Ordinary People – Judith Guest T. Groening ENCF 40S The novel has been divided into 5 sections: DUE DATE: 1. Chapters 1-7……………………………… _______________ 2. Chapters 8-14…………………………….. _______________ 3. Chapters 15-19………………………….. _______________ 4. Chapters 20-25…………………………… _______________ 5. Chapters 26-31…………………………... _______________ For Section 1-3 you will be required to write a “2-pager” which includes the following: 1. Choose a “Section Title” for the section and explain why it is appropriate/effective. (5) 2. Write an 8-12 sentence summary of plot. (5) 3. Choose two quotations (with page numbers) and two explanations for each as to why you think these quotes are the most significant in the section. (10) TOTAL (20) For each section you will also be required to complete a “mini” assignment. Assignments and due dates are on the reverse. Section 1: Due Date: _____________ Draw, or paint a picture; or create a collage that represents the emotions and attitudes of one of the characters in the novel. Strive to use colour, shape, and objects in a symbolic way. Do not simply retell the events of the novel. Include a ½ page rationale explaining your choices. Section 2: Due Date: _____________ Choose a member of the Jarret family (Con, Cal or Beth), and write a onepage hand written letter to Crawford at the hospital. The letter is to be written in the persona of the character you choose. In the letter, tell Crawford how the adjustments are going as Con returns to his old life. Section 3: Due Date: _____________ Write a two-page double-spaced newspaper editorial about one of the main issues in the novel thus far. The issue can be any one you choose, however, make sure that you write in correct editorial form and make specific reference to the novel. Section 4: Due Date: _____________ Create a one page found poem. Using words, or simple phrases from this section create a poem based on a theme of your choice from this section. Do not use full sentences. Choose approximately 10-15 words or phrases that you feel represent the theme. Arrange them on a page to form a poem. Find the words, make a poem = Found Poem. Section 5: Due Date: _____________ Select any two characters from the novel and write a two-page discussion between them. In this conversation, discuss something pertinent to the assigned chapters, however this dialogue is to be entirely original. Make sure you indicate where in the events of this story this discussion would have taken place.