Literary Loves Challenge Match the following couples (trios) to the correct author and title. Literary Loves Challenge Match the following couples (trios) to the correct author and title. 1.____ Anne and Gilbert A.Little House series - Wilder 1.____ Anne and Gilbert A.Little House series - Wilder 2.____ Arthur and Hester B.Austen’s Pride and Prejudice 2.____ Arthur and Hester B.Austen’s Pride and Prejudice 3.____ Catherine and Fredric C. E. Bronte’s Wuthering Heights 3.____ Catherine and Fredric C. E. Bronte’s Wuthering Heights 4.____ Daisy and Gatsby D.Pygmalion – George B. Shaw 4.____ Daisy and Gatsby D.Pygmalion – George B. Shaw 5.____ Darcy and Elizabeth E. Jane Eyre- by C. Bronte 5.____ Darcy and Elizabeth E. Jane Eyre- by C. Bronte 6.____ Ethan, Zeena, Mattie F. Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind 6.____ Ethan, Zeena, Mattie F. Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind 7.____ Harry and Hermoine G. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet 7.____ Harry and Hermoine G. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet 8.____ Cathy and Heathcliff H.Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 8.____ Cathy and Heathcliff H.Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 9.____ Henry and Eliza I. Les Miserables – by V. Hugo 9.____ Henry and Eliza I. Les Miserables – by V. Hugo 10.____ Jane and Rochester J. Little Women - Alcott 10.____ Jane and Rochester J. Little Women - Alcott 11._____ Lancelot and Guinevere K. Le Morte D’Arthur - Malory 11._____ Lancelot and Guinevere K. Le Morte D’Arthur - Malory 12._____ Pip and Estella L. Tarzan of the Apes - Burroughs 12._____ Pip and Estella L. Tarzan of the Apes - Burroughs 13._____ Rhett and Scarlett M.Tennessee William’s A Streecar Named Desire 13._____ Rhett and Scarlett M.Tennessee William’s A Streecar Named Desire 14._____ Romeo and Juliet N. The Color Purple – Alice Walker 14._____ Romeo and Juliet N. The Color Purple – Alice Walker 15._____ Samson and Delilah O. Steinback’s East of Eden 15._____ Samson and Delilah O. Steinback’s East of Eden 16._____ Shug and Albert P. Anne of Green Gables – L.M. Montgomery 16._____ Shug and Albert P. Anne of Green Gables – L.M. Montgomery 17._____ Stella and Stanley Q. Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter 17._____ Stella and Stanley Q. Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter 18._____ Tarzan and Jane R. Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms 18._____ Tarzan and Jane R. Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms 19._____ Tom and Becky S. Gaston Leroux’s Phantom of the Opera 19._____ Tom and Becky S. Gaston Leroux’s Phantom of the Opera 20._____ Valjean and Fantine T. The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald 20._____ Valjean and Fantine T. The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald 21._____ Adam, Cathy, Samuel U. Dicken’s Great Expectations 21._____ Adam, Cathy, Samuel U. Dicken’s Great Expectations 22._____ Amy and Laurie V. Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome 22._____ Amy and Laurie V. Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome 23._____ Caroline and Charles W.Harry Potter series – J.K. Rowling 23._____ Caroline and Charles W.Harry Potter series – J.K. Rowling 24._____ Christine and Raoul X. The Bible – Judges Chp.16 24._____ Christine and Raoul X. The Bible – Judges Chp.16 25._____ Lara and Yuri Y. Boris Pasternak – Dr. Zhivago 25._____ Lara and Yuri Y. Boris Pasternak – Dr. Zhivago