“Catholic Jeopardy” CONTEST 2013 (Sponsored by the Knights of

“Catholic Jeopardy” CONTEST 2013
(Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus)
(Mrs. O’Mara is our “Alex Trebek”)
When: Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 9 AM
Where: St. Joseph School
Game Rules:
1) The winner is the one who has the most play $ at the end. Everyone starts with $0 play money.
2) A question will be chosen.
a) There are two bonus questions in which the person who chooses the question will get a $500
b) All contestants have the opportunity to answer the chose question.
c) If you answer correctly, the dollar amount will be added to your score.
d) If you answer incorrectly or don’t answer, there will be NO dollar amount added to your score.
3) Once a person has written their answer, they will hide their answer until Mrs. O’Mara asks to see
everyone’s answer at the same time.
4) Final Jeopardy:
a) All contestants with $0 play money are eliminated.
b) First, the topic of the question is shown and then, a wager is made and shown to Mrs. O’Mara.
c) Once everyone has made their wager, the question is revealed and the answer is made.
d) For the Final Jeopardy question ONLY, a wrong answer will subtract from your final score.
e) Ties are broken by additional questions.
What can you win?
1st Place:
2nd Place:
3rd Place:
A trophy and $25!
Awards will be presented after Sunday 10 AM Mass at a later date.
Who can play?
There will be two groups: Group 1 (5th & 6th grade) and Group II (7th & 8th grade).
Anyone in these age groups, including public school and home school children, can
enter and win! Participation is totally voluntary.
The majority of this year’s questions are inspired by the “Friendly Defenders” Catholic Flash Cards (see
http://www.friendlydefenders.com/index2.htm). These are an excellent resource and are helpful for preparation.
Below are some the questions that will be used for Catholic Jeopardy. Please find the best answer and use this for your
study guide. (Note: there will also be addition questions which are not on the study guide.)
1. Baptism
a. Are you born again?
A. Yes, I was born again at baptism.
B. Yes, I was born again when I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.
C. Yes, I was born again in Confirmation.
D. No, that is a Protestant idea.
b. Baptism is just symbolic. It doesn’t save you.
A. Yes, this is true. It is like a party for joining the Church.
B. Yes, but is a very touching ceremony.
C. No, it washes away our sins and saves us.
D. No, it uses water which is real and washes away any dirt on the body.
c. A baby can’t give his heart to Jesus. How can he be baptized?
A. Baptism is just symbolic anyways so babies should be included.
B. This is true, but baptism makes the family feel good.
C. True. That is why some parents can wait as long as they want to baptize their child.
D. The Bible refers several times to the baptism of entire families.
2. Church
a. How was the fullness of Christian teaching revealed to us?
A. Only through Sacred Scripture.
B. Only through Sacred Tradition.
C. Only through any Christian church.
D. Only through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
b. Non-Catholic says: “I don’t need a church to tell me what to believe. I can read the Bible and decide for
myself.” What is a reasonable answer to this comment?
A. If that was true, why are there hundreds of Protestant denominations?
B. The Bible can be easily misinterpreted.
C. Jesus told the apostles to “teach”, not hand out Bibles.
D. All of the above.
c. Non-Catholic says: The Bible alone is the ultimate authority of truth, not the Church. Answer: “...you
should know how to behave in…the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth.”
A. See 1 Timothy 3:15.
B. See 2 Timothy 3:15.
C. See 1 Thessalonians 3:15.
D. See 2 Thessalonians 3:15.
d. Catholics believe our church is the one true church.
A. That is not what we believe. All share equally in the truth.
B. All you need is Jesus.
C. Jesus said there will be one flock, one shepherd.
D. God loves everyone, so what you believe doesn’t matter.
e. You have to be either a Catholic or a Christian. You can’t be both.
A. To be Catholic is to be fully Christian because it is the faith established by Jesus.
B. To be Catholic is not necessarily Christian.
C. To be Catholic is another denomination of Christianity.
D. To be Catholic is to be one of the many parts of Christianity.
f. Non-Catholic says: You think the Catholic Church has never made an error. Answer: The Holy Spirit
guides Church in all truth (John 16:13), so the Church cannot error:
A. In any subject.
B. In faith and morals.
C. In that the pope is sinless.
D. In that the pope and bishops are sinless.
3. Confession
a. Why tell your sins to a priest? A man can’t forgive sins.
A. Jesus gave priests the power to forgive sins.
B. The priest is just there to listen.
C. We know this. Confession is optional.
D. Jesus wants us to talk to the priest to get our feelings out.
b. Non-Catholic says: “Catholics think, ‘I can sin today, and go to confession tomorrow.’”
A. As long as you confess in a timely manner, it is OK.
B. This is only true for mortal sins.
C. This is only true for venial sins.
D. This is a form of self-deception.
4. Eucharist/Mass
a. At every Mass, Jesus is sacrificed again and again. How can Jesus die more than once?
