Problem-solution Writing Prompts

Directions: Choose one of the prompts below and write an essay to answer the prompt.
Make sure that you match your essay to the structure of a problem/solution essay.
Problem-Solution Writing Prompts
1. Think about what you could do to make your school more beautiful. Think about
how you would do this. Tell what you would do and how you would do it.
Explain why you think your plan is important and why it would work.
2. Think about the problem of animals becoming extinct. Think about an animal
that is in danger of being extinct. What could be done to help this animal survive?
Tell what animal you are worrying about. Discuss solutions that will help this
animal. Tell what people need to do to help. Be sure to try to persuade your
readers that your solutions are good ones.
3. Think about pollution and the problems it causes us. When more buildings and
cities are built, and streams and trees are destroyed, we do not enjoy ourselves
and nature as much. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper about our
pollution problem and what you can do about it. You will first need to describe
the problem, including details and descriptions of it. Then explain what you can
do to help solve the pollution problem. Describe what the world will be like
afterwards. Convince the editor that your solution/solutions will work.
4. Bullying has become a problem in your school. It happens in the bathroom,
hallways and the gym. Think about what you can do to solve the problem to
keep the bully from bothering people. Write an essay for your teacher about
how the problem of bullying is affecting your class. First, you will need to explain
what the bully does to frighten and annoy others. Then explain what needs to
be done to stop the bullying of your classmates. Include details and descriptions
of what to do and explain why your ideas are good ones.
5. Studies show that many young people spend more time watching TV than they
do in any other leisure activity. This has concerned some citizens and they have
formed a group called Unplug and Tune In. The group does not say watching TV
is wrong, but they are concerned that watching too much TV does not improve
people’s reading and thinking skills. The group has asked for possible solutions
to encourage young people to spend less time in front of the TV.
Compare/Contrast Prompts
Write a compare/contrast essay telling how the two things below are similar and
different. Make sure you follow the structure of a compare/contrast essay.
Fast food restaurants
Video games
Characters from books
Candidates for political office
Sports heroes
Cause and Effect Prompts
Directions: Choose one of the prompts below and write a cause and effect essay using
that prompt. Make sure you follow the structure of a cause and effect essay.
The effect of a parent, teacher, or friend on your life
The causes and effects of peer pressure
The causes and effects of cheating
Cause and effects of exercising
Causes and effects of keeping pets
Causes and effects of music downloading on the music industry