
JK2 Grading
Basic movement – no saber - Forwards, Backwards, Circles, Strafing (sideways)
Aim: for Padawan to learn good movement control
Rolling (including on the spot & roll control)
Jumping (Hops, flips, Christ, Superman, Long curve & air braking)
Kicks (forwards & side – including air/high kick & kick flipping onto platforms)
Wall running
Jumping Duck
Aim: for Padawan jump over & duck under Blaster shots called out by shooter/tester.
Glass Reactions (map: duel_training)
Aim: for Padawan to jump to safety before falling through glass
Pinpoint Landings (map: bespin_streets)
Aim: for Padawan to learn good air movement control and land on a dime.
Pillar Trials (map: CTF_Yavin)
Aim: for Padawan to learn good movement control over gaps & small floor areas
Jumping (Hops, flips, back-flips, side-hops, side-flips, Christ, Superman)
Rolling (forwards & sideways)
Leap frog - Jumping over pillars without touching them
Adept only:
Jumping 180° turns
Jumping Yellow (Medium style saber) Spin
Apprentice only:
Jumping 360° turns
Jumping Red (Heavy style saber) Spin
Evading (map: small area like Matrix Sparring Program - timed game – requires
stopwatch) – no saber, no kick – Movement Evading only.
Aim: for Prey to stay alive for as long as possible -Use default 20HP kick damage
Everyone Kicks the Padawan the Padawan until he/she is dead
Everyone Sabers the Padawan until he/she is dead
Everyone Sabers & Kicks the Padawan until he/she is dead
Evading (map: small area like Matrix Sparring Program) – no saber – Movement
Evading with kicks
Aim: for Prey to kill the Pack/Attacker -Use default 20HP kick damage
Everyone Kicks the Padawan the Padawan until he/she is dead
Everyone Sabers the Padawan until he/she is dead
Everyone Sabers & Kicks the Padawan until he/she is dead
Saber up Reactions (requires guns)
Aim: for Padawan to raise saber in time to deflect Blaster shot then to retract before next
shot is fired.
Baseball (requires guns)
Aim: for Padawan to hit a Blaster shot instead of using auto defence – use as an
introduction to Counters training & for regular reaction training.
Aim: for Padawan to learn to use counters against a variety of hits in Red (Heavy style
Adept only: as above plus counters in Yellow (Medium style saber)
Apprentice only: as above plus Jumping & counters in Blue (Fast style saber)
Multiple Opponent Training (map: medium to large area with different levels & /or
hideouts) – saber only - anything goes (Kicks & Ground Kills) – low kick damage 1HP
Aim: for Padawan to learn to fight against a pack and alongside team-mates without
killing them.
Pack use Red Colour Saber & Prey uses Green Colour Saber
Padawan to Apprentice: 2v1,3v1, 4v1
Knight & above: as above and as many as inhumanly possible
Saber Training & Combos
Aim: for Padawan to learn to use the Lightsaber effectively.
Basic styles & moves
Blue Lunge, YDFA & RDFA (Death From Above)
Combos for each style
Optional Trials:
Weapons Training (requires guns)
Aim: for Padawan to learn to use each weapon effectively.
Use only one selected weapon each round and kill your opponent(s)
Force Training (requires force)
Aim: for Padawan to learn to use each force power (Light & Dark) effectively.
Techniques to include: Push defence, Pull Kicking, Grip whoring & Grip Kick Whoring