A. Jesus died only once. The Mass is only a symbol of His death.
B. Jesus is God that is why he can die many times.
C. Jesus’ death is a once-for-all sacrifice is re-presented at the Mass.
D. The Mass is only remembering Jesus’ sacrifice for us.
b. How can you believe a piece of bread is really Jesus?
A. Read John 6.
B. Read James 6.
C. Read Mark 6.
D. Read Matthew 6.
c. Non-Catholic says: Jesus never said to eat his body. Answer: Sure he did...he also said:
A. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
B. This is only a symbol.
C. Let this not offend you, come back and let me explain.
D. Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, I offer the same manna.
d. Jesus couldn’t have meant for us to eat His flesh literally!
A. No, he meant it symbolically.
B. No, he was talking spiritually.
C. Yes, he did. Some disciples even left him and he didn’t try to stop them.
D. Yes, he did, but that is not how we believe today.
5. Holy Orders
a. Non-Catholic says: Why do you have priests? All Christians are priests. Answer: In 1 Peter 2:9 it says,
“You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood.”
A. Our priest is the same as a Protestant minister.
B. The Jews were also a nation of priests with a ministerial priesthood.
C. This is a misinterpretation of 1 Peter 2:9.
D. None of the above.
b. Matthew 23:9 says “do not call anyone on earth father.” Why do Catholics call priests “father”?
A. Priests are “spiritual fathers” under God.
B. That verse means not to honor a man like you honor God.
C. As St. Paul said, “I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel.” 1 Cor 4:15
D. All of the above.
c. Non-Catholic says: “Priests are forbidden to marry, and that’s against the Bible.”
A. An unmarried man is more focused on pleasing the Lord.
B. A married man is more focused on pleasing his wife.
C. No one is forced to become a priest.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
6. Mary
a. Non-Catholic says: “The rosary is against the Bible. In Matthew’s Gospel it says, ‘When you pray do not
use vain repetition.’”
A. Jesus was against insincere repetition.
B. Even Jesus used repetition.
C. All of the above.
D. None of the above.
b. Catholics think Mary never sinned, but she called God her “savior.” That means she must have sinned.
A. Mary had Original sin, but no sin after that.
B. Mary had venial sin, not mortal.
C. God gave Mary a special grace to preserve her from sin.
D. Mary only calls God her “savior” out of respect.
c. Why pray to Mary when you can go directly to Jesus?
A. Jesus gave Mary as our mother.
B. Jesus’ first miracle was at Mary’s request.
C. Jesus listens to his mother.
D. All of the above.
d. Non-Catholic says: “There is no Queen of Heaven. Certainly not Mary.”
A. See Revelation 12:1.
B. See Acts 12:1.
C. See John 12:1.
D. See James 12:1.
e. Non-Catholic says: “You call Mary the Mother of God! She is just the mother of Jesus’ human nature.”
A. Jesus had both a human and divine nature which cannot be separated.
B. Mary title is symbolic.
C. All of the above.
D. None of the above.
f. Non-Catholic says: The Bible doesn’t say we should “honor Mary”. Answer: “…all generations shall call
me blessed.” This verse is from:
A. Matthew 1:48
B. Mark 1:48
C. Luke 1:48
D. John 1:48
g. Matthew 13:55-56 proves Jesus had brothers and sisters.
A. Mary wasn’t forever a virgin.
B. These were Joseph’s children from a previous marriage.
C. These were adopted children of Mary and Joseph.
D. The “brothers and sisters” of Jesus were actually close relative, not Mary’s children.
h. Non-Catholic says: “Catholics worship Mary.”
A. True; because she is the Mother of God.
B. True; because Mary is sinless.
C. False; we worship God alone and honor Mary.
D. False; Mary is no different than any other saint.
7. Papacy
a. Non-Catholic says: “How can you believe Peter was the first pope?” Answer: Jesus called Peter the
rock on which he would build his Church.
A. See Matthew 16:18
B. See Mark 16:18.
C. See Luke 16:18.
D. See John 16:18.
b. Non-Catholic says: “Jesus said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan’ in Matthew 16:23. How can Peter be
the rock of the church?” Answer: Jesus confirmed Peter as the head of the Church after the
resurrection (John 21:15-17)…
A. near a charcoal fire.
B. in a synagogue.
C. in the tomb.
D. in the upper room.
c. Non-Catholic says: “Galatians 2:11-12 says Peter ‘was clearly in the wrong.’ Peter was not infallible.”
A. Infallibility doesn’t mean perfect or sinless.
B. The pope is only infallible in faith and morals.
C. All of the above.
D. None of the above.
d. Non-Catholic says: “Even if Peter had authority, that does not mean that it passed on to later popes.”
Answer: If someone should replace Judas (who betrayed Jesus) Acts 1:16-26, it makes even more sense
that Peter should have a successor. Who replaced Judas?
