Gerber-English 1 I’m called_______________________#____ Tears of a Tiger, by Sharon Draper Don’t lose me… I’ll be worth lots of points! How do we survive loss? 1 Target Term Don’t Heard Know It of It Know It It Means… Grief Cope Depression Denial Trauma Consciousness Psychologist Support Network Severe emotional strain Resiliency 2 Association Words (Synonyms) Positive: + Negative - Neutral Personal Association/Connection to YOU / Grief Cope Depression Denial Trauma Consciousness Psychologist Support Network Severe emotional strain Resiliency 3 What does it mean to be FAIR? Describe an experience where your consequence was unfair. What made it unfair? Fair/Unfair Why? (Your experience) Life Parents Siblings Guilt Junior High School High School America Work/Boss Friendships Loss/ Death 4 Think long and hard about the next two questions. I want you to write and write a LOT. Make your hand hurt! We’ll talk afterwards. What is a crime? Do all crimes DESERVE punishment? Are all crimes punished? 5 Read the following statements. Decide if you agree or disagree with the statement listed. Write a “+” for agree and “-“ for disagree. Underneath the statement, explain why: jot down a short explanation: you will be sharing these in pairs. 1. ______“‘Time heals all wounds when you’re young… strong and resilient’” (139). 2. ______ “‘There are some things that are beyond our power and control’” (26). 3. ______If someone is often smiling and joking, chances are he/she is a happy person. 4. ______ “You never get out from under the blame you put on yourself” (171). 5. ______ “It takes courage to get up each morning…” (173) 6. ______ “‘Parents ain’t got no grip on reality’” (46). 7. ______If a car filled with drunk teenagers crashes, the driver deserves most of the blame. 8. ______When we lose someone close to us, we lose part of ourselves, too. PREDICTION Be as specific as possible! Based on the statements above and the vocabulary words we discussed, I think Tears of a Tiger is a book about ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Tonight’s homework… This must be completed on a SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER… (Mrs. G will give you this.) Feel free to draw a brief sketch on the bottom of this page, but you must actually draw this on a separate sheet to turn in for credit. Based on the amount we’ve read so far, your job is to capture a moment. Choose a setting, a character, an interaction, introduction… something that puts a concrete image in your mind and “captures” a specific, significant piece of this book and your reaction. Then, draw it. (You don’t have to be the world’s best artist. I’m looking for expression, creativity, color, and effort.) Here’s what your creation needs to include: *A title *A drawing capturing a moment of your choice *A quote (line from the book, cited) that explains what you’re trying to capture *An explanation: WHY does this seem significant to you? 7 Study Guide, Section 1 (3-32) Due: Read, Reflect, WRITE 1. Gerald says, “I swear, sometimes a girlfriend is worse than a mother” (7). What does he mean by this? Do you agree or disagree with him? Why? 1b. Notes: Facts, connections, plans, relationship to group (pgs 3-17) Andy Rob Gerald Tyrone B.J. Keisha Rhonda 2. On page 17, B.J. explains “I feel responsible.” Do you think he is? Explain. 3. Page 25: Describe how Andy and Rob met. How does this compare to how you met your best friend? Andy and Rob’s meeting Meeting your best friend 8 Study Guide, Section 1 (3-32) Due: Read, Reflect, WRITE 4. Pg 27: What does the coach say about crying/tears? Do you agree or disagree? Explain. 5. Based on the information from page 22-28, describe the coach. 6. Have you ever had a teacher that you could talk to like Andy talks to his coach? Explain this relationship, or explain a relationship you had with a teacher that was the opposite extreme. 7. In a letter to Sandra, Rhonda explains, “You kinda figure if you’re 17, you’ll live forever.” Do you believe most teenagers have this mindset? How about you? EXPLAIN. 8. On page 31 and 32, Rhonda describes Andy’s parents. What can you infer about his home life and relationship with his parents based on Rhonda’s description? 9. Describe the manner in which the book is written… what kind of narration is this? Have you ever read anything like this? How do you feel about this style? 