. Goldilocks: YUM!!!! That is delicious I love it!!! Narrator: So she ate and ate. (Scene 4) The bear’s lounge Narrator: She sits on the first chair but it was too hard, then she sits on the second One but it looked like she was sinking. But then she found the little and it was Just right. But CRASH!!! The chair broke. Goldilocks: OWWWW!!!! I’ve hurt my bottom. Narrator: Soon she goes up stairs. (Scene 5) The bear’s bedroom Narrator: So she goes up the stairs and finds some beds. Goldilocks: I’m going to lie down. Narrator: So she lay down. Goldilocks: Gosh this is a brick bed. Goodness this is very hot bed. Narrator: But the last one was just right, so she fell asleep. (Scene 6) The bear’s come home Narrator: Daddy bear: But what Goldilocks didn’t know was that she was in a bear’s bed. Sweet heart did you forget too lock the door. Mummy bear: I shut it tight. Daddy bear: Well why is it open? Baby bear: Probably someone has robbed us!!! Narrator: So they ran to the door!! (Scene 7) In the kitchen again. Daddy bear: Someone has been eating my porridge!! Mummy bear: Someone has being eating my porridge but luckily not all of it. Baby bear: Someone has been eating my porridge and there is only a crumb left. (Scene 8) In the lounge for the second time Narrator: So they went into the lounge and mummy and daddy bear said Parent bears: Who has been sitting in my chair!!!! Baby bear: AND THE PERSON WHO SAT IN MY CHAIR HAS BROKEN IT. (Scene 9) Up the stairs Baby bear: Oh Daddy look there are footprints. Daddy bear: Oh yes lets go up them. Narrator: So they went up the stairs and saw some think quiet unusual. Baby bear: Daddy look there is a girl in my bed. (Scene 10) Goldilocks wakes up. Narrator: So when she woke up she rubbed her eyes and she saw that she was with some bears, she jumped out of the window for getting her shoes and the bears kept them as a souvenir and she never entered the forest again but she said sorry. The End