Macbeth Act III Study Guide

Scene i
What does Banquo fear about Macbeth? (lines 1 – 10)
For whom are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth throwing a dinner party? (lines 11 – 18)
What does Macbeth say he is afraid of in his soliloquy? (lines 49 – 72)
What are the murderers hired to do? (lines 75 – 142)
EXPLAIN this Significant line: line 70
“To make them kings, the seed of Banquo kings!”
Scene ii
What details does Macbeth keep from Lady Macbeth?
Scene iii
What happens when the murderers try to kill Banquo and Fleance?
EXPLAIN this Significant line: line 18
“O treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!”
Scene iv
What do the murderers tell Macbeth?
What or whom does Macbeth think he sees at the banquet?
What does Lady Macbeth tell the lords about Macbeth?
EXPLAIN this Significant line: Line 122
“It will have blood, they say. Blood will have blood.”
Scene v
What is the topic of Hecate’s soliloquy?
What does she say she will do to Macbeth in the end?
Scene vi
What kind of information is gained in this scene?