Church of St - St. John the Baptist Church

Church of St. John the Baptist Faith Formation
Confirmation Policies and Guidelines
Mass: “Keep holy the Sabbath Day”
“As Catholics, we believe that Sunday Mass is so important. In this beautiful
Sacrament, God refreshes our souls and nourishes us through the gifts of His Word and
the Body and Blood of His Son Jesus Christ. In coming together as a community, we
honor God by joining with Christ in a sacrifice of love and thanksgiving. Most
importantly, in taking part in Mass every week, we honor God in obedience of the Third
Commandment to “Keep holy the Sabbath” and we honor Christ in following his
command to ‘Do this in memory of Me.’”
Attending Mass each Saturday evening or Sunday is not an option. If you do not
attend Mass regularly, you will not be confirmed. Candidates are asked to sign the Book
of Commitment each time they attend Mass. This “Book” is located on the Tabernacle
side of the Church. If you attend at a different Catholic parish, please bring in a copy of
the Sunday bulletin.
Mass & Confession Schedule
Faithful attendance at Mass each weekend
and on Holy Days is an obligation of all Catholics.
Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM; LifeTeen Mass: 6:45 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM; 9:30 AM; 11:00 AM
Holy Day Schedule: 5:00 PM Vigil; 7:45 AM; 12:10 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession):
Saturdays: 4:45 PM to 5:00 PM, or by appointment
“Rites and Ceremonies”: It is recommended that various Liturgical and non-Liturgical
ceremonies/rites accompany the Candidates on their journey toward the reception of the
Sacrament of Confirmation.
These Rites and Ceremonies will, at times, be held at a Parish Mass. Parents are
requested to attend the celebrations with their child/children. The ceremonies for the
Confirmation class of 2006 are:
The Rite of Enrollment:
Oct. 23, 2005 9:30 Mass
The Blessing of Candidates: Jan. 22, 2006 11:00 Mass
Saint’s Name and Report:
Your Confirmation name must be a saint’s name or a variation of a saint’s name. If a
Christian name has been given at Baptism, you may want to keep your Baptismal name to
emphasize that Confirmation is a sealing of your Baptismal commitment.
It might be a good occasion for you to learn more about this saint so you will try to
imitate him/her. Or, you may choose a special Confirmation name to honor another saint
as your special patron.
Please spend time considering your choice. Pray about it. Talk it over with your
Christian witness and parents.
Then research and write a 1 ½ page saint report on your Confirmation saint.
The Report Should Include (see Saint Report Form):
*A brief summary of the life and virtues of the saint chosen
*Why you have chosen that saint
*What you can imitate in that saint’s life.
Confirmation Sponsor:
Each candidate needs a Confirmation sponsor. A Confirmation sponsor is a symbol of
the adult Christian community and is a representative of that community. This person
should be someone who can actually assist you by prayer, word, and example to live
more fully your Christian life.
A Confirmation Sponsor must:
*be designated by the Candidate or parents and be able to carry out his/her role.
*not be the father or mother of Candidate.
*be a practicing Catholic i.e., one who has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy
Communion, and Confirmation; is living a life of faith, that is; regularly attending Mass
and receiving the Sacraments, validly married in the Church (not just civilly married or
living together), and giving good example in their lives.
To emphasize the unity between Baptism and Confirmation, your Confirmation sponsor
may be one of your Baptismal godparents. There is no regulation determining that men
be sponsors of boys and women for girls. Your sponsor may be male or female.
NOTE: If your sponsor is not a member of St. John the Baptist Parish, he/she will need
a sponsor card from their parish verifying that they are able to serve as a Confirmation
sponsor (that they are a practicing Catholic).
Retreats: “Confirmation calls for a personal decision on the part of the Candidates”
(Diocesan Guidelines) to follow Jesus Christ more fully. Therefore, it is important for
each Candidate to encounter the Person and Message of Jesus at a time other than the
regular class time.
There will be a Retreat during the First and Second years of preparation for the
Sacrament of Confirmation. Dates and times will be announced – and will be posted on
our website.
Attendance: Confirmation sessions meet once a month on Sundays and Thursdays from
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Your son/daughter may come either on Sunday or Thursday.
Your child begins the preparation for the Sacrament in January of eighth grade through
the fall of tenth grade. Ordinarily, the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in
Any child eighth grade or older is welcome to register as a Candidate for Confirmation.
All sessions should be attended by the Candidate and their Christian Witness (sponsor or
responsible adult).
All sessions are important – therefore, attendance at every session is required. If, for
some reason, your child is not able to attend, you are asked to call Sister Maria Catherine,
the Confirmation Coordinator, and an opportunity to make up the missed class will be
All Candidates should bring their Bible with them to class each month. Assignments will
be given each week: they will be available on our website, /link
“Religious Education/Faith Formation”. Please be sure your child completes these
Periodic evaluations will be based upon their class & home assignments, attendance &
Information Forms:
Please check on our website for appropriate forms to be filled out and handed in:
Saint Report; Service Form; Sponsor Information.
Service: “This is how men will know you are my disciples, if you love one another” (Jn.
At the Last Supper, Jesus shows us how important are the acts of loving service.
How? He “poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and dry them
with the towel around his waist”. (Jn 13:5)
Service is our love for Jesus put into action, and is a basic component of our life as a
Christian. Therefore, candidates for Confirmation are required to commit for one year to
their choice of a parish ministry as listed below. Also, they should volunteer in two of
the service opportunities sponsored by the confirmation program. All other volunteer
service must be checked with Sr. Maria Catherine before you commit.
Volunteer service choices for a one year commitment:
*Faith Formation Helpers
*Altar Servers
*Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
*Choir: instrumental or vocal.
and other opportunities will be schedule and announced.
Contact Information:
Sister Maria Catherine, Coordinator
Sister Marla Marie,