Short Story Response Sheet

You may complete the following activities in any order as long as everything is finished and submitted before you leave
for Spring Break, even if you plan to leave early. You might even decide to complete all activities at the same time as you
read and identify important elements, quotes, and events. Use your own paper, properly headed and titled as indicated
below, to complete each activity.
Activity 1: Anthem Literary Elements
Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper, using complete sentences.
1. Write a summary of the plot of the story by condensing each chapter down into one or two sentences.
2. What is the setting and how does it enhance the plot?
3. List the four most important characters in the story and identify each as dynamic or static, major or minor, and
protagonist or antagonist (if applicable).
4. From what point of view is this story told? How do you know?
5. Who is the narrator of the story?
6. Describe the central conflict in the story, using complete sentences.
7. What is the climax/turning point in the story? What is it that changes at this point – the character, the tone, the
mood, the central conflict, the pace of the story, or a combination of one or more of these?
8. How is the conflict resolved?
9. What is the theme of the story?
10. What is the mood in the story? In other words, how does the author want the reader to feel while reading? What
kind of experience does he or she hope his or her readers have?
11. What is the author’s tone? In other words, what is the author’s attitude toward the character(s), topic, theme,
conflict, etc.?
12. What irony exists in the story and what kind of irony is it (verbal, dramatic, or situational)?
Activity 2: Anthem Discussion Questions
Directions: Write at least three higher order thinking questions (HOT ?s) that could be used for a class or small group
discussion. Below your questions, answer at least one of them in free-write form.
Activity 3: Anthem Quotable Quotes
Directions: Identify at least three important and/or notable quotes from Chapters 8-12, identify the page and paragraph
where you found each, and explain why each is important to the development of the plot, conflict, character, and/or
theme, as well as how each enhances the reader’s understanding and/or experience.
Activity 4: Anthem Illustration
Directions: Draw, paint, color, or create a picture of at least one key scene in Chapters 8-12 and explain, in three to five
sentences, why the scene is so important.
Activity 5: Anthem Ch. 8-12 Test
Directions: Create a 20-question test for Chapters 8-12. Your test must include each of the following:
 10 multiple-choice questions with three to five answer choices for each question
 5 true or false questions
 5 matching questions
 One copy of your test, numbered 1-20
 A separate copy of the answers, numbered like the test