9 …Simply a way to think about the four main things that all writers have to consider: Role of the Writer: Who are you as the writer? Are you Abraham Lincoln? A warrior? A homeless person? An auto mechanic? The endangered snail darter? Audience: To whom are you writing? Is your audience the American people? A friend? Your teacher? Readers of a newspaper? A local bank? Format: What form will the writing take? Is it a letter? A classified ad? A speech? A poem? Topic: What's the subject or the point of this piece? Is it to persuade a goddess to spare your life? To plead for a re-test? To call for stricter regulations on logging? Role Audience writer self journal /diary artist peer group editorial adventurer government brochure/booklet juror parents interview judge fictional character(s) song lyrics historian committee cartoon reporter/journalist jury critique therapist judge newspaper article Parent Any Character in text complaint Teen Your own idea! confession Advertisement Agency eulogy/obituary Advertisement President review Police Officer resume Paramedic TV script Any character from the text will & testament Your own idea! yearbook poetry Format Topic The book overall A character’s choices and consequences A conflict that has come up in the text A theme of the text Whether or not peers should read this text The most important lesson the main character(s) learns Regrets of characters 10 RAFT RUBRIC Name___________________________#___ Care of: Hinrichs/Miller/Leonard BOOK TITLE:____________________________________AUTHOR: _____________________________ ROLE:___________ AUIENCE:_______________ FORMAT:___________ TOPIC:___________ YOUR OVERALL OPINION OF BOOK:_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Raft Rubric 5 Accuracy Perspective Focus Development 3 1 0 Information, details in RAFT always accurate and properly reflects information, ideas and themes related to the subject The information you provide in RAFT is accurate but could use more support The information you provide in you RAFT has some inaccuracies or omissions The information you provide in your RAFT is incomplete and/or inaccurate RAFT maintains clear, consistent point of view, tone and ideas relevant to role played; ideas and information always tied to role and audience RAFT stays on topic, never drifts from required form or type; details and information are included that are pertinent only to developed purpose. You explain how your character would feel about the event(s) You show little insight into how your character would feel or act during the event(s) You spend some time discussing issues off topic You do not accurately develop your characters thoughts or reactions to the event(s) Most of your RAFT is spent on issues that do not directly deal with the RAFT you choose Writer answers questions before reader answers; there is specific evidence and concrete language Writer attempts to develop ideas but we’re starting to have some questions… can you tell us more? Writer seems to try to develop, but the reader still has lots of questions. What are you talking about, buddy? Essay contains some fragments, run-ons or other errors; occasional mechanical mistakes; writing generally clear Essay contains several sentence errors, mechanical mistakes that may interfere with ideas, clarity of ideas in writing You spend most of the RAFT discussing issues on topic, but occasionally stray from the focus. Content ___/20points Mechanics Essay contains few to no fragments, run-on sentences; rare spelling errors or mechanical mistakes; writing is fluent Essay is marred by numerous errors, mechanical mistakes Grammar: ____/10 points 11 Study Guide, Section 2 (33-53) Due: Read, Reflect, WRITE 1. What can you infer about Gerald’s home life based on his journal, pages 33-34? Be specific and refer to clues in his writing. 2. Page 35: What’s been noticed about Andy lately? 3. What happened in the basketball game (36-38)? How do you think Andy feels about this? 4. What’s the difference between Rob’s parents and Andy’s parents? (39) Rob’s Parents Andy’s Parents 5. How do your parents/family compare to Andy and Rob’s? 6. The coach tells Andy, “Go ahead and cry, Andy. Don’t be afraid of those tears. Sometimes they help to wash the soul clean…” (40). What do these words of advice reveal about the coach? 7. Page 42: Does Andy think he needs a “shrink”? Do you agree with him? Explain. 8. What kind of symptoms does Andy have? (43) 12 Study Guide, Section 2 (33-53) Due: Read, Reflect, WRITE 9. On page 44, Andy describes the teachers at his school. Describe these teachers. How do they compare to teachers at Fremd? 