A. Barsabbas
B. Matthias
C. Luke
D. Paul
e. Non-Catholic says: “Only the Bible is infallible. No mere man is infallible, not even a pope.” (Which is
NOT a reasonable answer against this objection?)
A. Mere men were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible infallibly.
B. The Old Testament prophets were infallible.
C. God can guide the popes to teach infallibly.
D. We agree with the pope so he must be infallible.
8. Purgatory
a. Non-Catholic says: “Purgatory is not necessary. You’re either saved or not saved.“
A. Only those who are saved enter Purgatory.
B. Those in Purgatory are made perfect.
C. Purgatory is temporary.
D. All of the above.
b. Non-Catholic says: “Christians go straight to the Lord after death. There’s no purgatory.” Which is NOT
a reason for the necessity of purgatory:
A. Not all are perfect.
B. Venial sins injure one’s friendship with God, but not completely.
C. Nothing unclean will enter it (Heaven). Revelation 21:27
D. Mortal sin kills one’s friendship with God.
c. Non-Catholic says: “So, you think purgatory is a second chance to get saved?” Answer: Purgatory is not
a second chance. Our imperfections are purged away and we are saved (1 Corinthians 3:15) but only as
A. water.
B. fire.
C. grace.
D. works.
9. Saints
a. Non-Catholic says: “Why do you pray to dead people?” Answer: “Have you not read ‘I am the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?’ He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”
Matthew 22:31-32
A. Jesus said this.
B. Paul said this.
C. Peter said this.
D. Matthew said this.
b. Non-Catholic says: “Why do you wear medals of saints and the scapular? That’s superstitious.” (Which
is NOT correct).
A. God can work through physical objects.
B. Blessed objects themselves give grace.
C. In the Bible, there are healings of people by objects touched by the saints.
D. In the Bible, there are evil spirits expelled from people by objects touched by the saints.
c. Non-Catholic says: “Catholics say that the bones of dead saints can heal people.”
A. Elisha’s bones brought a dead man to life.
B. Catholics don’t believe God uses saint’s bodies in any special way.
C. God can only work through the physical world.
D. This was believed, but not in modern times.
10. Salvation
a. Non-Catholic says: It says in 1 John 5:13 that we can know we have eternal life. Answer: The book of 1
John says that the way we know is if we…
A. …keep God’s commandments.
B. …accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior.
C. …be happy in life.
D. …read the Bible.
b. Non-Catholic says: Once you become a Christian, you can’t lose your salvation. Answer: The Bible says
you can lose your salvation in which way(s):
A. Believers don’t persevere to the end.
B. Believers disobey the commandments.
C. Believers fall away in time of trial.
D. All of the above.
c. Non-Catholic says: The Bible teaches that we’re saved by faith alone, not by works. Answer: That is not
what the Bible says, “See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.” This verse is from:
A. James 2:24
B. John 2:24
C. Luke 2:24
D. Mark 2:24
d. Non-Catholic says: Catholics think salvation is earned.
A. We should “work out our salvation with fear and trembling.”
B. Salvation is a gift.
C. Salvation must be accepted in faith through acts of love.
D. All of the above.
e. Non-Catholic says: I know for sure I’m going to heaven. Which below is NOT true?
A. God gives us the grace we need to heaven.
B. We must persevere to the end.
C. We can definitely know we are going to heaven.
D. We know that God wants us to go to heaven.
11. Statues
a. The Bible forbids “graven images,” so why do Catholics use statues?
A. Catholics use statues only as decorations.
B. This was an Old Testament rule that is out dated.
C. This was for images of animals only.
D. God himself instructed Moses to make two statues for the Ark of the Covenant.
b. Non-Catholic says: Catholics took out the second commandment because they worship statues.
Answer: We are not allowed to worship statues as directed by the:
A. First commandment
B. Second commandment
C. Third commandment
D. Fourth commandment
c. Exodus 20:4 forbids making the likeness of anything in heaven or on earth.
A. In all situations.
B. If they are used to be worshipped.
C. If they are statues.
D. If they are carvings.
12. Tradition
a. Non-Catholic says: Everything God wants us to know is in the Bible alone. (Which is NOT true?)
A. God’s Word comes to us from both oral and written tradition.
B. Before the Bible, most relied on oral tradition.
C. The Church came before the Bible.
D. The canon of the Bible was put together in about 100 AD.
b. Why do Catholics teach things that are not in the Bible?
A. Not everything God wants us to believe is in the Bible.
B. The word “Trinity” is not in the Bible.
C. The word “Purgatory” is not in the Bible.
D. All of the above.
E. A and B only.
c. Non-Catholic says: You have man-made traditions. Colossians 2:8 says not to follow “the traditions of
men”. Answer: The Bible says we are to follow apostolic, or sacred, tradition. “I praise you because you
remember me in everything and hold fast to the traditions, just as I handed them on to you.”
A. Jesus said this.
B. Paul said this.
C. Peter said this.
D. James said this.