Act II Study Guide: Macbeth

Act II Study Guide: Macbeth
Scene One:
1. a. With what words does Banquo reaffirm his loyalty to the king?
b. What lie does Macbeth tell Banquo?
c. Why is Banquo’s reaction to the witches’ prophesies so different from that of
2. Consider the implications of the dagger hallucination:
a. What does Macbeth mean by the “fatal vision” of the dagger?
b. What about by a “dagger of the mind”?
3. Why is Macbeth’s allusion to Tarquin in line 64 particularly appropriate?
Scene Two:
4. a. Describe the murder of Duncan as recounted by Macbeth.
c. Why is he unable to say “Amen”?
5. a. Macbeth imagines that a voice speaks to him. What message is spoken?
b. How does Macbeth interpret this message?
6. a. Why must Lady Macbeth return the bloody daggers to Duncan’s chambers?
b. How do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth differ in their reactions to the murder?
d. What does Macbeth wish at the end of this scene?
Scene Three:
7. What dual purpose does the porter serve at the beginning of this scene?
8. a. Who are Macbeth’s second and third victims?
b. What reason does he give for killing them?
9. Why does Lady Macbeth faint? Explain!
10. a. Why do Malcolm and Donalbain secretly leave Macbeth’s castle?
b. Where do they go?
Scene Four:
11. a. Why are Malcom and Donalbain suspects in the murder of their father?
b. What motive is attributed to them?
c. Why is this accusation ironic?
12. a. As described in Scenes 3 and 4, how does nature reflect human events?
b. What idea is emphasized by these references to nature?
A Few More Questions…
1. What does Lady Macbeth do to assist in the murdering of the king?
2. Why do Lennox and Macduff come knocking at the gate so early?
3. What does Macbeth do or say after murdering Duncan that suggests he may regret his
4. Besides the discovery and description of the body, what other events are reported
during the act that reflect the enormity of the murder?
5. How does Macbeth deliberately misinterpret the evidence surrounding the murder of
Duncan, so that he can become king?