10. Also on page 44: Does Andy consider himself a killer? Do you think he is a killer? Quote Description 11. Describe Andy’s family in his perspective. Find at least one quote to support your claim Andy’s Mom Andy’s dad Andy’s brother, Monty 12. Page 48: Does basketball help or hurt Andy? 13. What is the significance of Andy’s position on the basketball game? How does he feel about it? 14. Pgs 50-51: What’s happening with Andy and Keisha? 15. Pgs 52-53: What’s going on with Andy’s schoolwork? 16. On the study guide for section 1, I asked you to describe about the writing style. Which kind of style is your favorite right now? (Journals, dialogues, letters, papers, etc). Explain why! 13 Read, Reflect, WRITE Study Guide, Section 3 (54-65) Due: FINDING FRUSTRATION, T-notes Overall Focus of Search: QUOTE (include pg!) Frustration EXPLANATION (my reaction) 14 M)Title of Book_________________Author___________________Character_________________ Brief Description of Character: (M)Choose One of the following responses: I connect most with this character I have the least respect for this character This character can best be described as _________ I respect this character the most I can relate most to this character I feel the worst for this character Because_________________________________________________________________ Three reasons/proof E Reason L WHY (explain how it proves your main idea 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. My four favorite transitions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 15 Character Robert Washington Andy Jackson Tyrone Mills BJ Carson Gerald Nickelby Description Proof (with page number) Explanation: why quote proves description 16 Character Keisha Montgomery Rhonda Jeffries Coach Mark Ripley Dr. Carrothers (Psychologist) Keisha Montgomery Description Proof (with page number) Explanation: why quote proves description 17 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create a MOOD POEM State a mood Write three things the mood is not (two stated briefly, one stated as a comparison) Switch to a statement of what the mood is. State three more descriptions of the mood. Example: I’m sick Not pain-filled headache sick Not ache in the stomach sick Not sick like a man recovering from a case of the seven day flu that attacked his ulcer after his heart attack sick But the mildly all-over sick Sick that the nation still builds nuclear plans Sick that I’m too sick to do much except be sick. Choose your mood and begin writing…. I’m ______________. TITLE: Not Not Not But ______________ that ______________ that 18 INSTRUCTIONS: Create an “I DO NOT UNDERSTAND” POEM 1. Begin the poem with “I do not understand.” 2. List three things you do not understand about the world or people. 3. Name the thing you do not understand most of all. 4. End with an example of something you do understand. Example: I do not understand why people must have revenge why some people live for drugs why others live for money But most of all I do not understand why people don’t believe we are running out of oil (I still see drivers burning rubber driving well over 55 going to work alone like kings in their royal cars). What I understand most are people who are depressed who see a dismal future where the world’s light is extinguished on the altar of greed each person demanding his own corner of the planet and saying to hell with everyone else (use back for additional space!) I do not understand But most of all I do not understand What I understand most 19 INSTRUCTION: Create a “Series of Lies” Poem 1. Tell a series of lies about yourself. 2. Begin with the line “I wish I were not so…” (Insert lie here) 3. End the poem with an “if” section Example I wish I were not so incredibly brilliant. My incredible mind overflows with ideas Weighing me down with knowledge I am so smart that I wrote volumes 4, 8 and 16 Of the Encyclopedia Britannica I’ve read every book in Phoenix Public Library And for recreation I decipher Mayan hieroglyphics. If a car were to run over me, The gutters would be filled with learning And bits of my brain would shine in the street Like the morning sun I wish ______________________________________________________ If____________________________________________________________ 20 Read, Reflect, WRITE Study Guide, Section 4 (70-102) Due: 6 Memorable Passages Memorable Passage Page Why… connection to me, the world, and questions 21 6 Memorable Passages Memorable Passage Page Why… connection to me, the world, and questions 22 Study Guide, Section 5 (105-132) Due: 1. PG 103-5: List 2 Memories of Andy Read, Reflect, WRITE Why do Andy’s memories include Rob’s parents, too? 2. PG 103-5: What might Rob’s parents write back? Be sure to explain why! Write here… Dear Andy, 3. Pg 107: What does Ms. Blackwell say about suicide? Do you agree or disagree with her opinion? 