PART 1: THE ANCIENT GREECE Look at the maps on pages 174 and 175 of your English book and answer the following questions: a) Which are the main Greek polis? b) Write the names of the most important islands? c) Are the polis located on the coast or inland? d) Write the names of the main Greek sanctuary. Read pages 176 and 177 of your English book; then, complete the following chart about the periods of Ancient Greece. Archaic Age Classical Age Hellenistic Age Date of beginning Date of end Years of duration Review pages 176 and 177 of your English book. Do activities 2 and 3. THE POLIS IN THE ANCIENT GREECE Fill in the following chart with the help of your English book (page 178) and the notes of your teacher. ATHENS SPARTA Where are they located? Sparta is an oligarchic polis Type of government - Assembly ( Ekklesia) Institutions of government -Magistrates: -Courts of justice WARS IN THE ANCIENT GREECE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 1.- Who are the Persians? 2.- Write a brief summary about the Persian Wars. You can find information about them in the following site:édicas-55k 3.- Write a brief summary about the Battle of Marathon. You can find information about it in the following site: Write a brief summary about the Peloponesian War. You can find information about it in the following site: ALEXANDER THE GREAT´S EMPIRE But, who was Alexander the Great? Have a look at this web site and write a short biography of the emperor. GREEK ART a) Greek pottery Go to page 196 of your English Book and do the following activities: 1.- What is pottery?: 2.- Complete this chart: Types of pottery Amphora Krater Hydria Oinochoe Pyxis Lekythos Kylis What is it used for? b) Greek sculpture READ PAGES 194-195 of your English book and answer the following questions: 1.- Write the names of the sculptors who made these works: - The Discus thrower: ____________ - Doryphorus: ________________ 2.- Complete the following chart Sculpture Kore Age Discus thrower Doryphorus Victory of Samothrace c) The Greek temple The main characteristics of Greek temples are: - The Greek temple has proportion and harmony - The building is human-sized -They are made of stone - The Greeks don’t use arches and vaults - There are three types of temples, according to the shape and ornamentation of their columns. The Parthenon is the main Greek temple; but, - where is the Parthenon?___________________ This god is in the Parthenon? Who is this god?_____________________ In which part of a Greek temple is the god?________________ d) The Greek theatre What are the parts of a Greek theatre? Look for some information about Greek theatres and write a brief text about them. PART 2: THE ROMAN EMPIRE WHERE IS ROME? LOOK AT THE MAP ON PAGE 203 OF YOUR STUDENT´S BOOK AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1.- In which peninsula is Rome? 2.- Write the names of the seas around this peninsula 3.- What is there in the north of this peninsula? 4.- What is Sicily? 5.- What is the “Mare Nostrum”? LOOK AT DOCUMENT 4 (page 203) AND COMPLETE THE CHART Date of beginning Date of end Length MONARCHY REPUBLIC EMPIRE THE END OF THE EMPIRE THE ORIGIN OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE READ ROMULUS AND REMUS´ LEGEND -PAGE 202 OF YOUR ENGLISH BOOK- AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. I. - Write a summary about the legend of the origin of Rome. II. - Vocabulary: try to define these words according to their context. Use your dictionary and the tools box in case of need. - Trojan war: Prince: Fugitives: Homeland: Death: To found: Dynasty: Later: Centuries: Power: To kill: To depose: - Priestess: Goddess: Vow of chastity: Birth: Twin sons: Newborn: She-wolf: City: III. - Answer the following questions: - At the beginning of the text a war is mentioned; What its name? __________________ - Who were involved in this war? _________________ and ________________ - Prince Aeneas (Trojan) left Troja and started a new life in the Italic Peninsula, next to the River_____________ - This document mentions two descendants of Aeneas: ___________ and ______________ - What did Amulius do about Numitor´s children?_________________ - What is a "vestal?"_______________________ - The god_____________________ had two children with this vestal: _________________ and _______________ - What did Amulius order to do about these two children?_______________ - Who saved these children?__________________________ - Why are these two children important?_______________________ GO TO PAGE 202 OF YOUR ENGLISH BOOK - Write a summary about the historical origins of Rome. - Loof for some information about the Etruscans. Who were they? - Do you know any other civilization that was founded near a river? COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CHART ABOUT ROME The Monarchy From________ To________ The Republic From______ To________ MAIN EVENTS MAIN EVENTS - Rome appears, according to History, when the Etruscans, a people from the centre of Italy, conquered the seven hills surrounding Rome in the 7th century and turned this villages into a real city. a) Rome begins the conquest of Italy and the Mediterranean Sea. - The Etruscans created a collection of autonomous cities ruled by kings. b) The Punic Wars (3) between Rome and the Carthaginian people. c) An unequal society: .- Patricians .- Plebeians .- Slaves d) Roman Magistracies: - Consul: - Praetor: - Aedile: - Quaestor: - Censor: The Empire From________ To________ MAIN EVENTS a) The emperor has an absolute power: - He’s princes - He’s Augustus - He’s Emperor b) The organization of the empire (Roman provinces.) All the provinces have the same language, Latin, and the same laws, Roman law. To control this Empire Rome has the legionaries c) The end of the Roman Empire. - The Barbarian infiltrate the Empire.. - The last Roman emperor, Theodosius ( 346-395 a.d.) divides the Roman Empire into two parts: - The Western Roman Empire (Rome) Very important Roman people: - The Etruscan kings; the last Etruscan king was Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquinio el Soberbio). Very important Roman people: - The Eastern Roman Empire (Constantinople) Very important Roman people: - Julio César - Aurelian - Octavio - Constantine ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Who are the patricians? Who are the plebeians? Who are the slaves? - Theodosius DRAW A MAP AND SITUATE ON IT: - Carthaginian possessions - Roman possessions - Rome and Carthage - The following battles: Ilipa, Trasimeno and Cannas DEFINE ROMANCE LANGUAGES AND SITUATE SOME OF THEM ON A MAP. What are Romance Languages?:_____________________________________ ____________ Some examples of Romance Languages:______________________________________ ______ WHICH ROMANCE LANGUAGES ARE THERE IN SPAIN? Romance languages:________________________________________ ___________________________ DRAW A MAP AND SITUATE ON IT THE DIVISION OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE LIFE IN ROME a) ROMAN HOUSES Domus Who lived there?_________ Insulae Who lived there?__________ C) THE ROMAN CALENDAR COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CHART The months in Spanish Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre The months in Latín The months in English Look at page 223 of your English book and read Document 4 (Relationship between Greek and Roman gods). With the help of the Tool Box, translate the following words. - Air: - Heaven: - Marriage: - Intelligence - Omnipotence - Arts Hunting: - Beauty - Earth - Moon - Fire - Love - Trade - War - Eloquence - Storm - Hearth - Sea - Wine - Wrath - Theatre