Draft: 2 TIME 09.00 FIRST YEAR (FULLTIME) JOINT MAJOR TIMETABLE 2013-2014 SEMESTER 2 MONDAY Reading Poetic Forms (EN5) BD TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Intro to the Bible. (TH5) CH Philosophical Anthropology 2 (PH3) SH Children’s Literature (EN2) MMcC Pastoral 1 DB JJS Reading Poetic Forms (EN5) BD Intro to the Bible (TH5) CH Philosophical Anthropology 2 (PH3) SH Children’s Literature (EN2) MMcC Pastoral 1 DB JJS BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK 09.45 09.50 10.35 10.55 11.40 Seminar A Critical Foundations GMI PQ PS10 Social Psychology MD PS 4 Child Development DC PS5 Cognitive Psychology1 SS 11.45 12.30 Seminar B Critical Foundations GMI PQ PS 10 Social Psychology MD PS 4 Child Development DC PS 5 Cognitive Psychology1 SS 12.35COLLEGE LITURGY LUNCH 14.00 14.45 14.50 15.30 15.3516.15 LUNCH LUNCH Seminar C Seminar D Logic 2 (PH5) GC Short Story Irish Lit.(EN3) AD Rite & Worship 1 (TH6) GK Seminar E Logic 2 (PH5) GC Short Story Irish Lit.(EN3) AD Rite and Worship 1 (TH6) GK 1st August 2013 Please destroy all earlier versions LUNCH Draft: 1 SECOND & THIRD YEAR (FULLTIME) TIMETABLE 2013-2014 SEMESTER 2 TIME MONDAY TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 09.00 09.45 PS11 Adult Mental Health DMcK Psych Lab Sacraments of Initiation (TH12M) Gothic Literature (EN11) Philosophy of Religion 2 PH8 PQ Scripture Synoptics (Yr2) BN; CH Gothic Literature (EN11) Philosophy of Religion 2 PH8 PQ Scripture Synoptics (Yr2) BN; CH BREAK BREAK Scripture: Prophets TH10 (Yr3) DS Romanticism (EN10) The Rise of Novel ( EN9) MMcC Ethics 2 PH11 PQ 09.50 10.35 PS 11 Adult Mental Health DMcK Psych Lab FRIDAY * Note – 3rd year only TD Sacraments of Initiation (TH12M) TD * Note – 3rd year only The Rise of Novel ( EN9) MMcC Ethics 2 PH11 PQ BREAK 10.55 Life, Death & Sexuality (TH9) GD 11.40 11.45 Life, Death & Sexuality (TH9) GD 12.30 2nd Pastoral Reflection Year only Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Pastoral Reflection ( PFP) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group4 Group 5 Scripture: Prophets TH10 (Yr3) DS BREAK PS 8 Personality & Individual Theory of Knowledge 2 PH7 Differences SS PS6M Research Design & Stats 2 MI *Note: 2nd year only Psych Lab Romanticism (EN10) Theory of Knowledge 2 PH7 PS 8 Personality & Individual Differences SS 15.35 16.20 LUNCH LUNCH PS17 Quantitative Practicals in Psychology MI Psych Lab * Note – 3rd year only Pastoral Education 2nd Year ( PFP) GD Seminar D Teaching Placement Workshop (A.B.) Seminar A Seminar E Teaching Placement Workshop (A.B.) PS17 Quantitative Practicals in Psychology MI Psych Lab * Note – 3rd year only Seminar B Seminar C 16.15-17.-- 1st August 2013 Please destroy all earlier versions LUNCH PQ PS6M Research Design & Stats 2 MI *Note: 2nd year only PsychLab 12.35 COLLEGE LITURGY 14.00 14.40 14.45 15.30 PQ LUNCH FOURTH YEAR (FULLTIME) SEMESTER 2 2013-2014 TIME MONDAY TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY 09.00 SIM 3 Intro to Fem.Th (GD) SIM1 Pastoral (AML) SIM1 Pastoral Church and World Religions TD/JMcC (TH17M) Contemp. BR & IR Novel (EN20) Church and World Religions TD/JMcC (TH17M) Contemp. BR & IR Novel (EN20) SIM1 Pastoral (DB) ISM 2 Von Balthasar (TD) THURSDAY TIMETABLE FRIDAY Hermeneutics 2 (PH21) PQ 09.45 09.50 10.35 SIM 3 Intro to Fem.Th (GD) SIM1 Pastoral (DB) SIM 5 Theology and Evolution GK SIM 1Pastoral Ref. SIM1 Pastoral Ref. AML ISM 2 Von Balthasar (TD) SIM 5 Theology and Evolution GK BREAK BREAK BREAK Seminar A 11.40 PS 24 Research Project MI Psych Lab PS22 Positive Psychology MI Psych Lab 11.45 11.50 PS24 Research Project MI Psych Lab 10.55 BREAK TH19 The Johannine Writings DS 12.30 12.40 12.35 COLLEGE LITURGY LUNCH LUNCH Work & Ecology (TH18) GD PS21 Human Neuropsychology 14.40 SS Psych Lab Teaching Placement Workshop (A.B.) SIM Scripture BN; CH 14.4515.30 Work & Ecology (TH18) GD PS21 Human Neuropsychology Teaching Placement Workshop (A.B.) SS Psych Lab SIM Scripture BN; CH 1st August 2013 Please destroy all earlier versions BREAK Classical Translations (EN21) Classical Translations SIM 5 Philosophy G.C. LUNCH Seminar C PQ SIM 5 Philosophy G.C. TH19 The Johannine Writings DS Seminar B PS22 Positive Psychology MI Psych Lab 14.00 Hermeneutics 2 (PH21) LUNCH (EN21) Draft: 1 ALL YEARS (PART-TIME) MONDAY TIMETABLE TUESDAY 2013-2014 SEMESTER 2 WEDNESDAY 18.50 Moral 4 G.D. MO4 Systematic 4 JPW SY4 19.45 Moral 4 G.D. MO4 Systematic 4 JPW SY4 20.30 Philosophy 7 Contemporary Philosophy PQ PH7 Scripture 4 BN; CH; DS SC4 21.20 Philosophy 7 Contemporary Philosophy PQ PH7 Scripture 4 BN; CH; DS SC4 1st August 2013 Please destroy all earlier versions THURSDAY