4.Pg: 109 At the end of the section, Andy runs out of the classroom. Why do you think he does that? Connect what’s going on with him with the discussion about Macbeth. 5. Pg 111: BJ compares himself to Andy. How are they different in how they cope? B.J. Andy Study Guide, Section 5 (105-132) Due: Read, Reflect, WRITE 23 6. Pg: 112-Your opinion: Did the boys do the right thing by talking to Ms. Thorne? Yes Sort of No Explain: 7. Pg 113: Did Ms. Thorne do enough to help? Yes Sort of Explain: No 8. Pg 114: What does the psychologist agree to with regards to the meetings? How do you feel about his decision? (Note the dates of both this meeting and the confrontation with his friends earlier. How far apart are they?) 9. Pg 119: What specific concerns does Ms. Blackwell have about Andy? a. b. c. d. What do YOU think is going on? What should the teachers and parents do? 10. Pg 122: Andy’s father tells Ms. Blackwell, “I appreciate your efforts, but I feel that you might be overly concerned about a situation that is under control”(122). Agree/Disagree… Is the situation under control? Study Guide, Section 5 (105-132) Due: Read, Reflect, WRITE 24 11. Pg 125: When Monty and Andy are talking, Monty tells Andy about a tiger he drew with tears. Why would a crying tiger represent Andy? (Why the tiger?) How does this connect with the title? 12. Write one shocking thing said by the teachers along with your response to it. Teacher Statement Response 13. Pg 128: How is Keisha feeling about her relationship with Andy? 14. Will It be possible for Keisha to end things easily? Will she go through with it? Explain. 15. What’s progressed in Rhonda and Tyrone’s relationship? 16. Why do you think the author chose to use this writing style vs. simply first or third person? What advantages are there? Disadvantages? 25 Probable Passage (Pre 133) Section 6a Due: Andy Public Pleasure Private Pain Laughter No smile Keisha Nerves “little fight” Read, Reflect, WRITE Andy’s mom “unfortunate incident” dream of drowning “Maybe I should call Carothers” “I don’t care” Dad’s hectic schedule Reprehensible report card Assimilate- fit in Use these words to PREDICT what will happen in the next section: (Each column is a separate mini-chapter) 26 Summary Passage (133-154) Section 6b Due: Andy Public Pleasure Private Pain Laughter No smile Keisha Nerves “little fight” Read, Reflect, WRITE Andy’s mom “unfortunate incident” dream of drowning “Maybe I should call Carrothers” “I don’t care” Dad’s hectic schedule Reprehensible report card Assimilate- fit in Use the words to write a SUMMARY of what happened in this section (Each column is a separate mini-chapter.) 27 Free Write (155-171) Section 7 Due: Read, Reflect, WRITE React to Andy’s CHOICE. 28 Not Waving But Drowning By, Stevie Smith Nobody heard him, the dead man, But still he lay moaning: I was much further out than you thought And not waving but drowning. Poor chap, he always loved larking And now he's dead It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way, They said. Oh, no no no, it was too cold always (Still the dead one lay moaning) I was much too far out all my life And not waving but drowning. Your reaction:_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Connection to Andy? _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 29 Read the following statements. Decide if you think the BOOK supports the statement listed. Write a “+” for agree and “-“ for disagree. Underneath the statement, explain why: jot down a short explanation referring to specific incidents and characters. Please look back at your study guides to jog your memory! 1. ______“‘Time heals all wounds when you’re young… strong and resilient’” (139). 2. ______ “‘There are some things that are beyond our power and control’” (26). 3. ______If someone is often smiling and joking, chances are he/she is a happy person. 4. ______ “You never get out from under the blame you put on yourself” (171). 5. ______ “It takes courage to get up each morning…” (173) 6. ______ “‘Parents ain’t got no grip on reality’” (46). 7. ______If a car filled with drunk teenagers crashes, the driver deserves most of the blame. 8. ______When we lose someone close to us, we lose part of ourselves, too. 30